.\" Personal .TH SENDFILED 8 .UC L .SH NAME sendfiled - Simple Asynchronous File Transfer server .SH SYNOPSIS .B sendfiled [ .B \-d ] [ .B \-f ] [ .B \-q ] [ .B \-Q ] [ .B \-c configfile ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B sendfiled is a server process (daemon) for the Simple Asynchrnous File Transfer (SAFT) protocol. The server is normally called by inetd (8) and receives files or messages sent by SAFT-clients to the. Files are stored in the recipient's spool and messages are written to the recipient's terminals. .PP If the .B \-d option is specified, debugging information is written to /var/log/sendfiled.dbg. .PP If the .B \-f option is specified, .B sendfiled prints the free disk space on /var/spool/sendfile and terminates. .PP If the .B \-q option is specified, .B sendfiled processes once the outgoing spool and terminates. .PP If the .B \-Q option is specified, .B sendfiled starts an outgoing spool daemon, which runs in an endless loop in the background. .PP On startup .B sendfiled reads its configuration file /usr/pkg/share/examples/sendfile/sendfile.cf, but you can specify with .B \-c configfile an alternate configuration file. .PP .B sendfiled is also an O-SAFT server, which means authenticated clients can fetch files. See fetchfile (4) for details. .PP .B sfdconf is the .B sendfiled configuration helper program. It has its own usage help, just type .B sfdconf -h .SH FILES .TP 6 .I /usr/pkg/share/examples/sendfile/sendfile.deny Users which are not allowed to receive files or messages. .TP .I /usr/pkg/etc/sendfile.allow Users which are ONLY allowed to receive files or messages. If this file has at least one entry, then .I /usr/pkg/share/examples/sendfile/sendfile.deny will be ignored. .TP .I /usr/local/etc/sendfile.aliases Alias names for local users. Format is: .ES alias realname .EE .TP .I /var/spool/sendfile/LOG/in Log file for incoming files. .TP .I /var/spool/sendfile/LOG/out Log file for outgoing files. .TP .I /usr/pkg/share/examples/sendfile/sendfile.cf The system configuration file. See .B sfdconf -i config for a complete description and default values. .SH SEE ALSO .BR sfdconf .BR sendfile (1) .BR receive (1) .BR sendmsg (1) .BR fetchfile (1) .BR fetchfile (4) .SH AUTHOR Ulli Horlacher - framstag@rus.uni-stuttgart.de