2013-11-12 ISC Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. named-rrchecker 1 BIND9 named-rrchecker syntax checker for individual DNS resource records 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") named-rrchecker DESCRIPTION named-rrchecker read a individual DNS resource record from standard input and checks if it is syntactically correct. The prints out the help menu. The option specifies a origin to be used when interpreting the record. The prints out the resulting record in canonical form. If there is no canonical form defined then the record will be printed in unknown record format. The prints out the resulting record in unknown record form. The , and print out the known class, standard type and private type mnemonics respectively. SEE ALSO RFC 1034, RFC 1035, named8