w  % .( T } ! ( ( $ > c $ % & $  5 V# u2 ) # "=Zx/3 2Ss'$  %<R f/t!>1` ./dl)1! )Faz)/ #7V"n  +L i  2Oa !16h{#%&$;`|"%','T.|%. &!!E!b!r$!!!!!""1""O"r""""#.##L!#f###!#.#.$'$V$l$$$$'$$%%9 %R%]%r% %%%"&b1&(&.&0''@(P)n *f*c*+ "+&(+I+r+++++',/,0,`,v,,, ,,- -(-A-]-}--- -..".4.O.d... ....///3&/L/s////!/$00&0B0Z"0l000001 '11G1YkcLHUEMh7>B;_!i8`)4%T#&K s.P(\]5<R2[6v=n$Y S C@mdWwq?:-I,oj^V'JA+N/ gaflOQDuFr ZtpXb 93"e01*G Usage: xcin [-h] [-m module] [-d DISPLAY] [-x XIM_name] [-r rcfile] Options: -h: print this message. -m: print the comment of module "mod_name" -d: set X Display. -x: register XIM server name to Xlib. -r: set user specified rcfile. -v n: set debug level to n. %s and %s have the same key-definition. %s internal: error: %s internal: warning: %s(%d): "cmd arg" pair expected. %s(%d): %s: arguement "begin" expected. %s(%d): %s: arguement expected. %s(%d): ZhuYin string too long, ignore. %s(%d): arguement "begin" expected. %s(%d): arguement expected. %s(%d): hex number expected. %s(%d): illegal key "%c" specified. %s(%d): key "%c" is already in used. %s(%d): keystroke out of range [a-z]. %s(%d): keystroke too long, ignore. %s(%d): token "begin" expected. %s(%d): token "end" expected. %s(%d): too many end keys defined. %s(%d): too many rules for char plane %d, ignore. %s(%d): too many selection keys defined. %s(%d): unexpected syscin key: %s. %s(%d): unknown ZhuYin character. %s(%d): unknown command: %s %s(%d): unknown command: %s. %s(%d): unknown syscin key: %s %s: IM section "%s": %s: value not specified. %s: locale section "%s": %s: value not specified. %s: %s: duplicate keys. %s: %s: not valid key name. %s: %s: not valid modifier key. %s: %s: too many keys, ignore. %s: %s: value not found. %s: %s: value not specified. %s: XCIN_DEFAULT_DIR: value not found. %s: XCIN_USER_DIR: value not found. %s: command "%s" not specified. %s: error: %s: invalid tab file. %s: invalid version. %s: reading error. %s: warning: C locale "%s" is not supported by your system. CIN2TAB version (%s) Usage: cin2tab [-v] [-r ] [-s ] [-l ] [-o output] Supported module header names: CIN2TAB version (%s) encoding=%s IMOpenIM() with name "%s" transport "%s" failed. NULL xcin default_path NULL xcin default_sub_path NULL xcin locale_sub_path This is the "official" phonetic input method module. It uses the libtabe & bims libraries as the search engine to perform the automatic characher selection from multipole charachers with the same keystroke. This engine also provides several keymaps for each specific phonetic input rules. We hope that this module will serve as the most "natural way" for Chinese input. This module is free software, as part of xcin system. This is the general input method module. It is the most generic module which can read the IM table (".tab" file) and perform the correct operations of the specific IM. It also can accept a lot of options from the "xcinrc" file to detailly control the behavior of the IM. We hope that this module could match most of your Chinese input requirements. This module is free software, as part of xcin system. This is the internal zh_encoding input method module. It is the simplist module which demonstrate the basic xcin IM module programming. It also has the ability to get Chinese characters input from different encodings, say, Big5 or GB codes, depending on the locale setting. Currently it can only accept 2-bytes encodings per character. This module is free software, as part of xcin system. Useful environment variables: $XCIN_RCFILE. X locale "%s" is not supported by your system. XCIN (Chinese XIM server) version %s. (module ver: %s, syscin ver: %s). (use "-h" option for help) XIM server "%s" transport "%s" bimsphone: %s: cannot open data file: %s bimsphone: %s: cannot open pinyin data file: %s. bimsphone: %s: invalid tab file. bimsphone: %s: reading error. cannot load IM: %s, ignore. cannot open data file: %s cannot open display: %s cannot open file: %s. cin file: %s, use module: %s version %s. client input style not enabled, set to "Root". dlerror: %s duplicated ZhuYin code: %s: %s, %s duplicated keystroke: %s error loading IM: %s, ignore. fontset setting error. gen_inp: %s: invalid encoding: %s gen_inp: %s: invalid tab file. gen_inp: %s: invalid version. gen_inp: %s: reading error. ic_get: unknown IC attr: %s ic_get: unknown IC pre_attr: %s ic_get: unknown IC sts_attr: %s ic_set: unknown IC attr: %s ic_set: unknown IC pre_attr: %s ic_set: unknown IC sts_attr: %s inp_styles: invalid INDEX_FONT: %s invalid font %s. invalid sys.tab version: %s. invalid tab file: %s. locale "%s" encoding "%s" max length of keystroke: %d memory model: %d module "%s" not found, ignore. module "%s":no cin file specified. no comments available no module header name specified. no valid encoding specified. no valid input method loaded. not valid %s: %s, ignore not valid module "%s" with version "%s", ignore. null rcfile name. number of char defined: %d number of defined char ignored: %d number of keyname: %d number of keystroke code defined: %d number of pinpho added: %d qphrase: %s: unknown tag: %s, ignore. rcfile "%s" does not exist, ignore. rcfile "%s" reading error. rcfile not found. set_funckey: %d: unknown key_type set_rc(): unknown rctype: %d. string text property error. sys.tab reading error. the default xcin dir does not exist. too many input styles setting: max=%d. total char number of this encoding: %d undefined symbol "%s" in module "%s", ignore. unknown option -%c. unsupported input style: %s, ignore. Project-Id-Version: xcin 2.5.2 POT-Creation-Date: 2000-10-25 11:36+0800 PO-Revision-Date: 2000-10-08 02:00+0800 Last-Translator: Tung-Han Hsieh Language-Team: Chinese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ϥΤ覡: xcin [-h] [-m ҲզW] [-d DISPLAY] [-x XIM W] [-r ]wɦW] ﶵ: -h: LXTC -m: LXҲ "mod_name" ػC -d: ]w X ܸ˻sC -x: N XIM Jk{WٵU XlibC -r: ]wϥΪ̫wպA]wɦWC -v n: ]wThŬ nC %s P %s ۦPrwqC %s : ~: %s : ĵi: %s(%d): Шϥ "RO ޼" OC %s(%d): %s: ݭn޼ "begin"C %s(%d): %s: ݭn޼ơC %s(%d): `XrӪALC %s(%d): ݭn޼ "begin"C %s(%d): ޼ƥwC %s(%d): Шϥ 16 iƦrC %s(%d): wFXkr "%c"C %s(%d): "%c" wQϥΡC %s(%d): rXWXd [a-z]C %s(%d): wqFӦhrAC %s(%d): ݭn޼ "begin"C %s(%d): ݭn޼ "end"C %s(%d): wqӦhC %s(%d): Ӧhr (rX) Wh %d, LC %s(%d): wqӦhC %s(%d): ~ syscin yk: %sC %s(%d): `rC %s(%d): O: %s. %s(%d): SoӫO: %s. %s(%d); syscin : %s %s: Jk]w "%s" p`: %s: ܼƭȥwC %s: ϰƳ]w "%s" p`: %s: ܼƭȥwC %s: %s: ƪrC %s: %s: LĪrWC %s: %s: LĪUC %s: %s: wqFӦhrAC %s: %s: 䤣ܼƭȡC %s: %s: ܼƭȥwC %s: XCIN_DEFAULT_DIR: 䤣즹ܼƭȡC %s: XCIN_USER_DIR: 䤣즹ܼƭȡC %s: O "%s" ȥw. %s: ~: %s: LĪ tab ɡC %s: LĪC %s: Ū~C %s: ĵi: ztΤ䴩 "%s" C localeC CIN2TAB (%s) ϥΤk: cin2tab [-v] [-r <]wɦW>] [-s ] [-l ] [-o ] 䴩ҲռYW: CIN2TAB (%s) rsXW=%s IMOpenIM(): XIM W "%s" ǿ "%s" }ҿ~C xcin w]| (default_path) S]w xcin w]| (default_sub_path) S]w xcin locale | (locale_sub_path) S]w oO@ "M~" `JkҲաCϥ libtabe H bims w@jMAHF㦳ۦPJr䭫Ʀr۰ʿr\C Pɤ]ѴXӯS`JkLഫCڭ̧Ʊ楻ҲեiH ѤJ "̦۵M" 覡C ҲլO@ӦۥѳnA xcin tΪ@C oO@Ӥ@ʿJkҲաCO̤@ƪҲաAiHŪJJk (".tab" ) åBHӿJkҩwq覡B@CPɥiH "xcinrc" \\hh]wﶵAHTӿJk欰C ̧Ʊ榹ҲեiHŦXjϥΪ̪JnDC ҲլO@ӦۥѳnA xcin tΪ@ oOXJkҲաCO@ӳ²檺ҲաAΥHiܰ򥻪 xcin JkҲժ{g@CbP locale ]wUAPɤ]ƤP XJ\AҦp Big5 GB XCثeuBzCӤ 줸XC ҲլO@ӦۥѳnA xcin tΪ@C iΪܼ: $XCIN_RCFILE. ztΤ䴩 "%s" X localeC XCIN ( XIM Jk{) %sC (Ҳժ: %s, syscin : %s) (ϥ "-h" ﶵܨϥλ) XIM W "%s" ǿ "%s" bimsphone: %s: Lk}Ҹ: %s bimsphone: %s: Lk}ҫ: %sC bimsphone: %s: LĪ tab ɡC bimsphone: %s: Ū~C LkJJk: %s, LC Lk}Ҹ: %s LkҰܸ˸m: %s Lk}ɮ: %sC cin : %s, ϥμҲ: %s %sC ε{JҦSҥΡA] "Root" ҦC ʺAҲոJ~: %s ƪ`X: %s: %s, %s ƪrX: %s JkJ~: %s, LC r]w~C gen_inp: %s: LĪrsX: %s gen_inp: %s: LĪ tab ɡC gen_inp: %s: LĪC gen_inp: %s: Ū~C ic_get: IC attr: %s ic_get: IC pre_attr: %s ic_get: IC sts_attr: %s ic_set: IC attr: %s ic_set: IC pre_attr: %s ic_set: IC sts_attr: %s JҦ: AΪ INDEX_FONT ]w: %s LĪr: %sC LĪ sys.tab : %sC LĪ tab : %sC ϰƳ]w "%s" X "%s" r䪺̤j: %d OҦ: %d 䤣Ҳ "%s", LC Ҳ "%s":cin ɥwC ҲհTsbC ҲժYW٥wC wAΪrsXW١C LkJJkC T %s: %s, LC TҲ "%s" P "%s", LC Ū]wɦW١C wqrƥ: %d wwqrƥ: %d wq䪺ƥ: %d wwqrsXƥ: %d s[JB`XMӼ: %d qphrase: %s: ñ: %sAC ]w "%s" sb, LC ]w "%s" Ū~C Lk]wɡC set_funckey: %d: \ΧO set_rc(): rctype: %dC rʽ~C sys.tab Ū~C w] xcin ؿsbC ӦhJҦ]w: W=%dC sXr`: %d Ÿ "%s" bҲ "%s" wq, LC ﶵ -%cC 䴩JҦ: %s, LC