% cct.mf, generated by Mfpic, v1.10 2012/12/03, % from TeX source "font" on 2014/12/16 at 16:09 numeric mfpicversion; mfpicversion := 110; if unknown mode: mode := localfont; fi if unknown mag: mag := 1000/1000; fi if unknown grafbase: input grafbase; fi if unknown grafbaseversion: grafbaseversion := 0; fi if grafbaseversion <> mfpicversion : GBmsg "Bad mfpic installation: mfpic and grafbase versions do not match."; fi %----------------------------<1> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.041667, 0.041667); beginmfpic(1); % line 12 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.041667,0), (0.0625,0.041667), (0.104167,-0.041667), (0.145833,0.041667), (0.1875,-0.041667), (0.229167,0.041667), (0.270833,-0.041667), (0.291667,0), (0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (1) line 25 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<2> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.041667, 0.041667, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(2); % line 26 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0,0.041667), (-0.041667,0.0625), (0.041667,0.104167), (-0.041667,0.145833), (0.041667,0.1875), (-0.041667,0.229167), (0.041667,0.270833), (0,0.291667), (0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (2) line 39 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<3> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.019939, 0.071131); beginmfpic(3); % line 40 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.024933,0)); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.024933,0),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.070249,0.021131),-155,-410,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.102388,-0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.134527,0.021131),-130,-410,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.166667,-0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.198806,0.021131),-130,-410,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.230945,-0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.263085,0.021131),-130,-385,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.3084,0),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.3084,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (3) line 55 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<4> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.019939, 0.071131, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(4); % line 56 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.024933)); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,-0.024933),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.021131,-0.070249),115,-140,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.017171,-0.102388),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.021131,-0.134527),140,-140,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.017171,-0.166667),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.021131,-0.198806),140,-140,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.017171,-0.230945),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.021131,-0.263085),140,-115,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,-0.3084),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.3084),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (4) line 71 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<5> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.071131, 0.019939); beginmfpic(5); % line 72 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.024933,0)); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.024933,0),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.070249,-0.021131),25,-230,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.102388,0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.134527,-0.021131),50,-230,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.166667,0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.198806,-0.021131),50,-230,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.230945,0.017171),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.263085,-0.021131),50,-205,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.3084,-0),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.3084,-0),(-0.333333,-0)); endmfpic; % (5) line 87 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<6> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.071131, 0.019939, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(6); % line 88 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.024933)); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,0.024933),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.021131,0.070249),-65,-320,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.017171,0.102388),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.021131,0.134527),-40,-320,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.017171,0.166667),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.021131,0.198806),-40,-320,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.017171,0.230945),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.021131,0.263085),-40,-295,0.05); resizedrawpen (0.4bp); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0,0.3084),0.002767); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0,0.3084),(-0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (6) line 103 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<7> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.146418, 0.333333, 0, 0.123214); beginmfpic(7); % line 104 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.146418,0.091964),(0.146418,0.091964)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.146418,0.123214),(0.146418,0.123214)); endmfpic; % (7) line 110 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<8> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.123214, 0, -0.146418, 0.333333); beginmfpic(8); % line 111 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.091964,-0.146418),(-0.091964,0.146418)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.123214,-0.146418),(-0.123214,0.146418)); endmfpic; % (8) line 117 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<9> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0, 0.03125); beginmfpic(9); % line 118 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.041667,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.072917,0),-180,-360,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.135417,0),-180,-360,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.197917,0),180,0,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.260417,0),180,0,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.291667,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (9) line 128 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<10> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0, 0.03125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(10); % line 129 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.072917),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.135417),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,-0.197917),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,-0.260417),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0,-0.291667),(-0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (10) line 139 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<11> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.03125, 0); beginmfpic(11); % line 140 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.041667,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.072917,0),-0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.135417,0),-0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.197917,0),-0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.260417,0),-0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.291667,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (11) line 150 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<12> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.03125, 0, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(12); % line 151 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.072917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.135417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,0.197917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,0.260417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.291667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (12) line 161 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<13> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.03125, 0, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(13); % line 162 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.072917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.135417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,0.197917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0,0.260417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.291667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (13) line 172 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<14> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.333333, 0, 0.083333); beginmfpic(14); % line 173 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.052083),(0.125,0.052083)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.083333),(0.125,0.083333)); endmfpic; % (14) line 179 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<15> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.083333, 0, -0.125, 0.333333); beginmfpic(15); % line 180 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.052083,-0.125),(-0.052083,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.083333,-0.125),(-0.083333,0.125)); endmfpic; % (15) line 186 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<16> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.0625, 0.0625); beginmfpic(16); % line 187 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.141667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.141667,-0.0625),(0.141667,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.29992,0),-150,-210,0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.17492,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (16) line 195 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<17> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.0625, 0.0625, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(17); % line 196 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,-0.141667),(0.0625,-0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.29992),120,60,0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.17492),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (17) line 204 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<18> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.0625, 0.0625); beginmfpic(18); % line 205 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.141667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.141667,0.0625),(-0.141667,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.29992,0),30,-30,0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.17492,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (18) line 213 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<19> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.0625, 0.0625, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(19); % line 214 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,0.141667),(-0.0625,0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.29992),-60,-120,0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.17492),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (19) line 222 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<20> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.083333, 0.083333); beginmfpic(20); % line 223 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.141667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.141667,-0.083333),(0.141667,0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.191667,-0.083333),(0.191667,0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.191667,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (20) line 231 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<21> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.083333, 0.083333, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(21); % line 232 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0.141667),(-0.083333,0.141667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0.191667),(-0.083333,0.191667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.191667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (21) line 240 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<22> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.051253, 0.051253); beginmfpic(22); % line 241 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.130582,0)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0.130582,0),(0.130582,0.041667), (0.197216,0), (0.130582,-0.041667), (0.130582,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.202751,-0.045718),(0.202751,0.045718)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.202751,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (22) line 253 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<23> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.051253, 0.051253, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(23); % line 254 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.130582)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0,-0.130582),(0.041667,-0.130582), (0,-0.197216), (-0.041667,-0.130582), (0,-0.130582)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.045718,-0.202751),(0.045718,-0.202751)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.202751),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (23) line 266 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<24> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.051253, 0.051253); beginmfpic(24); % line 267 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.130582,0)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((-0.130582,0),(-0.130582,-0.041667), (-0.197216,0), (-0.130582,0.041667), (-0.130582,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.202751,0.045718),(-0.202751,-0.045718)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.202751,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (24) line 279 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<25> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.051253, 0.051253, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(25); % line 280 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.130582)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0,0.130582),(-0.041667,0.130582), (0,0.197216), (0.041667,0.130582), (0,0.130582)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.045718,0.202751),(-0.045718,0.202751)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.202751),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (25) line 292 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<26> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.051253, 0.051253); beginmfpic(26); % line 293 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.130582,0)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0.130582,0),(0.130582,0.041667), (0.197216,0), (0.130582,-0.041667), (0.130582,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.181918,-0.045718),(0.202751,-0.045718), (0.202751,0.045718), (0.223584,0.045718)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.202751,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (26) line 307 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<27> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.051253, 0.051253, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(27); % line 308 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.130582)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0,-0.130582),(0.041667,-0.130582), (0,-0.197216), (-0.041667,-0.130582), (0,-0.130582)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.045718,-0.181918),(-0.045718,-0.202751), (0.045718,-0.202751), (0.045718,-0.223584)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.202751),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (27) line 322 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<28> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.051253, 0.051253); beginmfpic(28); % line 323 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.130582,0)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((-0.130582,0),(-0.130582,-0.041667), (-0.197216,0), (-0.130582,0.041667), (-0.130582,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.181918,0.045718),(-0.202751,0.045718), (-0.202751,-0.045718), (-0.223584,-0.045718)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.202751,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (28) line 337 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<29> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.051253, 0.051253, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(29); % line 338 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.130582)); store (curpath) filled drawn lclosed polyline (false) ((0,0.130582),(-0.041667,0.130582), (0,0.197216), (0.041667,0.130582), (0,0.130582)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.045718,0.181918),(0.045718,0.202751), (-0.045718,0.202751), (-0.045718,0.223584)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.202751),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (29) line 352 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<30> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.051253, 0.051253); beginmfpic(30); % line 353 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; endmfpic; % (30) line 357 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<31> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.051253, 0.051253, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(31); % line 358 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; endmfpic; % (31) line 362 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<32> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.0625, 0.0625); beginmfpic(32); % line 363 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.125,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.125,-0.041667),(0.125,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.145833,0),(0.145833,0.0625), (0.1875,0.0625), (0.1875,-0.0625), (0.145833,-0.0625), (0.145833,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.208333,-0.041667),(0.208333,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.208333,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (32) line 376 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<33> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.0625, 0.0625, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(33); % line 377 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.041667,-0.125),(0.041667,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.145833),(0.0625,-0.145833), (0.0625,-0.1875), (-0.0625,-0.1875), (-0.0625,-0.145833), (0,-0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.041667,-0.208333),(0.041667,-0.208333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.208333),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (33) line 390 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<34> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.125, 0.125); beginmfpic(34); % line 391 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.041667,0)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.166667,0),0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.291667,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (34) line 398 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<35> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.125, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(35); % line 399 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,0.166667),0.125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.291667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (35) line 406 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<36> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.083333, 0.083333, -0.041667, 0.041667); beginmfpic(36); % line 407 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.041667,0),180,0,0.041667); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.041667,0),180,360,0.041667); endmfpic; % (36) line 413 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<37> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.15, 0.15); beginmfpic(37); % line 414 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.016667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.016667,0),(0.166667,0.15), (0.316667,0), (0.166667,-0.15), (0.016667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.316667,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (37) line 424 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<38> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.15, 0.15, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(38); % line 425 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.016667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.016667),(-0.15,0.166667), (0,0.316667), (0.15,0.166667), (0,0.016667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.316667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (38) line 435 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<39> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.1875, -0.025, 0.025); beginmfpic(39); % line 436 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.0875,-0.025),(0.1875,0),(0.0875,0.025)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.164594,0)); endmfpic; % (39) line 442 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<40> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.025, 0.025, -0.1875, 0); beginmfpic(40); % line 443 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.025,-0.0875),(0,-0.1875),(0.025,-0.0875)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.164594)); endmfpic; % (40) line 449 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<41> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1875, 0, -0.025, 0.025); beginmfpic(41); % line 450 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.0875,0.025),(-0.1875,0),(-0.0875,-0.025)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.164594,0)); endmfpic; % (41) line 456 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<42> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.025, 0.025, 0, 0.1875); beginmfpic(42); % line 457 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.025,0.0875),(0,0.1875),(-0.025,0.0875)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.164594)); endmfpic; % (42) line 463 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<43> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.132583, 0, 0.132583); beginmfpic(43); % line 464 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.07955,0.044194),(0.132583,0.132583),(0.044194,0.07955)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.116385,0.116385)); endmfpic; % (43) line 470 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<44> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.132583, 0, 0, 0.132583); beginmfpic(44); % line 471 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.044194,0.07955),(-0.132583,0.132583),(-0.07955,0.044194)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.116385,0.116385)); endmfpic; % (44) line 477 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<45> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.132583, 0, -0.132583, 0); beginmfpic(45); % line 478 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.07955,-0.044194),(-0.132583,-0.132583),(-0.044194,-0.07955)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.116385,-0.116385)); endmfpic; % (45) line 484 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<46> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.132583, -0.132583, 0); beginmfpic(46); % line 485 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.044194,-0.07955),(0.132583,-0.132583),(0.07955,-0.044194)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.116385,-0.116385)); endmfpic; % (46) line 491 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<47> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.125, 0.125); beginmfpic(47); % line 492 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.145833,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.145833,0.0625),(0.145833,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1875,0.125),(0.1875,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1875,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (47) line 500 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<48> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(48); % line 501 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,-0.145833),(-0.0625,-0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.125,-0.1875),(-0.125,-0.1875)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.1875),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (48) line 509 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<49> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.125, 0.125); beginmfpic(49); % line 510 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.145833,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.145833,-0.0625),(-0.145833,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1875,-0.125),(-0.1875,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1875,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (49) line 518 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<50> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.125, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(50); % line 519 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,0.145833),(0.0625,0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.1875),(0.125,0.1875)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1875),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (50) line 527 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<51> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.125, 0.125); beginmfpic(51); % line 528 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.0625,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,0.0625),(0.0625,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.104167,0.125),(0.104167,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.145833,0.0625),(0.145833,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1875,0.125),(0.1875,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.229167,0.0625),(0.229167,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.270833,0.125),(0.270833,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.270833,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (51) line 540 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<52> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(52); % line 541 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,-0.0625),(-0.0625,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.125,-0.104167),(-0.125,-0.104167)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,-0.145833),(-0.0625,-0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.125,-0.1875),(-0.125,-0.1875)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0625,-0.229167),(-0.0625,-0.229167)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.125,-0.270833),(-0.125,-0.270833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.270833),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (52) line 553 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<53> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.125, 0.125); beginmfpic(53); % line 554 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.0625,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,-0.0625),(-0.0625,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.104167,-0.125),(-0.104167,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.145833,-0.0625),(-0.145833,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1875,-0.125),(-0.1875,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.229167,-0.0625),(-0.229167,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.270833,-0.125),(-0.270833,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.270833,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (53) line 566 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<54> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.125, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(54); % line 567 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,0.0625),(0.0625,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.104167),(0.125,0.104167)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,0.145833),(0.0625,0.145833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.1875),(0.125,0.1875)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0625,0.229167),(0.0625,0.229167)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.125,0.270833),(0.125,0.270833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.270833),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (54) line 579 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<55> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.05, 0.05); beginmfpic(55); % line 580 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.041667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.291667,0),(0.291667,0.05), (0.041667,0.05), (0.041667,-0.05), (0.291667,-0.05), (0.291667,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.291667,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (55) line 591 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<56> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.05, 0.05, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(56); % line 592 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.291667),(-0.05,0.291667), (-0.05,0.041667), (0.05,0.041667), (0.05,0.291667), (0,0.291667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.291667),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (56) line 603 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<57> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.021706, 0.125); beginmfpic(57); % line 604 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0),(0.208333,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.25,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (57) line 611 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<58> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.021706, 0.125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(58); % line 612 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.083333),(0.125,-0.208333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.25),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (58) line 619 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<59> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.125, 0.021706); beginmfpic(59); % line 620 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.083333,0),(-0.208333,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.25,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (59) line 627 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<60> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.021706, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(60); % line 628 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.083333),(-0.125,0.208333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.25),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (60) line 635 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<61> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.021706, 0.125); beginmfpic(61); % line 636 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0),(0.208333,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.074188,-0.014308),22.529508,35.422548,0.233002); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.043984,-0.100954),72.077452,58.261852,0.233002); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.022091,-0.067162),11.25,45.13128,0.233002); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.25,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (61) line 648 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<62> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.021706, 0.125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(62); % line 649 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.083333),(0.125,-0.208333)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.014308,0.074188),-67.470492,-54.577452,0.233002); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.100954,-0.043984),-17.922548,-31.738148,0.233002); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.067162,0.022091),-78.75,-44.86872,0.233002); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.25),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (62) line 661 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<63> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.125, 0.021706); beginmfpic(63); % line 662 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.083333,0),(-0.208333,-0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.074188,0.014308),-157.470492,-144.577452,0.233002); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.043984,0.100954),-107.922548,-121.738148,0.233002); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.022091,0.067162),-168.75,-134.86872,0.233002); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.25,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (63) line 674 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<64> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.021706, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(64); % line 675 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.083333),(-0.125,0.208333)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.014308,-0.074188),112.529508,125.422548,0.233002); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.100954,0.043984),162.077452,148.261852,0.233002); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.067162,-0.022091),101.25,135.13128,0.233002); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.25),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (64) line 687 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<65> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.032352, 0.125); beginmfpic(65); % line 688 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0),(0.208333,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.0153,-0.121331),34.780608,22.077452,0.236733); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.025038,0.02723),-14.577452,-0.979566,0.236733); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.032152,-0.047835),12.233526,41.25,0.236733); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.25,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (65) line 700 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<66> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.032352, 0.125, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(66); % line 701 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.083333),(0.125,-0.208333)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.121331,0.0153),-55.219392,-67.922548,0.236733); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.02723,0.025038),-104.577452,-90.979566,0.236733); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.047835,0.032152),-77.766474,-48.75,0.236733); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.25),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (66) line 713 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<67> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.125, 0.032352); beginmfpic(67); % line 714 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.083333,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.083333,0),(-0.208333,-0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.0153,0.121331),-145.219392,-157.922548,0.236733); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.025038,-0.02723),165.422548,179.020434,0.236733); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.032152,0.047835),-167.766474,-138.75,0.236733); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.25,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (67) line 726 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<68> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.125, 0.032352, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(68); % line 727 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.083333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.083333),(-0.125,0.208333)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled lclosed begingroup; save mfpicnexus; hide(numeric mfpicnexus; path mfpicnexus[]; mfpicnexus = 0) store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((0.121331,-0.0153),124.780608,112.077452,0.236733); store (mfpicnexus[incr mfpicnexus]) arcplr ((-0.02723,-0.025038),75.422548,89.020434,0.236733); mkpoly (false, mfpicnexus) endgroup; resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.047835,-0.032152),102.233526,131.25,0.236733); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.25),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (68) line 739 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<69> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.625, -0.25, 0.25); beginmfpic(69); % line 740 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.0625,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.5625,0),(0.0625,0.25), (0.0625,-0.25), (0.5625,0), (0.625,0)); endmfpic; % (69) line 749 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<70> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.25, 0.25, -0.625, 0); beginmfpic(70); % line 750 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.5625),(0.25,-0.0625), (-0.25,-0.0625), (0,-0.5625), (0,-0.625)); endmfpic; % (70) line 759 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<71> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.625, 0, -0.25, 0.25); beginmfpic(71); % line 760 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.0625,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.5625,0),(-0.0625,-0.25), (-0.0625,0.25), (-0.5625,0), (-0.625,0)); endmfpic; % (71) line 769 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<72> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.25, 0.25, 0, 0.625); beginmfpic(72); % line 770 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.0625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.5625),(-0.25,0.0625), (0.25,0.0625), (0,0.5625), (0,0.625)); endmfpic; % (72) line 779 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<73> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.333333, -0.175, 0.175); beginmfpic(73); % line 780 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0.020833,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1375,-0.175),(0.020833,-0.175), (0.020833,0.175), (0.1375,0.175)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.1375,0),90,-90,0.175); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.3125,0),(0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (73) line 790 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<74> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, -0.333333, 0); beginmfpic(74); % line 791 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.020833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,-0.1375),(-0.175,-0.020833), (0.175,-0.020833), (0.175,-0.1375)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.1375),0,-180,0.175); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.3125),(0,-0.333333)); endmfpic; % (74) line 801 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<75> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.333333, 0, -0.175, 0.175); beginmfpic(75); % line 802 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(-0.020833,0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1375,0.175),(-0.020833,0.175), (-0.020833,-0.175), (-0.1375,-0.175)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.1375,0),-90,-270,0.175); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.3125,0),(-0.333333,0)); endmfpic; % (75) line 812 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<76> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.333333); beginmfpic(76); % line 813 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.020833)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.1375),(0.175,0.020833), (-0.175,0.020833), (-0.175,0.1375)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.1375),180,-0,0.175); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.3125),(0,0.333333)); endmfpic; % (76) line 823 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<77> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.083333, 0.083333, -0.0625, 0); beginmfpic(77); % line 824 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,0),(-0.083333,-0)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.055556,-0.03125),(-0.055556,-0.03125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.035714,-0.0625),(-0.035714,-0.0625)); endmfpic; % (77) line 831 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<78> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.083333, 0.083333, -0.1875, 0); beginmfpic(78); % line 832 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.083333,-0.125),(-0.083333,-0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.055556,-0.15625),(-0.055556,-0.15625)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.035714,-0.1875),(-0.035714,-0.1875)); endmfpic; % (78) line 840 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<79> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.104167, 0.104167, -0.333333, -0); beginmfpic(79); % line 841 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.104167,-0),(-0.104167,-0.041667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.104167,-0.072917),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.104167,-0.135417),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.104167,-0.197917),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.104167,-0.260417),90,-90,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.104167,-0.291667),(-0.104167,-0.333333)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.03125,-0.041667),(-0.03125,-0.291667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.03125,-0.041667),(0.03125,-0.291667)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.104167,-0.333333),(0.104167,-0.291667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.104167,-0.260417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.104167,-0.197917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.104167,-0.135417),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.104167,-0.072917),-90,-270,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.104167,-0.041667),(0.104167,0)); endmfpic; % (79) line 859 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<80> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0, 0.333333, -0.104167, 0.104167); beginmfpic(80); % line 860 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.104167),(0.041667,-0.104167)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.072917,-0.104167),180,0,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.135417,-0.104167),-180,-360,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.197917,-0.104167),180,0,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.260417,-0.104167),180,0,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.291667,-0.104167),(0.333333,-0.104167)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.041667,-0.03125),(0.291667,-0.03125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.041667,0.03125),(0.291667,0.03125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.333333,0.104167),(0.291667,0.104167)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.260417,0.104167),0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.197917,0.104167),0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.135417,0.104167),0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.072917,0.104167),0,-180,0.03125); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.041667,0.104167),(0,0.104167)); endmfpic; % (80) line 878 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<81> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1625, 0.1625, 0, 0.3); beginmfpic(81); % line 879 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0375,0.05),(-0.0375,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0.15),(-0.0375,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0),(-0.0375,0.09)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.025108,0.031366),(0.1125,0.0225),(0.047906,0.082028)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.096479,0.029709),(0.0125,0.0675)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0.3),(-0.0375,0.21)); endmfpic; % (81) line 889 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<82> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.3, 0, -0.1625, 0.1625); beginmfpic(82); % line 890 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,-0.0375),(-0.25,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.15,-0.1625),(-0.15,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1625),(-0.09,-0.0375)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.031366,0.025108),(-0.0225,0.1125),(-0.082028,0.047906)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.029709,0.096479),(-0.0675,0.0125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.3,0.1625),(-0.21,-0.0375)); endmfpic; % (82) line 900 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<83> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1625, 0.1625, 0, 0.3); beginmfpic(83); % line 901 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0375,0.05),(0.0375,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0.15),(0.0375,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0),(0.0375,0.09)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.047906,0.082028),(-0.1125,0.0225),(-0.025108,0.031366)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.096479,0.029709),(-0.0125,0.0675)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0.3),(0.0375,0.21)); endmfpic; % (83) line 911 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<84> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.3, -0.1625, 0.1625); beginmfpic(84); % line 912 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,-0.0375),(0.25,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.15,-0.1625),(0.15,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1625),(0.09,-0.0375)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.082028,0.047906),(0.0225,0.1125),(0.031366,0.025108)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.029709,0.096479),(0.0675,0.0125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.3,0.1625),(0.21,-0.0375)); endmfpic; % (84) line 922 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<85> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1625, 0.1625, 0, 0.3); beginmfpic(85); % line 923 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0375,0.05),(-0.0375,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0.15),(-0.0375,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0),(-0.0375,0.09)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.099892,0.058634),(0.0125,0.0675),(0.077094,0.007972)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1125,0.0225),(0.028521,0.060291)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0.3),(-0.0375,0.21)); endmfpic; % (85) line 933 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<86> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.3, 0, -0.1625, 0.1625); beginmfpic(86); % line 934 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,-0.0375),(-0.25,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.15,-0.1625),(-0.15,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1625),(-0.09,-0.0375)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.058634,0.099892),(-0.0675,0.0125),(-0.007972,0.077094)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.0225,0.1125),(-0.060291,0.028521)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.3,0.1625),(-0.21,-0.0375)); endmfpic; % (86) line 944 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<87> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1625, 0.1625, 0, 0.3); beginmfpic(87); % line 945 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0375,0.05),(0.0375,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.1625,0.15),(0.0375,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0),(0.0375,0.09)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.077094,0.007972),(-0.0125,0.0675),(-0.099892,0.058634)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1125,0.0225),(-0.028521,0.060291)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.1625,0.3),(0.0375,0.21)); endmfpic; % (87) line 955 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<88> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.3, -0.1625, 0.1625); beginmfpic(88); % line 956 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,-0.0375),(0.25,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.15,-0.1625),(0.15,-0.0375)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1625),(0.09,-0.0375)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.007972,0.077094),(0.0675,0.0125),(0.058634,0.099892)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.0225,0.1125),(0.060291,0.028521)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.3,0.1625),(0.21,-0.0375)); endmfpic; % (88) line 966 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<89> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.4, -0.2, 0.2); beginmfpic(89); % line 967 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.2,0),0.2); endmfpic; % (89) line 972 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<90> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.252778); beginmfpic(90); % line 973 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.227778),(0,0.227778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.002778),(0,0.252778)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.083333,-0),(0,0.027778),(-0.083333,0.055556)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.027778),(-0.017568,0.027778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.027778),(0,0.027778)); endmfpic; % (90) line 982 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<91> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.252778); beginmfpic(91); % line 983 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.227778),(0,0.227778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.002778),(0,0.252778)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.083333,0.055556),(0,0.027778),(0.083333,-0)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.027778),(0.017568,0.027778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.027778),(0,0.027778)); endmfpic; % (91) line 992 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<92> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.252778); beginmfpic(92); % line 993 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.227778),(0,0.227778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.002778),(0,0.252778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.027778),(-0.175,0.027778)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.066667,0.055556),(-0.15,0.027778),(-0.066667,-0)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.066667,0.027778),(-0.132432,0.027778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.027778),(0,0.027778)); endmfpic; % (92) line 1003 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<93> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.252778); beginmfpic(93); % line 1004 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.227778),(0,0.227778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.002778),(0,0.252778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.027778),(0.175,0.027778)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.066667,-0),(0.15,0.027778),(0.066667,0.055556)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.066667,0.027778),(0.132432,0.027778)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.027778),(0,0.027778)); endmfpic; % (93) line 1014 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<94> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(94); % line 1015 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.129167,0.152778),(0.045833,0.125),(0.129167,0.097222)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.129167,0.125),(0.063402,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.075)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1),(0,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,0.225),(-0.05,0.025), (-0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.16393,0.125),(0.175,0.125), (0.175,0.025), (0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (94) line 1032 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<95> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(95); % line 1033 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.129167,0.097222),(-0.045833,0.125),(-0.129167,0.152778)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.129167,0.125),(-0.063402,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.075)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1),(0,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,0.225),(0.05,0.025), (0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.16393,0.125),(-0.175,0.125), (-0.175,0.025), (-0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (95) line 1050 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<96> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(96); % line 1051 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.045833,0.097222),(0.129167,0.125),(0.045833,0.152778)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.111598,0.125),(0.045833,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.075)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1),(0,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,0.225),(-0.05,0.025), (-0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.16393,0.125),(0.175,0.125), (0.175,0.025), (0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (96) line 1068 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<97> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(97); % line 1069 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.045833,0.152778),(-0.129167,0.125),(-0.045833,0.097222)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.111598,0.125),(-0.045833,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.075)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.1),(0,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,0.225),(0.05,0.025), (0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.16393,0.125),(-0.175,0.125), (-0.175,0.025), (-0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (97) line 1086 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<98> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(98); % line 1087 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.129167,0.152778),(0.045833,0.125),(0.129167,0.097222)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.129167,0.125),(0.063402,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,0.225),(-0.05,0.025), (-0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.16393,0.125),(0.175,0.125), (0.175,0.025), (0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (98) line 1102 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<99> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(99); % line 1103 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.129167,0.097222),(-0.045833,0.125),(-0.129167,0.152778)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.129167,0.125),(-0.063402,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,0.225),(0.05,0.025), (0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.16393,0.125),(-0.175,0.125), (-0.175,0.025), (-0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (99) line 1118 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<100> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(100); % line 1119 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((0.045833,0.097222),(0.129167,0.125),(0.045833,0.152778)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.111598,0.125),(0.045833,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.05,0.225),(-0.05,0.025), (-0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.16393,0.125),(0.175,0.125), (0.175,0.025), (0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (100) line 1134 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<101> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0.175, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(101); % line 1135 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.125),(0,0.125)); resizedrawpen (0bp); store (curpath) drawn filled polyline (true) ((-0.045833,0.152778),(-0.129167,0.125),(-0.045833,0.097222)); resizedrawpen (0.8bp); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.111598,0.125),(-0.045833,0.125)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.225),(0,0.225)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0),(0,0.25)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.05,0.225),(0.05,0.025), (0.175,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.16393,0.125),(-0.175,0.125), (-0.175,0.025), (-0.16393,0.025)); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0.025),(0,0.025)); endmfpic; % (101) line 1150 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<102> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.35, -0.15, 0.15); beginmfpic(102); % line 1151 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.2,-0.15),(0,-0.15), (0,0.15), (0.2,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.2,0),90,-90,0.15); endmfpic; % (102) line 1159 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<103> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.15, 0.15, -0.35, 0); beginmfpic(103); % line 1160 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.15,-0.2),(-0.15,0), (0.15,0), (0.15,-0.2)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.2),0,-180,0.15); endmfpic; % (103) line 1168 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<104> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.35, 0, -0.15, 0.15); beginmfpic(104); % line 1169 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.2,0.15),(0,0.15), (0,-0.15), (-0.2,-0.15)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.2,0),-90,-270,0.15); endmfpic; % (104) line 1177 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<105> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.15, 0.15, 0, 0.35); beginmfpic(105); % line 1178 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.15,0.2),(0.15,0), (-0.15,0), (-0.15,0.2)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.2),-180,-360,0.15); endmfpic; % (105) line 1186 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<106> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.355556, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(106); % line 1187 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.122222,0.148911),(0,0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.310672,-0.001089),25.772366,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.151089),(0.122222,-0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.122222,-0.107571),90,24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.122222,0.105392),-90,-24.529547,0.256481); endmfpic; % (106) line 1196 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<107> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, -0.355556, -0); beginmfpic(107); % line 1197 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.148911,-0.122222),(0.148911,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.310672),-64.227634,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.151089,-0),(-0.151089,-0.122222)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.107571,-0.122222),0,-65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.105392,-0.122222),180,245.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (107) line 1206 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<108> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.355556, -0, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(108); % line 1207 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.122222,-0.148911),(0,-0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.310672,0.001089),-154.227634,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0,0.151089),(-0.122222,0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.122222,0.107571),-90,-155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.122222,-0.105392),90,155.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (108) line 1216 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<109> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, 0, 0.355556); beginmfpic(109); % line 1217 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.148911,0.122222),(-0.148911,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.310672),115.772366,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.151089,0),(0.151089,0.122222)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.107571,0.122222),-180,-245.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.105392,0.122222),0,65.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (109) line 1226 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<110> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.175, -0.1, 0.1); beginmfpic(110); % line 1227 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0),(0,-0.1), (0,0.1), (0.175,0)); endmfpic; % (110) line 1234 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<111> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1, 0.1, -0.175, 0); beginmfpic(111); % line 1235 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.175),(-0.1,0), (0.1,0), (0,-0.175)); endmfpic; % (111) line 1242 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<112> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.175, 0, -0.1, 0.1); beginmfpic(112); % line 1243 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0),(0,0.1), (0,-0.1), (-0.175,0)); endmfpic; % (112) line 1250 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<113> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.175); beginmfpic(113); % line 1251 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0.1,0), (-0.1,0), (0,0.175)); endmfpic; % (113) line 1258 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<114> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.425, -0.15, 0.15); beginmfpic(114); % line 1259 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.2,-0.15),(0,-0.15), (0,0.15), (0.2,0.15)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.2,0),90,-90,0.15); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.3875,0),0.0375); endmfpic; % (114) line 1268 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<115> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.15, 0.15, -0.425, 0); beginmfpic(115); % line 1269 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.15,-0.2),(-0.15,0), (0.15,0), (0.15,-0.2)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,-0.2),0,-180,0.15); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,-0.3875),0.0375); endmfpic; % (115) line 1278 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<116> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.425, 0, -0.15, 0.15); beginmfpic(116); % line 1279 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.2,0.15),(0,0.15), (0,-0.15), (-0.2,-0.15)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.2,0),-90,-270,0.15); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.3875,0),0.0375); endmfpic; % (116) line 1288 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<117> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.15, 0.15, 0, 0.425); beginmfpic(117); % line 1289 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.15,0.2),(0.15,0), (-0.15,0), (-0.15,0.2)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0,0.2),-180,-360,0.15); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,0.3875),0.0375); endmfpic; % (117) line 1298 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<118> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.430556, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(118); % line 1299 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.122222,0.148911),(0,0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.310672,-0.001089),25.772366,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.151089),(0.122222,-0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.122222,-0.107571),90,24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.122222,0.105392),-90,-24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.393056,-0.001089),0.0375); endmfpic; % (118) line 1309 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<119> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, -0.430556, -0); beginmfpic(119); % line 1310 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.148911,-0.122222),(0.148911,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.310672),-64.227634,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.151089,-0),(-0.151089,-0.122222)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.107571,-0.122222),0,-65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.105392,-0.122222),180,245.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.001089,-0.393056),0.0375); endmfpic; % (119) line 1320 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<120> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.430556, -0, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(120); % line 1321 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.122222,-0.148911),(0,-0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.310672,0.001089),-154.227634,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0,0.151089),(-0.122222,0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.122222,0.107571),-90,-155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.122222,-0.105392),90,155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.393056,0.001089),0.0375); endmfpic; % (120) line 1331 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<121> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, 0, 0.430556); beginmfpic(121); % line 1332 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.148911,0.122222),(-0.148911,0)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.310672),115.772366,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.151089,0),(0.151089,0.122222)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.107571,0.122222),-180,-245.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.105392,0.122222),0,65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.001089,0.393056),0.0375); endmfpic; % (121) line 1342 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<122> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0, 0.4, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(122); % line 1343 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.316228,-0.001089),25.376934,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.166667,0.148911),(0.044444,0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.266228,-0.001089),25.772366,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.044444,-0.151089),(0.166667,-0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.166667,-0.107571),90,24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.166667,0.105392),-90,-24.529547,0.256481); endmfpic; % (122) line 1353 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<123> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, -0.4, 0); beginmfpic(123); % line 1354 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.316228),-64.623066,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.148911,-0.166667),(0.148911,-0.044444)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.266228),-64.227634,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.151089,-0.044444),(-0.151089,-0.166667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.107571,-0.166667),0,-65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.105392,-0.166667),180,245.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (123) line 1364 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<124> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.4, 0, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(124); % line 1365 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.316228,0.001089),-154.623066,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.166667,-0.148911),(-0.044444,-0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.266228,0.001089),-154.227634,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.044444,0.151089),(-0.166667,0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.166667,0.107571),-90,-155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.166667,-0.105392),90,155.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (124) line 1375 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<125> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, 0, 0.4); beginmfpic(125); % line 1376 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.316228),115.376934,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.148911,0.166667),(-0.148911,0.044444)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.266228),115.772366,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.151089,0.044444),(0.151089,0.166667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.107571,0.166667),180,114.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.105392,0.166667),0,65.470453,0.256481); endmfpic; % (125) line 1386 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<126> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0, 0.475, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(126); % line 1387 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.316228,-0.001089),25.376934,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.166667,0.148911),(0.044444,0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.266228,-0.001089),25.772366,-25.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.044444,-0.151089),(0.166667,-0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.166667,-0.107571),90,24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.166667,0.105392),-90,-24.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.4375,-0.001089),0.0375); endmfpic; % (126) line 1398 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<127> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, -0.475, 0); beginmfpic(127); % line 1399 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.316228),-64.623066,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.148911,-0.166667),(0.148911,-0.044444)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.001089,0.266228),-64.227634,-115.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.151089,-0.044444),(-0.151089,-0.166667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.107571,-0.166667),0,-65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.105392,-0.166667),180,245.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.001089,-0.4375),0.0375); endmfpic; % (127) line 1410 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<128> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.475, 0, -0.151089, 0.151089); beginmfpic(128); % line 1411 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.316228,0.001089),-154.623066,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.166667,-0.148911),(-0.044444,-0.148911)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.266228,0.001089),-154.227634,-205.376934,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.044444,0.151089),(-0.166667,0.151089)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.166667,0.107571),-90,-155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.166667,-0.105392),90,155.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.4375,0.001089),0.0375); endmfpic; % (128) line 1422 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<129> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.151089, 0.151089, 0, 0.475); beginmfpic(129); % line 1423 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.316228),115.376934,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.148911,0.166667),(-0.148911,0.044444)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.001089,-0.266228),115.772366,64.623066,0.35); store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.151089,0.044444),(0.151089,0.166667)); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((0.107571,0.166667),180,114.529547,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn arcplr ((-0.105392,0.166667),0,65.470453,0.256481); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.001089,0.4375),0.0375); endmfpic; % (129) line 1434 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<130> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (0, 0.25, -0.1, 0.1); beginmfpic(130); % line 1435 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0.175,0),(0,-0.1), (0,0.1), (0.175,0)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0.2125,0),0.0375); endmfpic; % (130) line 1443 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<131> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1, 0.1, -0.25, 0); beginmfpic(131); % line 1444 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,-0.175),(-0.1,0), (0.1,0), (0,-0.175)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,-0.2125),0.0375); endmfpic; % (131) line 1452 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<132> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.25, 0, -0.1, 0.1); beginmfpic(132); % line 1453 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((-0.175,0),(0,0.1), (0,-0.1), (-0.175,0)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((-0.2125,0),0.0375); endmfpic; % (132) line 1461 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ %----------------------------<133> unitlen := 1.0pt#; xscale := 72; yscale := 72; bounds (-0.1, 0.1, 0, 0.25); beginmfpic(133); % line 1462 in the TeX source. resizedrawpen (0.8bp); setcolor (drawcolor) black; store (curpath) drawn polyline (false) ((0,0.175),(0.1,0), (-0.1,0), (0,0.175)); store (curpath) drawn circle ((0,0.2125),0.0375); endmfpic; % (133) line 1470 in the TeX source. %------------------------------------------ end.