OpenNebula OpenNebula all-in-one Includes packages for high-availability setups home:onielsen:Virtualization:Testing Test new code drops deleted INTERNAL PROJECT don't delete this project, it's used for internal purposes openSUSE:13.1:Update Online updates for openSUSE 13.1 This project is releasing the official updates for openSUSE 13.1. openSUSE:13.1 Official 13.1 openSUSE distribution This project builds the official 13.1 openSUSE distribution. Have a look at for more details. patterns-openSUSE-base The patterns-openSUSE-base package The patterns-openSUSE-base package. patterns-openSUSE-kvm_server The patterns-openSUSE-kvm_server package The patterns-openSUSE-kvm_server package. csync2 The csync2 package The csync2 package. cpuset The cpuset package The cpuset package. ebtables The ebtables package The ebtables package. ethtool The ethtool package The ethtool package. genisoimage The genisoimage package The genisoimage package. hawk The hawk package The hawk package. hwinfo The hwinfo package The hwinfo package. iputils The iputils package The iputils package. kvm The kvm package The kvm package. libcgroup-tools The libcgroup-tools package The libcgroup-tools package. libvirt-daemon-qemu The libvirt-daemon-qemu package The libvirt-daemon-qemu package. lvm2-clvm The lvm2-clvm package The lvm2-clvm package. netcfg The netcfg package The netcfg package. ntp The ntp package The ntp package. opennebula Elastic Utility Computing Architecture is an open-source project aimed at building the industry standard open source cloud computing tool to manage the complexity and heterogeneity of distributed data center infrastructures. The Project is maintained and driven by the community. The community has thousands of users, contributors, and supporters, who interact through various online email lists, blogs and innovative projects to support each other. opennebula-sunstone Browser based UI to administer an OpenNebulaCloud sunstone if the web base UI to manage a deployed OpenNebula Cloud openssh The openssh package The openssh package. openvswitch-switch The openvswitch-switch package The openvswitch-switch package. python-numpy The python-numpy package The python-numpy package. python-websockify The python-websockify package The python-websockify package. qemu-tools The qemu-tools package The qemu-tools package. yast2-ntp-client The yast2-ntp-client package The yast2-ntp-client package. ruby2.0-rubygem-net-ldap The ruby2.0-rubygem-net-ldap package The ruby2.0-rubygem-net-ldap package. rubygem-mysql The rubygem-mysql package The rubygem-mysql package. mysql-community-server The mysql-community-server package The mysql-community-server package. openvswitch-kmp-default The openvswitch-kmp-default package The openvswitch-kmp-default package.