divert(-1) # LgateSVG.m4 ########################################################################### define(`And',`GenLogGate(AND,$@)') define(`Nand',`GenLogGate(NAND,$@)') define(`Or',`GenLogGate(OR,$@)') define(`Nor',`GenLogGate(NOR,$@)') define(`Xor',`GenLogGate(XOR,$@)') define(`Nxor',`GenLogGate(NXOR,$@)') define(`Not',`GenLogGate(NOT,$@)') define(`GenLogGate',`[ pushdef(`m4nargs',0)dnl # Count the arguments and draw the gate Loopover_(`a',`define(`m4nargs',incr(m4nargs))',shift($@))dnl G: ifelse(`$1',NOT,`NOT_gate()',`$1_gate(m4nargs)') Out: G.Out T: (G.In1.x-2*L_unit,G.y) # Sublayer gates with centre at the height of G SubLayer: [ pushdef(`m4_nct',0) pushdef(`m4glayer')dnl Loopover_(`arg', `define(`m4_nct',incr(m4_nct))dnl # Stack the input label or draw a sublayer gate pushdef(`m4InNames')dnl Gate`'m4_nct: ifelse(patsubst(substr(arg,0,1),`[a-zA-Z]',`&'),&, `[ In`'arg: ifdef(`MarkLogInputs',`"arg" above',Here) pushdef(`m4InNames',In`'arg)dnl Out: Here ] ht 2*L_unit', `arg') ifelse(m4_nct,1,,`with .ne at last [].se+(0,-L_unit)') ifdef(`MarkSubLayers', `{ box wid last [].wid ht last [].ht at last [] }') # Prepend gate name to labels m4LogPromote(Gate`'m4_nct)', shift($@)) dnl # Promote gate labels to Sublayer block pushdef(`m4InNames') m4LogLabel() MidOut: 0.5 between Gate`'eval((m4_nct+1)/2).Out \ and Gate`'eval((m4_nct+2)/2).Out popdef(`m4_nct')dnl ] with .MidOut at T+(-m4nargs*L_unit,0) # end SubLayer ifdef(`MarkSubLayers', `{ box wid last [].wid ht last [].ht at last [] }') # Promote sublayer labels to outer block pushdef(`m4glayer') m4LogPromote(SubLayer) dnl pushdef(`m4InNames') m4LogLabel() dnl # Draw the connecting lines define(`m4hhv',`(m4nargs-1)/2')dnl for_(1,m4nargs,1,` line from G.In`'m4x \ left G.In`'m4x.x-T.x+(m4hhv-abs(m4x-m4hhv-1))*L_unit \ then up SubLayer.Gate`'m4x.Out.y-G.In`'m4x.y \ then to SubLayer.Gate`'m4x.Out') popdef(`m4nargs') dnl ]') # Manage names of sublayer inputs define(`m4LogPromote',`ifelse(m4InNames,,`popdef(`m4InNames')', `pushdef(`m4glayer',m4InNames:$1) popdef(`m4InNames') m4LogPromote($1)') ')dnl define(`m4LogLabel',`ifelse(m4glayer,,`popdef(`m4glayer')', `define(`m4BaseIn',`substr(m4glayer,0,index(m4glayer,:))')dnl m4glayer.m4BaseIn pushdef(`m4InNames',m4BaseIn) popdef(`m4glayer') m4LogLabel()') ')dnl # Clear a name stack define(`stack_del',`ifelse($1,`$1',,`popdef(`$1')$0($@)')') ########################################################################### divert(0)dnl .PS ifdef(`L_unit',,`include(liblog.m4)') log_init #define(`MarkLogInputs') define(`bbelow',`with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.2)') define(`MarkLogInputs') Ex1:Or(x1,q,`Or(y1,z1)',`Or(z3,u,v,`Or(w,r)',x2,y2,z2,m)') `"Or(x1,q,`Or(y1,z1)',`Or(z3,u,v,`Or(w,r)',x2,y2,z2,m)')"' \ at Ex1.se+(-0.4,-0.2) undefine(`MarkLogInputs') line from Ex1.Inx1 to (Ex1.w,Ex1.Inx1)-(L_unit,0) line from Ex1.Inx2 to (Here,Ex1.Inx2) then to Here; dot line to Here-(2*L_unit,0); Inx: "x" above line from Ex1.Iny1 to (Ex1.w,Ex1.Iny1)-(2*L_unit,0) line from Ex1.Iny2 to (Here,Ex1.Iny2) then to Here; dot line to Here-(2*L_unit,0); Iny: "y" above line from Ex1.Inz1 to (Ex1.w,Ex1.Inz1)-(3*L_unit,0) {line from Ex1.Inz3 to (Ex1.Inz3,Ex1.Inz1); dot} line from Ex1.Inz2 to (Here,Ex1.Inz2) then to Here; dot line to Here-(2*L_unit,0); Inz: "z" above Ex2: And(`Not(A)',B,C,`Nor(A2,D)') with .nw at Ex1.Out+(0.75,0.2) line right 3*L_unit from Ex2.Out "svg_it(ABC(A+D))" above ljust at Ex2.G.nw line right 0.1 at last ""+(0.1,0.16) line right 0.35 at last ""+(0.55,0.16) line from Ex2.InA2 to (Ex2.InA2,Ex2.InA); dot line to Ex2.InA chop -3*L_unit chop 0 "svg_it(A)" rjust at last line.start "svg_it(B)" rjust at Ex2.InB "svg_it(C)" rjust at Ex2.InC "svg_it(D)" rjust at Ex2.InD `"And(`Not(A)',B,C,`Nor(A2,D)')"' wid 2.1 with .w at Ex2.sw-(0,0.2) `"line from Ex2.InA2 to (Ex2.InA2,Ex2.InA); dot"' wid 3.2 \ with .w at last "".w+(0,-0.2) `"line to Ex2.InA chop -3*L_unit chop 0"' wid 2.60 \ with .w at last "".w+(0,-0.2) `"\"A\" rjust at last line.start"' wid 1.6 with .w at last "".w+(0,-0.2) `"\"B\" rjust at Ex2.InB; \"C\" rjust at Ex2.InC"' wid 2.7 with .w \ at last "".w+(0,-0.2) Ex3: Or(`And(A1,C1)',`And(B1,`Not(C2)')',`And(`Not(A2)',B2,C3)') \ with .nw at Ex1.sw+(0,-0.4) line right 3*L_unit from Ex3.Out line from Ex3.InB2 to (Ex3.InA2,Ex3.InB2)+(-2*L_unit,0) \ then up Ex3.InB1.y-Ex3.InB2.y; dot line from Ex3.InB1 to Here chop 0 chop -2*L_unit; B: "svg_it(B)" rjust line from Ex3.InA2 to (Ex3.InA2,Ex3.InA1); dot line from Ex3.InA1 to (B,Here) ; "svg_it(A)" rjust line from Ex3.InC2 to (Ex3.InC2,Ex3.InC1) then to Ex3.InC1 dot(at Ex3.InC2); line to (B,Here); "svg_it(C)" rjust dot(at ((Ex3.InC2)+(-2*L_unit,0),Ex3.InC2)) line to (Here,Ex3.InC3) then to Ex3.InC3 "svg_it(AC+BC+ABC)" above ljust at Ex3.G.nw line right 0.1 at last ""+(0.5,0.16) line right 0.1 at last ""+(0.73,0.16) `"Or(`And(A1,C1)',`And(B1,`Not(C2)')',`And(`Not(A2)',B2,C3)')"' \ at (B,Ex3.s)+(0,-0.2) ljust # define(`MarkSubLayers') Ex4: And(`Or(`Nand(`Or(A,B)',C)',D)',E) with .w at Ex3.e+(1.25,0) "svg_it(A)" rjust at Ex4.InA "svg_it(B)" rjust at Ex4.InB line from Ex4.InC to (Ex4.InA,Ex4.InC); "svg_it(C)" rjust line from Ex4.InD to (Ex4.InA,Ex4.InD); "svg_it(D)" rjust line from Ex4.InE to (Ex4.InA,Ex4.InE); "svg_it(E)" rjust line right 3*L_unit from Ex4.Out "svg_it((D+(A+B)C)E)" above ljust at Ex4.G.nw line right 0.5 at last ""+(0.6,0.16) `"And(`Or(`Nand(`Or(A,B)',C)',D)',E)"' at Ex4.sw+(0,-0.2) ljust # undefine(`MarkSubLayers') stack_del(`m4InNames') # clear the name stack in case other diagrams need it # extend the bounding box move from Ex1.nw+(-0.35,0.1) to Ex4.Out+(1,-0.65) .PE