.\" @(#)local:usr/src/cmd/qpopper/popauth.8 4.0 19 March 2001 .\" .\" @(MHWARNING) .\" @(#)$Id: popauth.8, v4.0 2001/3/19 05:01:06 qpop Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2001 QUALCOMM Incorporated. All rights reserved. .\" See License.txt file for terms and conditions for modification and .\" redistribution. .\" .TH QPOPAUTH 8 .SH NAME qpopauth \-\- manipulate POP authorization DB .SH SYNOPSIS .B qpopauth [ .BI \-trace " tracefile" ] [ .BI \-debug ] [ .BI \-init [ .I \-safe ] ] .if n .ti +8n [ .BI \-list [ .I user | .I ALL ] ] [ .BI \-delete " user" ] .if n .ti +8n [ .BI \-user " user" [ .I password ] ] [ .BI \-help ] [ .BI \-version ] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fIqpopauth\fR program allows POP subscribers to add or change the secret values used to generate their authentication credentials, or to verify the existance of their records. In addition, the super\-user or master POP user can add, delete, or reset credential data for a user, or list which records exist. Only the super\-user may initialize the database. \fIqpopauth\fR is useful only when the APOP (or SCRAM) configuration option is defined. See the INSTALL file in the Qpopper distribution for more information. Under normal usage, \fIqpopauth\fR prompts for a new secret, just like the \fIpasswd\fR program. It then updates the authorization DB. With the .I \-user switch, the super\-user or master POP user can create or reset credential data for the specified user. This switch allows the password to be specified on the command line, which avoids the usual prompts and checks. This is mostly useful in a batch environment, such as in a script. With the .I \-init switch, the super\-user can create a new (or zero the existing) authorization DB. With the .I \-list switch, the super\-user or master POP user can verify the presence of a record for the indicated user, or list users who have records. Users can verify the presence of their own records with this switch. With the .I \-delete switch, the super-user or master POP user can remove a user entry from the authorization DB. .SH FILES /etc/pop.auth.* POP authorization DB .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This program was derived from MH 6.8.3 .SH SEE ALSO qpopper(8), poppassd(8)