apache2-worker-2.2.17-80.1e>UAxvg{w9 f4$ԀS?S$j%qG8 6C'Q0-i` oܒ= Z>>7?d  K $,0>GR kO(O O dO O oO OOWOO<(8#9P#:#>FGOH$OI`OXY\O] O^Lb~cdeflzCapache2-worker2.2.1780.1Apache 2 worker MPM (Multi-Processing Module)The worker MPM (multi-Processing Module) implementing a hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server. This combination offers a performance boost and retains some of the stability of the multi-process model.S+ybuild35 PopenSUSE 11.4openSUSEApache-2.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/Web/Servershttp://httpd.apache.org/linuxx86_64/usr/share/apache2/get_module_list &>/dev/null exit 0! Y$$&& VAS+ S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S+S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S+S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S*S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+ S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+8295b61cc2a59fe20d2c6e27a263031475d8267a0bd73275ca31749c88dec9f4c0ca7c16c49347a083db20a1c4f0d3a0aa46073614c783e3801be7fb12714ac2../apache2/mod_actions.so../apache2/mod_alias.so../apache2/mod_asis.so../apache2/mod_auth_basic.so../apache2/mod_auth_digest.so../apache2/mod_authn_alias.so../apache2/mod_authn_anon.so../apache2/mod_authn_dbd.so../apache2/mod_authn_dbm.so../apache2/mod_authn_default.so../apache2/mod_authn_file.so../apache2/mod_authnz_ldap.so../apache2/mod_authz_dbm.so../apache2/mod_authz_default.so../apache2/mod_authz_groupfile.so../apache2/mod_authz_host.so../apache2/mod_authz_owner.so../apache2/mod_authz_user.so../apache2/mod_autoindex.so../apache2/mod_bucketeer.so../apache2/mod_cache.so../apache2/mod_case_filter.so../apache2/mod_case_filter_in.so../apache2/mod_cern_meta.so../apache2/mod_charset_lite.so../apache2/mod_dav.so../apache2/mod_dav_fs.so../apache2/mod_dav_lock.so../apache2/mod_dbd.so../apache2/mod_deflate.so../apache2/mod_dir.so../apache2/mod_disk_cache.so../apache2/mod_dumpio.so../apache2/mod_echo.so../apache2/mod_env.so../apache2/mod_expires.so../apache2/mod_ext_filter.so../apache2/mod_file_cache.so../apache2/mod_filter.so../apache2/mod_headers.so../apache2/mod_ident.so../apache2/mod_imagemap.so../apache2/mod_include.so../apache2/mod_ldap.so../apache2/mod_log_config.so../apache2/mod_log_forensic.so../apache2/mod_logio.so../apache2/mod_mem_cache.so../apache2/mod_mime.so../apache2/mod_mime_magic.so../apache2/mod_negotiation.so../apache2/mod_optional_fn_export.so../apache2/mod_optional_fn_import.so../apache2/mod_optional_hook_export.so../apache2/mod_optional_hook_import.so../apache2/mod_proxy.so../apache2/mod_proxy_ajp.so../apache2/mod_proxy_balancer.so../apache2/mod_proxy_connect.so../apache2/mod_proxy_ftp.so../apache2/mod_proxy_http.so../apache2/mod_proxy_scgi.so../apache2/mod_reqtimeout.so../apache2/mod_rewrite.so../apache2/mod_setenvif.so../apache2/mod_speling.so../apache2/mod_status.so../apache2/mod_substitute.so../apache2/mod_suexec.so../apache2/mod_unique_id.so../apache2/mod_userdir.so../apache2/mod_usertrack.so../apache2/mod_version.so../apache2/mod_vhost_alias.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootapache2-2.2.17-80.1.src.rpmapache2-MPMmod_cgid.so()(64bit)mod_info.so()(64bit)mod_ssl.so()(64bit)apache2-workerapache2-worker(x86-64)  @@@@@@@@@@@@ apache2/bin/shrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)libapr-1.so.0()(64bit)libaprutil-1.so.0()(64bit)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.4)(64bit)libcrypto.so.1.0.0()(64bit)libpcre.so.0()(64bit)libpthread.so.0()(64bit)libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)libssl.so.1.0.0()(64bit)rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)ϣSQQT0Qh@O:LN@Nσ@NS@Nw.Np@N^"@N.@L@L@LQm@K/KFKK9@KK@K(Ja@J@J JmJ\s@J.NJ.NJ*@I@I@I@Idraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.dedraht@suse.depoeml@cmdline.netcristian.rodriguez@opensuse.orgpoeml@cmdline.netpoeml@cmdline.netlars@linux-schulserver.deaj@suse.depoeml@cmdline.netpoeml@cmdline.netcoolo@novell.comjengelh@medozas.depoeml@cmdline.netpoeml@cmdline.netpoeml@suse.depoeml@suse.dehvogel@suse.depoeml@suse.depoeml@suse.depoeml@suse.depoeml@suse.depoeml@suse.decrrodriguez@suse.depoeml@suse.de- httpd-2.2.x-bnc859916-enable-ecc.diff: ECC support should not be missing. [bnc#859916] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc869106-CVE-2014-0098-log_cookie_c.diff: correction to parsing of cookie content; this can lead to a crash with a specially designed cookie sent to the server. This is CVE-2014-0098 [bnc#869106] . - httpd-2.2.x-bnc869105-CVE-2013-6438-mod_dav-dos.diff: properly remove whitespace characters from CDATA sections to avoid remote denial of service by a crash of the apache server process. This is CVE-2013-6438 [bnc#869105]. - httpd-2.2.x-bnc887765-CVE-2014-0226-mod_status_race.diff Don't rely on live references of the scoreboard for an individual worker to remain the same while building the response within mod_status, but copy the scoreboard entry. This avoids a race condition and a consecutive heap overflow. CVE-2014-0226 , [bnc#887765] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc887768-CVE-2014-0231_mod_cgid_DoS_via_no_stdin_read.diff Introduces new configuration parameter CGIDScriptTimeout, which defaults to the value of parameter Timeout . CGIDScriptTimeout is set to 60s if mod_cgid is loaded/active, via /etc/apache2/conf.d/cgid-timeout.conf . The new directive and its effect prevent request workers to be eaten until starvation if cgi programs do not send output back to the server within the timout set by CGIDScriptTimeout. CVE-2014-0231 , [bnc#887768]- httpd-2.2.17-SSLCompression_CRIME_mitigation.patch introduces the SSLCompression directive, valid within global context. It defaults to "no". SSLCompression was added explicitly to /etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf . Please note that the new directive is not documented in the html documentation. - also added to /etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf: SSLHonorCipherOrder on - updated SSLCipherSuite in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template to capabilities in openssl-1.0.1l (GCM mode for AES is not supported, but the string is probably the best anyway...).- httpd-2.2.x-bnc829056-CVE-2013-1896-pr1482522-mod_dav.diff CVE-2013-1896: Sending a MERGE request against a URI handled by mod_dav_svn with the source href (sent as part of the request body as XML) pointing to a URI that is not configured for DAV will trigger a segfault. [bnc#829056] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc829057-CVE-2013-1862-mod_rewrite_terminal_escape_sequences.diff CVE-2013-1862: client data written to the RewriteLog must have terminal escape sequences escaped. [bnc#829057]- httpd-2.2.x-bnc807152-mod_balancer_handler_xss.diff: fix for cross site scripting vulnerability in mod_balancer. This is CVE-2012-4558 [bnc#807152] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc806458-util_ldap_cache_mgr-xss.diff httpd-2.2.x-bnc806458-mod_imagemap-xss.diff httpd-2.2.x-bnc806458-mod_proxy_ftp-xss.diff httpd-2.2.x-bnc806458-mod_info_ap_get_server_name-xss.diff fixes for low profile cross site scripting vulnerabilities, known as CVE-2012-3499 [bnc#806458]- ignore case when checking against SNI server names. [bnc#798733] httpd-2.2.x-bnc798733-SNI_ignorecase.diff - better cleanup of busy count after recovering from failure [bnc#789828] httpd-2.2.x-bnc789828-mod_balancer.diff - httpd-2.2.x-bnc788121-CVE-2012-4557-mod_proxy_ajp_timeout.diff: backend timeouts should not affect the entire worker. [bnc#788121] - httpd-2.2.x-envvars.diff obsoletes httpd-2.0.54-envvars.dif: Fix for low profile bug CVE-2012-0883 about improper LD_LIBRARY_PATH handling. [bnc#757710] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc777260-CVE-2012-2687-mod_negotiation_filename_xss.diff Escape filename for the case that uploads are allowed with untrusted user's control over filenames and mod_negotiation enabled on the same directory. CVE-2012-2687 [bnc#777260] - httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368_CVE-2011-4317-bnc722545.diff reworked to reflect the upstream changes. This will prevent the "Invalid URI in request OPTIONS *" messages in the error log. [bnc#722545]- /etc/init.d/apache2: new argument "check-reload". Exits 1 if httpd2 runs on deleted binaries such as after package update, else 0. This is used by equally modified /etc/logrotate.d/apache2, which uses "/etc/init.d/apache2 check-reload" in its prerotate script. These changes prevent httpd2 from being (gracefully) reloaded by logrotate, executed by cron, if new binaries have been installed. Instead, a warning is printed on stdout and is being logged to the syslogs. If this happens, apache's logs are NOT rotated, and the running processes are left untouched. This limits the maximum damage of log rotation to unrotated logs. "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" (or "rcapache2 restart") must be executed manually in such a case. [bnc#728876] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc738855-CVE-2007-6750-mod_reqtimeout-*.diff: disallow keepalives. - enable build and configuration of mod_reqtimeout.c module by default in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 (APACHE_MODULES=...). This does not change already existing sysconfig files, the module is only activated via sysconfig if this package is installed without pre-existing sysconfig file. See new file /etc/apache2/mod_reqtimeout.conf for configurables. Helps against Slowloris.pl DoS vulnerability that consists of eating up request slots by very slowly submitting the request. Note that mod_reqtimeout limits requests based on a lower boundary of request speed, not an upper boundary! CVE-2007-6750 [bnc#738855]. - httpd-2.2.x-bnc741243-CVE-2012-0031-scoreboard_handling.diff: scoreboard corruption (shared mem segment) by child causes crash of privileged parent (invalid free()) during shutdown. This is rated low impact. Notice: https://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1230065 makes a change to the struct global_score, which causes binary incompatibility. The change in above patch only goes as far as the binary compatibility allows; the vulnerability is completely fixed, though. CVE-2012-0031 [bnc#741243] - httpd-2.2.x-bnc743743-CVE-2012-0053-server_protocol_c-cookie_exposure.diff addresses CVE-2012-0053: error responses can expose cookies when no custom 400 error code ErrorDocument is configured. [bnc#743743]- httpd-2.2.x-bnc729181-CVE-2011-3607-int_overflow.diff re-worked: len needs to be unsigned. int -> apr_size_t. [bnc#729181]- httpd-2.2.x-bnc729181-CVE-2011-3607-int_overflow.diff fixes an integer overflow in server/util.c also known as CVE-2011-3607. [bnc#729181] - httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368_CVE-2011-4317-bnc722545.diff is a fix for CVE-2011-4317, which is to be seen a variant of CVE-2011-3368 which was addressed below in httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368-server_protocl_c.diff. [bnc#722545] - new template file: /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template allow TLSv1 only, browser match stuff commented out. - rc script /etc/init.d/apache2: handle reload with deleted binaries by message to stdout only, but refrain from sending signals.- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3348-mod_proxy_ajp.patch fixes DoS as described in CVE-2011-3348: unrecognized http method. [bnc#719236] - httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368-server_protocl_c.diff fixes mod_proxy reverse exposure via RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch directives. This is CVE-2011-3368 via [bnc#722545], and second iteration after consulting with Ruediger Pluem.- refinement of httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch: remove hard-coded limit of 512 and set the default to 200 as in upstream. Introduce new config option: Allow MaxRanges Number of ranges requested, if exceeded, the complete content is served. default: 200 0|unlimited: unlimited none: Range headers are ignored. This option is a backport from 2.2.21.- re-worked httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch for a regression in previous fix that was addressed in 2.2.21. The maximum number of byte ranges is now hardcoded to 512. This should be sufficient for most cases, and still a good limit to prevent a large memory footprint. Requests beyond 512 ranges are handled with the complete content.- httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch fixes byterange remote DoS vulnerability known as CVE-2011-3192. [bnc#713966]- httpd-2.2.x-bnc690734.patch: take LimitRequestFieldsize config option into account when parsing headers from backend. bnc#690734 - recommend the default MPM (prefork) via Recommends: in .spec [bnc#670027]- update to 2.2.17: SECURITY: CVE-2010-1623 (cve.mitre.org) Fix a denial of service attack against apr_brigade_split_line(). [Actual fix is in the libapr 1.3 line, which we don't use // poeml] SECURITY: CVE-2009-3560, CVE-2009-3720 (cve.mitre.org) Fix two buffer over-read flaws in the bundled copy of expat which could cause applications to crash while parsing specially-crafted XML documents. [We build with system expat library // poeml] prefork MPM: Run cleanups for final request when process exits gracefully to work around a flaw in apr-util. PR 43857 core: - check symlink ownership if both FollowSymlinks and SymlinksIfOwnerMatch are set - fix origin checking in SymlinksIfOwnerMatch PR 36783 - (re)-introduce -T commandline option to suppress documentroot check at startup. PR 41887 vhost: - A purely-numeric Host: header should not be treated as a port. PR 44979 rotatelogs: - Fix possible buffer overflow if admin configures a mongo log file path. Proxy balancer: support setting error status according to HTTP response code from a backend. PR 48939. mod_authnz_ldap: - If AuthLDAPCharsetConfig is set, also convert the password to UTF-8. PR 45318. mod_dir, mod_negotiation: - Pass the output filter information to newly created sub requests; as these are later on used as true requests with an internal redirect. This allows for mod_cache et.al. to trap the results of the redirect. PR 17629, 43939 mod_headers: - Enable multi-match-and-replace edit option PR 46594 mod_log_config: - Make ${cookie}C correctly match whole cookie names instead of substrings. PR 28037. mod_reqtimeout: - Do not wrongly enforce timeouts for mod_proxy's backend connections and other protocol handlers (like mod_ftp). Enforce the timeout for AP_MODE_GETLINE. If there is a timeout, shorten the lingering close time from 30 to 2 seconds. mod_ssl: - Do not do overlapping memcpy. PR 45444- Add missing libcap-devel to BuildRequires, wanted by "itk" MPM.- update to 2.2.16: SECURITY: CVE-2010-1452 (cve.mitre.org) mod_dav, mod_cache: Fix Handling of requests without a path segment. PR: 49246 SECURITY: CVE-2010-2068 (cve.mitre.org) mod_proxy_ajp, mod_proxy_http, mod_reqtimeout: Fix timeout detection for platforms Windows, Netware and OS2. PR: 49417. core: - Filter init functions are now run strictly once per request before handler invocation. The init functions are no longer run for connection filters. PR 49328. mod_filter: - enable it to act on non-200 responses. PR 48377 mod_ldap: - LDAP caching was suppressed (and ldap-status handler returns title page only) when any mod_ldap directives were used in VirtualHost context. mod_ssl: - Fix segfault at startup if proxy client certs are shared across multiple vhosts. PR 39915. mod_proxy_http: - Log the port of the remote server in various messages. PR 48812. apxs: - Fix -A and -a options to ignore whitespace in httpd.conf mod_dir: - add FallbackResource directive, to enable admin to specify an action to happen when a URL maps to no file, without resorting to ErrorDocument or mod_rewrite. PR 47184 mod_rewrite: - Allow to set environment variables without explicitely giving a value. - add Requires and BuildRequires on libapr1 >= 1.4.2. In the past, libapr1 >= 1.0 was sufficient. But since 2.2.16, a failure to create listen sockets can occur, unless newer libapr1 is used. See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=516331 - remove obsolete httpd-2.2.15-deprecated_use_of_build_in_variable.patch- add type and encoding for zipped SVG images (.svgz) Thanks to Sebastian Siebert (via Submit Request #40059)- fix deprecated usage of $[ in apxs2 (httpd-2.2.15-deprecated_use_of_build_in_variable.patch)- Do not compile in build time but use mtime of changes file instead. This allows build-compare to identify that no changes have happened.- add apache2-prefork to the Requires of apache2-devel, because apxs2 will build for prefork, if not called as apxs2-worker (which should rarely be the case). Also added gcc to the Requires.- update to 2.2.15: SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (cve.mitre.org) mod_ssl: Comprehensive fix of the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack when compiled against OpenSSL version 0.9.8m or later. Introduces the 'SSLInsecureRenegotiation' directive to reopen this vulnerability and offer unsafe legacy renegotiation with clients which do not yet support the new secure renegotiation protocol, RFC 5746. SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (cve.mitre.org) mod_ssl: A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack by rejecting any client-initiated renegotiations. Forcibly disable keepalive for the connection if there is any buffered data readable. Any configuration which requires renegotiation for per-directory/location access control is still vulnerable, unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l. SECURITY: CVE-2010-0408 (cve.mitre.org) mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_BAD_REQUEST when the body is not sent when request headers indicate a request body is incoming; not a case of HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. SECURITY: CVE-2010-0425 (cve.mitre.org) mod_isapi: Do not unload an isapi .dll module until the request processing is completed, avoiding orphaned callback pointers. SECURITY: CVE-2010-0434 (cve.mitre.org) Ensure each subrequest has a shallow copy of headers_in so that the parent request headers are not corrupted. Elimiates a problematic optimization in the case of no request body. PR 48359 mod_reqtimeout: - New module to set timeouts and minimum data rates for receiving requests from the client. core: - Fix potential memory leaks by making sure to not destroy bucket brigades that have been created by earlier filters. - Return APR_EOF if request body is shorter than the length announced by the client. PR 33098 - Preserve Port information over internal redirects PR 35999 - Build: fix --with-module to work as documented PR 43881 worker: - Don't report server has reached MaxClients until it has. Add message when server gets within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients. PR 46996. ab, mod_ssl: - Restore compatibility with OpenSSL < 0.9.7g. mod_authnz_ldap: - Add AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative to allow Authentication to try other providers in the case of an LDAP bind failure. PR 46608 - Failures to map a username to a DN, or to check a user password now result in an informational level log entry instead of warning level. mod_cache: - Introduce the thundering herd lock, a mechanism to keep the flood of requests at bay that strike a backend webserver as a cached entity goes stale. - correctly consider s-maxage in cacheability decisions. mod_disk_cache, mod_mem_cache: - don't cache incomplete responses, per RFC 2616, 13.8. PR15866. mod_charset_lite: - Honor 'CharsetOptions NoImplicitAdd'. mod_filter: - fix FilterProvider matching where "dispatch" string doesn't exist. PR 48054 mod_include: - Allow fine control over the removal of Last-Modified and ETag headers within the INCLUDES filter, making it possible to cache responses if desired. Fix the default value of the SSIAccessEnable directive. mod_ldap: - If LDAPSharedCacheSize is too small, try harder to purge some cache entries and log a warning. Also increase the default LDAPSharedCacheSize to 500000. This is a more realistic size suitable for the default values of 1024 for LdapCacheEntries/LdapOpCacheEntries. PR 46749. mod_log_config: - Add the R option to log the handler used within the request. mod_mime: - Make RemoveType override the info from TypesConfig. PR 38330. - Detect invalid use of MultiviewsMatch inside Location and LocationMatch sections. PR 47754. mod_negotiation: - Preserve query string over multiviews negotiation. This buglet was fixed for type maps in 2.2.6, but the same issue affected multiviews and was overlooked. PR 33112 mod_proxy: - unable to connect to a backend is SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, rather than BAD_GATEWAY or (especially) NOT_FOUND. PR 46971 mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http: - Support remote https proxies by using HTTP CONNECT. PR 19188. mod_proxy_http: - Make sure that when an ErrorDocument is served from a reverse proxied URL, that the subrequest respects the status of the original request. This brings the behaviour of proxy_handler in line with default_handler. PR 47106. mod_proxy_ajp: - Really regard the operation a success, when the client aborted the connection. In addition adjust the log message if the client aborted the connection. mod_rewrite: - Make sure that a hostname:port isn't fully qualified if the request is a CONNECT request. PR 47928 - Add scgi scheme detection. mod_ssl: - Fix a potential I/O hang if a long list of trusted CAs is configured for client cert auth. PR 46952. - When extracting certificate subject/issuer names to the SSL_*_DN_* variables, handle RDNs with duplicate tags by exporting multiple varialables with an "_n" integer suffix. PR 45875. - obsolete patch CVE-2009-3555-2.2.patch removed- readd whitespace removed by autobuild- package documentation as noarch- add patch for CVE-2009-3555 (cve.mitre.org) http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/patches/apply_to_2.2.14/CVE-2009-3555-2.2.patch http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-announce/200911.mbox/%3c20091107013220.31376.qmail@minotaur.apache.org%3e A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack by rejecting any client-initiated renegotiations. Any configuration which requires renegotiation for per-directory/location access control is still vulnerable, unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l.- update to 2.2.14: * ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2699 (cve.mitre.org) Fixed in APR 1.3.9. Faulty error handling in the Solaris pollset support (Event Port backend) which could trigger hangs in the prefork and event MPMs on that platform. PR 47645. [Jeff Trawick] * ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3095 (cve.mitre.org) mod_proxy_ftp: sanity check authn credentials. [Stefan Fritsch , Joe Orton] * ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3094 (cve.mitre.org) mod_proxy_ftp: NULL pointer dereference on error paths. [Stefan Fritsch , Joe Orton] * ) mod_proxy_scgi: Backport from trunk. [André Malo] * ) mod_ldap: Don't try to resolve file-based user ids to a DN when AuthLDAPURL has been defined at a very high level. PR 45946. [Eric Covener] * ) htcacheclean: 19 ways to fail, 1 error message. Fixed. [Graham Leggett] * ) mod_ldap: Bring the LDAPCacheEntries and LDAPOpCacheEntries usage() in synch with the manual and the implementation (0 and -1 both disable the cache). [Eric Covener] * ) mod_ssl: The error message when SSLCertificateFile is missing should at least give the name or position of the problematic virtual host definition. [Stefan Fritsch sf sfritsch.de] * ) htdbm: Fix possible buffer overflow if dbm database has very long values. PR 30586 [Dan Poirier] * ) Add support for HTTP PUT to ab. [Jeff Barnes ] * ) mod_ssl: Fix SSL_*_DN_UID variables to use the 'userID' attribute type. PR 45107. [Michael Ströder , Peter Sylvester ] * ) mod_cache: Add CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers directive to ignore defined session identifiers encoded in the URL when caching. [Ruediger Pluem] * ) mod_mem_cache: fix seg fault under load due to pool concurrency problem PR: 47672 [Dan Poirier ] * ) mod_autoindex: Correctly create an empty cell if the description for a file is missing. PR 47682 [Peter Poeml ]- update to 2.2.13: * ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2412 (cve.mitre.org) Distributed with APR 1.3.8 and APR-util 1.3.9 to fix potential overflow in pools and rmm, where size alignment was taking place. * ) mod_ssl, ab: improve compatibility with OpenSSL 1.0.0 betas. Report warnings compiling mod_ssl against OpenSSL to the httpd developers. * ) mod_cgid: Do not add an empty argument when calling the CGI script. PR 46380 * ) Fix potential segfaults with use of the legacy ap_rputs() etc interfaces, in cases where an output filter fails. PR 36780.- update to 2.2.12: SECURITY: CVE-2009-1891 (cve.mitre.org) Fix a potential Denial-of-Service attack against mod_deflate or other modules, by forcing the server to consume CPU time in compressing a large file after a client disconnects. PR 39605. SECURITY: CVE-2009-1195 (cve.mitre.org) Prevent the "Includes" Option from being enabled in an .htaccess file if the AllowOverride restrictions do not permit it. SECURITY: CVE-2009-1890 (cve.mitre.org) Fix a potential Denial-of-Service attack against mod_proxy in a reverse proxy configuration, where a remote attacker can force a proxy process to consume CPU time indefinitely. SECURITY: CVE-2009-1191 (cve.mitre.org) mod_proxy_ajp: Avoid delivering content from a previous request which failed to send a request body. PR 46949 SECURITY: CVE-2009-0023, CVE-2009-1955, CVE-2009-1956 (cve.mitre.org) The bundled copy of the APR-util library has been updated, fixing three different security issues which may affect particular configurations and third-party modules. core: - New piped log syntax: Use "||process args" to launch the given process without invoking the shell/command interpreter. Use "|$command line" (the default behavior of "|command line" in 2.2) to invoke using shell, consuming an additional shell process for the lifetime of the logging pipe program but granting additional process invocation flexibility. - prefork: Fix child process hang during graceful restart/stop in configurations with multiple listening sockets. PR 42829. - Translate the status line to ASCII on EBCDIC platforms in ap_send_interim_response() and for locally generated "100 Continue" responses. - CGI: return 504 (Gateway timeout) rather than 500 when a script times out before returning status line/headers. PR 42190 - prefork: Log an error instead of segfaulting when child startup fails due to pollset creation failures. PR 46467. - core/utils: Enhance ap_escape_html API to support escaping non-ASCII chars - Set Listen protocol to "https" if port is set to 443 and no proto is specified (as documented but not implemented). PR 46066 - Output -M and -S dumps (modules and vhosts) to stdout instead of stderr. PR 42571 and PR 44266 (dup). mod_alias: - check sanity in Redirect arguments. PR 44729 - Ensure Redirect emits HTTP-compliant URLs. PR 44020 mod_authnz_ldap: - Reduce number of initialization debug messages and make information more clear. PR 46342 mod_cache: - Introduce 'no-cache' per-request environment variable to prevent the saving of an otherwise cacheable response. - Correctly save Content-Encoding of cachable entity. PR 46401 - When an explicit Expires or Cache-Control header is set, cache normally non-cacheable response statuses. PR 46346. mod_cgid: - fix segfault problem on solaris. PR 39332 mod_disk_cache: - The module now turns off sendfile support if 'EnableSendfile off' is defined globally. PR 41218. mod_disk_cache/mod_mem_cache: - Fix handling of CacheIgnoreHeaders directive to correctly remove headers before storing them. mod_deflate: - revert changes in 2.2.8 that caused an invalid etag to be emitted for on-the-fly gzip content-encoding. PR 39727 will require larger fixes and this fix was far more harmful than the original code. PR 45023. mod_ext_filter: - fix error handling when the filter prog fails to start, and introduce an onfail configuration option to abort the request or to remove the broken filter and continue. PR 41120 mod_include: - fix potential segfault when handling back references on an empty SSI variable. - Prevent a case of SSI timefmt-smashing with filter chains including multiple INCLUDES filters. PR 39369 - support generating non-ASCII characters as entities in SSI PR 25202 mod_ldap: - Avoid a segfault when result->rc is checked in uldap_connection_init when result is NULL. This could happen if LDAP initialization failed. PR 45994. mod_negotiation: - Escape pathes of filenames in 406 responses to avoid HTML injections and HTTP response splitting. PR 46837. mod_proxy: - Complete ProxyPassReverse to handle balancer URL's. Given; BalancerMember balancer://alias http://example.com/foo ProxyPassReverse /bash balancer://alias/bar backend url http://example.com/foo/bar/that is now translated /bash/that mod_proxy_ajp: - Check more strictly that the backend follows the AJP protocol. - Forward remote port information by default. mod_proxy_http: - fix Host: header for literal IPv6 addresses. PR 47177 - fix case sensitivity checking transfer encoding PR 47383 mod_rewrite: - Remove locking for writing to the rewritelog. PR 46942 - Fix the error string returned by RewriteRule. RewriteRule returned "RewriteCond: bad flag delimiters" when the 3rd argument of RewriteRule was not started with "[" or not ended with "]". PR 45082 - When evaluating a proxy rule in directory context, do escape the filename by default. PR 46428 - Introduce DiscardPathInfo|DPI flag to stop the troublesome way that per-directory rewrites append the previous notion of PATH_INFO to each substitution before evaluating subsequent rules. PR38642 - fix "B" flag breakage by reverting r589343 PR 45529 mod_ssl: - Add server name indication support (RFC 4366) and better support for name based virtual hosts with SSL. PR 34607 - Add SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire and SSLProxyCheckPeerCN directives to enable stricter checking of remote server certificates. - Add SSLRenegBufferSize directive to allow changing the size of the buffer used for the request-body where necessary during a per-dir renegotiation. PR 39243. mod_substitute: - Fix a memory leak. PR 44948- Fix missing -Y option in gensslcert [bnc#416888]- merge changes from openSUSE:Factory: - trailing spaces removed from robots.txt - moved Snakeoil certificates to separate subpackage example-certificates [bnc#419601] - removed outdated ca-bundle.crt - NOT merging the change from [bnc#301380] (setting TraceEnable Off), since there is no reason to deviate from upstream- avoid useless (and potentially irritating) messages from usermod called in %post when updating the package - this should probably only be run when updating from very old installs anyway. - likewise, avoid similar useless messages about creation of the httpd user when installing on Fedora.- fix hyperref to the quickstart howto in the installed httpd.conf [bnc#500938] Thanks, Frank!- add ITK MPM (apache2.2-mpm-itk-20090414-00.patch) see http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/- buildfix (from Factory): replace "shadow" by "pwdutils" in requires- update apache2-vhost.template mod_php4 references [bnc#444205]- fixed the ed script which turns apxs into apxs-{prefork,worker,event) to work on Fedora, by using - instead of ^ to go "up" one line. Thereby fixing Fedora build. (Package probably needs further tuning to fit into a Fedora environment.)/bin/shbuild35 1407396729A_DDDDDDDDD~DD}DDDDDDDDDDDDDFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFDDDDDDDD(g2.2.17- -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Evergreen:Maintenance:310/openSUSE_Evergreen_11.4/34545dbcac4701e5b66043a142ae6973-apache2.openSUSE_Evergreen_11.4drpmlzma5x86_64-suse-linuxbkr1^ s?]"k%rN$+e(OlIpݦ/*C<%ka0g>)TQyS+n=&&1< oG 6 O}B #\9Trg?Ԫ 2~.d^SQ\-dQZ,iI^t!ROY:FeX> J%t\|ڲPwjσTrIo7_^QdxFfN]0;Ne7ъ1HEF?ӑ|$F3e)s E}z8Ҙ`y;;)BZ-QZ,]z1%6oFwHbUl*:c ?FU+@ӷruBC Xˑqϋ$[5#xmIbA}بG4wcտnH1fiⲥy 5rB`,& !ioe$׼~]$aL/l:'\e3nö°}mSe<()9Z8B|]ȌS`Qcєa% ?ZZ>D93X .(tۇS6i]$^Kvk(.h}*ksUWGOxUkW"0C~Dq&q[H^?L)&%ml!8Frc$χ;cwWԋH)!79%s(0S)Vq<= תx~ ~9/|FZդCվe/Ua~zw=3FvA2M:0ߎc :E3"&n, f@ lD(zu" 7& aȋKurDi/p5꧃ևEc1%T?#t!/{yѴO|# !&(ÇK%H4pZt*i{37tpYP' ZYo,N>sS=G9mK" V*bSMJaJaqGOEy̛ rmP,"yJ}WI=I: D5{H5XNp vĽo9;}>866 yU_XT P~l Dɻ$S\]٣=}|c&=S4z~HLʺWҕ6+g~,܊] p=4we4k(2Nj&>k We KurM7r^> PT+kHh/7,C'w?M#lFUWAR13y_w".c`2hNRYgf~ہ^žEG] >-B#.HK\8mKR޲?aJϴ}Q}Py .⸭G0\H׉pTOcAԧ@zy $=ξygI^} [FƖB }3#,yt4ߓ?`J6 ;0XCi '[̺]p:FqIK)wmrF -(VMLfsv^}mֈvK d>LXt,^u/jvPGV6;jD^b P=Q1Ƥ؀ЏTS?ԨSvYcyHYmGLl{/lsA{LaixT2d)X}HU8E1 ňHS5B&%ҡ}Ha_I֦W=Slq5zia-}疹 |L6IF1 uPRR~d>RZ['..";厭50嚶Oe(o]o=SDMh8gqhsߦrL^rU>RKb)pؽajU?DvidG &'f+S?'8!c͜ R>Ŏ[VNᬽK)fS}16G@?קL%)B-Ki`̅ҧodCBK.WG'qrCz@kfGqߺ+꿉7,7/Zؔĸd2,ǿٸ#.uǷg&gOUK+1'6Lq"lY ̚vOvof8E>-SPDCQKv2SC Rk]K-%wgPa My0| iy|.;o_^ AsUB=HBMX)hQO!`x wW =C&c#u,]_d!74 E' e<$6kT&NltRjJ: `B3734/%0P]Ojj\>7,/%PD6Syc Rp~̼63t2ɠcdF#6F%yXE O6M/y Y㹎u #T WD9Y*!c4w Mx!yw#ՇDDJ<4bg9֜T$ $.͌j֕γI?DjQ1¯EPV+j1%Л6GW7gr1OWVǺMR5)wLUs2#c.d5N>STa!@ۣ`9?.95\:[QKD@Q?o9bs$t!p}ےG/3?QST {rOhE34gEJ#F@Q@^V sau",C8 !C!7Xz1Tp @ _p]a)~*f&;"m6ȵVif<&=+G$9 sHp4;D i c֪/>S˵4c`nioѱoZxFg,s ;UȒ;;Vw"\KH$oz^dm%kj41"JچwBD~{ΰ-Y'jj*TA@(l)_.ܲ#!3}{P\xªG)q_WPI?WU[Li~[ {r`.*V'?UtZ/D?2}Ƙ)l>OR. 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