cinnamon Cinnamon Desktop Environment The Cinnamon desktop environment is a modern desktop environment. X11:Cinnamon:Current The latest official release of Cinnamon This project holds the latest official release of Cinnamon from upstream. Also bugfix releases are put in this project, unless there is a newer minor release. openSUSE:Leap:42.3:Update Online updates for openSUSE Leap:42.3 This project is releasing the official updates for openSUSE Leap:42.3. openSUSE:Leap:42.3:Ports openSUSE:Leap:42.2:Ports openSUSE:Leap:42.3 openSUSE Leap 42.3 pattern:cinnamon_basis The pattern:cinnamon_basis package The pattern:cinnamon_basis package. pattern:basesystem The pattern:basesystem package The pattern:basesystem package. pattern:games The pattern:games package The pattern:games package. pattern:imaging The pattern:imaging package The pattern:imaging package. pattern:multimedia The pattern:multimedia package The pattern:multimedia package. pattern:non_oss The pattern:non_oss package The pattern:non_oss package. pattern:office The pattern:office package The pattern:office package. pattern:x11 The pattern:x11 package The pattern:x11 package. baobab The baobab package The baobab package. blueberry The blueberry package The blueberry package. brasero The brasero package The brasero package. caribou The caribou package The caribou package. cheese The cheese package The cheese package. deja-dup The deja-dup package The deja-dup package. exaile The exaile package The exaile package. file-roller The file-roller package The file-roller package. galculator The galculator package The galculator package. gcr-viewer The gcr-viewer package The gcr-viewer package. gnome-characters The gnome-characters package The gnome-characters package. gnome-color-manager The gnome-color-manager package The gnome-color-manager package. gnome-contacts The gnome-contacts package The gnome-contacts package. gnome-dictionary The gnome-dictionary package The gnome-dictionary package. gnome-disk-utility The gnome-disk-utility package The gnome-disk-utility package. gnome-font-viewer The gnome-font-viewer package The gnome-font-viewer package. gnome-games The gnome-games package The gnome-games package. gnome-logs The gnome-logs package The gnome-logs package. gnome-nettool The gnome-nettool package The gnome-nettool package. gnome-packagekit The gnome-packagekit package The gnome-packagekit package. gnome-screenshot The gnome-screenshot package The gnome-screenshot package. gnome-software The gnome-software package The gnome-software package. gnome-system-monitor The gnome-system-monitor package The gnome-system-monitor package. gnome-user-share The gnome-user-share package The gnome-user-share package. gparted The gparted package The gparted package. gucharmap The gucharmap package The gucharmap package. hexchat The hexchat package The hexchat package. liferea The liferea package The liferea package. mousetweaks The mousetweaks package The mousetweaks package. MozillaThunderbird The MozillaThunderbird package The MozillaThunderbird package. nemo File browser for Cinnamon Nemo is the file manager for the Cinnamon desktop environment. nemo-extension-seafile The nemo-extension-seafile package The nemo-extension-seafile package. nemo-extension-share Samba share extension for Nemo file manager Nemo Share allows you to quickly share a folder from the Cinnamon Nemo file manager without requiring root access. NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome The NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome package The NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome package. NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome The NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome package The NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome package. NetworkManager-pptp-gnome The NetworkManager-pptp-gnome package The NetworkManager-pptp-gnome package. NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome The NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome package The NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome package. orca The orca package The orca package. pidgin The pidgin package The pidgin package. seahorse The seahorse package The seahorse package. simple-scan The simple-scan package The simple-scan package. system-config-printer The system-config-printer package The system-config-printer package. system-config-printer-applet The system-config-printer-applet package The system-config-printer-applet package. thunderbird The thunderbird package The thunderbird package. transmission-gtk The transmission-gtk package The transmission-gtk package. vinagre The vinagre package The vinagre package. xed A text editor with highlighting xed is a text editor designed for the Cinnamon desktop. It has most standard text editor functions and supports international text in Unicode. Advanced features include syntax highlighting and automatic indentation of source code, printing and editing of multiple documents in one window. xed is extensible through a plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing VCS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. xplayer Generic media player xplayer is a media player based on GStreamer for the Cinnamon desktop and others. It features a playlist, a full-screen mode, seek and volume controls, and complete keyboard navigation. xviewer Fast and functional graphics viewer xviewer is a simple graphics viewer for the Cinnamon desktop and others which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. zenity The zenity package The zenity package. conduit The conduit package The conduit package. dasher The dasher package The dasher package. dconf-editor The dconf-editor package The dconf-editor package. ekiga The ekiga package The ekiga package. gftp The gftp package The gftp package. gnome-backgrounds The gnome-backgrounds package The gnome-backgrounds package. gtg The gtg package The gtg package. nemo-extension-image-converter Nemo extension to mass resize or rotate images This package adds a "Resize Images..." menu item to the context menu of all images. This opens a dialog where you set the desired image size and file name. A click on "Resize" finally resizes the image(s) using ImageMagick's convert tool. pan The pan package The pan package. pdfmod The pdfmod package The pdfmod package. smuxi The smuxi package The smuxi package. synapse The synapse package The synapse package. tasque The tasque package The tasque package. the-board The the-board package The the-board package.