#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2004 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA, USA # Copyright 2004 Patrick J. Volkerding, Concord, CA, USA # Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017 Patrick J. Volkerding, Sebeka, MN, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Modified by Robby Workman 26 November 2007 # to add support for mkinitrd.conf - No additional license terms added # Modified by Alan Hicks 27 November 2007 to enable # passing arguments to kernel modules - No additional license terms added # volkerdi - feel free to remove these :) # Modified by Eric Hameleers 3 April 2008 # to add support custom keymaps - No additional license terms added # Modified by Patrick Volkerding 17 Dec 2008 # Added support to bail out if kernel modules are requested for a kernel # version that is not installed (thanks to Eric Hameleers), be more # verbose about showing modules added to the initrd (thanks to # Ellington Santos), and if "mount" returns /dev/root as the root device, # use readlink to resolve the device pointed to by the /dev/root # symlink, changed modprobe to use --ignore-install to avoid catching # custom "install" lines and causing /sbin/modprobe to be copied to the # initrd (thanks to Ken Milmore). # Of course, license terms remain unchanged. # Modified by Eric Hameleers 3 March 2010 # Add lukskey option (-K). Automatically add kernel modules listed in # load-kernel-modules if that file is executable. # Yada yada yada. # Modified by Patrick Volkerding 21 August 2012 # Add Btrfs multi-device filesystem support option (-B). # Modified by Robby Workman 08 March 2017 # to add support for TRIM on LUKS root devs # Modified by Patrick Volkerding 29 June 2017 # Add support for prepending a microcode update archive (-P). # Modified by Patrick Volkerding 12 July 2017 # Add support for including Slackware and kernel versions in the # output filename. Thanks to SeB. # Modified by Patrick Volkerding 04 Feb 2019 # Allow specifying more than one kernel version. # Modified by Robby Workman 05 September 2019 # to add libargon2 and libgcc_s for cryptsetup LUKS2 support; add # jfs and xfs repair tools to initrd if those filesystems are used; # fixes and enhancements to docs # Modified by Piter Punk 25 April 2022 # Add support to specify additional filesystems to be mounted by # initrd. Useful for those that have a separated '/usr' MKINITRD_VERSION=1.4.11 COMMAND_LINE="$0 $*" # Don't include these things from /lib/udev/ in the initrd image LIBUDEV_BLACKLIST="\ ipod-set-info \ iphone-set-info \ check-mtp-device \ check-ptp-camera \ udev-configure-printer \ rules.d/60-openobex.rules \ rules.d/73-seat-late.rules \ rules.d/85-regulatory.rules \ " print_usage() { cat << EOF Usage: mkinitrd [OPTION] mkinitrd creates an initial ramdisk (actually an initramfs cpio+gzip archive) used to load kernel modules that are needed to mount the root filesystem, or other modules that might be needed before the root filesystem is available. Other binaries may be added to the initrd, and the script is easy to modify. Be creative. :-) -F Use the contents of /etc/mkinitrd.conf (optional) If this is used in conjunction with any other options passed on the command line, the command-line options will override the config file options. See mkinitrd.conf(5) for details. -c Clear the existing initrd tree first -f Filesystem to use for root partition (must be used with -r) --help Display this message -h Device to resume from hibernation. Needs to be the name of the swap partition holding the hibernation image. -k Kernel version to use -l Custom keymap to load. Like, 'nl' or 'de-latin1-nodeadkeys' -m A colon (:) delimited list of kernel modules to load. Additional options may be added to use when loading the kernel modules (but in this case the entire list must be wrapped with double quotes). Any dependencies of requested modules will also be added to the initrd. -o Output image (default /boot/initrd.gz) -r Root partition device (must be used with -f) -s Initrd source tree (default /boot/initrd-tree/) -u Include udev in the initrd -w Time to wait until all disks are detected -C A colon (:) delimited list of luks encrypted block devices to be unlocked by the initrd using cryptsetup. All devices that must be unlocked in order to access the root filesystem must be specified. (Use with '-r' parameter). -T A colon (:) delimited list of luks encrypted block devices to be passed the "--allow-discards" option when unlocked by the initrd using cryptsetup. This has the effect of allowing TRIM on SSD drives. Be sure your SSD supports this feature (correctly) before enabling it. See fstrim(8) for more information. -L Add support for LVM partitions -K Use a USB key (fat-formatted) to unlock the root LUKS volume The parameter value is filename of a keyfile, as well as the label (or uuid) of the partition this file is on. This way, you can unlock your computer automatically if you have a USB stick with your LUKS key inserted at boot. A passphrase will still be asked if the LUKS key can not be found. For example, if your USB thumb drive has a FAT partition with label "TRAVELSTICK" and the actual keyfile is called "/keys/alien.luks", then you need to pass: -K LABEL=TRAVELSTICK:/keys/alien.luks -B Add /sbin/btrfs to enable scanning for a root filesystem that is part of a Btrfs multi-device filesystem. -M Add the files in /etc/modprobe.d/ and /lib/modprobe.d/ to the initrd -P Prepend the output image with the microcode CPIO archive given in arguments. -R Add support for RAID partitions -MNT Additional filesystems to be mounted by initrd. Multiple mount entries can be specified in a list separated by colon (:). -V Display version number A simple example: Build an initrd for a reiserfs root partition: mkinitrd -c -m reiserfs Another example: Build an initrd image using Linux kernel modules for a system with an ext4 root partition on /dev/sdb3: mkinitrd -c -k -m mbcache:jbd:ext4 -f ext4 -r /dev/sdb3 Note that if you are already logged in with /dev/sdb3 as your / partition, and it is running ext4, this command works just the same: mkinitrd -c -m ext4 If run without options, mkinitrd will rebuild an initrd image using the contents of the $SOURCE_TREE directory, or, if that directory does not exist it will be created and populated, and then mkinitrd will exit. EOF } create_new_source_tree() { mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE # Make sure the kernel module directories exist: for kver in $(echo ${KERNEL_VERSION} | tr ':' '\n') ; do mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/lib/modules/${kver} done # Add the initrd-tree skeleton: ( cd $SOURCE_TREE ; tar xzf /usr/share/mkinitrd/initrd-tree.tar.gz ) # Make sure we have any block devices that might be needed: SLOPPY_DEV_LIST=$(cat /proc/partitions) for device in $SLOPPY_DEV_LIST ; do if [ ! -r $SOURCE_TREE/dev/$device ]; then if [ -b /dev/$device ]; then if [ -L /dev/$device ]; then cp -a --parents $(readlink -e /dev/$device) $SOURCE_TREE fi cp -a --parents /dev/$device $SOURCE_TREE fi fi done } clear_source_tree() { if [ -d "$SOURCE_TREE" ]; then rm -rf $SOURCE_TREE fi } build_initrd_image() { # Make sure we have any block devices that might be needed: SLOPPY_DEV_LIST=$(cat /proc/partitions) for device in $SLOPPY_DEV_LIST ; do if [ ! -r $SOURCE_TREE/dev/$device ]; then if [ -b /dev/$device ]; then if [ -L /dev/$device ]; then cp -a --parents $(readlink -e /dev/$device) $SOURCE_TREE fi cp -a --parents /dev/$device $SOURCE_TREE fi fi done # Use the output image name written in the initrd-tree if present: if [ ! -z "$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/initrd-name)" ]; then OUTPUT_IMAGE=$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/initrd-name) if [ "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" = "$(basename $OUTPUT_IMAGE)" ]; then OUTPUT_IMAGE=/boot/$OUTPUT_IMAGE fi mkdir -p $(dirname $OUTPUT_IMAGE) fi # Wrap the initrd as an initramfs image and move it into place: ( cd $SOURCE_TREE rm -f $OUTPUT_IMAGE find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9c > $OUTPUT_IMAGE ) if [ ! -z "${MICROCODE_ARCH}" ] ; then cat ${MICROCODE_ARCH} ${OUTPUT_IMAGE} > ${OUTPUT_IMAGE}.2 mv ${OUTPUT_IMAGE}.2 ${OUTPUT_IMAGE} fi echo "$OUTPUT_IMAGE created." } badconf_file() { # This won't really help with what's *wrong* with the file, # but it will at least give them a clue that there's a problem echo "/etc/mkinitrd.conf is bad or does not exist." echo "If the file does not exist, do not pass -F to mkinitrd." exit 1 } unify_libs() { awk '/=. \// { print $3 }' | sort -u } copy_libs() { # First copy the essential glibc files: find /lib /lib64 -name "ld-linux-*so*" -o -name "libnss_files*so*" -o -name "libnss_compat*so*" 2> /dev/null | xargs -I'{}' cp -P --parents '{}' $SOURCE_TREE/ # Then copy all remaining libs our initrd files link against: COUNT=1 PRFX=$(tempfile --prefix ldd-) TMPFILE=${PRFX}${COUNT} find $SOURCE_TREE -type f -exec ldd {} 2>/dev/null \; | unify_libs > $TMPFILE while [ "$COUNT" != "0" ]; do COUNT=$((COUNT+1)) for i in $(cat ${TMPFILE}) ; do ldd $i 2>/dev/null done | unify_libs > ${PRFX}${COUNT} if [ $(cat $TMPFILE ${PRFX}${COUNT} | sort |uniq -u | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then COUNT=0 else TMPFILE=${PRFX}${COUNT} fi # emergency eject lever: if [ "$COUNT" = "42" ]; then COUNT=0 fi done for i in $(cat ${PRFX}* | sort -u) ; do cp -P --parents ${i}* $SOURCE_TREE done ( cd $SOURCE_TREE for i in $(find -L . -type l -exec readlink -m /{} \; 2>/dev/null ) ; do cp -P --parents ${i} $SOURCE_TREE done ) rm ${PRFX}* } copy_modconf() { mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/etc $SOURCE_TREE/lib cp -a /etc/modprobe.d $SOURCE_TREE/etc cp -a /lib/modprobe.d $SOURCE_TREE/lib/ } # Normalize the string $1 by replacing occurences of # recognized tags by their current values. # # this version take the following tags into account: # %KVER% (kernel version) # %SLACKVER% (slackware version) # function normalize_string() { echo "$1" | sed -e "s?%KVER%?${KERNEL_VERSION}?g" \ -e "s?%SLACKVER%?$(cat /etc/slackware-version|cut -f2 -d" ")?g" } # If --help is given, print_usage and exit: if echo $* | grep -wq '\--help' ; then print_usage exit 0 fi # If -V given, print version and exit: if echo $* | grep -wq '\-V' ; then echo "mkinitrd version $MKINITRD_VERSION" exit 0 fi # Default values if these aren't previously set. # Might be set from config file or by -s and -o options too. SOURCE_TREE=${SOURCE_TREE:-/boot/initrd-tree} OUTPUT_IMAGE=${OUTPUT_IMAGE:-""} KERNEL_VERSION=${KERNEL_VERSION:-"$(uname -r)"} # The initrd requires udev to function correctly: UDEV=1 # Default actions without options: if [ -z "$1" ]; then # We need a sensible default for this special case: OUTPUT_IMAGE=$(normalize_string ${OUTPUT_IMAGE:-/boot/initrd.gz}) # If the output tree doesn't exist, create it and then exit: if [ ! -d $SOURCE_TREE ]; then echo "Nothing found at location $SOURCE_TREE, so we will create an" echo -n "initrd directory structure there... " create_new_source_tree echo "done." echo echo "Now cd to $SOURCE_TREE and install some modules in your" echo "module directory (lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}). Then see init" echo "for more information (there are a few other files to edit)." echo "Finally, run mkinitrd again once the initrd-tree is ready," echo "and $OUTPUT_IMAGE will be created from it." echo exit 0 else # If the source tree does exist, the default is to build the initrd # image from it and then exit: build_initrd_image exit 0 fi fi # default no-option actions # Parse for the use config file option first or else the other command # line options can not override /etc/mkinitrd.conf. for opt in "$@"; do if [ "$opt" = "-F" ]; then if [ -e /etc/mkinitrd.conf ]; then . /etc/mkinitrd.conf || badconf_file else badconf_file fi fi done # Parse options: while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do case $1 in -c) CLEAR_TREE=1 shift ;; -f) ROOTFS="$2" shift 2 ;; -h) RESUMEDEV="$2" shift 2 ;; -k) KERNEL_VERSION="$2" shift 2 ;; -l) KEYMAP="$2" shift 2 ;; -m) MODULE_LIST="$2" shift 2 ;; -o) # canonicalize filename: OUTPUT_IMAGE="$(readlink -m $2)" shift 2 ;; -r) ROOTDEV="$2" shift 2 ;; -s) # canonicalize filename: SOURCE_TREE="$(readlink -m $2)" shift 2 ;; -u) UDEV=1 shift ;; -w) WAIT="$2" shift 2 ;; -C) CRYPT=1 LUKSDEV="$2" shift 2 ;; -K) LUKSKEY="$2" shift 2 ;; -T) LUKSTRIM="$2" shift 2 ;; -L) LVM=1 shift ;; -B) BTRFS=1 shift ;; -M) MODCONF=1 shift ;; -P) # canonicalize filename: MICROCODE_ARCH="$(readlink -m $2)" if [ ! -e "${MICROCODE_ARCH}" ] ; then echo "Error, the microcode cpio archive ${MICROCODE_ARCH} does not exist." exit 1 fi shift 2 ;; -MNT) MOUNT_LIST="$2" shift 2 ;; -R) RAID=1 shift ;; *) # unknown, prevent infinite loop shift ;; esac done # Resolve TAGS (i.e %KVER%, %SLACKVER%) found in OUTPUT_IMAGE. # # Note: # ---- # This must be done after all options have been handled and # not when handling case '-o' because -k can be passed after # -o in which case, the tag %KVER% would be replaced with the # current kernel version instead of version passed with -k. # if echo "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" | grep -qE "%KVER%|%SLACKVER%" ; then OUTPUT_IMAGE="$(normalize_string $OUTPUT_IMAGE)" fi # If kernel modules are needed but the kernel version is absent, exit now: for kver in $(echo ${KERNEL_VERSION} | tr ':' '\n') ; do if [ ! -d /lib/modules/$kver ]; then echo "ERROR: No /lib/modules/$kver kernel modules tree found for kernel \"$kver\"" exit 1 fi done # If clearing source tree was requested, do that first if [ "$CLEAR_TREE" = "1" ]; then clear_source_tree fi # If there's no $SOURCE_TREE, make one now: if [ ! -d "$SOURCE_TREE" ]; then create_new_source_tree fi # If $ROOTDEV and $ROOTFS are not set, assume we want the # values for the currently mounted / # (unless we find that values are already set in the initrd-tree): if [ -z "$ROOTDEV" -a -z "$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/rootdev 2>/dev/null)" ]; then ROOTDEV=$(mount | grep ' on / ' | cut -f 1 -d ' ') if [ "$ROOTDEV" = "/dev/root" ]; then # find real root device ROOTDEV="/dev/$(readlink /dev/root)" fi fi if [ -z "$ROOTFS" -a -z "$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/rootfs 2>/dev/null)" ]; then ROOTFS=$(mount | grep ' on / ' | cut -f 5 -d ' ') fi # If needed, write them in the initrd-tree: if [ ! -z "$ROOTDEV" ]; then echo $ROOTDEV > $SOURCE_TREE/rootdev fi if [ ! -z "$ROOTFS" ]; then echo $ROOTFS > $SOURCE_TREE/rootfs fi # Put a copy of the command line used to create this initrd in # initrd-tree/command_line: echo "$COMMAND_LINE" > $SOURCE_TREE/command_line # If /etc/mkinitrd.conf exists, put a copy of that in there as well. # (May or may not have been used according to the -F option, but we'll # save a copy anyway just in case): if [ -e /etc/mkinitrd.conf ]; then cp -a /etc/mkinitrd.conf $SOURCE_TREE/mkinitrd.conf fi # If $WAIT is not set, assume we need only one second # to have all devices done # (unless we find that value is already set in the initrd-tree): if [ -z "$WAIT" -a -z "$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root)" ]; then WAIT=1 # ARM devices need even more time: case "$( uname -m )" in arm*) WAIT=4;; esac fi if [ ! -z "$WAIT" ]; then echo $WAIT > $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root fi # If no OUTPUT_IMAGE was specified, read it from the SOURCE_TREE if possible: OUTPUT_IMAGE=$(normalize_string ${OUTPUT_IMAGE:-"$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/initrd-name)"}) # If we still have no value, apply the default: OUTPUT_IMAGE=${OUTPUT_IMAGE:-"/boot/initrd.gz"} # Finally, write the image name into the SOURCE_TREE: echo "$OUTPUT_IMAGE" > $SOURCE_TREE/initrd-name # Fill /resumedev with the swap partition holding the hibernation image if [ ! -z "$RESUMEDEV" ]; then echo $RESUMEDEV > $SOURCE_TREE/resumedev fi # Add custom keymap support if one was given if [ ! -z "$KEYMAP" ]; then echo $KEYMAP > $SOURCE_TREE/keymap cp /usr/share/mkinitrd/keymaps.tar.gz $SOURCE_TREE/etc/ fi # If LUKSDEV was set in the config file, then we need to set CRYPT=1 if [ ! -z "$LUKSDEV" ]; then CRYPT=1 fi # Check for LUKSTRIM if [ ! -z "$LUKSTRIM" ]; then echo $LUKSTRIM > $SOURCE_TREE/lukstrim fi # If LUKSKEY was set in the config file, then give it a warm welcome: if [ ! -z "$LUKSKEY" ]; then # $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root may have been configured earlier in the script, # but we require at least 5 seconds for the USB stick to settle # after insertion : if [ ! -s $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root ] || [ $(cat $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root) -lt 5 ]; then echo 5 > $SOURCE_TREE/wait-for-root fi # Several extra modules are needed to support a vfat formatted USB stick... # assuming here we are using a western codepage. # This possibly adds doublures, but we clean up the MODULE_LIST further down! MODULE_LIST="${MODULE_LIST}:xhci-pci:ohci-pci:ehci-pci:xhci-hcd:ohci-hcd:ehci-hcd:uhci-hcd:usb-storage:hid:usbhid:fat:nls_cp437:nls_iso8859-1:msdos:vfat" # Finally, write the lukskey to the initrd-tree: echo $LUKSKEY > $SOURCE_TREE/lukskey fi # Include RAID support in initrd if [ ! -z "$RAID" ]; then if [ -r /sbin/mdadm -a -r /sbin/mdmon ]; then mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/sbin cp /sbin/mdadm $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/mdadm cp /sbin/mdmon $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/mdmon chmod 0755 $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/mdadm chmod 0755 $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/mdmon mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/lib/udev/rules.d echo 'KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*", OPTIONS+="db_persist"' > \ $SOURCE_TREE/lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-initrd.rules if [ -r /etc/mdadm.conf ] ; then cp /etc/mdadm.conf $SOURCE_TREE/etc fi else echo "ERROR: mdadm and/or mdmon binary is missing, RAID support not installed" fi fi # Include Btrfs support in initrd if [ ! -z "$BTRFS" ]; then if [ -r /sbin/btrfs ]; then mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/sbin cp /sbin/btrfs $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/btrfs chmod 0755 $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/btrfs else echo "ERROR: btrfs binary is missing, Btrfs support not installed" fi fi # Include udev in initrd if [ ! -z "$UDEV" ]; then cp /sbin/udev* $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/ cp -a /lib/udev $SOURCE_TREE/lib/ # But we don't want all of /lib/udev for file in $(echo $LIBUDEV_BLACKLIST) ; do # Replace with a null script (avoids error spew): cat << EOF > $SOURCE_TREE/lib/udev/$file #!/bin/ash # This space is intentionally left blank EOF done fi # Include LVM support in initrd if [ ! -z "$LVM" ]; then if [ -f /sbin/lvm ]; then mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/sbin cp /sbin/lvm $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/lvm ( cd $SOURCE_TREE/sbin ln -s lvm vgchange 2>/dev/null ln -s lvm vgscan 2>/dev/null ) else echo "LVM binary is missing, LVM support isn't installed" LVM="" fi fi # Include cryptsetup (LUKS) support in initrd if [ ! -z "$CRYPT" ]; then if [ -e /usr/sbin/cryptsetup ]; then mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/sbin cp /usr/sbin/cryptsetup $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/cryptsetup find /lib /lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 -name "libargon2*so*" 2> /dev/null | xargs -I'{}' cp -P --parents '{}' $SOURCE_TREE/ find /lib /lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 -name "libgcc_s*so*" 2> /dev/null | xargs -I'{}' cp -P --parents '{}' $SOURCE_TREE/ MODULE_LIST="${MODULE_LIST}:algif_skcipher" if [ ! -e $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/udevadm ]; then cat << EOF > $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/udevadm #!/bin/sh sleep 3 EOF chmod 0755 $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/udevadm fi # Write the underlying luks device to the initrd-tree: echo $LUKSDEV > $SOURCE_TREE/luksdev else echo "Cryptsetup binary is missing, CRYPT support isn't installed" CRYPT="" fi fi # Include device mapper in initrd (needed for LUKS and LVM) if [ ! -z "$CRYPT" -o ! -z "$LVM" ]; then cp /sbin/dmsetup $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/dmsetup find /lib /lib64 -name "libdevmapper*so*" 2> /dev/null | xargs -I'{}' cp -P --parents '{}' $SOURCE_TREE/ if [ -z "${MODULE_LIST}" ] ; then MODULE_LIST="dm-mod" elif ! echo ${MODULE_LIST} | grep -q dm-mod ; then MODULE_LIST="$MODULE_LIST:dm-mod" fi # Ensure that dm-snapshot is included if LVM is used: if [ ! -z "$LVM" ]; then if ! echo ${MODULE_LIST} | grep -q dm-snapshot ; then MODULE_LIST="$MODULE_LIST:dm-snapshot" fi fi mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/lib/udev/rules.d echo 'KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*", OPTIONS+="db_persist"' > \ $SOURCE_TREE/lib/udev/rules.d/95-dm-initrd.rules fi # If there is additional filesystems to be mounted, copy their configuration # from system's /etc/fstab: if [ ! -z "$MOUNT_LIST" ]; then for MOUNT_POINT in $(echo $MOUNT_LIST | tr : \ ); do grep '^[^#[:space:]]\+[[:space:]]\+'$MOUNT_POINT'[[:space:]]' /etc/fstab done > $SOURCE_TREE/addfstab fi # Make module directories: for kver in $(echo ${KERNEL_VERSION} | tr ':' '\n') ; do if [ ! -d $SOURCE_TREE/lib/modules/$kver ]; then mkdir -p $SOURCE_TREE/lib/modules/$kver fi done # Copy kmod/modprobe stuff to initrd: for i in kmod depmod insmod lsmod modinfo modprobe rmmod ; do rm -f $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/$i ; cp -a /sbin/$i $SOURCE_TREE/sbin ; done # Make sure modules.builtin and modules.order are there (for kmod): for kver in $(echo ${KERNEL_VERSION} | tr ':' '\n') ; do cp /lib/modules/$kver/modules.{builtin,order} \ $SOURCE_TREE/lib/modules/$kver done # If an executable $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules already exists, then # we assume you will want to load the kernel modules mentioned in there. # This means, you do not have to explicitly add those on the commandline: if [ -x $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules ]; then MODULE_LIST="${MODULE_LIST}:$(cat $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules |grep "^modprobe" |rev |cut -d/ -f1 |rev |cut -d. -f1)" fi # If the module list is not empty, copy the modules into place: if [ ! -z "$MODULE_LIST" ]; then if grep -q "#modprobe reiserfs" $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules ; then rm -f $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules touch $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules chmod 755 $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules echo "# This is a script used to load the kernel modules." >> $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules echo "# To use it, chmod it 755, and then add the insmod" >> $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules echo "# lines needed to load your modules, like this:" >> $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules echo >> $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules fi # Sanitize the modules list first, before any further processing. # The awk command eliminates doubles without changing the order: MODULE_LIST=$(echo $MODULE_LIST |tr -s ':' '\n' |awk '!x[$0]++' |tr '\n' ':') MODULE_LIST=$(echo ${MODULE_LIST%:}) # Weed out a trailing ':' # Count number of modules # This INDEX number gives us an easy way to find individual # modules and their arguments, as well as tells us how many # times to run through the list if ! echo $MODULE_LIST | grep ':' > /dev/null ; then # only 1 module specified INDEX=1 else # Trim excess ':' which will screw this routine: MODULE_LIST=$(echo $MODULE_LIST | tr -s ':') INDEX=1 while [ ! "$(echo "$MODULE_LIST" | cut -f $INDEX -d ':' )" = "" ]; do INDEX=$(expr $INDEX + 1) done INDEX=$(expr $INDEX - 1) # Don't include the null value fi # Repeat these tasks for all kernel versions support has been requested for: for kver in $(echo ${KERNEL_VERSION} | tr ':' '\n') ; do # Wrap everything in a while loop i=0 while [ $i -ne $INDEX ]; do i=$(( $i + 1 )) # FULL_MOD is the module plus any arguments (if any) # MODULE is the module name # ARGS is any optional arguments to be passed to the kernel FULL_MOD="$(echo "$MODULE_LIST" | cut -d ':' -f $i)" MODULE="$(echo "$FULL_MOD" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 )" # Test for arguments if echo "$FULL_MOD" | grep ' ' > /dev/null; then ARGS=" $(echo "$FULL_MOD" | cut -d ' ' -f 2- )" else unset ARGS fi # Get MODULE deps and prepare modprobe lines /sbin/modprobe --set-version $kver --show-depends --ignore-install $MODULE 2>/dev/null \ | grep "^insmod " | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | while read SRCMOD; do # If jfs or xfs filesystems are in use, add the repair tools to the initrd: if [ "$(basename $SRCMOD .ko)" = "jfs" ]; then cp -a /sbin/jfs_fsck $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/ elif [ "$(basename $SRCMOD .ko)" = "xfs" ]; then cp -a /sbin/xfs_repair $SOURCE_TREE/sbin/ fi if ! grep -Eq " $(basename $SRCMOD .ko)(\.| |$)" $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules 2>/dev/null ; then LINE="$(echo "modprobe -v $(basename ${SRCMOD%%.gz} .ko)" )" # Test to see if arguments should be passed # Over-ride the previously defined LINE variable if so if [ "$(basename $SRCMOD .ko)" = "$MODULE" ]; then # SRCMOD and MODULE are same, ARGS can be passed LINE="$LINE$ARGS" fi fi if ! grep -qx "$LINE" $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules ; then echo "$LINE" >> $SOURCE_TREE/load_kernel_modules fi # Try to add the module to the initrd-tree. This should be done # even if it exists there already as we may have changed compilers # or otherwise caused the modules in the initrd-tree to need # replacement. if cp -a --parents $SRCMOD $SOURCE_TREE 2>/dev/null; then echo "OK: $SRCMOD added." # If a module needs firmware, copy that too /sbin/modinfo -F firmware "$SRCMOD" | sed 's/^/\/lib\/firmware\//' | while read SRCFW; do if cp -a --parents "$SRCFW" $SOURCE_TREE 2>/dev/null; then echo "OK: $SRCFW added." else echo "WARNING: Could not find firmware \"$SRCFW\"" fi done else echo "WARNING: Could not find module \"$SRCMOD\"" fi done done # Pregenerate the module dependency information /sbin/depmod -a -b $SOURCE_TREE $kver done # repeat for all kernel versions # Copy /{etc,lib}/modprobe.d/* if desired if [ ! -z $MODCONF ]; then copy_modconf fi fi # Copy needed libraries copy_libs # Make sure all libraries have symlinks: /sbin/ldconfig $(readlink -f $SOURCE_TREE)/lib/ 2> /dev/null /sbin/ldconfig $(readlink -f $SOURCE_TREE)/lib64/ 2> /dev/null /sbin/ldconfig # And finally, build the initrd: build_initrd_image