.\\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec $Revision: 1.25 $ .TH "PGTCLSH" "1" "2003-11-02" "Application" "PostgreSQL Client Applications" .SH NAME pgtclsh \- PostgreSQL Tcl shell client .SH SYNOPSIS .sp \fBpgtclsh\fR\fR [ \fR\fB\fIfilename\fB \fR [ \fB\fIargument\fB\fR...\fB \fR]\fB \fR\fR]\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBpgtclsh\fR is a \fBTcl\fR shell interface extended with PostgreSQL database access functions. (Essentially, it is \fBtclsh\fR with \fIlibpgtcl\fR loaded.) Like with the regular \fBTcl\fR shell, the first command line argument is a script file, any remaining arguments are passed to the script. If no script file is named, the shell is interactive. .PP A \fBTcl\fR shell with \fBTk\fR and PostgreSQL functions is available as \fBpgtksh\fR(1). .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBpgtksh\fR(1), \fIpgtcl\fR chapter in the documentation, \fBtclsh\fR(1)