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Recursive variable `%s' references itself (eventually)unterminated variable referencewarning: undefined variable `%.*s' lookup_filefile.c*name != '\0'./enter_fileCommands were specified for file `%s' at %s:%lu,Commands for file `%s' were found by implicit rule search,but `%s' is now considered the same file as `%s'.Commands for `%s' will be ignored in favor of those for `%s'.can't rename single-colon `%s' to double-colon `%s'can't rename double-colon `%s' to single-colon `%s'*** Deleting intermediate file `%s'Removing intermediate files... rm unlink: %$*.SUFFIXES.PRECIOUS.LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME.PHONY.INTERMEDIATE.SECONDARY.EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES.IGNORE.SILENT.NOTPARALLEL%s: Timestamp out of range; substituting %sCurrent time%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%ld%lu.%09dprint_file# Not a target::%s:%s %s | %s# Precious file (prerequisite of .PRECIOUS).# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).# Command-line target.# A default, MAKEFILES, or -include/sinclude makefile.# Implicit rule search has been done.# Implicit rule search has not been done.# Implicit/static pattern stem: `%s' # File is an intermediate prerequisite.# Also makes:# Modification time never checked.# File does not exist.# File is very old.# Last modified %s # File has been updated.# File has not been updated.# Commands currently running (THIS IS A BUG).# Dependencies commands running (THIS IS A BUG).# Successfully updated.question_flag# Needs to be updated (-q is set).# Failed to be updated.# Invalid value in `update_status' member!# Invalid value in `command_state' member! # Files # files hash-table stats: # undefineddefaultenvironmentfileenvironment overridecommand lineoverrideautomatic//H/t///0$recursivesimplesuffixbasename./addprefix%d%s: '%s'non-numeric first argument to `word' functionfirst argument to `word' function must be greater than 0non-numeric first argument to `wordlist' functionnon-numeric second argument to `wordlist' functioninvalid first argument to `wordlist' function: `%d'filter%sInternal error: func_error: '%s'%s:%lu: pipeforkCleaning up temporary batch file %s abspathaddsuffixdirnotdirsubstfilter-outfindstringfirstwordflavorjoinlastwordpatsubstrealpathshellsortstripwildcardwordwordlistwordsoriginforeachcallinfoerrorwarningiforandvalueevalinsufficient number of arguments (%d) to function `%s'unimplemented on this platform: function `%s'unterminated call to function `%s': missing `%c'warning: undefined variable `%.*s'POSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument Looking for an implicit rule for `%s'. Looking for archive-member implicit rule for `%s'. Avoiding implicit rule recursion. Trying pattern rule with stem `%.*s'. $*Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `%s'. Rejecting impossible rule prerequisite `%s'. Trying implicit prerequisite `%s'. Trying rule prerequisite `%s'. Found prerequisite `%s' as VPATH `%s' Looking for a rule with intermediate file `%s'. [%s] Error %d (ignored)*** [%s] Error %d (core dumped)*** [%s] %s%s*** Waiting for unfinished jobs....Live child 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld %s (remote)remote_statuswaitReaping losing child 0x%08lx PID %ld %s Reaping winning child 0x%08lx PID %ld %s Cleaning up temp batch file %s .DELETE_ON_ERRORRemoving child 0x%08lx PID %ld%s from chain. INTERNAL: Freeing child 0x%08lx (%s) but no tokens left! write jobserverReleased token for child 0x%08lx (%s). %s/bin/shvforkstart_waiting_jobPutting child 0x%08lx (%s) PID %ld%s on the chain. job.cf->command_state == cs_finisheddon't Need a job token; we %shave children Duplicate the job FDINTERNAL: no children as we go to sleep on read Obtained token for child 0x%08lx (%s). read jobs pipeRead returned EBADF.cannot enforce load limits on this operating systemcannot enforce load limit: getloadavgEstimated system load = %f (actual = %f) (max requested = %f) A?%s: Command not foundSHELL%s: Shell program not foundexecvp: construct_command_argv_internal.:breakcasecdcontinueevalexecexitexportforifloginlogoutreadreadonlysetshiftswitchtesttimestrapumaskwhileap <= end\$`%s (line %d) Bad shell context (!unixy && !batch_mode_shell) $(SHELL)$(IFS)Options: -b, -m Ignored for compatibility. -B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. -C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything. -d Print lots of debugging information. --debug[=FLAGS] Print various types of debugging information. -e, --environment-overrides Environment variables override makefiles. -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE Read FILE as a makefile. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors from commands. -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. -j [N], --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. -k, --keep-going Keep going when some targets can't be made. -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N. -L, --check-symlink-times Use the latest mtime between symlinks and target. -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon Don't actually run any commands; just print them. -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it. -p, --print-data-base Print make's internal database. -q, --question Run no commands; exit status says if up to date. -r, --no-builtin-rules Disable the built-in implicit rules. -R, --no-builtin-variables Disable the built-in variable settings. -s, --silent, --quiet Don't echo commands. -S, --no-keep-going, --stop Turns off -k. -t, --touch Touch targets instead of remaking them. -v, --version Print the version number of make and exit. -w, --print-directory Print the current directory. --no-print-directory Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly. -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE Consider FILE to be infinitely new. --warn-undefined-variables Warn when an undefined variable is referenced. always-makedirectorybasicdebugenvironment-overridesfilehelpignore-errorsinclude-dirjobsjobserver-fdskeep-goingload-averagecheck-symlink-timesjust-printold-fileprint-data-basequestionno-builtin-rulesno-builtin-variablessilentno-keep-goingtouchversionprint-directoryno-print-directorywhat-ifwarn-undefined-variablesquietstopnew-fileassume-newassume-oldmax-loaddry-runreconmakefileempty string invalid as file nameunknown debug level specification `%s'tttttt tt the `-%c' option requires a non-empty string argumentthe `-%c' option requires a positive integral argument> > >P@AC0-$(-*-command-variables-*-)$(MAKEOVERRIDES)1%u%gMFLAGSIIQ$JNlR# %sGNU Make %s %sCopyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. %sThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions. %sThere is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A %sPARTICULAR PURPOSE. %sThis program built for %s %sThis program built for %s (%s) # Make data base, printed on %s# # Finished Make data base on %s INTERNAL: Exiting with %u jobserver tokens (should be 0)!writeINTERNAL: Exiting with %u jobserver tokens available; should be %u!%s: Entering an unknown directory %s: Leaving an unknown directory %s: Entering directory `%s' %s: Leaving directory `%s' %s[%u]: Entering an unknown directory %s[%u]: Leaving an unknown directory %s[%u]: Entering directory `%s' %s[%u]: Leaving directory `%s' %s: %s[%u]: %s:%lu: %s:%lu: *** %s: *** %s[%u]: *** . Stop. %s%s: %s%s: %svirtual memory exhaustedwrite error: %swrite error/usr/pkg/include/usr/gnu/include/usr/local/include/usr/includeGNUmakefilemakefileMakefileMAKEFILE_LISTReading makefiles... $(MAKEFILES)Reading makefile `%s' (no default goal) (search path) (don't care) (no ~ expansion)...r/evalinvalid syntax in conditionalendefextraneous `endef'defineempty variable nameoverrideempty `override' directiveinvalid `override' directiveexportunexportvpathinclude-includesinclude%s: %scommands commence before first targetmissing rule before commandsmissing separator%s (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)read.c*p2 != '\0'missing target patternmultiple target patternstarget pattern contains no `%%'.DEFAULT_GOALmissing `endif'Extraneous text after `endef' directivemissing `endef', unterminated `define'ifdefifndefifeqifneqelseendifExtraneous text after `%s' directiveextraneous `%s'only one `else' per conditionalrecord_target_varv != 0Malformed target-specific variable definition%prerequisites cannot be defined in command scripts.POSIX.SECONDEXPANSIONmixed implicit and static pattern rulesmixed implicit and normal rulestarget `%s' doesn't match the target patterntarget file `%s' has both : and :: entriestarget `%s' given more than once in the same rule.warning: overriding commands for target `%s'warning: ignoring old commands for target `%s'./)warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored.INCLUDE_DIRS$(HOME)HOMEvirtual memory exhaustedNothing to be done for `%s'.`%s' is up to date.Pruning file `%s'. %sNo rule to make target `%s'%s%sNo rule to make target `%s', needed by `%s'%s*** .update_file_1Considering target file `%s'. Recently tried and failed to update file `%s'. File `%s' was considered already. Still updating file `%s'. Finished updating file `%s'. File `%s' does not exist. *** Warning: .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME file `%s' has a high resolution time stampFound an implicit rule for `%s'. No implicit rule found for `%s'. Using default commands for `%s'. Circular %s <- %s dependency dropped.Finished prerequisites of target file `%s'. The prerequisites of `%s' are being made. Giving up on target file `%s'. Target `%s' not remade because of errors.Prerequisite `%s' is order-only for target `%s'. Prerequisite `%s' of target `%s' does not exist. Prerequisite `%s' is newer than target `%s'. Prerequisite `%s' is older than target `%s'. Target `%s' is double-colon and has no prerequisites. No commands for `%s' and no prerequisites actually changed. Making `%s' due to always-make flag. No need to remake target `%s'; using VPATH name `%s'Must remake target `%s'. Ignoring VPATH name `%s'. Commands of `%s' are being run. Failed to remake target file `%s'. Successfully remade target file `%s'. Target file `%s' needs remade under -q. remake.cfile->update_status >= 0 && file->update_status <= 2touch %stouch: open: touch: fstat: touch: read: touch: lseek: touch: write: Warning: File `%s' has modification time %.2g s in the futurestat: lstat: readlink: /lib/usr/lib/usr/pkg/lib$(strip $(.LIBPATTERNS)).LIBPATTERNS element `%s' is not a pattern%s/%s(%.o) %s # Implicit Rules # No implicit rules. # %u implicit rules, %u (%.1f%%) terminal.BUG: num_pattern_rules wrong! %u != %uA@Yadd_stringstrcache.cbest->bytesfree > len %s # of strings in strcache: %d %s # of strcache buffers: %d %s strcache size: total = %d / max = %d / min = %d / avg = %d %s strcache free: total = %d / max = %d / min = %d / avg = %d .VARIABLESpop_variable_scopevariable.ccurrent_variable_set_list->next != NULL%uMAKELEVEL-%s%s%sMAKE_VERSIONSHELLMAKEFILES@D$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@))%D$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $%))*D$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*))(){}$`^~!DDDD D D D D D (D 0D 8D <D @D HD PD XD dD hD pD xD D D DTD DsDSDWDWDoDlDnDnD fHMD `D tD D D D D D$D-4D-<D-HHMHAD3D3HA@DHABCC@A7B:CCCdHI@=@CpB0TC`@B6A|CO@BPHIpATCPHIC@HIlC0HHC CHICBG ClCC@HIdHGHIB CCQ(HIB4@@@6HICHGA|HICCX@CcCH@HGHACHGC$HGH?@MHGC@x@hH@B1@\CH@jAH?ACpC8 HGH@@CB3CC B-(C`@PB%4CPCCC@C;CC0C Cu HICCBpCQCBCvHIHG@AHH HGCHI`C@HB9p@nC@C8AC,CC$CCCCHG@t@CsCALCpC@C]\HGCAC`C`B2@B@CPCUB:0C@CH@@CT@C0H@C.lC CA-@,@dHGC@oC@HIhCCCACVC߰H9pCߠHGC6HGCߐB8B.H?CK@@pH?HG@B6HMC߀C(CpB3 CxC`CPC@HG|C0BB7C @C@mB:PCCPC@TCw0CHIHMAHGC@~dC@4HGHIB+@}CB\C`B)CްCޠCސCހCHIHGCpCB8@;|H?B$HGHM C`B5@HI@@CPC@A@CB;C0@C CA,C@CpBB:p@^@cHC@CCCPHG@LLHIDCC@DHICݰHGCݠB(HMHGB5TAHM@C#@kCݐCC݀BtACRHGCpC`@HG@9@A<H>C@X@ASB4LHGCP@hBC@H@BHGC0HAHICJ,CXC CHGC۠HACChCxCHAC@C@:tHGCB1CKHIC0C|GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20070620 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb1 20070620)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20070620 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb1 20070620)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20070620 (prerelease) (NetBSD nb1 20070620)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20070620 prerelease (NetBSD nb1 20070620)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20070620 prerelease (NetBSD nb1 20070620)GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 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%C@crti.ccrtbegin.c__CTOR_LIST____DTOR_LIST____EH_FRAME_BEGIN____JCR_LIST__completed.3182p.3180__do_global_dtors_auxcall___do_global_dtors_auxobject.3263frame_dummycall_frame_dummycrtend.c__CTOR_END____DTOR_END____FRAME_END____JCR_END____do_global_ctors_auxcall___do_global_ctors_auxcrtn.car.car_member_date_1ar_glob_matchglob_pattern_parscan.car_member_poscommands.cbar_max.3906plus_max.3905qmark_max.3904qmark_value.3903bar_value.3902plus_value.3901delete_targetdefault.cdefault_suffixesdefault_pattern_rulesdefault_terminal_rulesdefault_suffix_rulesdefault_variablesdir.cdirectory_contents_hash_1directory_contents_hash_2directory_contents_hash_cmpdirectory_hash_1directory_hash_2directory_hash_cmpopen_directoriesdirfile_hash_1dirfile_hash_2dirfile_hash_cmpfind_directorydirectoriesdirectory_contentsdir_contents_file_exists_popen_dirstreambufsz.4211buf.4210read_dirstreamansi_freeexpand.cvariable_buffer_lengthinitialize_variable_outputallocated_variable_appendreference_variablevariable_appendfile.cfile_hash_1file_hash_2file_hash_cmpall_secondary__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3959files__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3990__sputcset_intermediateexpand_deps__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4710print_filelast_targ_count.4874function.cfunction_table_entry_hash_1function_table_entry_hash_2function_table_entry_hash_cmplookup_functionfunction_tablefind_next_argumentlength.4275result.4274string_globfunc_patsubstfunc_joinfunc_originfunc_flavorfunc_notdir_suffixfunc_basename_dirfunc_addsuffix_addprefixfunc_substfunc_firstwordfunc_lastwordfunc_wordscheck_numericfunc_wordfunc_wordlistfunc_findstringfunc_foreacha_word_hash_1a_word_hash_2a_word_hash_cmpfunc_filter_filteroutfunc_stripfunc_errorfunc_sortfunc_iffunc_orfunc_andfunc_wildcardfunc_evalfunc_valuefold_newlinesfunc_shellabspathfunc_realpathfunc_abspathfunction_table_initfunc_callexpand_builtin_functionmax_args.5907getopt.cmy_indexexchangefirst_nonoptlast_nonopt_getopt_initializenextcharposixly_correctorderinggetopt1.cimplicit.cpattern_searchfree_idep_chainget_next_wordjob.cgood_stdin_usedwaiting_jobschild_errordead_childrendelete_on_error.3991printed.3981job_next_commandstart_job_commandfree_childset_child_handler_action_flagsbad_stdin.4357__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4624start_waiting_jobload_too_highlossage.4898last_now.4894last_sec.4893minus_c.5083__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.5060sh_cmds.5042sh_chars.5041construct_command_argv_internalmain.cdebug_flagmakefilesmaster_job_slotsinf_jobsjobserver_fdsinclude_directoriesold_filesnew_filesprint_usage_flagalways_make_setusageswitchesdb_flagslong_option_aliasesbsd_signalinitialize_global_hash_tablesenter_command_line_filedebug_signal_handlerdecode_debug_flags__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4394stdin_nm.4265decode_env_switchesdecode_switchesprint_versioncommand_variablesquote_for_envdefine_makeflagsprint_data_baseclean_jobservergoalslastgoalinit_switchesoptionslong_optionshandle_non_switch_argumentprint_usageposixref.5723ref.5722printed_version.6047dying.6130entered.6152misc.cread.cconditionalstoplevel_conditionalsdefault_include_directoriesread_makefilesdefault_makefiles.4125eval_makefileinstall_conditionalsrestore_conditionalseval__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4437readlineremove_commentsconditional_linedo_definerecord_filesfind_char_unquoteget_next_mwordrecord_target_vardep_hash_1dep_hash_2dep_hash_cmp__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.5818percent.5922readstringmax_incl_lenremake.cconsideredupdate_fileupdate_file_1complain__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4268check_depremake_filetouch_fileadjusted_now.5293name_mtimelibrary_searchlibdir_maxlen.5575buflen.5574buf.5573libpatterns.5564dirs.5563remote-stub.crule.cconvert_suffix_rulefreeruleprint_rulesigname.cstrcache.cbufsizestrcachenew_cache__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3560add_stringstr_hash_1str_hash_2str_hash_cmpadd_hashstringsvariable.clast_pattern_varpattern_varslookup_pattern_varvariable_hash_1variable_hash_2variable_hash_cmpglobal_setlistglobal_variable_setlast_var_count.4208handle_special_varfree_variable_name_and_value__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.4445merge_variable_setsprint_variableversion.cvpath.cvpathsgeneral_vpathgpathsselective_vpath_searchhash.cround_up_2hash_rehashglob.c__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.3139next_brace_submy_reallocglob_in_dirprefix_arraycollated_comparefnmatch.c__strchrnulposixly_correct.2060internal_fnmatch_floatdidf.c_cmpdi2.chash_deletehash_print_statsno_builtin_rules_flaginitialize_file_variablesxmallocstrcpywarn_undefined_variables_flagar_parse_name__syscallsubst_expandtextdomainhash_deleted_itemwaitpidhash_insertparse_variable_definitiongetrlimitversion_string__floatdidfshell_function_completedgetloadavgprintfgpath_search_fdatalookup_variabledefault_keep_going_flag_gp_dispmake_hostgetloginsecond_expansionfind_percentjob_rfdstrerrorupdate_goal_chainblock_remote_childrenstrcache_setbufsizerestore_variable_buffer_DYNAMIC_LINKINGmemmoveprogramunblock_remote_childrenlindexgetopt_longvariable_expand_for_filerecursively_expand_for_filehash_delete_atexpanding_var_getopt_internalar_namemax_pattern_dep_length_DYNAMICatol__errnonot_parallelpop_variable_scopeconstruct_command_argvuniquize_deps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