openvas OpenVAS Scanner V6 The Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS) Scanner. OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user front-end. The core component is a server with a set of network vulnerability tests (NVTs) to detect security problems in remote systems and applications. OpenVAS products are Free Software under GNU GPL. security:OpenVAS:UNSTABLE:v7 UNSTABLE:v7 UNSTABLE:v7 openSUSE:13.1 Official 13.1 openSUSE distribution This project builds the official 13.1 openSUSE distribution. Have a look at for more details. greenbone-security-assistant The Greenbone Security Assistant The Greenbone Security Assistant is a web application that connects to the OpenVAS Manager and OpenVAS Administrator to provide for a full-featured user interface for vulnerability management. openvas-cli Command Line Tools for OpenVAS OpenVAS-CLI collects command line tools to handle with the OpenVAS services via the respective protocols. openvas-scanner The Scanner Module for OpenVAS This is the scanner module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS). openvas-manager Manager Module of OpenVAS The OpenVAS-Manager is a layer between OpenVAS-Scanner and various client applications such as OpenVAS-Client or Greenbone Security Assistant. Among other features, it adds server-side storage of scan results and it makes it unnecessary for scan clients to keep connection until a scan finishes. nmap The nmap package The nmap package. sqlite3 The sqlite3 package The sqlite3 package. libxslt-tools The libxslt-tools package The libxslt-tools package.