IGNOREPATH=/boot:/cdrom:/dev:/home:/mnt:/proc:/root:/tmp:/var/ax25:/var/log:/var/spool/cron STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y # pkginfo VERSION=1.2.10 PROGNAME=shapelib DESC="Shapefile C Library is a C library for reading and writing\n\ ESRI Shapefiles and their related DBF files. All geometry\n\ types are supported, with robust DBF support. Shapelib is\n\ widely used for commercial and free projects. Shapelib \n\ includes command line utilities for dumping, subsetting,\n\ clipping, shifting, scaling, and reprojecting shapefiles.\n\ \n\ This package is needed by Xastir." # maintainer ARCH=i486 BUILD=1 MAINTAINER="Arno Verhoeven " SOURCE="http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/shapelib/" LOCATION="http://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/slackware/slackware-current_ham_updates/extra/ham/packet/" # package name PKGNAME=$PROGNAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD compile() { tar zxvf $CWD/$PROGNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz zcat $CWD/shapelib-1.2.10.diff.gz | patch -p0 --verbose cd $PROGNAME-$VERSION make lib cd contrib make } install() { cd $TMP/$PROGNAME-$VERSION make lib_install cd contrib cp shpproj /usr/bin cd .. mkdir -p /usr/doc/$PROGNAME-$VERSION cp ChangeLog LICENSE.LGPL README* *.html contrib/doc/* /usr/doc/$PROGNAME-$VERSION } special() { # Generate a slack-desc file # output the package name first for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 do echo "$PROGNAME:" >> $TMP/leftside done # now place the description in a file echo -e "$DESC" > $TMP/rightside # combine the two paste -d ' ' $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside > $CTL/slack-desc rm -rf $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside } subpacks() { echo "no sub-packages..." }