bind-libs-32bit-9.9.4P2-75.1e>UA$S똻ZW_6}LV?Vf$jNHD̗]"kLK'um$ @Ɖk>8K?;d  8  @X^et   L ~ 84P ` *( a8 h@9 h@: @>YBaGtHIX YH Zl[p\t]^bcde"f'l)Cbind-libs-32bit9.9.4P275.1Shared libraries of BINDThis package contains the shared libraries of the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) Domain Name System implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols.Vflamb084BopenSUSE 11.4openSUSEISChttp://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Libraries/C and C++|L0ɬ/h'VeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVeVe5ced8d81113b2f22727baa097c1096b64f6f0706  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ bind-libs-32bit/bin/shrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) @URa@QQQQQPPPP@PTmP1@O@OỌ@OOOO8@N@Nܲ@Nܲ@NˎN@N@N@NtNs:@NdNdN^"@NMML@M@M‘@MfH@M$]@ML!L@LLMLMxLT@K$@KKK{@KV@KA@K'z@K @KKJ@JH@J JI@J7@I@Imkubecek@suse.czmkubecek@suse.czwr@rosenauer.orgwr@rosenauer.orgmax@suse.commax@suse.comlmuelle@suse.comlmuelle@suse.commeissner@suse.commeissner@suse.commeissner@suse.commeissner@suse.commeissner@suse.comug@suse.decfarrell@suse.comug@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.decoolo@suse.comlars@samba.orgug@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.defteodori@suse.deug@suse.decoolo@suse.comjengelh@medozas.deug@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.derhafer@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.decrrodriguez@opensuse.orgmeissner@suse.deug@suse.deug@suse.demeissner@suse.demvyskocil@suse.c bind-CVE-2015-8704.patch: INSIST failure in response to specific APL data (CVE-2015-8704 bsc#962189) - bind-CVE-2016-1285-1286.patch: * remote DoS via malformed data over control channel (CVE-2016-1285 bsc#970072) * remote DoS via malformed DNAME record (CVE-2016-1286 bsc#970073) - fix a typo in specfile- bind-CVE-2015-8000.patch: fix remote denial of service by misparsing incoming responses (CVE-2015-8000, bsc#958861)- Fix DoS against servers performing validation on DNSSEC-signed records (CVE-2015-5722, bsc#944066).- Fix DoS against authoritative and recursive servers. bnc#939567, CVE-2015-5477 - A problem with trust anchor management can cause named to crash (CVE-2015-1349, bsc#918330) - Fix resolver crash when validating (CVE-2015-4620, bsc#936476).- Update to version 9.9.4P2 * Fixes named crash when handling malformed NSEC3-signed zones (CVE-2014-0591, bnc#858639) * Obsoletes workaround-compile-problem.diff - Replace rpz2+rl-9.9.3-P1.patch by rpz2-9.9.4.patch, rl is now supported upstream (--enable-rrl).- Update to 9.9.3P2 fixes CVE-2013-4854, bnc#831899. * Incorrect bounds checking on private type 'keydata' can lead to a remotely triggerable REQUIRE failure.- Updated to 9.9.2-P2 Security Fixes Removed the check for regex.h in configure in order to disable regex syntax checking, as it exposes BIND to a critical flaw in libregex on some platforms. [CVE-2013-2266] [RT #32688] (bnc#811876) Prevents named from aborting with a require assertion failure on servers with DNS64 enabled. These crashes might occur as a result of specific queries that are received. (Note that this fix is a subset of a series of updates that will be included in full in BIND 9.8.5 and 9.9.3 as change #3388, RT #30996). [CVE-2012-5688] [RT #30792] A deliberately constructed combination of records could cause named to hang while populating the additional section of a response. [CVE-2012-5166] [RT #31090] Prevents a named assert (crash) when queried for a record whose RDATA exceeds 65535 bytes. [CVE-2012-4244] [RT #30416] Prevents a named assert (crash) when validating caused by using "Bad cache" data before it has been initialized. [CVE-2012-3817] [RT #30025] A condition has been corrected where improper handling of zero-length RDATA could cause undesirable behavior, including termination of the named process. [CVE-2012-1667] [RT #29644] ISC_QUEUE handling for recursive clients was updated to address a race condition that could cause a memory leak. This rarely occurred with UDP clients, but could be a significant problem for a server handling a steady rate of TCP queries. [CVE-2012-3868] [RT #29539 & #30233] New Features Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm keys and signatures in DNSSEC are now supported per RFC 6605. [RT #21918] Introduces a new tool "dnssec-checkds" command that checks a zone to determine which DS records should be published in the parent zone, or which DLV records should be published in a DLV zone, and queries the DNS to ensure that it exists. (Note: This tool depends on python; it will not be built or installed on systems that do not have a python interpreter.) [RT #28099] Introduces a new tool "dnssec-verify" that validates a signed zone, checking for the correctness of signatures and NSEC/NSEC3 chains. [RT #23673] Adds configuration option "max-rsa-exponent-size ;" that can be used to specify the maximum rsa exponent size that will be accepted when validating [RT #29228] Feature Changes Improves OpenSSL error logging [RT #29932] nslookup now returns a nonzero exit code when it is unable to get an answer. [RT #29492] Bug Fixes When using DNSSEC inline signing with "rndc signing -nsec3param", a salt value of "-" can now be used to indicate 'no salt'. [RT #30099] Prevents race conditions (address use after free) that could be encountered when named is shutting down and releasing structures used to manage recursive clients. [RT #30241] Static-stub zones now accept "forward" and "fowarders" options (often needed for subdomains of the zone referenced to override global forwarding options). These options are already available with traditional stub zones and their omission from zones of type "static-stub" was an inadvertent oversight. [RT #30482] Limits the TTL of signed RRsets in cache when their RRSIGs are approaching expiry. This prevents the persistence in cache of invalid RRSIGs in order to assist recovery from a situation where zone re-signing doesn't occur in a timely manner. With this change, named will attempt to obtain new RRSIGs from the authoritative server once the original ones have expired, and even if the TTL of the old records would in other circumstances cause them to be kept in cache for longer. [RT #26429] Corrects the syntax of isc_atomic_xadd() and isc_atomic_cmpxchg() which are employed on Itanium systems to speed up lock management by making use of atomic operations. Without the syntax correction it is possible that concurrent access to the same structures could accidentally occur with unpredictable results. [RT #25181] Improves OpenSSL error logging [RT #29932] The configure script now supports and detects libxml2-2.8.x correctly [RT #30440] The host command should no longer assert on some architectures and builds while handling the time values used with the -w (wait forever) option. [RT #18723] Invalid zero settings for max-retry-time, min-retry-time, max-refresh-time, min-refresh-time will now be detected during parsing of named.conf and an error emitted instead of triggering an assertion failure on startup. [RT #27730] Removes spurious newlines from log messages in zone.c [RT #30675] When built with readline support (i.e. on a system with readline installed) nsupdate no longer terminates unexpectedly in interactive mode. [RT #29550] All named tasks that perform task-exclusive operations now share the same single task. Prior to this change, there was the possibility of a race condition between rndc operations and other functions such as re-sizing the adb hash table. If the race condition was encountered, named would in most cases terminate unexpectedly with an assert. [RT #29872] Ensures that servers are expired from the ADB cache when the timeout limit is reached so that their learned attributes can be refreshed. Prior to this change, servers that were frequently queried might never have their entries removed and reinitialized. This is of particular importance to DNSSEC-validating recursive servers that might erroneously set "no-edns" for an authoritative server following a period of intermittent connectivity. [RT [#29856]] Adds additional resilience to a previous security change (3218) by preventing RRSIG data from being added to cache when a pseudo-record matching the covering type and proving non-existence exists at a higher trust level. The earlier change prevented this inconsistent data from being retrieved from cache in response to client queries - with this additional change, the RRSIG records are no longer inserted into cache at all. [RT #26809] dnssec-settime will now issue a warning when the writing of a new private key file would cause a change in the permissions of the existing file. [RT #27724] Fixes the defect introduced by change #3314 that was causing failures when saving stub zones to disk (resulting in excessive CPU usage in some cases). [RT #29952] Address race condition in units tests: asyncload_zone and asyncload_zt. [RT #26100] It is now possible to using multiple control keys again - this functionality was inadvertently broken by change #3924 (RT #28265) which addressed a memory leak. [RT #29694] Named now holds a zone table reference while performing an asynchronous load of a zone. This removes a race condition that could cause named to crash when zones are added using rndc addzone or by manually editing named's configuration file followed by rndc reconfig/reload. [RT #28326] Setting resolver-query-timeout too low could cause named problems recovering after a loss of connectivity. [RT #29623] Reduces the potential build-up of stale RRsets in cache on a busy recursive nameserver by re-using cached DS and RRSIG rrsets when possible [RT #29446] Corrects a failure to authenticate non-existence of resource records in some circumstances when RPZ has been configured. Also: - adds an optional "recursive-only yes|no" to the response-policy statement - adds an optional "max-policy-ttl" to the response-policy statement to limit the false data that "recursive-only no" can introduce into resolvers' caches - introduces a predefined encoding of PASSTHRU policy by adding "rpz-passthru" to be used as the target of CNAME policy records (the old encoding is still accepted.) - adds a RPZ performance test to bin/tests/system/rpz when queryperf is available. [RT #26172] Upper-case/lower-case handling of RRSIG signer-names is now handled consistently: RRSIG records are generated with the signer-name in lower case. They are accepted with any case, but if they fail to validate, we try again in lower case. [RT #27451]- Update the IPv4 address of the D root name server.- Updated to 9.9.2-P1 (bnc#792926) * Security Fixes Prevents named from aborting with a require assertion failure on servers with DNS64 enabled. These crashes might occur as a result of specific queries that are received. (Note that this fix is a subset of a series of updates that will be included in full in BIND 9.8.5 and 9.9.3 as change #3388, RT #30996). [CVE-2012-5688] [RT #30792] A deliberately constructed combination of records could cause named to hang while populating the additional section of a response. [CVE-2012-5166] [RT #31090] Prevents a named assert (crash) when queried for a record whose RDATA exceeds 65535 bytes. [CVE-2012-4244] [RT #30416] Prevents a named assert (crash) when validating caused by using "Bad cache" data before it has been initialized. [CVE-2012-3817] [RT #30025] A condition has been corrected where improper handling of zero-length RDATA could cause undesirable behavior, including termination of the named process. [CVE-2012-1667] [RT #29644] ISC_QUEUE handling for recursive clients was updated to address a race condition that could cause a memory leak. This rarely occurred with UDP clients, but could be a significant problem for a server handling a steady rate of TCP queries. [CVE-2012-3868] [RT #29539 & #30233] New Features Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm keys and signatures in DNSSEC are now supported per RFC 6605. [RT #21918] Introduces a new tool "dnssec-checkds" command that checks a zone to determine which DS records should be published in the parent zone, or which DLV records should be published in a DLV zone, and queries the DNS to ensure that it exists. (Note: This tool depends on python; it will not be built or installed on systems that do not have a python interpreter.) [RT #28099] Introduces a new tool "dnssec-verify" that validates a signed zone, checking for the correctness of signatures and NSEC/NSEC3 chains. [RT #23673] Adds configuration option "max-rsa-exponent-size ;" that can be used to specify the maximum rsa exponent size that will be accepted when validating [RT #29228] Feature Changes Improves OpenSSL error logging [RT #29932] nslookup now returns a nonzero exit code when it is unable to get an answer. [RT #29492] Bug Fixes Uses binary mode to open raw files on Windows. [RT #30944] When using DNSSEC inline signing with "rndc signing -nsec3param", a salt value of "-" can now be used to indicate 'no salt'. [RT #30099] Prevents race conditions (address use after free) that could be encountered when named is shutting down and releasing structures used to manage recursive clients. [RT #30241] Static-stub zones now accept "forward" and "fowarders" options (often needed for subdomains of the zone referenced to override global forwarding options). These options are already available with traditional stub zones and their omission from zones of type "static-stub" was an inadvertent oversight. [RT #30482] Limits the TTL of signed RRsets in cache when their RRSIGs are approaching expiry. This prevents the persistence in cache of invalid RRSIGs in order to assist recovery from a situation where zone re-signing doesn't occur in a timely manner. With this change, named will attempt to obtain new RRSIGs from the authoritative server once the original ones have expired, and even if the TTL of the old records would in other circumstances cause them to be kept in cache for longer. [RT #26429] Corrects the syntax of isc_atomic_xadd() and isc_atomic_cmpxchg() which are employed on Itanium systems to speed up lock management by making use of atomic operations. Without the syntax correction it is possible that concurrent access to the same structures could accidentally occur with unpredictable results. [RT #25181] Improves OpenSSL error logging [RT #29932] The configure script now supports and detects libxml2-2.8.x correctly [RT #30440] The host command should no longer assert on some architectures and builds while handling the time values used with the -w (wait forever) option. [RT #18723] Invalid zero settings for max-retry-time, min-retry-time, max-refresh-time, min-refresh-time will now be detected during parsing of named.conf and an error emitted instead of triggering an assertion failure on startup. [RT #27730] Removes spurious newlines from log messages in zone.c [RT #30675] When built with readline support (i.e. on a system with readline installed) nsupdate no longer terminates unexpectedly in interactive mode. [RT #29550] All named tasks that perform task-exclusive operations now share the same single task. Prior to this change, there was the possibility of a race condition between rndc operations and other functions such as re-sizing the adb hash table. If the race condition was encountered, named would in most cases terminate unexpectedly with an assert. [RT #29872] Ensures that servers are expired from the ADB cache when the timeout limit is reached so that their learned attributes can be refreshed. Prior to this change, servers that were frequently queried might never have their entries removed and reinitialized. This is of particular importance to DNSSEC-validating recursive servers that might erroneously set "no-edns" for an authoritative server following a period of intermittent connectivity. [RT #29856] Adds additional resilience to a previous security change (3218) by preventing RRSIG data from being added to cache when a pseudo-record matching the covering type and proving non-existence exists at a higher trust level. The earlier change prevented this inconsistent data from being retrieved from cache in response to client queries - with this additional change, the RRSIG records are no longer inserted into cache at all. [RT #26809] dnssec-settime will now issue a warning when the writing of a new private key file would cause a change in the permissions of the existing file. [RT #27724] Fixes the defect introduced by change #3314 that was causing failures when saving stub zones to disk (resulting in excessive CPU usage in some cases). [RT #29952] Address race condition in units tests: asyncload_zone and asyncload_zt. [RT #26100] It is now possible to using multiple control keys again - this functionality was inadvertently broken by change #3924 (RT #28265) which addressed a memory leak. [RT #29694] Named now holds a zone table reference while performing an asynchronous load of a zone. This removes a race condition that could cause named to crash when zones are added using rndc addzone or by manually editing named's configuration file followed by rndc reconfig/reload. [RT #28326] Setting resolver-query-timeout too low could cause named problems recovering after a loss of connectivity. [RT #29623] Reduces the potential build-up of stale RRsets in cache on a busy recursive nameserver by re-using cached DS and RRSIG rrsets when possible [RT #29446] Corrects a failure to authenticate non-existence of resource records in some circumstances when RPZ has been configured. Also: adds an optional "recursive-only yes|no" to the response-policy statement adds an optional "max-policy-ttl" to the response-policy statement to limit the false data that "recursive-only no" can introduce into resolvers' caches introduces a predefined encoding of PASSTHRU policy by adding "rpz-passthru" to be used as the target of CNAME policy records (the old encoding is still accepted.) adds a RPZ performance test to bin/tests/system/rpz when queryperf is available. [RT #26172] Upper-case/lower-case handling of RRSIG signer-names is now handled consistently: RRSIG records are generated with the signer-name in lower case. They are accepted with any case, but if they fail to validate, we try again in lower case. [RT #27451]- added a ratelimiting (draft RFC) patch from Paul Vixie. see suggested by Stefan Schaefer - updated to 9.9.2 Security: * A deliberately constructed combination of records could cause named to hang while populating the additional section of a response. [CVE-2012-5166] [RT #31090] * Prevents a named assert (crash) when queried for a record whose RDATA exceeds 65535 bytes. [CVE-2012-4244] [RT #30416] * Prevents a named assert (crash) when validating caused by using "Bad cache" data before it has been initialized. [CVE-2012-3817] [RT #30025] * A condition has been corrected where improper handling of zero-length RDATA could cause undesirable behavior, including termination of the named process. [CVE-2012-1667] [RT #29644] * ISC_QUEUE handling for recursive clients was updated to address a race condition that could cause a memory leak. This rarely occurred with UDP clients, but could be a significant problem for a server handling a steady rate of TCP queries. [CVE-2012-3868] [RT #29539 & #30233] New Features * Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm keys and signatures in DNSSEC are now supported per RFC 6605. [RT #21918] * Introduces a new tool "dnssec-checkds" command that checks a zone to determine which DS records should be published in the parent zone, or which DLV records should be published in a DLV zone, and queries the DNS to ensure that it exists. (Note: This tool depends on python; it will not be built or installed on systems that do not have a python interpreter.) [RT #28099] * Introduces a new tool "dnssec-verify" that validates a signed zone, checking for the correctness of signatures and NSEC/NSEC3 chains. [RT #23673] * Adds configuration option "max-rsa-exponent-size ;" that can be used to specify the maximum rsa exponent size that will be accepted when validating [RT #29228] Feature Changes * Improves OpenSSL error logging [RT #29932] * nslookup now returns a nonzero exit code when it is unable to get an answer. [RT #29492] Lots of bugfixes. - unfuzzed patches: perl-path.diff pie_compile.diff workaround-compile-problem.diff- Specially crafted DNS data can cause a lockup in named. CVE-2012-5166, bnc#784602. - 9.9.1-P4- Named could die on specially crafted record. [RT #30416] (bnc#780157) CVE-2012-4244 - 9.9.1-P3 - updated dnszone-schema.txt from upstream.- Prevents a named assert (crash) when validating caused by using "Bad cache" data before it has been initialized. [RT #30025] (bnc#772945) - ISC_QUEUE handling for recursive clients was updated to address a race condition that could cause a memory leak. This rarely occurred with UDP clients, but could be a significant problem for a server handling a steady rate of TCP queries. [RT #29539 & #30233] - Under heavy incoming TCP query loads named could experience a memory leak which could lead to significant reductions in query response or cause the server to be terminated on systems with "out of memory" killers. [RT #29539] (bnc#772946) - A condition has been corrected where improper handling of zero-length RDATA could cause undesirable behavior, including termination of the named process. [RT #29644] - 9.9.1-P2- license update: ISC ISC is generally seen as the correct license for bind- updated dnszone-schema.txt- VUL-0: bind remote DoS via zero length rdata field CVE-2012-1667 bnc#765315 - 9.9.1-P1- this version has no new features but only bugfixes - Addresses a race condition that can cause named to to crash when the masters list for a zone is updated via rndc reload/reconfig - Fixes a race condition in zone.c that can cause named to crash during the processing of rndc delzone - Prevents a named segfault from resolver.c due to procedure fctx_finddone() not being thread-safe - SDB now handles unexpected errors from back-end database drivers gracefully instead of exiting on an assert. - Prevents named crashes as a result of dereferencing a NULL pointer in zmgr_start_xfrin_ifquota if the zone was being removed while there were zone transfers still pending - Corrects a parser bug that could cause named to crash while reading a malformed zone file - many more smaller fixes - version 9.9.1- added patch to fix an assertion failure- many dnssec fixes and features (too many to list them here, check the changelog) - improved startup time - improved scalability - Added support for Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) resource records - Local copies of slave zones are now saved in raw format by default to improve startup performance BIND 9.9 changes the default storage format for slave zone files from text to raw. Because named's behavior when a slave server cannot read or parse a zone file is to move the offending file out of the way and retransfer the zone, slave servers that are updated from a pre-9.9.0 version of BIND and which have existing copies of slave zone data may wind up with extraneous copies of zone data stored, as the existing text-format zone file copies will be moved aside to filenames of the format db-###### and journal files to the format jn-###### (where # represents a hexadecimal digit.) - many many bugfixes. Please read changelog for details - fixed handling of TXT records in ldapdump (bnc#743758) - 9.9.0- patch license to follow standard- Ensure to create the required dir or sym link in /var/run; (bnc#738156).- root nameserver updated (root.hint file)- added managed-keys-directory to named.conf- fixed apparmor profile for lib and lib64 in chroot (bnc#716745)- Cache lookup could return RRSIG data associated with nonexistent records, leading to an assertion failure. CVE-2011-4313; (bnc#730995).- on a 64bit system a chrooted bind failed to start if 32bit libs were installed (bnc#716745)- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build- very first restart can create broken chroot (bnc#718441)* fixed SSL in chroot environment (bnc#715881)* Added a new include file with function typedefs for the DLZ "dlopen" driver. [RT #23629] * Added a tool able to generate malformed packets to allow testing of how named handles them. [RT #24096] * The root key is now provided in the file bind.keys allowing DNSSEC validation to be switched on at start up by adding "dnssec-validation auto;" to named.conf. If the root key provided has expired, named will log the expiration and validation will not work. More information and the most current copy of bind.keys can be found at *Please note this feature was actually added in 9.8.0 but was not included in the 9.8.0 release notes. [RT #21727] * If named is configured with a response policy zone (RPZ) and a query of type RRSIG is received for a name configured for RRset replacement in that RPZ, it will trigger an INSIST and crash the server. RRSIG. [RT #24280] * named, set up to be a caching resolver, is vulnerable to a user querying a domain with very large resource record sets (RRSets) when trying to negatively cache the response. Due to an off-by-one error, caching the response could cause named to crash. [RT #24650] [CVE-2011-1910] * Using Response Policy Zone (RPZ) to query a wildcard CNAME label with QUERY type SIG/RRSIG, it can cause named to crash. Fix is query type independant. [RT #24715] * Using Response Policy Zone (RPZ) with DNAME records and querying the subdomain of that label can cause named to crash. Now logs that DNAME is not supported. [RT #24766] * Change #2912 populated the message section in replies to UPDATE requests, which some Windows clients wanted. This exposed a latent bug that allowed the response message to crash named. With this fix, change 2912 has been reduced to copy only the zone section to the reply. A more complete fix for the latent bug will be released later. [RT #24777] * many bugfixes (see CHANGELOG) * 9.8.1- Fixed the ldapdump tool to also respect the "uri" setting in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf (bnc#710430)* Using Response Policy Zone (RPZ) with DNAME records and querying the subdomain of that label can cause named to crash. Now logs that DNAME is not supported. [RT #24766] * If named is configured to be both authoritative and resursive and receives a recursive query for a CNAME in a zone that it is authoritative for, if that CNAME also points to a zone the server is authoritative for, the recursive part of name will not follow the CNAME change and the response will not be a complete CNAME chain. [RT #24455] * Using Response Policy Zone (RPZ) to query a wildcard CNAME label with QUERY type SIG/RRSIG, it can cause named to crash. Fix is query type independant. [RT #24715] [CVE-2011-1907] * Change #2912 (see CHANGES) exposed a latent bug in the DNS message processing code that could allow certain UPDATE requests to crash named. This was fixed by disambiguating internal database representation vs DNS wire format data. [RT #24777] [CVE-2011-2464] * 9.8.0-P4- A large RRSET from a remote authoritative server that results in the recursive resolver trying to negatively cache the response can hit an off by one code error in named, resulting in named crashing. [RT #24650] [CVE-2011-1910] - Zones that have a DS record in the parent zone but are also listed in a DLV and won't validate without DLV could fail to validate. [RT [#24631]]- Build with -DNO_VERSION_DATE to avoid timestamps in binaries.- buildreq update-desktop-files for newer rpms- The ADB hash table stores informations about which authoritative servers to query about particular domains - BIND now supports a new zone type, static-stub - BIND now supports Response Policy Zones - BIND 9.8.0 now has DNS64 support - Dynamically Loadable Zones (DLZ) now support dynamic updates. - Added a "dlopen" DLZ driver, allowing the creation of external DLZ drivers that can be loaded as shared objects at runtime rather than having to be linked with named - named now retains GSS-TSIG keys across restarts - There is a new update-policy match type "external". - bugfixes - version to 9.8.0- fixed security issue VUL-0: bind: IXFR or DDNS update combined with high query rate DoS vulnerability (CVE-2011-0414 bnc#674431) - version to 9.7.3- ifdef the sysvinit specific prereqs for openSUSE 11.4 and later- fix bnc#656509 - direct mount of /proc in chroot- prereq init scripts syslog and network- fixed VUL-0: bind: Key algorithm rollover bug bnc#657102, CVE-2010-3614 - fixed VUL-0: bind: allow-query processed incorrectly bnc#657120, CVE-2010-3615 - fixed VUL-0: bind: cache incorrectly allows a ncache entry and a rrsig for the same type bnc#657129, CVE-2010-3613- fixed return code of "rcnamed status" - added gssapi support- Zones may be dynamically added and removed with the "rndc addzone" and "rndc delzone" commands. These dynamically added zones are written to a per-view configuration file. Do not rely on the configuration file name nor contents as this will change in a future release. This is an experimental feature at this time. - Added new "filter-aaaa-on-v4" access control list to select which IPv4 clients have AAAA record filtering applied. - A new command "rndc secroots" was added to dump a combined summary of the currently managed keys combined with statically configured trust anchors. - Added support to load new keys into managed zones without signing immediately with "rndc loadkeys". Added support to link keys with "dnssec-keygen -S" and "dnssec-settime -S". - Documentation improvements - ORCHID prefixes were removed from the automatic empty zone list. - Improved handling of GSSAPI security contexts. Specifically, better memory management of cached contexts, limited lifetime of a context to 1 hour, and added a "realm" command to nsupdate to allow selection of a non-default realm name. - The contributed tool "ztk" was updated to version 1.0. - version 9.7.1 to 9.7.2-P2- chrooted bind failed to start (bnc#625019)- genrandom: add support for the generation of multiple files. - Update empty-zones list to match draft-ietf-dnsop-default-local-zones-13. - Incrementally write the master file after performing a AXFR. - Add AAAA address for L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. - around 50 bugs fixed (see CHANGELOG for details) - version 9.7.1- Handle broken DNSSEC trust chains better. [RT #15619] - Named could return SERVFAIL for negative responses from unsigned zones. [RT #21131 - version 9.7.0-P2- Handle /var/run on tmpfs. - do not use run_ldconfig.- Enable DLZ-LDAP (supersedes sdb_ldap) and add a patch- Fully automatic signing of zones by "named". - Simplified configuration of DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV). - Simplified configuration of Dynamic DNS, using the "ddns-confgen" command line tool or the "local" update-policy option. (As a side effect, this also makes it easier to configure automatic zone re-signing.) - New named option "attach-cache" that allows multiple views to share a single cache. - DNS rebinding attack prevention. - New default values for dnssec-keygen parameters. - Support for RFC 5011 automated trust anchor maintenance - Smart signing: simplified tools for zone signing and key maintenance. - The "statistics-channels" option is now available on Windows. - A new DNSSEC-aware libdns API for use by non-BIND9 applications - On some platforms, named and other binaries can now print out a stack backtrace on assertion failure, to aid in debugging. - A "tools only" installation mode on Windows, which only installs dig, host, nslookup and nsupdate. - Improved PKCS#11 support, including Keyper support and explicit OpenSSL engine selection. - version 9.7.0- [security] Do not attempt to validate or cache out-of-bailiwick data returned with a secure answer; it must be re-fetched from its original source and validated in that context. [RT #20819] - [security] Cached CNAME or DNAME RR could be returned to clients without DNSSEC validation. [RT #20737] - [security] Bogus NXDOMAIN could be cached as if valid. [RT #20712] - version 9.6.1-P3- removed the syntax check for include files (bnc#567593)- add baselibs.conf as a source - enable parallel building - add baselibs for SPARC - package documentation as noarch- Security fix When validating, track whether pending data was from the additional section or not and only return it if validates as secure. [RT #20438] CVE-2009-4022 bnc#558260 - update from P1 to P2- added localhost for ipv6 to default config (bnc#539529)- fixed apparmor profile (bnc#544181)- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0- using start_daemon instead of startproc (bnc#539532)- version update to 9.6.1-P1 (security fix CVE-2009-0696) bnc#526185- enabled MySQL DLZ (Dynamically Loadable Zones)- around 50 bugfixes against 9.6.0p1 See changelog for details - version 9.6.1- not all include files were copied into chroot (bnc#466800)- /etc/named.conf does not include /etc/named.d/forwarders.conf by default (bnc#480334)/bin/shbind-utils-32bit9rstuvwxyz{|} -fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://]"k%zT4L Q!_~hen5/VZ3zG\juo7)=-ӋrtPҍO<)6~B)4@ [Tj9cK{L ARpgdwTJȷ9BV48r"ߪG]0xIE`ױ ⃔brWOaEؽ?&~bn'fC6g~d^ td ixaw-_= ,=Ĩo=o1_d7o2Kmc` Np4"i8 )9G٫Pǿr6=. sd+Esހ Ͼ]A@N{d6Wz ld.d O8 Ӄ%w2? @F*+Us^nɄz%g QTe' ݂t,m1㬪n=/;PWfblt1YBtyA}~Ee[HTLQ':IeH@|ig IFHdPdFAyLRk)>Dp FF R-,pbd:~vNys k Q~یqꃄLbZ,D5A_tz}ձz`Dp] t`ZȻ?(L!0=~厖!@8H:Hj@zv:ykof{M,ɞ#WB7\R2ʏ&މORu`Zt;`¬'[|={`I@9dc 8 kV  C ,y]Bnf/K.6 if~ i7JxZf۱odۣ4+" uԃL|-#Cϻɑ;jp0aI'%;9א_ ֒\$78"{oO* L*y ek&Hm&Yd րarЀ7ޢFY 33=:E.ỈRE {{踋~L}'l#8hɥu{skŽ p;Jx{P/^nȘ6)c3cØ%B=z/8$8-e k,#?3#^@6 d sIS,3?X(f CƑ8i"|}%!]X^d .B 5K360rBNVO[jy!un Șŭ^KE~a!4cAN= `jm䕌Ffi𠌸}- _1#X_hf8qß*9ҷ9CKJGR>nEcy2SHEwG96};BkXf.tB)p!}p;md%$/I^9te.l #8ܔks>>\Y? 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