# Copyright 1991 by Norman Ramsey. All rights reserved. # See file COPYRIGHT for more information. # # Adjust these two lines for your ANSI C compiler CC=gcc -ansi -pedantic CFLAGS= # after installation, make doc.dvi for literate version FINDUSESOBJS=columns.o errors.o finduses.o match.o getline.o recognize.o MNTOBJS=mnt.o getline.o match.o modules.o modtrees.o notangle.o \ strsave.o errors.o columns.o TANGLEOBJS=notangle.o getline.o match.o modules.o modtrees.o strsave.o \ main.o errors.o columns.o MARKUPOBJS=markmain.o strsave.o markup.o errors.o getline.o columns.o FILES=markmain.nw markup.nw \ main.nw notangle.nw match.nw mnt.nw modules.nw modtrees.nw \ finduses.nw recognize.nw \ getline.nw columns.nw errors.nw strsave.nw SRCS=columns.h errors.h getline.h markup.h match.h modtrees.h \ modules.h notangle.h recognize.h strsave.h \ columns.c errors.c getline.c finduses.c main.c markmain.c markup.c match.c \ mnt.c modtrees.c modules.c notangle.c readme.c recognize.c strsave.c \ markup.ps NAME='name of RCS version' NOTANGLE=notangle SHELL=/bin/sh # set this for CPIF and then distribute tools with bad timestamps... #CPIF=| cpif CPIF=> .SUFFIXES: .nw .tex .dvi .h .nw.tex: ; noweave $*.nw >$*.tex .nw.c: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c .nw.o: ; $(NOTANGLE) -L $*.nw >$*.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c .nw.h: ; $(NOTANGLE) -Rheader $*.nw $(CPIF) $*.h all: nt markup mnt finduses nt: $(TANGLEOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o nt $(TANGLEOBJS) finduses: $(FINDUSESOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o finduses $(FINDUSESOBJS) markup: $(MARKUPOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o markup $(MARKUPOBJS) mnt: $(MNTOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o mnt $(MNTOBJS) source: $(SRCS) touch: $(SRCS) touch $(SRCS) clean: ; rm -f nt markup mnt finduses fakepretty rm -f core *.makelog *.tex *.log *.blg *.dvi *.o *.toc *~ rm -f *.atac *.trace *.html clobber: clean rm -f $(SRCS) fakepretty.c pretty.[ch] checkin: $(FILES) doc.nw ci $(CINAME) $(CIMSG) -l $(FILES) doc.nw doc.tex: doc.nw cp doc.nw doc.tex allcode.tex: $(FILES) noweave -n -index $(FILES) > allcode.tex doc.dvi: doc.tex allcode.tex latex doc; latex doc; latex doc doc.ps: doc.dvi dvips doc markup.ps: markmain.nw notangle -Rmarkup.dot markmain.nw | dot -Tps > markup.ps FPOBJS=fakepretty.o pretty.o errors.o getline.o match.o strsave.o columns.o fakepretty.o: pretty.h fakepretty: $(FPOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o fakepretty $(FPOBJS) columns.o: columns.h errors.o: errors.h finduses.o: errors.h match.h getline.h recognize.h getline.o: columns.h errors.h getline.h main.o: notangle.h errors.h columns.h modules.h modtrees.h markmain.o: errors.h markup.h getline.h columns.h markup.o: markup.h strsave.h errors.h match.o: match.h mnt.o: modules.h modtrees.h notangle.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h modtrees.o: strsave.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h modules.o: modules.h modtrees.h errors.h columns.h strsave.h notangle.o: strsave.h getline.h modules.h modtrees.h errors.h match.h notangle.h pretty.o: getline.h match.h errors.h pretty.h strsave.h readme.o: recognize.o: strsave.o: strsave.h errors.h