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Default: list all variables for Error: old-style variable names are not supported Error: ups name must be defined VARError: variable unknown (old upsd detected) Error: %s Error: insufficient data (got %d args, need at least %d) %s Error: a UPS name must be specified (upsname@hostname) VARError: upsd is too old to support this query Error: %s Error: insufficient data (got %d args, need at least 4) %s: %s Error: invalid UPS definition. Required format: upsname@hostname[:port] -VNetwork UPS Tools upsc %s -hError: %s Unknown errorVariable not supported by UPSNo such hostInvalid response from serverUnknown UPSInvalid list typeAccess deniedPassword requiredPassword incorrectMissing argumentData staleVariable unknownAlready logged inAlready set passwordUnknown variable typeUnknown variableRead-only variableNew value is too longInvalid value for variableSet command failedUnknown instant commandInstant command failedInstant command not supportedInvalid usernameAlready set usernameUnknown commandInvalid argumentSend failure: %sReceive failure: %ssocket failure: %sbind failure: %sConnection failure: %sWrite error: %sRead error: %sInvalid passwordUsername requiredSSL is not availableSSL error: %sServer disconnectedDriver not connectedMemory allocation failureParse error: %sProtocol errorInvalid error numberSSL error, but SSL wasn't enabled at compile-timeUnknown error flag %dVAR-NOT-SUPPORTEDUNKNOWN-UPSACCESS-DENIEDPASSWORD-REQUIREDPASSWORD-INCORRECTMISSING-ARGUMENTDATA-STALEVAR-UNKNOWNALREADY-LOGGED-INALREADY-SET-PASSWORDUNKNOWN-TYPEUNKNOWN-VARREADONLYTOO-LONGINVALID-VALUESET-FAILEDUNKNOWN-INSTCMDINSTCMD-FAILEDCMD-NOT-SUPPORTEDINVALID-USERNAMEALREADY-SET-USERNAMEUNKNOWN-COMMANDINVALID-PASSWORDUSERNAME-REQUIREDDRIVER-NOT-CONNECTEDERR%s "%s" %s GETLISTBEGINLISTENDLIST%s%supscli_splitname: no UPS name specified (upsname@hostname) upscli_splitname: strdup failed upscli_splitname: strdup failed upscli_splitname: strdup failed LOGOUT parseconf: fatal error: %s realloc arglist failedrealloc argsize failedrealloc arglist member failedrealloc wordbuf failed%sUnbalanced word due to unescaped # in quotesmalloc wordbuf failedInvalid ctx bufferrCan't open %s: %s#\"Unable to enter background/dev/nullopen /dev/nullStartup successfulgetuid gave 0, but seteuid(0) failedinitgroupssetgidsetuidchdir(%s)chroot(%s)/chdir(/)chrooted into %s%s%s/%s.pidw%d writepid: fopen %srfopen %sIgnoring invalid pid number %dkillkilllen <= sizecommon.c%s/%s.pidvupslog: vsnprintf needed more than %d bytes: %s%s %sNUT_CONFPATH/usr/pkg/etc/nutNUT_STATEPATH/var/db/nut/var/db/nutOut of memory%s%s%s%s=S00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000000~0{0x(0u40r@0oL0lX0id0fp0c|0`0]0Z0W0T0Q0N0K0H0E0B0? 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