% \iffalse meta-comment
% An Infrastructure for Mathematical Statements in sTeX
% Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
% this file is released under the
% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
% The development version of this file can be found at
% $HeadURL: https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex/trunk/sty/statements/statements.dtx $
% \fi
% \iffalse
%\ProvidesPackage{statements}[2012/01/28 v1.1 Semantic Markup for Statements]
\svnInfo $Id: statements.dtx 1999 2012-01-28 07:32:11Z kohlhase $
\svnKeyword $HeadURL: https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/stex/trunk/sty/statements/statements.dtx $
\def\tracissue#1{\cite{sTeX:online}, \hyperlink{http://trac.kwarc.info/sTeX/ticket/#1}{issue #1}}
% \fi
% \CheckSum{597}
% \changes{v0.9}{2005/06/14}{First Version with Documentation}
% \changes{v0.9a}{2005/07/01}{Completed Documentation}
% \changes{v0.9b}{2005/08/06}{Complete functionality and Updated Documentation}
% \changes{v0.9c}{2006/01/13}{more packaging}
% \changes{v0.9d}{2007/09/09}{moved omtext and friends to the omdoc package}
% \changes{v0.9d}{2007/09/09}{made dependence on the omdoc package explicit}
% \changes{v0.9d}{2007/09/09}{adding ids to many elements}
% \changes{v0.9e}{2008/05/27}{adding cross-references}
% \changes{v0.9e}{2008/09/29}{augmenting the index macros with optional values}
% \changes{v0.9f}{2008/12/04}{changed 'consymb' to 'symboldec' and documented it.}
% \changes{v0.9g}{2010/01/14}{the package is now based on {\texttt{ntheorem for presentation}}}
% \changes{v0.9g}{2010/01/19}{Added support for localization}
% \changes{v0.9g}{2010/02/23}{added {\texttt{\textbackslash symref}}}
% \changes{v1.0}{2010/06/18}{now based on {\texttt{omtext}} package instead of {\texttt{omdoc}}}
% \changes{v1.0}{2010/07/13}{adding {\texttt{\textbackslash inlineex}}}
% \changes{v1.1}{2011/08/25}{renaming all convenience macros for {\texttt{\textbackslash
% definendum}} and {\texttt{\textbackslash termref}}}
% \GetFileInfo{statements.sty}
% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
% \def\scsys#1{{{\sc #1}}\index{#1@{\sc #1}}}
% \def\xml{\scsys{Xml}}
% \def\mathml{\scsys{MathML}}
% \def\omdoc{\scsys{OMDoc}}
% \def\openmath{\scsys{OpenMath}}
% \def\latexml{\scsys{LaTeXML}}
% \def\perl{\scsys{Perl}}
% \def\activemath{\scsys{ActiveMath}}
% \title{Semantic Markup for Mathematical Statements\thanks{Version {\fileversion} (last revised
% {\filedate})}}
% \author{Michael Kohlhase\\
% Jacobs University, Bremen\\
% \url{http://kwarc.info/kohlhase}}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% The |statements| package is part of the {\stex} collection, a version of {\TeX/\LaTeX}
% that allows to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents semantically without leaving the
% document format, essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document format for
% mathematical knowledge management (MKM).
% This package provides semantic markup facilities for mathematical statements like
% Theorems, Lemmata, Axioms, Definitions, etc. in {\stex} files. This structure can be
% used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the {\sTeX}
% sources, or after translation.
% \end{abstract}
% \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents\newpage
% \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}
% The motivation for the |statements| package is very similar to that for semantic macros
% in the |modules| package: We want to annotate the structural semantic properties of
% statements in the source, but present them as usual in the formatted documents. In
% contrast to the case for mathematical objects, the repertoire of mathematical statements
% and their structure is more or less fixed.
% This structure can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from
% the {\sTeX} sources, or after translation. Even though it is part of the {\stex}
% collection, it can be used independently, like it's sister package |sproofs|.
% {\stex}~\cite{Kohlhase:ulsmf08,sTeX:online} is a version of {\TeX/\LaTeX} that allows
% to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents semantically without leaving the document format,
% essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document format for mathematical knowledge
% management (MKM). Currently the {\omdoc} format~\cite{Kohlhase:omdoc1.2} is directly
% supported.
% \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:user-interface}
% The |statements| package supplies a semantically oriented infrastructure for marking up
% mathematical statements: fragments of natural language that state properties of
% mathematical objects, e.g. axioms, definitions, or theorems. The |statement| package
% provides an infrastructure for marking up the semantic relations between statements for
% the {\omdoc} transformation and uses the |ntheorem| package~\cite{MaySch:eltte09} for
% formatting (i.e. transformation to PDF).
% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:user:options}
% The |statements| package takes a single option: \DescribeMacro{showmeta}|showmeta|. If
% this is set, then the metadata keys are shown (see~\cite{Kohlhase:metakeys:ctan} for details
% and customization options).
% \subsection{Statements}\label{sec:statements}
% All the statements are marked up as environments, that take a |KeyVal| argument that
% allows to annotate semantic information. Generally, we distinguish two forms of
% statements:
% \begin{description}
% \item[{\twintoo{block}{statement}s}] have explicit discourse markers that delimit their
% content in the surrounding text, e.g. the boldface word ``{\bf{Theorem}:}'' as a start
% marker and a little line-end box as an end marker of a proof.
% \item[{\twintoo{flow}{statement}s}] do not have explicit markers, they are interspersed
% with the surrounding text.
% \end{description}
% Since they have the same semantic status, they must both be marked up, but styled
% differently. We distinguis between these two presentational forms with the
% \DescribeMacro{display=}|display| key, which is allowed on all statement
% environments. If it has the value |block| (the default), then the statement will be
% presented in a paragraph of its own, have explicit discourse markers for its begin and
% end, possibly numbering, etc. If it has the value |flow|, then no extra presentation
% will be added the semantic information is invisible to the reader. Another key that is
% present on all statement environments in the \DescribeMacro{id=}|id| key it allows to
% identify the statement with a name and to reference it with the semantic referencing
% infrastructure provided by the |sref| package~\ctancite{Kohlhase:sref}.
% \subsubsection{Axioms and Assertions}\label{sec:user:axiomassertion}
% The \DescribeEnv{assertion}|assertion| environment is used for marking up statements
% that can be justified from previously existing knowledge (usually marked with the
% monikers ``Theorem'', ``Lemma'', ``Proposition'', etc. in mathematical vernacular). The
% environment |assertion| is used for all of them, and the particular subtype of
% assertion is given in the \DescribeMacro{type=}|type| key. So instead of
% |\begin{Lemma}|\iffalse\end{Lemma}\fi we have to write
% |\begin{assertion}[type=lemma]|\iffalse\end{assertion}\fi (see
% Example~\ref{fig:assertion} for an example).
% \begin{exfig}
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{assertion}[id=sum-over-odds,type=lemma]
% $\sum_{i=1}^n{2i-1}=n^2$
% \end{assertion}
% \end{verbatim}
% \vspace{-1em}will lead to the result\vspace{-2em}\par\noindent
% \begin{assertion}[id=sum-over-odds,type=lemma]
% $\sum_{i=1}^n{2i-1}=n^2$
% \end{assertion}
% \caption{Semantic Markup for a Lemma in a {\texttt{module}} context}\label{fig:assertion}
% \end{exfig}
% Whether we will see the keyword ``Lemma'' will depend on the value of the optional
% |display| key. In all of the |assertion| environments, the presentation expectation is
% that the text will be presented in italic font. The presentation (keywords, spacing, and
% numbering) of the |assertion| environment is delegated to a theorem styles from the
% |ntheorem| environment. For an assertion of type \meta{type} the |assertion| environment
% calls the |ST|\meta{type}|AssEnv| environment provided by the |statements| package; see
% Figure~\ref{fig:assertion-types} for a list of provided assertion types. Their
% formatting can be customized by redefining the |ST|\meta{type}|AssEnv| environment via
% the |\renewtheorem| command from the |ntheorem| package; see~\cite{MaySch:eltte09} for
% details.
% \begin{exfig}
% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
% Value & Explanation \\\hline\hline
% \textbf{theorem}, \textbf{proposition}
% & an important assertion with a proof\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize Note that the meaning of \textbf{theorem}
% (in this case the existence of a proof) is not
% enforced by {\omdoc} applications. It can be appropriate to give an assertion
% the \textbf{theorem}, if the
% author knows of a proof (e.g. in the literature), but has not formalized it in
% {\omdoc} yet.}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{lemma} & a less important assertion with a proof\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize The difference of importance specified
% here is even softer than the other ones, since e.g. reusing
% a mathematical paper as a chapter in a larger monograph, may make it necessary to
% downgrade a theorem (e.g. the main theorem of the paper) and give it the status of
% a lemma in the overall work.}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{corollary} & a simple consequence\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize An assertion is
% sometimes marked as a corollary to some other statement, if the proof is
% considered simple. This is often the case for important theorems that are simple
% to get from technical lemmata.}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{postulate}, \textbf{conjecture}
% & an assertion without proof or counter-exam\-ple\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize Conjectures are assertions, whose
% semantic value is not yet decided, but which the author considers likely to be
% true. In particular, there is no proof or counter-example.}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{false-conjecture}
% & an assertion with a counter-example\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize A conjecture that has proven to be false,
% i.e. it has a counter-example. Such assertions are often kept for illustration and
% historical purposes.}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{obligation}, \textbf{assumption}
% & an assertion on which a proof of another depends\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize These kinds of assertions
% are convenient during the exploration of a mathematical theory. They can be used
% and proven later (or assumed as an axiom).}\\\hline\hline
% \textbf{observation} & if everything else fails\\\hline
% \multicolumn{2}{|p{12cm}|}{\footnotesize This type is the catch-all if none of the others
% applies.}\\\hline
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{Types of Mathematical Assertions}\label{fig:assertion-types}
% \end{exfig}
% \DescribeEnv{axiom} The |axiom| environment is similar to |assertion|, but the content
% has a different ontological status: axioms are assumed without (formal) justification,
% whereas assertions are expected to be justified from other assertions, axioms or
% definitions. This environment relegates the formatting to the |STaxiomEnv| environment,
% which can be redefined for configuration.
% \subsubsection{Symbols}\label{sec:user:symbol}
% \DescribeEnv{symboldec} The |symboldec| environment can be used for declaring concepts
% and symbols. Note the the |symdef| forms from the |modules| package will not do this
% automatically (but the |definition| environment and the |\inlinedef| macro will for all
% the definienda; see below). The |symboldec| environment takes an optional keywords
% argument with the keys |id|, |role|, |title| and |name|. The first is for general
% identification, the |role| specifies the {\openmath}/{\omdoc} role, which is one of
% |object|, |type|, |sort|, |binder|, |attribution|, |application|, |constant|,
% |semantic-attribution|, and |error| (see the {\omdoc} specification for details). The
% |name| key specifies the {\openmath} name of the symbol, it should coincide with the
% control sequence introduced by the corresponding |\symdef| (if one is present). The
% |title| key is for presenting the title of this symbol as in other statements. Usually,
% |axiom| and |symboldec| environments are used together as in Figure~\ref{fig:axioms}.
% \begin{verbatim}
% \symdef{zero}{0}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=zero,title=The number zero,type=constant]
% The number zero, it is used as the base case of the inductive definition
% of natural numbers via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \symdef{succ}[1]{\prefix{s}{#1}}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=succ,title=The Successor Function,type=application]
% The successor function, it is used for the step case of the inductive
% definition of natural numbers via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \symdef{NaturalNumbers}{\mathbb{N}}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=succ,title=The Natural Numbers,type=constant]
% The natural numbers inductively defined via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \begin{axiom}[id=peano.P1,title=P1]
% $\zero$ is a natural number.
% \end{axiom}
% ...
% \begin{axiom}[id=peano.P5,title=P5]
% Any property $P$ such $P(\zero)$ and $P(\succ{k})$ whenever $P(k)$
% holds for all $n$ in $\NaturalNumbers$
% \end{axiom}
% \end{verbatim}
% \vspace{-1em}will lead to the result\medskip\par\noindent
% \begin{module}[id=peano]
% \symdef{zero}{0}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=zero,title=The number zero,role=constant]
% The number zero, it is used as the base case of the inductive definition
% of natural numbers via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \symdef{succ}[1]{\prefix{s}{#1}}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=succ,title=The Successor Function,role=application]
% The successor function, it is used for the step case of the inductive
% definition of natural numbers via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \symdef{NaturalNumbers}{\mathbb{N}}
% \begin{symboldec}[name=succ,title=The Natural Numbers,role=constant]
% The natural numbers inductively defined via the Peano Axioms.
% \end{symboldec}
% \begin{axiom}[id=peano.P1,title=P1]
% $\zero$ is a natural number.
% \end{axiom}
% \ldots \stepcounter{STtheoremAssEnv}\stepcounter{STtheoremAssEnv}\stepcounter{STtheoremAssEnv}
% \begin{axiom}[id=peano.P5,title=P5]
% Any property $P$ such $P(\zero)$ and $P(\succ{k})$ whenever $P(k)$
% holds for all $n$ in $\NaturalNumbers$
% \end{axiom}
% \end{module}
% \caption{Semantic Markup for the Peano Axioms}\label{fig:axioms}
% \end{exfig}
% \subsubsection{Definitions, and Definienda}\label{sec:definition}
% \DescribeEnv{definition} The |definition| environment is used for marking up
% mathematical definitions. Its peculiarity is that it defines (i.e. gives a meaning to)
% new mathematical concepts or objects. These\DescribeMacro{\definiendum} are identified
% by the |\definiendum| macro, which is used as
% |\definiendum[|\meta{sysname}|]{|\meta{text}|}|. Here, \meta{text} is the text that is
% to be emphasized in the presentation and the optional \meta{sysname} is a system name of
% the symbol defined (for reference via |\term|, see Section~\ref{sec:user:crossref}). If
% \meta{sysname} is not given, then \meta{text} is used as a system name instead, which is
% usually sufficient for most situations.
% \begin{verbatim}
% \symdef{one}{1}
% \begin{definition}[id=one.def,for=one]
% $\notatiendum[one]{\one}$ is the successor of $\zero$
% (formally: $\one\colon=\succ\zero$)
% \end{definition}
% \end{verbatim}
% \vspace{-1em}will lead to the result\medskip\par\noindent
% \begin{module}
% \importmodule{peano}
% \symdef{one}{1}
% \begin{definition}[id=one.def,for=one]
% $\notatiendum[one]{\one}$ is the successor of $\zero$
% (formally: $\one\colon=\succ\zero$)
% \end{definition}
% \end{module}
% \caption{A Definition based on Figure {\ref{fig:axioms}}}\label{fig:definition}
% \end{exfig}
% The \DescribeMacro{defin}|\defi{|\meta{word}|}| macro combines the functionality of the
% |\definiendum| macro with index markup from the |omdoc|
% package~\ctancite{Kohlhase:smomdl}: use |\defi[|\meta{name}|]{|\meta{word}|}| to markup
% a definiendum \meta{word} with system name \meta{name} that appear in the index --- in
% other words in almost all definitions of single-word concepts. We also have the variants
% \DescribeMacro{\defii}|\defii| and \DescribeMacro{\defiii}|\defiii| for (adjectivized)
% two-word compounds. Finally, the varaiants \DescribeMacro{\adefi}|\adefi|,
% \DescribeMacro{\adefii}|\adefii|,and \DescribeMacro{\adefiii}|\adefiii| have an
% additional first argument that allows to specify an alternative text; see
% Figure~\ref{fig:defin}
% \begin{exfig}
% \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{source}\\
% system name & result & index \\\hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash defin\{concept\}}}\\
% |concept| & concept& concept\\\hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash defin[csymbol]\{concept\}}}\\
% |csymbol| & concept & concept\\\hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash definalt[csymbol]\{concepts\}\{concept\}}}\\
% |csymbol| & concepts & concept\\\hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash twindef\{concept\}\{group\}}}\\
% |concept-group| & concept group & concept group, \\
% && group - , concept\\\hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash atwindef\{small\}\{concept\}\{group\}}}\\
% |small-concept-group| & small concept group & small concept group, \\
% && concept group - , small\\
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{Some definienda with Index}\label{fig:defin}
% \end{exfig}
% Note that the |\definiendum|, |\defi|, |\defii|, and |\defiii| macros can only be
% used inside the definitional situation, i.e. in a |definition| or |symboldec|
% environment or a |\inlinedef| macro. If you find yourself in a situation where you want
% to use it outside, you will most likely want to wrap the appropriate text fragment in a
% |\begin{definition}[display=flow]| ... and |\end{definition}|. For instance, we could
% continue the example in Figure~\ref{fig:axioms} with the |definition| environment in
% Figure~\ref{fig:definition}.
% \DescribeMacro{\inlinedef} Sometimes we define mathematical concepts in passing, e.g. in
% a phrase like ``\ldots $s(o)$ which we call {\textbf{one}}.''. For this we cannot use
% the |definition| environment, which presupposes that its content gives all that is
% needed to understand the definition. But we do want to make use of the infrastructure
% introduced for the |definition| environment. In this situation, we just wrap the phrase
% in an |\inlinedef| macro that makes them available. The |\inlinedef| macro accepts the
% same |id| and |for| keys in its optional argument, and additionally the |verbalizes| key
% which can be used to point to a full definition of the concept somewhere else.
% Note that definienda can only be referenced via a |\term| element, if they are only
% allowed inside a named module, i.e. a |module| environment with a name given by the
% |id=| key or the |theory=| key on is specified on the definitional environment.
% \subsubsection{Examples}\label{sec:user:example}
% \DescribeEnv{example} The |example| environment is a generic statement environment,
% except that the |for| key should be given to specify the identifier what this is an
% example for. The |example| environment also expects a |type| key to be specified, so
% that we know whether this is an example or a counterexample.
% \DescribeMacro{\inlineex} The |\inlineex| is analogous to |\inlinedef|, only that it is
% used for inline examples, e.g. ``\ldots mammals, e.g. goats''. Note that we have used an
% inline example for an inline example.
% \subsection{Cross-Referencing Symbols and Concepts}\label{sec:user:crossref}
% If we have defined a concept with the |\definiendum| macro, then we can mark up other
% occurrences of the term as referring to this concept. Note that this process cannot be
% fully automatized yet, since that would need advanced language technology to get around
% problems of disambiguation, inflection, and non-contiguous phrases\footnote{We do have a
% program that helps annotate larger text collections spotting the easy cases; see
% {\url{http://kwarc.info/projects/stex}} and look for the program
% |termin|.}. Therefore, the \DescribeMacro{\termref}|\termref| can be used to make this
% information explicit. It takes the keys
% \begin{compactdesc}
% \item[\texttt{cdbase}] to specify a URI (a path actually, since {\LaTeX} cannot load
% from URIs) where the module can be found.
% \item[\texttt{cd}] to specify the module in which the term is defined. If the |cd| key
% is not given, then the current module is assumed. If no |cdbase| is specified (this is
% the usual case), then the CD has to be imported via a |\importmodule| from the
% |modules| package~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl}.
% \item[\texttt{name}] to specify the name of the definiendum (which is given in the body
% of the |\definiendum| or the optional argument). If the |name| key is not specified,
% then argument of the |\termref| macro is used.
% \item[\texttt{role}] is currently unused.
% \end{compactdesc}
% |\termref[cd=|\meta{cd}|,name=|\meta{name}|]{|\meta{text}|}| will just typeset the link
% text \meta{text} with (if the |hyperref| package is loaded) a hyperlink to the
% definition in module \meta{cd} that defines the concept \meta{name}, e.g. that contains
% |\defi[|\meta{name}|]{|\meta{text}|}|.
% Just as the |\definiendum| macro has the convenience variants |\defi|, |\defii| and
% |\defiii|, the |\termref| has variants |\trefi|, |\trefii|, and |\trefiii| that take two
% and three arguments for the parts of the compositum. In the same module, concepts that
% are marked up by |\defi{|\meta{name}|}| in the definition can be referenced by
% \DescribeMacro{\trefi}|\trefi{|\meta{name}|}|. Here the link text is just
% \meta{name}. Concepts defined via |\defii{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}| can be
% referenced by \DescribeMacro{\trefii}|\trefii{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}| (with
% link text ``\meta{first} \meta{second}'') and analogously for |\defiii| and
% \DescribeMacro{\trefiii}|\trefiii|. Finally, we have variants
% \DescribeMacro{\atref*}|\atrefi|, |\atrefii|, and |\atrefiii| with alternative link
% text. For instance |\atrefii{|\meta{text}|{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}| references
% a concept introduced by |\defii{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}| but with link text
% \meta{text}. Of course, if the system identifier is given explicitly in the optional
% argument of the definition form, as in
% |\defii[|\meta{name}|]{|\meta{first}|}{|\meta{second}|}|, then the terms are referenced
% by |\trefi{|\meta{name}|}|.
% For referencing terms outside the current module, the module name can be specified in
% the first optional argument of the |\*tref*| macros. To specify the |cdbase|, we have to
% resort to the |\termref| macro with the keyval arguments.
% Note that the |\termref| treatment above is natural for ``concepts'' declared by the
% |\termdef| macro from the |modules| package~\ctancite{KohAmb:smmssl}. Concepts are
% natural language names for mathematical objects. For ``symbols'', i.e. symbolic
% identifiers for mathematical objects used in mathematical formulae, we use the |\symdef|
% macro from the |modules| package. Sometimes, symbols also have an associated natural
% language concept, and we want to use the symbol name to reference it (instead of
% specifying |cd| and |name| which is more inconvenient). For this the |statements|
% package supplies the \DescribeMacro{\symref}|\symref| macro. Like |\termref|, and
% invocation of |\symref{|\meta{cseq}|}{|\meta{text}|}| will just typeset \meta{text} with
% a hyperlink to the relevant definition (i.e. the one that has the declaration
% |for=|\meta{cseq} in the metadata argument.)
% \section{Configuration of the Presentation}\label{sec:conf}
% \DescribeMacro{\defemph} The |\defemph| macro is a configuration hook that allows to
% specify the style of presentation of the {\index*{definiendum}}. By default, it is set to
% |\bf| as a fallback, since we can be sure that this is always available. It can be
% customized by redefinition: For instance |\renewcommand{\defemph}[1]{\emph{#1}}|,
% changes the default behavior to italics.
% \DescribeMacro{\termemph} The |\termenph| macro does the same for the style for
% |\termref|, it is empty by default. Note the term might carry an implicit hyper-reference
% to the defining occurrence and that the presentation engine might mark this up, changing
% this behavior.
% \DescribeMacro{\stDMemph} The |\stDMemph| macro does the same for the style for the
% markup of the discourse markers like ``Theorem''. If it is not defined, it is set to
% |\bf|; that allows to preset this in the class file. \ednote{function declarations}
% Some authors like to lowercase the semantic references, i.e. use ``axiom 2.6'' instead
% of the default ``\sref{peano.P5}'' to refer to the last axiom in
% Figure~\ref{fig:axioms}. This can be achieved by redefining the
% \DescribeMacro{\STpresent}|\STpresent| macro, which is applied to the keyword of the
% |ST*Env| theorem environments.\ednote{this does not quite work as yet, since
% \textbf{STpresent} is applied when the label is written. But we would really like to
% have it applied when the reference is constructed. But for that we need to split the
% label into keyword and number in package |sref|.}
% Finally, we provide configuration hooks in Figure~\ref{fig:hooks} for the statement
% types provided by the |statement| package. These are mainly intended for package authors
% building on |statements|, e.g. for multi-language support.\ednote{we might want to
% develop an extension \texttt{statements-babel} in the future.}.
% \begin{tabular}{lll}
% Environment & configuration macro & value\\\hline\hline
% \texttt{STtheoremAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@theorem@kw} & \makeatletter\st@theorem@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STlemmaAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@lemma@kw} & \makeatletter\st@lemma@kw \\\hline
% \texttt{STpropositionAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@proposition@kw} & \makeatletter\st@proposition@kw \\\hline
% \texttt{STcorollaryAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@corollary@kw} & \makeatletter\st@corollary@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STconjectureAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@conjecture@kw} & \makeatletter\st@conjecture@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STfalseconjectureAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@falseconjecture@kw} & \makeatletter\st@falseconjecture@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STpostulateAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@postulate@kw} & \makeatletter\st@postulate@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STobligationAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@obligation@kw} & \makeatletter\st@obligation@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STassumptionAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@assumption@kw} & \makeatletter\st@assumption@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STobservationAssEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@observation@kw} & \makeatletter\st@observation@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STexampleEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@example@kw} & \makeatletter\st@example@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STaxiomEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@axiom@kw} & \makeatletter\st@axiom@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STdefinitionEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@definition@kw} & \makeatletter\st@definition@kw\\\hline
% \texttt{STnotationEnv} & \texttt{\textbackslash st@notation@kw} & \makeatletter\st@notation@kw
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{Configuration Hooks for statement types}\label{fig:hooks}
% \end{exfig}
% \section{Limitations}\label{sec:limitations}
% In this section we document known limitations. If you want to help alleviate them,
% please feel free to contact the package author. Some of them are currently discussed in
% the \sTeX TRAC~\cite{sTeX:online}.
% \begin{compactenum}
% \item none reported yet
% \end{compactenum}
% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\printbibliography}
% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:impl}
% The |statements| package generates two files: the {\LaTeX} package (all the code between
% {\textsf{$\langle$*package$\rangle$}} and {\textsf{$\langle$/package$\rangle$}}) and the
% {\latexml} bindings (between {\textsf{$\langle$*ltxml$\rangle$ and
% $\langle$/ltxml$\rangle$}}). We keep the corresponding code fragments together,
% since the documentation applies to both of them and to prevent them from getting out of
% sync.
% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:impl:options}
% We declare some switches which will modify the behavior according to the package
% options. Generally, an option |xxx| will just set the appropriate switches to true
% (otherwise they stay false). First we have the general options
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% Finally, we need to declare the end of the option declaration section to {\LaTeX}.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% The next measure is to ensure that some {\sTeX} packages are loaded: |omdoc| for the
% statement keys, |modules| since we need module identifiers for referencing. Furthermore,
% we need the |ntheorem| package for presenting statements. For {\latexml}, we also
% initialize the package inclusions, there we do not need |ntheorem|, since the XML does
% not do the presentation.
% \begin{macrocode}
# -*- CPERL -*-
package LaTeXML::Package::Pool;
use strict;
use LaTeXML::Package;
% \end{macrocode}
% Now, we define an auxiliary function that lowercases strings
% \begin{macrocode}
sub lowcase {my ($string) = @_; $string ? return lc(ToString($string)) : return('')}#$
sub dashed { join('-',map($_->toString,@_));}#$
% \end{macrocode}
% Sometimes it is necessary to fallback to symbol names in order to generate xml:id attributes. For this purpose,
% we define an auxiliary function which ensures the name receives a unique NCName equivalent.\ednote{Hard to be unique here,
% e.g. the names "foo\_bar" and "foo bar" would receive the same xml:id attributes... of course we can devise a more complex scheme
% for the symbol replacement.}
% \begin{macrocode}
sub makeNCName {
my ($name) = @_;
my $ncname=$name;
$ncname=~s/\s/_/g; #Spaces to underscores
$ncname="_$ncname" if $ncname!~/^(\w|_)/; #Ensure start with letter or underscore
##More to come...
% \end{macrocode}
% The following functions are strictly utility functions that makes our life easier later on
% \begin{macrocode}
sub simple_wrapper {
#Deref if array reference
my @input;
foreach (@_) {
if (ref $_ && $_ =~ /ARRAY/ && $_ !~ /LaTeXML/) {
} else
{ push (@input,$_); }
return '' if (!@input);
@input = map(split(/\s*,\s*/,ToString($_)),@input);
my $output=join(" ",@input);
$output=~s/(^ )|[{}]//g; #remove leading space and list separator brackets
sub hash_wrapper{
#Deref if array reference
my @input;
foreach (@_) {
if (ref $_ && $_ =~ /ARRAY/ && $_ !~ /LaTeXML/) {
} else
{ push (@input,$_); }
return '' if (!@input);
@input = map(split(/\s*,\s*/,ToString($_)),@input);
my $output=join(".sym #",@input);
$output=~s/(^\.sym )|[{}]//g; #remove leading space and list separator brackets
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Statements}\label{sec:impl:statements}
% \begin{macro}{\STpresent}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\define@statement@env}
% We define a meta-macro that allows us to define several variants of statements. Upon
% beginning this environment, we first set the |KeyVal| attributes, then we decide
% whether to print the discourse marker based on the value of the |display| key, then
% (given the right Options were set), we show the semantic annotations, and finally
% initialize the environment using the appropriate macro. Upon ending the environment,
% we just run the respective termination macro.
% \begin{macrocode}
\csname st@#1@initialize\endcsname\fi
\sref@label@id{\STpresent{\csname ST#1EnvKeyword\endcsname}~\@currentlabel}\fi}
{\csname st@#1@terminate\endcsname\ifx\omtext@display\st@flow\else\end{ST#1Env}\fi}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{assertion}
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifx\omtext@title\@empty\begin{ST\omtext@type AssEnv}%
\else\begin{ST\omtext@type AssEnv}[\omtext@title]\fi\fi%
\sref@label@id{\STpresent{\csname ST\omtext@type AssEnvKeyword\endcsname}~\@currentlabel}\fi}
{\ifx\omtext@display\st@flow\else\end{ST\omtext@type AssEnv}\fi}
DefEnvironment('{assertion} OptionalKeyVals:omtext',
. "?&KeyVal(#1,'title')(&KeyVal(#1,'title'))()"
. "#body"
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\st@*@kw}
% We configure the default keywords for the various theorem environments.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\st@falseconjecture@kw{Conjecture (false)}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Then we configure the presentation of the theorem environments
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% and then we finally define the theorem environments in terms of the statement keywords
% defined above. They are all numbered together with the section counter.
% \begin{environment}{ST*AssEnv}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{example}
% \begin{macrocode}
DefEnvironment('{example} OptionalKeyVals:omtext',
. "?&KeyVal(#1,'title')(&KeyVal(#1,'title'))()"
. "#body"
. "\n");
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{axiom}
% \begin{macrocode}
DefEnvironment('{axiom} OptionalKeyVals:omtext',
. "?&KeyVal(#1,'title')(&KeyVal(#1,'title'))()"
. "#body"
. "\n");
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{symboldec}
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifx\symboldec@display\st@flow\else{\stDMemph{\symboldec@type} \symboldec@name:}\fi%
DefEnvironment('{symboldec} OptionalKeyVals:symboldec',
. "?&KeyVal(#1,'title')(&KeyVal(#1,'title'))()"
. "#body"
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\symtype}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\symtype}[2]{Type (#1): $#2$}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{environment}{definition}
% The |definition| environment itself is quite similar to the other's but we need to set
% the |\st@indef| switch to suppress warnings from |\st@def@target|.
% \begin{macrocode}
\sref@label@id{\STpresent{\csname STdefinitionEnvKeyword\endcsname}~\@currentlabel}\fi}
sub definitionBody {
my ($doc, $keyvals, %props) = @_;
my $for = $keyvals->getValue('for') if $keyvals;
my $type = $keyvals->getValue('type') if $keyvals;
my %for_attr=();
if (ToString($for)) {
$for = ToString($for);
$for =~ s/^{(.+)}$/$1/eg;
foreach (split(/,\s*/,$for)) {
if ($props{theory}) {
my @symbols = @{$props{defs} || []};
foreach my $symb(@symbols) {
next if $for_attr{$symb};
$doc->insertElement('omdoc:symbol', undef, (name=>$symb, "xml:id"=>makeNCName("$symb.def.sym")));
my %attrs = ();
$for = join(" ",(keys %for_attr));
$attrs{'for'} = $for if $for;
my $id = $keyvals->getValue('id') if $keyvals;
$attrs{'xml:id'} = $id if $id;
$attrs{'type'} = $type if $type;
if ($props{theory}) {
$doc->openElement('omdoc:definition', %attrs);
} else {
$doc->openElement('omdoc:omtext', %attrs);
my $title = $keyvals->getValue('title') if $keyvals;
if ($title) {
$doc->absorb($props{body}) if $props{body};
if ($props{theory}) {
} else {
return; }
DefEnvironment('{definition} OptionalKeyVals:omtext', sub{definitionBody(@_)},
afterDigestBegin=>sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my @symbols = ();
AssignValue('defs', \@symbols); return; },
afterDigest => sub { AssignValue('defs', undef); return; });#$
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{environment}{notation}
% We initialize the |\def\st@notation@initialize{}| here, and extend it with
% functionality below.
% \begin{macrocode}
DefEnvironment('{notation} OptionalKeyVals:omtext',
. "?&KeyVal(#1,'title')(&KeyVal(#1,'title'))()"
. "#body"
. "\n");
DefConstructor('\notatiendum OptionalKeyVals:notation {}',
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{environment}
% \begin{macro}{\st@def@target}
% the next macro is a variant of the |\sref@target| macro provided by the |sref| package
% specialized for the use in the |\definiendum|, |\defi|, |\defii|, and |\defiii|
% macros. |\st@def@target{|\meta{opt}|}{|\meta{name}|}| makes a target with label
% |sref@|\meta{opt}|@|\meta{modulename}|@target|, if \meta{opt} is non-empty, else with
% the label |sref@|\meta{name}|@|\meta{modulename}|@target|. Also it generates the
% necessary warnings for a definiendum-like macro.
% \begin{macrocode}
\ifst@indef% if we are in a definition or such
\ifx\omtext@theory\@empty% if there is no theory attribute
\@ifundefined{mod@id}% if we are not in a module
{\PackageWarning{statements}{definiendum in unidentified module\MessageBreak
\protect\definiendum, \protect\defi,
\protect\defii, \protect\defiii\MessageBreak
can only be referenced when called in a module with id key}}%
\expandafter\sref@target@ifh{sref@#2@\mod@id @target}{}\else%
\expandafter\sref@target@ifh{sref@#1@\mod@id @target}{}\fi}%
\else\expandafter\sref@target@ifh{sref@#1@\omtext@theory @target}{}\fi%
{definiendum outside definition context\MessageBreak
\protect\definiendum, \protect\defi,
\protect\defii, \protect\defiii\MessageBreak
do not make sense semantically outside a definition.\MessageBreak
Consider wrapping the defining phrase in a \protect\inlinedef}%
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% The |\definiendum| and |\notatiendum| macros are very simple.
% \begin{macro}{\@termdef}
% This macro is experimental, it is supposed to be invoked in |\definiendum| to define a
% macro with the definiendum text, so that can be re-used later in term assignments (see
% the |modules| package). But in the current context, where we rely on {\TeX} groupings
% for visibility, this does not work, since the invocations of |\definiendum| are in
% |definition| environments and thus one group level too low. Keeping this for future
% reference.
% \begin{macrocode}
\termdef{\mod@id @\@@name}{#2}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\definiendum}
% \begin{macrocode}
DefConstructor('\definiendum [] {}',
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $whatsit->getArg(2) unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name->toString) if ($addr and $name);
return; });#$
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\notatiendum}
% the |notatiendum| macro also needs to be visible in the |notation| and |definition|
% environments
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% We expand the {\latexml} bindings for |\defi|, |\defii| and |\defiii| into two
% instances one will be used for the definition and the other for indexing.
% \begin{macro}{\defi}
% \begin{macrocode}
. ""
. "#2"
. ""
. "#2"
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $whatsit->getArg(2) unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name->toString) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\adefi}
% \begin{macrocode}
. ""
. "#2"
. ""
. "#3"
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $whatsit->getArg(3) unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name->toString) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\defii}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\defii}[3][]{\st@def@target{#1}{#2-#3}\defemph{#2 #3}\@twin[#1]{#2}{#3}}
. ""
. ""
. "#2 #3"
. ""
. ""
. ""
. "#2"
. "#3"
. ""
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $name->toString if $name;
$name = $whatsit->getArg(2)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(3)->toString unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\adefii}
% \begin{macrocode}
. ""
. ""
. "#2"
. ""
. ""
. ""
. "#3"
. "#4"
. ""
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $name->toString if $name;
$name = $whatsit->getArg(3)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(4)->toString unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\defiii}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\defiii}[4][]{\st@def@target{#1}{#2-#3-#4}\defemph{#2 #3 #4}\@atwin[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
. ""
. "#2 #3 #4"
. ""
. ""
. "#2"
. "#3"
. "#4"
. ""
. "",
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $name->toString if $name;
$name = $whatsit->getArg(2)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(3)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(4)->toString unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\adefiii}
% \begin{macrocode}
. ""
. "#2"
. ""
. ""
. "#3"
. "#4"
. "#5"
. ""
. "",
afterDigest => sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $addr = LookupValue('defs');
my $name = $whatsit->getArg(1);
$name = $name->toString if $name;
$name = $whatsit->getArg(3)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(4)->toString.'-'.$whatsit->getArg(5)->toString unless $name;
push(@$addr, $name) if ($addr and $name);
return; },
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\inlineex}
% \begin{macrocode}
DefConstructor('\inlineex OptionalKeyVals:omtext {}',
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\inlinedef}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\inlinedef}[2][]{\metasetkeys{omtext}{#1}\sref@target\sref@label@id{here}\st@indeftrue #2}
DefConstructor('\inlinedef OptionalKeyVals:omtext {}', sub {
my ($document, $keyvals, $body, %props) = @_;
my $for = $keyvals->getValue('for') if $keyvals;
my %for_attr=();
if (ToString($for)) {
$for = ToString($for);
$for =~ s/^{(.+)}$/$1/eg;
foreach (split(/,\s*/,$for)) {
my @symbols = @{$props{defs} || []};
#Prepare for symbol insertion -insert before the parent of the closest ancestor CMP element
my $original_node = $document->getNode;
my $xc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $original_node );
$xc->registerNs('omdoc', 'http://omdoc.org/ns');
my ($statement_ancestor) = $xc->findnodes('./ancestor::omdoc:CMP/..');
foreach my $symb(@symbols) {
next if $for_attr{$symb};
my $symbolnode = XML::LibXML::Element->new('symbol');
#Restore the insertion point
my %attrs = ();
$for = join(" ",(keys %for_attr));
$attrs{'for'} = $for if $for;
my $id = $keyvals->getValue('id') if $keyvals;
$attrs{'xml:id'} = $id if $id;
$attrs{'class'} = 'inlinedef';
$document->closeElement('ltx:text'); },
#Prepare 'defs' hooks for \defi and \definiendum symbol names
beforeDigest=>sub {
my @symbols = ();
AssignValue('defs', \@symbols); return; },
#Adopt collected names as 'defs' property, remove hooks
afterDigest=>sub {
my ($stomach, $whatsit) = @_;
my $defsref = LookupValue('defs');
my @defs = @$defsref;
return; });
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Cross-Referencing Symbols and Concepts}\label{sec:impl:crossref}
% \begin{macro}{\termref@set}
% The |term| macro uses the |cd| and |name| keys for hyperlinking to create hyper-refs,
% if the |hyperref| package is loaded: We first see if the |cd| key was given, if not we
% define it as the local module identifier.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\termref}
% \begin{macrocode}
DefConstructor('\termref OptionalKeyVals:termref {}',
. "#2"
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% The next macro is where the actual work is done.
% \begin{macro}{\st@termref}
% If the |cdbase| is given, then we make a hyper-reference, otherwise we punt to
% |\mod@termref|, which can deal with the case where the cdbase is given by the imported
% cd.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tref*}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\tref*}
% \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\trefii}[3][]{\atrefi[#1]{#2 #3}{#2-#3}}
\newcommand{\trefiii}[4][]{\atrefi[#1]{#2 #3 #4}{#2-#3-#4}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% Now we care about the configuration switches, they are set to sensible values, if they
% are not defined already. These are just configuration parameters, which should not
% appear in documents, therefore we do not provide {\latexml} bindings for them.
% \begin{macro}{\*emph}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\symref}
% The |\symref| macros is quite simple, since we have done all the heavy lifting in the
% |modules| package: we simply apply |\mod@symref@|\meta{arg1} to
% \meta{arg2}.
% \begin{macrocode}
. "#2"
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Providing IDs for {\omdoc} Elements}\label{sec:impl:ids}
% To provide default identifiers, we tag all {\omdoc}
% elements that allow |xml:id| attributes by executing the |numberIt| procedure from |omdoc.sty.ltxml|.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Deprecated Functionality}\label{sec:deprecated}
% In this section we centralize old interfaces that are only partially supported any
% more.
% \begin{macro}{\*def*}
% \begin{macrocode}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\defin\space is deprecated, use \protect\defi\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\twindef\space is deprecated, use \protect\defii\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\atwindef\space is deprecated, use \protect\defiii\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\definalt\space is deprecated, use \protect\adefi\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\twindefalt\space is deprecated, use \protect\adefii\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\atwindefalt\space is deprecated, use \protect\adefiii\space instead}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\*def*}
% \begin{macrocode}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\twinref\space is deprecated, use \protect\trefii\space instead}}
\PackageWarning{statements}{\protect\atwindef\space is deprecated, use \protect\trefiii\space instead}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \subsection{Finale}
% Finally, we need to terminate the file with a success mark for perl.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
% \Finale
% \iffalse
% LocalWords: GPL structuresharing STR dtx keyval env envfalse idfalse idtrue
% LocalWords: displayfalse envtrue displaytrue forfalse typefalse titlefalse
% LocalWords: continuesfalse fortrue fromtrue typetrue titletrue CPERL omdoc
% LocalWords: continuestrue symboldec omtext RequirePackage lowcase lc ToString
% LocalWords: foreach hyperref href hlink DefEnvironment OptionalKeyVals ne
% LocalWords: KeyVal xml CMP simpleDef PatternDef DefEnvironment PatternRule
% LocalWords: requation PatternCMP RecDef DefConstructor keyvals defs psymbols
% LocalWords: openElement symb closeElement ffor getValue attrs metadata undef
% LocalWords: afterDigestBegin setProperty AssignValue afterDigest definiendum
% LocalWords: cd addr LookupValue getArg toString idx idt definiendum ide idp
% LocalWords: DefMacro args unlist inlinedef uri pdf afterOpen numberIt texttt
% LocalWords: iffalse consymb ntheorem textbackslash symref def scsys sc sc kw
% LocalWords: mathml openmath latexml activemath fileversion maketitle stex
% LocalWords: setcounter tocdepth tableofcontents newpage sproofs ulsmf08 sref
% LocalWords: MaySch eltte09 twintoo sref subsubsection exfig vspace vspace
% LocalWords: noindent renewtheorem hline textbf textbf footnotesize ple peano
% LocalWords: STaxiomEnv symdef medskip succ mathbb ldots stepcounter ednote
% LocalWords: STtheoremAssEnv stepcounter STtheoremAssEnv stepcounter defin
% LocalWords: STtheoremAssEnv notatiendum defin smomdl biblatex twindef cdbase
% LocalWords: twindef atwindef atwindef adjectivized varaiants twindefalt cseq
% LocalWords: twindefalt atwindefalt atwindefalt csymbol definalt termref emph
% LocalWords: termref compactdesc KohAmb smmssl twinref atwinref newpart impl
% LocalWords: termdef defemph defemph renewcommand termemph termenph stDMemph
% LocalWords: stDMemph STpresent STpresent makeatletter STlemmaAssEnv textsf
% LocalWords: STpropositionAssEnv STcorollaryAssEnv STconjectureAssEnv langle
% LocalWords: STfalseconjectureAssEnv STpostulateAssEnv STobligationAssEnv foo
% LocalWords: STassumptionAssEnv STobservationAssEnv STexampleEnv textsf ltxml
% LocalWords: STdefinitionEnv STnotationEnv printbibliography langle ncname
% LocalWords: theoremstyle sym newenvironment ifx csname endcsname
% LocalWords: currentlabel theorembodyfont itshape theoremheaderfont bfseries
% LocalWords: normalfont newtheorem upshape srefaddidkey
% LocalWords: newcommand indef newif ifst indeffalse indeftrue attr whatsit
% LocalWords: STdefinitionEnvKeyword notemph modulename ifundefined atwin
% LocalWords: expandafter providecommand nameuse doctex ctancite funval
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: doctex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
% \fi
% LocalWords: funsymbs findnodes symbolnode defsref