XML Important packages for our XML training home:thomas-schraitle Thomas Schraitle's Home Project Mainly DocBook, XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and Python stuff. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/thomas-schraitle/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ openSUSE:Factory The next openSUSE distribution Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you. Staging dashboard is located at: https://build.opensuse.org/project/dashboard/openSUSE:Factory Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Factory for more details. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Factory/snapshot/ libxml2 The libxml2 package The libxml2 package. libxslt The libxslt package The libxslt package. saxon The saxon package The saxon package. saxon-scripts The saxon-scripts package The saxon-scripts package. docbook_4 DocBook DTD Version 4.x DocBook is a schema. It is particularly well-suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is not limited to these applications at all). This package has SGML- and XML-DTD versions included. Some versions of DocBook contain also a RELAX NG and W3C Schema. docbook-xsl-stylesheets The docbook-xsl-stylesheets package The docbook-xsl-stylesheets package. docbook_5 DocBook Schemas (DTD, RELAX NG, W3C Schema) for Version 5.x The version 5 release is a complete rewrite of DocBook in RELAX NG. The intent of this rewrite is to produce a schema that is true to the spirit of DocBook while simultaneously removing inconsistencies that have arisen as a natural consequence of DocBook's long, slow evolution. Authors: -------- Eve L. Maler <elm@arbortext.com> Terry Allen <tallen@sonic.net> Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> docbook5-xsl-stylesheets The docbook5-xsl-stylesheets package The docbook5-xsl-stylesheets package. opendocument-schema XML-based File Format Specification for Office Applications (ODF) The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an open XML-based document file format for office applications to be used for documents containing text, spreadsheets, charts, and graphical elements. The file format makes transformations to other formats simple by leveraging and reusing existing standards wherever possible. As an open standard under the stewardship of OASIS, OpenDocument also creates the possibility for new types of applications and solutions to be developed other than traditional office productivity applications. dbsplit-tools DocBook Splitting tools Tools for splitting and merging DocBook documents, fop The fop package The fop package. jing The jing package The jing package. trang The trang package The trang package. msv The msv package The msv package. xmlformat XML document formatter xmlformat is a configurable formatter (or "pretty-printer") for XML documents. It provides control over indentation, line-breaking, and text wrapping. These properties can be defined on a per-element basis. xmlformat provides improved diagnostic information when a document is not well-formed. (Prints line and token number, and stack trace). psgml The psgml package The psgml package. jedit The jedit package The jedit package. xmlstarlet The xmlstarlet package The xmlstarlet package. xerces-j2-xml-resolver The xerces-j2-xml-resolver package The xerces-j2-xml-resolver package. xml-commons The xml-commons package The xml-commons package. nxml-mode The nxml-mode package The nxml-mode package. tidy The tidy package The tidy package. mathml-dtd The mathml-dtd package The mathml-dtd package. rnv RELAX NG Compact Syntax Validator in C RNV is an implementation of RELAX NG Compact Syntax. It is written in ANSI C, the command-line utility uses Expat. RNV is a part of an on-going work, and the current code can have bugs and shortcomings; however, it validates documents against a number of grammars. I use it. Authors: -------- David Tolpin <dvd@davidashen.net> python-lxml The python-lxml package The python-lxml package. fontforge The fontforge package The fontforge package. docbook2odf Stylesheets & Utils to Transform DocBook XML to OpenDocument Format Docbook2odf is a toolkit that automaticaly converts DocBook to OASIS OpenDocument (ODF, the ISO standardized format used for texts, spreadsheets and presentations). Conversion is based on a XSLT which makes it easy to convert DocBook->ODF, ODT, ODS and ODP as all these documents are XML based. Also goal of docbook2odf is to generate well formatted documents in OpenDocument, ready to be used in instant, with actually considering current rules of the Corporate Identity of organizations. Final results should not be restricted to text like documents but also many other forms could be generated, like presentations, charts or forms with images and multimedia. Author ------ Roman Fordinál <fordinal@webcom.sk> xmlgen Generates XML instances from Schema Languages (DTD, RELAX Core, TREX, XSD) Sun XML Generator is a Java tool to generate various XML instances from several kinds of Schemas. It supports DTD, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, and a subset of W3C XML Schema Part 1. Author ------- Kohsuke Kawaguchi <kohsuke.kawaguchi@eng.sun.com>