.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.25 $ .TH "PGTKSH" "1" "2003-11-02" "Application" "PostgreSQL Client Applications" .SH NAME pgtksh \- PostgreSQL Tcl/Tk shell client .SH SYNOPSIS .sp \fBpgtksh\fR\fR [ \fR\fB\fIfilename\fB \fR [ \fB\fIargument\fB\fR...\fB \fR]\fB \fR\fR]\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBpgtksh\fR is a \fBTcl/Tk\fR shell interface extended with PostgreSQL database access functions. (Essentially, it is \fBwish\fR with \fIlibpgtcl\fR loaded.) Like with \fBwish\fR, the regular \fBTcl/Tk\fR shell, the first command line argument is a script file, any remaining arguments are passed to the script. Special options may be processed by the \fBX Window System\fR libraries instead. If no script file is named, the shell is interactive. .PP A plain \fBTcl\fR shell with PostgreSQL functions is available as \fBpgtclsh\fR(1). .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBpgtclsh\fR(1), \fIlibpgtcl\fR chapter in the documentation, \fBtclsh\fR(1), \fBwish\fR(1)