.\" This file is automatically generated. Do not edit! .\" include the -mh macro file .so /usr/pkg/libexec/mh/tmac.h .\" This file is automatically generated. Do not edit! .\" @(#)$Id: fmtdump.rf,v 1.6 1992/12/02 21:38:37 jromine Exp $ .TH FMTDUMP 8 MH.6.8 [mh.6] .SH NAME fmtdump \- decode MH format files .SH SYNOPSIS .in +.5i .ti -.5i /usr/pkg/libexec/mh/fmtdump \%[\-form\ formatfile] \%[\-format\ string] \%[\-help] .in -.5i .SH DESCRIPTION \fIFmtdump\fR is a program that parses an \fIMH\fP format file and produces a pseudo-language listing of the how \fIMH\fP interprets the file. The `\-format\ string' and `\-form\ formatfile' switches may be used to specify a format string or format file to read. The string is simply a format string and the file is simply a format file. See \fImh-format\fR\|(5) for the details. .Fi ^$HOME/\&.mh\(ruprofile~^The user profile ^/usr/pkg/libexec/mh/scan.default~^The default format file .Pr ^Path:~^To determine the user's MH directory .Sa mh-format(5), mh-sequences(8) .Co None .Bu The output may not be useful unless you are familiar with the internals of the mh-format subroutines. .En