postgresql-contrib-9.0.19-47.1e>UAEZ>@Sˠܻ?TG$j>p5X G除,FIm9>5??/d ! T\`lp~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ~~b~~!)$$&('8' "9'":)"FG~H~I~X8)Y)\~]~^ bckdef lzCpostgresql-contrib9.0.1947.1Contributed Extensions and Additions to PostgreSQLPostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries, triggers, and user-defined types and functions. The postgresql-contrib package includes extensions and additions that are distributed along with the PostgreSQL sources, but are not (yet) officially part of the PostgreSQL core. Documentation for the modules contained in this package can be found in /usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql/contrib.TGcloud102(9openSUSE 11.4openSUSEBSD-3-Clausehttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Databases/Tools,6& %%%(%e(F(%FUx&F F5&V85f%#2> M) dk{1\ 2)> J  Kf,Sw q=~ 2 *{Q 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otrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpostgresql-9.0.19-47.1.src.rpm_int.soadminpack.soauto_explain.soautoinc.sobtree_gin.sobtree_gist.sochkpass.socitext.socube.sodblink.sodict_int.sodict_xsyn.soearthdistance.sofuzzystrmatch.sohstore.soinsert_username.soisn.solo.soltree.somoddatetime.sopageinspect.sopasswordcheck.sopg_buffercache.sopg_freespacemap.sopg_stat_statements.sopg_trgm.sopg_upgrade_support.sopgcrypto.sopgrowlocks.sopgstattuple.sopgxml.sorefint.soseg.sosslinfo.sotablefunc.sotest_parser.sotimetravel.sotsearch2.sounaccent.sopostgresql-contribpostgresql-contrib(x86-32)  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ postgresql-serverrpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)^Q@P @P`K@PS@O]@MbSM_M] M[@MQ0@MK@Ls@L@K^KtKrK@K@KqN@K(K(K&(J@J@JmJ]JS8J{Iylijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.comlijewski.stefan@gmail.commax@suse.commax@suse.commax@suse.comro@suse.decoolo@novell.commax@novell.commax@novell Security and bugfix release 9.0.19: * Fix buffer overruns in to_char() (CVE-2015-0241) * Fix buffer overrun in replacement *printf() functions (CVE-2015-0242) * Fix buffer overruns in contrib/pgcrypto (CVE-2015-0243) * Fix possible loss of frontend/backend protocol synchronization after an error (CVE-2015-0244) * Fix information leak via constraint-violation error messages (CVE-2014-8161) - for details see: Security and bugfix release 9.0.16: * Shore up GRANT ... WITH ADMIN OPTION restrictions (CVE-2014-0060) * Prevent privilege escalation via manual calls to PL validator functions (CVE-2014-0061) * Avoid multiple name lookups during table and index DDL (CVE-2014-0062) * Prevent buffer overrun with long datetime strings (CVE-2014-0063) * Prevent buffer overrun due to integer overflow in size calculations (CVE-2014-0064) * Prevent overruns of fixed-size buffers (CVE-2014-0065) * Avoid crashing if crypt() returns NULL (CVE-2014-0066) * Document risks of make check in the regression testing instructions (CVE-2014-0067) - for details see: Critical Bugfix release 9.0.15: * fix initialization of pg_clog and pg_subtrans during hot standby startup; * fix VACUUM's tests to see whether it can update relfrozenxid; - For details and other bugfixes see: Bugfix release 9.0.14: Security and bugfix release 9.0.13: * fixes critical vulnerabiliti due to incorect parsing of command line switches (CVE-2013-1899); * reset OpenSSL randomness state in each postmaster child process (CVE-2013-1900); * make REPLICATION privilege checks test current user not authenticated user (CVE-2013-1901); - For bugfixes please see: - fixes [bnc#812525];- Security and bugfix release 9.0.12: * Prevent execution of enum_recv from SQL (CVE-2013-0255); - For bugfixes please see: - fixes [bnc#802679];- update to 9.0.11 fixing following issues: * issue with Hot Standby which could cause index corruption on the standby under some circumstances; * timing issues with checkpoint and transaction ID wraparound which could cause data corruption in some cases; * multiple issues with CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY and DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY, which can cause those commands to fail or produce corrupt indexes. - See also: Bugfix release 9.0.10: * Fix planner's assignment of executor parameters, and fix executor's rescan logic for CTE plan nodes. * Improve page-splitting decisions in GiST indexes. * Fix cascading privilege revoke to stop if privileges are still held. * Improve error messages for Hot Standby misconfiguration errors. * Fix handling of SIGFPE when PL/Perl is in use. * Prevent PL/Perl from crashing if a recursive PL/Perl function is redefined while being executed. * Work around possible misoptimization in PL/Perl. - See also: Security and bugfix release 9.0.9: * Prevent access to external files/URLs via contrib/xml2 (CVE-2012-3488, bnc#776523). * Prevent access to external files/URLs via XML entity references (CVE-2012-3489, bnc#776524). * Fix incorrect password transformation in contrib/pgcrypto (CVE-2012-2143, bnc#766799). * Ignore SECURITY DEFINER and SET attributes for a procedural language's call handler (CVE-2012-2655, bnc#765069). - See also: - Rename postgresql-mkspecfiles to Security and bugfix release 9.0.7: * Require execute permission on the trigger function for "CREATE TRIGGER" (CVE-2012-0866, bnc#749299). * Remove arbitrary limitation on length of common name in SSL certificates (CVE-2012-0867, bnc#749301). * Convert newlines to spaces in names written in pg_dump comments (CVE-2012-0868, bnc#749303). * See the release notes for the rest of the changes: /usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql/HISTORY - This also fixes bnc#701489.- provide postgresql-libs in the specfile that actually builds the libs package- fix update of libs- Move all of pgxs into the devel package to fix build of server extensions.- Move pg_config from -server to -devel to fix build of certain client apps and language bindings, but using pg_config on the client side is still considered broken, because it tells what got linked into the server binary not what got linked into libpq.- Remove unneeded PreReq from postgresql on postgresql-libs.- New version: 9.0.3. For the complete release notes, see - Build libs and devel separate from the main package. - Build the PL subpackages as part of the main package. - Have separate packages for libpq and libecpg. - Generate the main and lib spec files from Fix LSB conformance of the init script (bnc#658014).- Security and bugfix release 8.4.5 (bnc#643771): * Use a separate interpreter for each calling SQL userid in PL/Perl and PL/Tcl (CVE-2010-3433). * Prevent possible crashes in pg_get_expr() by disallowing it from being called with an argument that is not one of the system catalog columns it's intended to be used with. * Fix incorrect placement of placeholder evaluation. * Fix possible duplicate scans of UNION ALL member relations. * Fix "cannot handle unplanned sub-select" error. * Fix mishandling of whole-row Vars that reference a view or sub-select and appear within a nested sub-select. * Fix mishandling of cross-type IN comparisons. * Fix computation of ANALYZE statistics for tsvector columns. * Improve planner's estimate of memory used by array_agg(), string_agg(), and similar aggregate functions. * Fix failure to mark cached plans as transient. * Reduce PANIC to ERROR in some occasionally-reported btree failure cases, and provide additional detail in the resulting error messages. * Fix incorrect search logic for partial-match queries with GIN indexes. * Prevent show_session_authorization() from crashing within autovacuum processes. * Defend against functions returning setof record where not all the returned rows are actually of the same rowtype. * Fix possible corruption of pending trigger event lists during subtransaction rollback. * Fix possible failure when hashing a pass-by-reference function result. * Improve merge join's handling of NULLs in the join columns. * Take care to fsync the contents of lockfiles (both and the socket lockfile) while writing them. * Avoid recursion while assigning XIDs to heavily-nested subtransactions. * Avoid holding open old WAL segments in the walwriter process. * Fix log_line_prefix's %i escape, which could produce junk early in backend startup. * Prevent misinterpretation of partially-specified relation options for TOAST tables. * Fix inheritance count tracking in ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT. * Fix possible data corruption in ALTER TABLE ... SET TABLESPACE when archiving is enabled. * Allow CREATE DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE ... SET TABLESPACE to be interrupted by query-cancel. * Improve CREATE INDEX's checking of whether proposed index expressions are immutable. * Fix REASSIGN OWNED to handle operator classes and families. * Fix possible core dump when comparing two empty tsquery values. * Fix LIKE's handling of patterns containing % followed by _ * Re-allow input of Julian dates prior to 0001-01-01 AD. * Fix PL/pgSQL to throw an error, not crash, if a cursor is closed within a FOR loop that is iterating over that cursor. * In PL/Python, defend against null pointer results from PyCObject_AsVoidPtr and PyCObject_FromVoidPtr * In libpq, fix full SSL certificate verification for the case where both host and hostaddr are specified. * Make psql recognize DISCARD ALL as a command that should not be encased in a transaction block in autocommit-off mode. * Fix some issues in pg_dump's handling of SQL/MED objects. * Improve pg_dump and pg_restore's handling of non-seekable archive files. This is important for proper functioning of parallel restore. * Improve parallel pg_restore's ability to cope with selective restore (-L option). * Fix ecpg to process data from RETURNING clauses correctly. * Fix some memory leaks in ecpg. * Improve contrib/dblink's handling of tables containing dropped columns. * Fix connection leak after "duplicate connection name" errors in contrib/dblink. * Fix contrib/dblink to handle connection names longer than 62 bytes correctly. * Add hstore(text, text) function to contrib/hstore.- Security and bugfix release 8.4.4: * Enforce restrictions in plperl using an opmask applied to the whole interpreter, instead of using Recent developments have convinced us that is too insecure to rely on for making plperl trustable. This change removes use of altogether, in favor of using a separate interpreter with an opcode mask that is always applied. Pleasant side effects of the change include that it is now possible to use Perl's strict pragma in a natural way in plperl, and that Perl's $a and $b variables work as expected in sort routines, and that function compilation is significantly faster. (CVE-2010-1169) * Prevent PL/Tcl from executing untrustworthy code from pltcl_modules. PL/Tcl's feature for autoloading Tcl code from a database table could be exploited for trojan-horse attacks, because there was no restriction on who could create or insert into that table. This change disables the feature unless pltcl_modules is owned by a superuser. (However, the permissions on the table are not checked, so installations that really need a less-than-secure modules table can still grant suitable privileges to trusted non-superusers.) Also, prevent loading code into the unrestricted "normal" Tcl interpreter unless we are really going to execute a pltclu function. (CVE-2010-1170) * Fix data corruption during WAL replay of ALTER ... SET TABLESPACE. When archive_mode is on, ALTER ... SET TABLESPACE generates a WAL record whose replay logic was incorrect. It could write the data to the wrong place, leading to possibly-unrecoverable data corruption. Data corruption would be observed on standby slaves, and could occur on the master as well if a database crash and recovery occurred after committing the ALTER and before the next checkpoint. * Fix possible crash if a cache reset message is received during rebuild of a relcache entry. This error was introduced in 8.4.3 while fixing a related failure. * Apply per-function GUC settings while running the language validator for the function. * This avoids failures if the function's code is invalid without the setting; an example is that SQL functions may not parse if the search_path is not correct. * Do constraint exclusion for inherited UPDATE and DELETE target tables when constraint_exclusion = partition. Due to an oversight, this setting previously only caused constraint exclusion to be checked in SELECT commands. * Do not allow an unprivileged user to reset superuser-only parameter settings. Previously, if an unprivileged user ran ALTER USER ... RESET ALL for himself, or ALTER DATABASE ... RESET ALL for a database he owns, this would remove all special parameter settings for the user or database, even ones that are only supposed to be changeable by a superuser. Now, the ALTER will only remove the parameters that the user has permission to change. * Avoid possible crash during backend shutdown if shutdown occurs when a CONTEXT addition would be made to log entries. In some cases the context-printing function would fail because the current transaction had already been rolled back when it came time to print a log message. * Fix erroneous handling of %r parameter in recovery_end_command. The value always came out zero. * Ensure the archiver process responds to changes in archive_command as soon as possible. * Fix pl/pgsql's CASE statement to not fail when the case expression is a query that returns no rows. * Update pl/perl's ppport.h for modern Perl versions. * Fix assorted memory leaks in pl/python. * Handle empty-string connect parameters properly in ecpg. * Prevent infinite recursion in psql when expanding a variable that refers to itself. * Fix psql's \copy to not add spaces around a dot within \copy (select ...). Addition of spaces around the decimal point in a numeric literal would result in a syntax error. * Avoid formatting failure in psql when running in a locale context that doesn't match the client_encoding. * Fix unnecessary "GIN indexes do not support whole-index scans" errors for unsatisfiable queries using contrib/intarray operators. * Ensure that contrib/pgstattuple functions respond to cancel interrupts promptly. * Make server startup deal properly with the case that shmget() returns EINVAL for an existing shared memory segment. This behavior has been observed on BSD-derived kernels including OS X. It resulted in an entirely-misleading startup failure complaining that the shared memory request size was too large.- Use %configure to pick up the default directories (bnc#600616).- Security and bugfix release 8.4.3.- Disable GSSAPI, XML, kerberos and make check in OBS for SLES9.- Fix build for SLES9- Fix package descriptions.- Security and bugfix release 8.4.2: * CVE-2009-4136: Protect against indirect security threats caused by index functions changing session-local state. This change prevents allegedly-immutable index functions from possibly subverting a superuser's session. * CVE-2009-4034: Reject SSL certificates containing an embedded null byte in the common name (CN) field. This prevents unintended matching of a certificate to a server or client name during SSL validation. * Fix hash index corruption. The 8.4 change that made hash indexes keep entries sorted by hash value failed to update the bucket splitting and compaction routines to preserve the ordering. So application of either of those operations could lead to permanent corruption of an index, in the sense that searches might fail to find entries that are present. To deal with this, it is recommended to REINDEX any hash indexes you may have after installing this update. * Fix possible crash during backend-startup-time cache initialization * Avoid crash on empty thesaurus dictionary * Prevent signals from interrupting VACUUM at unsafe times. This fix prevents a PANIC if a VACUUM FULL is cancelled after it's already committed its tuple movements, as well as transient errors if a plain VACUUM is interrupted after having truncated the table. * Fix possible crash due to integer overflow in hash table size calculation. This could occur with extremely large planner estimates for the size of a hashjoin's result. * Fix crash if a DROP is attempted on an internally-dependent object. * Fix very rare crash in inet/cidr comparisons. * Ensure that shared tuple-level locks held by prepared transactions are not ignored. * Fix premature drop of temporary files used for a cursor that is accessed within a subtransaction. * Fix memory leak in syslogger process when rotating to a new CSV logfile. * Fix memory leak in postmaster when re-parsing "pg_hba.conf". * Make FOR UPDATE/SHARE in the primary query not propagate into WITH queries. * Fix bug with a WITH RECURSIVE query immediately inside another one. * Fix concurrency bug in hash indexes. Concurrent insertions could cause index scans to transiently report wrong results. * Fix incorrect logic for GiST index page splits, when the split depends on a non-first column of the index. * Fix wrong search results for a multi-column GIN index with fastupdate enabled. * Fix bugs in WAL entry creation for GIN indexes. These bugs were masked when full_page_writes was on, but with it off a WAL replay failure was certain if a crash occurred before the next checkpoint. * Don't error out if recycling or removing an old WAL file fails at the end of checkpoint. It's better to treat the problem as non-fatal and allow the checkpoint to complete. Future checkpoints will retry the removal. Such problems are not expected in normal operation, but have been seen to be caused by misdesigned Windows anti-virus and backup software. * Ensure WAL files aren't repeatedly archived on Windows. This is another symptom that could happen if some other process interfered with deletion of a no-longer-needed file. * Fix PAM password processing to be more robust. The previous code is known to fail with the combination of the Linux pam_krb5 PAM module with Microsoft Active Directory as the domain controller. It might have problems elsewhere too, since it was making unjustified assumptions about what arguments the PAM stack would pass to it. * Raise the maximum authentication token (Kerberos ticket) size in GSSAPI and SSPI authentication methods. While the old 2000-byte limit was more than enough for Unix Kerberos implementations, tickets issued by Windows Domain Controllers can be much larger. * Ensure that domain constraints are enforced in constructs like ARRAY[...]::domain, where the domain is over an array type. * Fix foreign-key logic for some cases involving composite-type columns as foreign keys. * Ensure that a cursor's snapshot is not modified after it is created. This could lead to a cursor delivering wrong results if later operations in the same transaction modify the data the cursor is supposed to return. * Fix CREATE TABLE to properly merge default expressions coming from different inheritance parent tables. This used to work but was broken in 8.4. * Re-enable collection of access statistics for sequences. This used to work but was broken in 8.3. * Fix processing of ownership dependencies during CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION. * Fix incorrect handling of WHERE "x"="x" conditions. In some cases these could get ignored as redundant, but they aren't -- they're equivalent to "x" IS NOT NULL. * Fix incorrect plan construction when using hash aggregation to implement DISTINCT for textually identical volatile expressions. * Fix Assert failure for a volatile SELECT DISTINCT ON expression. * Fix ts_stat() to not fail on an empty tsvector value. * Make text search parser accept underscores in XML attributes. * Fix encoding handling in xml binary input. If the XML header doesn't specify an encoding, we now assume UTF-8 by default; the previous handling was inconsistent. * Fix bug with calling plperl from plperlu or vice versa. An error exit from the inner function could result in crashes due to failure to re-select the correct Perl interpreter for the outer function. * Fix session-lifespan memory leak when a PL/Perl function is redefined. * Ensure that Perl arrays are properly converted to PostgreSQL arrays when returned by a set-returning PL/Perl function. This worked correctly already for non-set-returning functions. * Fix rare crash in exception processing in PL/Python. * Fix ecpg problem with comments in DECLARE CURSOR statements. * Fix ecpg to not treat recently-added keywords as reserved words. This affected the keywords CALLED, CATALOG, DEFINER, ENUM, FOLLOWING, INVOKER, OPTIONS, PARTITION, PRECEDING, RANGE, SECURITY, SERVER, UNBOUNDED, and WRAPPER. * Re-allow regular expression special characters in psql's \df function name parameter. * In "contrib/pg_standby", disable triggering failover with a signal on Windows. This never did anything useful, because Windows doesn't have Unix-style signals, but recent changes made it actually crash. * Put FREEZE and VERBOSE options in the right order in the VACUUM command that "contrib/vacuumdb" produces. * Fix possible leak of connections when "contrib/dblink" encounters an error. * Ensure psql's flex module is compiled with the correct system header definitions. This fixes build failures on platforms where --enable-largefile causes incompatible changes in the generated code. * Make the postmaster ignore any application_name parameter in connection request packets, to improve compatibility with future libpq versions. * Update the timezone abbreviation files to match current reality This includes adding IDT to the default timezone abbreviation set.- package documentation as noarch- add baselibs.conf as a source- use find_lang to package language files correctly- Security and bugfix release 8.4.1: * Fix WAL page header initialization at the end of archive recovery. This could lead to failure to process the WAL in a subsequent archive recovery. * Fix "cannot make new WAL entries during recovery" error. * Fix problem that could make expired rows visible after a crash. This bug involved a page status bit potentially not being set correctly after a server crash. * Disallow RESET ROLE and RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION inside security-definer functions. This covers a case that was missed in the previous patch that disallowed SET ROLE and SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION inside security-definer functions. (See CVE-2007-6600) * Make LOAD of an already-loaded loadable module into a no-op. * Formerly, LOAD would attempt to unload and re-load the module, but this is unsafe and not all that useful. * Make window function PARTITION BY and ORDER BY items always be interpreted as simple expressions. In 8.4.0 these lists were parsed following the rules used for top-level GROUP BY and ORDER BY lists. But this was not correct per the SQL standard, and it led to possible circularity. * Fix several errors in planning of semi-joins. These led to wrong query results in some cases where IN or EXISTS was used together with another join. * Fix handling of whole-row references to subqueries that are within an outer join. An example is SELECT COUNT(ss.*) FROM ... LEFT JOIN (SELECT ...) ss ON .... Here, ss.* would be treated as ROW(NULL,NULL,...) for null-extended join rows, which is not the same as a simple NULL. Now it is treated as a simple NULL. * Fix Windows shared-memory allocation code. This bug led to the often-reported "could not reattach to shared memory" error message. * Fix locale handling with plperl. This bug could cause the server's locale setting to change when a plperl function is called, leading to data corruption. * Fix handling of reloptions to ensure setting one option doesn't force default values for others. * Ensure that a "fast shutdown" request will forcibly terminate open sessions, even if a "smart shutdown" was already in progress. * Avoid memory leak for array_agg() in GROUP BY queries. * Treat to_char(..., 'TH') as an uppercase ordinal suffix with 'HH'/'HH12'. It was previously handled as 'th' (lowercase). * Include the fractional part in the result of EXTRACT(second) and EXTRACT(milliseconds) for time and time with time zone inputs. This has always worked for floating-point datetime configurations, but was broken in the integer datetime code. * Fix overflow for INTERVAL 'x ms' when x is more than 2 million and integer datetimes are in use. * Improve performance when processing toasted values in index scans. This is particularly useful for PostGIS. * Fix a typo that disabled commit_delay. * Output early-startup messages to postmaster.log if the server is started in silent mode. Previously such error messages were discarded, leading to difficulty in debugging. * Remove translated FAQs. They are now on the wiki. The main FAQ was moved to the wiki some time ago. * Fix pg_ctl to not go into an infinite loop if postgresql.conf is empty. * Fix several errors in pg_dump's --binary-upgrade mode. * pg_dump --binary-upgrade is used by pg_migrator. * Fix contrib/xml2's xslt_process() to properly handle the maximum number of parameters (twenty). * Improve robustness of libpq's code to recover from errors during COPY FROM STDIN. * Avoid including conflicting readline and editline header files when both libraries are installed. * Work around gcc bug that causes "floating-point exception" instead of "division by zero" on some platforms.- postgresql-8.4.0-sle10-timestamptz.patch added, and applied _only_ on SLE10. It fixes a build failure due to a test case that seems to be confused by daylight saving time in the time zone that the test expects its result (PDT vs. PST). Since this failure happened only on SLE10, I assume that the test case isn't broken, and some peculiarity on that (rather old now) platform is to blame (possibly too old timezone files). Also, the testcase is checking correctness when converting timezones > 32 bit, which actually seems to work.- replace "ident sameuser" with "ident" as auth method for the initdb call in the init script, because the former doesn't work with PostgreSQL 8.4. With the generated pg_hba.conf, PostgreSQL failed to start. Added note to the upgrade READMEs. [bnc#522375]- New major release: 8.4.0 - Improvements include: * Windowing Functions * Common Table Expressions and Recursive Queries * Default and variadic parameters for functions * Parallel Restore * Column Permissions * Per-database locale settings * Improved hash indexes * Improved join performance for EXISTS and NOT EXISTS queries * Easier-to-use Warm Standby * Automatic sizing of the Free Space Map * Visibility Map (greatly reduces vacuum overhead for slowly-changing tables) * Version-aware psql (backslash commands work against older servers) * Support SSL certificates for user authentication * Per-function runtime statistics * Easy editing of functions in psql * New contrib modules: pg_stat_statements, auto_explain, citext, btree_gin- Remove dependency on local posixrules from horology test.- Security release 8.3.7 * Fixes a vulnerability that allowed remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (stack consumption) via mismatched encoding conversion requests. * Details of the other bugfixes contained in this and previous releases can be found here: /usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql/HISTORY - Users of GiST indexes should "REINDEX" them after installing this update. - Re-added libpgport.a to the devel package, as some apps require it, although it is meant to be internal to the PostgreSQL backend. - Fix removal of leftover files on database startup (bnc#473644).cloud102 1425032961\\r\\x\{\[\\n\5[\[[[\e\6\g\O\i\:\l\m\\\p\q\\s\t\v\w\y\z\|\~\\\\\\\\\\_wwwwww[wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww\\j9.0.19- oid2namepg_archivecleanuppg_standbypg_upgradepgbenchvacuumlopostgresql_int.soadminpack.soauto_explain.soautoinc.sobtree_gin.sobtree_gist.sochkpass.socitext.socube.sodblink.sodict_int.sodict_xsyn.soearthdistance.sofuzzystrmatch.sohstore.soinsert_username.soisn.solo.soltree.somoddatetime.sopageinspect.sopasswordcheck.sopg_buffercache.sopg_freespacemap.sopg_stat_statements.sopg_trgm.sopg_upgrade_support.sopgcrypto.sopgrowlocks.sopgstattuple.sopgxml.sorefint.soseg.sosslinfo.sotablefunc.sotest_parser.sotimetravel.sotsearch2.sounaccent.sopostgresqlcontribautoinc.exampleinsert_username.examplemoddatetime.examplerefint.exampletimetravel.examplepostgresqlcontrib_int.sqladminpack.sqlautoinc.sqlbtree_gin.sqlbtree_gist.sqlchkpass.sqlcitext.sqlcube.sqldblink.sqldict_int.sqldict_xsyn.sqlearthdistance.sqlfuzzystrmatch.sqlhstore.sqlinsert_username.sqlint_aggregate.sqlisn.sqllo.sqlltree.sqlmoddatetime.sqlpageinspect.sqlpg_buffercache.sqlpg_freespacemap.sqlpg_stat_statements.sqlpg_trgm.sqlpgcrypto.sqlpgrowlocks.sqlpgstattuple.sqlpgxml.sqlrefint.sqlseg.sqlsslinfo.sqltablefunc.sqltest_parser.sqltimetravel.sqltsearch2.sqlunaccent.sqluninstall__int.sqluninstall_adminpack.sqluninstall_btree_gin.sqluninstall_btree_gist.sqluninstall_chkpass.sqluninstall_citext.sqluninstall_cube.sqluninstall_dblink.sqluninstall_dict_int.sqluninstall_dict_xsyn.sqluninstall_earthdistance.sqluninstall_fuzzystrmatch.sqluninstall_hstore.sqluninstall_int_aggregate.sqluninstall_isn.sqluninstall_lo.sqluninstall_ltree.sqluninstall_pageinspect.sqluninstall_pg_buffercache.sqluninstall_pg_freespacemap.sqluninstall_pg_stat_statements.sqluninstall_pg_trgm.sqluninstall_pgcrypto.sqluninstall_pgrowlocks.sqluninstall_pgstattuple.sqluninstall_pgxml.sqluninstall_seg.sqluninstall_sslinfo.sqluninstall_tablefunc.sqluninstall_test_parser.sqluninstall_tsearch2.sqluninstall_unaccent.sqlunaccent.rulesxsyn_sample.rules/usr/bin//usr/lib//usr/lib/postgresql//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql//usr/share/doc/packages/postgresql/contrib//usr/share//usr/share/postgresql//usr/share/postgresql/contrib//usr/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/-fomit-frame-pointer -fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://"a`|ǐ!Ԛf$?]"k%ܮdOS`ge,> W'%d{_C?o8zGUS42xq afQ3saf{T*o愣a>oo Hy)|uJFhN>e;NtH5u2$if5[H鮝&b<,Sݼl_g]Z@kO#*?qRRt wp>K,і(fo]Hfj`-Z[h+-%c[.Jc3Hm$2]I 6B"l[˚;xp-wݺ'+Z7Oju[rEҢ1 2'#?.ؘüd U  DTׯ3h*>ZiP|SҩfZ/k.蘰vMB/ZT4ݿZbXa#j V HNwվ|  *X#rƪvQQw ~>TqJk7aЉJv;N\kJ5 '?;/ AOK.$=R!c#w%{(͌Z?] ALS.TXҩ;~ _[1LF+lg$Ue"t Fw?fsF?/@_Awpgv=t_#=?\BoP\R x{Gր cG+"WeE!WXg!O} Uѿ_}ѐ;#zYmd5ѨXElՙkzE#T dOZ)dqN[qn<"*F]! 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