00_index.txt <<檔案說明>> abbreviation.txt abbreviation - 縮寫 acronym.txt acronym - 首字母略縮字 apply_source_formatting.txt apply source formatting - 套用來源格式 assets.txt assets - 素材 assets_popup.txt assets popup - 素材彈出功能表 balance_braces.txt balance braces - 使用成對括弧 base_directory.txt base directory - 基準目錄 baseline.txt baseline - 基準線 cell_padding.txt cell padding - 儲存格內距 cell_spacing.txt cell spacing - 儲存格間距 check_in.txt check in - 存回 check_out.txt check out - 取出 connection_scripts.txt connection scripts - 連線腳本 debug.txt debug - 除錯 directives.txt directives - 指示詞 head_content.txt head content - 標頭內容 head_tags.txt head tags - 標頭標籤 hyperlink.txt hyperlink - 超連結 image_maps.txt image maps - 影像對應 inches.txt inches - 英吋 increase_column_span.txt increase column span - 增加欄合併 increase_row_span.txt increase row span - 增加列合併 initial_value.txt initial value - 初始的數值 invisible_elements.txt invisible elements - 不可見元素 invisible_tags.txt invisible tags - 不可見標籤 layout_table.txt layout table - 布局表格 layout_table_tabs.txt layout table tabs - 布局表格標註 layout_view.txt layout view - 布局檢視 library.txt library - 素材庫 line_break.txt line break - 斷行 line_target.txt line target - 連結目標視窗 live_data.txt live data - 即時資料 live_data_settings.txt live data settings - 即時資料設定值 live_objects.txt live objects - 即時物件 named_anchor.txt name anchor - 命名錨點 page_properties.txt page properties - 頁面屬性 radio_button.txt radio button - 選項按鈕 radiobutton.txt radiobutton - 選項按鈕 registered.txt registered - 註冊 reports.txt reports - 報告 selection_properties.txt selection properties - 選取範圍屬性 snippets.txt snippets - 腳本片段 start_of_line.txt start of line - 行首 start_of_page.txt start of page - 頁面的開始 strong.txt strong - 強烈 synchronize.txt synchronize - 同步化 text_inspector.txt text inspetcor - 文字查閱器 timeline.txt timeline - 時間線 toggle_breakpoint.txt toggle breakpoint - 切換中斷點 top_of_file.txt top of file - 檔案頂端 top_of_page.txt top of page - 頁面頂端 tracing_image.TXT tracing image - 網頁藍圖影像 trademark.TXT trademark - 商標 unordered_list.TXT unordered list - 項目清單