jubalian A jubalian pattern Things a jubal might want home:jubalh jubalh's Home Project My playground :-) http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/jubalh/SLE_12/ SUSE:SLE-12:GA SUSE Linux Enterprise 12. To be used for building SLE 12 packages This repository contains the status of the gold master. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-12:/GA/standard/ SUSE:SLE-12:GA:qemu http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/SUSE:/SLE-12:/GA:/qemu/SLE_12/ lxmenu-data The lxmenu-data package The lxmenu-data package. lxqt-about The lxqt-about package The lxqt-about package. lxqt-common The lxqt-common package The lxqt-common package. lxqt-config The lxqt-config package The lxqt-config package. lxqt-globalkeys The lxqt-globalkeys package The lxqt-globalkeys package. lxqt-notificationd The lxqt-notificationd package The lxqt-notificationd package. lxqt-openssh-askpass The lxqt-openssh-askpass package The lxqt-openssh-askpass package. lxqt-panel The lxqt-panel package The lxqt-panel package. lxqt-policykit The lxqt-policykit package The lxqt-policykit package. lxqt-powermanagement The lxqt-powermanagement package The lxqt-powermanagement package. lxqt-qtplugin The lxqt-qtplugin package The lxqt-qtplugin package. lxqt-runner The lxqt-runner package The lxqt-runner package. lxqt-session The lxqt-session package The lxqt-session package. menu-cache The menu-cache package The menu-cache package. xfwm4 The xfwm4 package The xfwm4 package. xfwm4-themes The xfwm4-themes package The xfwm4-themes package. pcmanfm-qt The pcmanfm-qt package The pcmanfm-qt package. NetworkManager-gnome The NetworkManager-gnome package The NetworkManager-gnome package. NetworkManager The NetworkManager package The NetworkManager package. vifm The vifm package The vifm package. irssi The irssi package The irssi package. lxqt-admin The lxqt-admin package The lxqt-admin package.