ndiswrapper-kmp-desktop-1.57rc1_3.0.74_34-20.1e>UA#D/7|uÙK?QK$jN EO'8›$\n~Ź%H:n>>?d, 1 c  5Cfls   $ 0 S XdsBBB(8 9 :t >[?c@kFsGHIXY\]^-bcdeflzCndiswrapper-kmp-desktop1.57rc1_3.0.74_3420.1Use Microsoft NDIS Network Drivers for WLAN CardsSome wireless LAN vendors refuse to release hardware specifications or drivers for their products for operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. The ndiswrapper project makes it possible to use such hardware with Linux by means of a loadable kernel module that "wraps around" NDIS (Windows network driver API) drivers. Authors: -------- Pontus Fuchs QKbuild33openSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Kernelhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.netlinuxx86_64nvr=ndiswrapper-kmp-desktop-1.57rc1_3.0.74_34-20.1 wm2=/usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 if [ -x $wm2 ]; then /bin/bash -${-/e/} $wm2 --add-kmp $nvr finvr=ndiswrapper-kmp-desktop-1.57rc1_3.0.74_34-20.1 rpm -ql $nvr | sed -n '/\.ko$/p' > /var/run/rpm-$nvr-modulesnvr=ndiswrapper-kmp-desktop-1.57rc1_3.0.74_34-20.1 modules=( $(cat /var/run/rpm-$nvr-modules) ) rm -f /var/run/rpm-$nvr-modules if [ ${#modules[*]} = 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: $nvr does not contain any kernel modules" >&2 exit 0 fi wm2=/usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 if [ -x $wm2 ]; then printf '%s\n' "${modules[@]}" | /bin/bash -${-/e/} $wm2 --remove-kmp $nvr fiAA큤Q