.\" This file is part of pload - a program to monitor ppp activity for X .\" Copyright (C) 1999 Matt Smith .\" .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by .\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or .\" (at your option) any later version. .\" .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of .\" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the .\" GNU General Public License for more details. .\" .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License .\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software .\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. .\" .TH PLOAD 1 "" "March 1999" .SH NAME pload \- display ppp throughput statistics in a X window .SH SYNOPSIS .ta 6n \fBpload\fP [-\fItoolkitoption\fP ...] [-minscale \fIn\fP] [-indiv \fIn\fP] [-outdiv \fIn\fP] [-logscale] [-jumpscroll \fIn\fP] [-update \fIn\fP] [-in] [-out] [-horiz] [-nolabel] [-nochart] [-average \fIn\fP] [-device \fIX\fP] [-hl \fIcolor\fP] [-incolor \fIcolor\fP] [-outcolor \fIcolor\fP] [-noproc] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBpload\fP program displays information about network interface (ppp) statistics. Additionally, for Linux 2.2 it can display statistics for any interface that reports to /proc/net/dev . .SH OPTIONS .PP \fBPload\fP accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options (see \fIX(1)\fP). The order of the options in unimportant. Additionally, \fBpload\fP accepts the following options: .PP .TP 8 .B \-minscale \fIn\fP The minscale option sets the minimum integer number of scale lines to display. The number of divisions will not go below the number specified. The default is 1. .TP 8 .B \-indiv \fIn\fP Show dividing lines for a rate of \fIn\fP bytes per second for received data. The default is to show a line every 1024 bytes per second (1 k/s). .TP 8 .B \-outdiv \fIn\fP Show dividing lines for a rate of \fIn\fP bytes per second for sent data. The default is to show a line every 1024 bytes per second (1 k/s). .TP 8 .B \-logscale The logscale option enables graphing the base 10 logarithm of the rates. This is most useful for high bandwith devices like ethernet. The -indiv and -outdiv options interact with this option: a scale line will be drawn for 10*div, 100*div, 1000*div, ... bytes. The default is to graph linearly. .TP 8 .B \-jumpscroll \fIn\fP This option sets number of pixels to shift to the left when the graph reaches the right edge of the window. Smooth scrolling is achieved by the default setting of 1. .TP 8 .B \-update \fIn\fP The displayed charts are updated every integer \fIn\fP seconds. The default is to update every 1 seconds. .TP 8 .B \-in Only show the chart for received data. .TP 8 .B \-out Only show the chart for sent data. Default action is to show both charts. .TP 8 .B \-horiz Display side by side. Default is to display vertically. .TP 8 .B \-nolabel This option suppresses the normal display of the total bytes and current rate label. .TP 8 .B \-nochart Don't show the charts. If -nolabel is not set, pload will only show the text labels. If -nolabel and -nochart are set, pload won't do anything. .TP 8 .B \-average \fIn\fP Average or smooth over \fIn\fP number of samples in the calculations of the current rates for the displayed graphs. The default is to average over 10 points. For a more instantaneous response this can be set to 1. .TP 8 .B \-device \fIX\fP Monitor this device. The default is ppp0. .TP 8 .B \-hl \fIcolor\fP This option specifies the color of the scale lines. .TP 8 .B \-incolor \fIcolor\fP Set the foreground color for the inbound chart to \fIcolor\fP. The default is red. .TP 8 .B \-outcolor \fIcolor\fP Set the foreground color for the outbound chart to \fIcolor\fP. The default is darkgreen. .TP 8 .B \-fg \fIcolor\fP Set the form foreground color to \fIcolor\fP. .TP 8 .B \-bg \fIcolor\fP Set the background color to \fIcolor\fP. .TP 8 .B \-fn \fIfontspec\fP Set the label font to \fIfontspec\fP. .TP 8 .B \-noproc This option is only valid for Linux 2.2. It disables the default usage of the proc filesystem for gathering device statistics. The more portable ioctl() method is used instead. When -noproc is specified only ppp stats can be read. .SH RESOURCES All of the options available above and more can be set using the resources of the widgets in \fBpload\fP. The following can be added to a user .Xdefaults or system wide Pload.ad file. Additional customisation can be accomplished by examining the running executable with \fIeditres(1)\fP. .sp .ta 0.2i 3.5i .nf Pload*update : 1 Pload*ichart.foreground : red Pload*ichart.jumpScroll : 1 Pload*ochart.foreground : darkgreen Pload*ochart.jumpScroll : 1 Pload*topform*borderWidth : 0 Pload*topform*font : fixed Pload.geometry : 180x200 Pload*showIn : True Pload*showOut : True Pload*device : ppp0 Pload*showLabel : True Pload*showChart : True Pload*averagePoints : 10 Pload*inDiv : 1024 Pload*outDiv : 1024 Pload*logScale : False Pload*horiz : False Pload*useProc : True .SH SEE ALSO pppstats(8), xload(1), X(1), editres(1) .SH BUGS Resizing doesn't work right under icewm and kwm with opaque resize turned on. The labels flash. Totals seem to wrap at ULONG_MAX. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999 Matt Smith .SH AUTHOR Pload was written by Matt Smith with ideas from Christian Bauer, Scott Berg, Mathieu Clabaut, Todd Larason, and Roland Smith.