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  glib2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)Ų@V@V@V%@VuFVXEVUVTQ@V<@V&,VCU@UYUUM@U@UoU4@U@Ud`@USaT @T&@T @T@SGS @S @S @S8@S|@S0@S)S(5@SnSK@R@R@R=R=R=R=RRR@R^RQPRA~R8D@R6R%@RZ@QQ@Q4Q@@Q@@Q@QQkQQQHS@Q#i@QEP@PDPPP@P@P@P@P}L@PiP`K@PWPDP3x@PP @NNˎNGNuNi@Nu@Nf 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Update to version 2.50.0: + bgo#771438: Turn on libmount by default on linux. + Fix the annotation for g_log_variant. + Updated translations. - Add libmount-devel BuildRequires: follow upstreams recommendation to use libmount on Linux.- Update to version 2.49.7: + Add g_log_variant, binding-friendly api for structured logging. + Bugs fixed: bgo#646926. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.6: + The gsettings commandline tool now has a describe command. + Bugs fixed: bgo#745754, bgo#769076, bgo#770372. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.4: + Structured logging: - Drop libsystemd dependency. - Document that g_test_expect_message does not work with structured logs. + Use libmount for unix mount support. + Add an async variant of g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri. + Bugs fixed: bgo#522053, bgo#682794, bgo#744456, bgo#766370, bgo#767240, bgo#768198, bgo#768453, bgo#768752, bgo#769027, bgo#769029, bgo#769042, bgo#769087, bgo#769089, bgo#769104, bgo#769139, bgo#769238, bgo#769245, bgo#769507, bgo#769785, bgo#769995. + Updated translations. - Drop pkgconfig(libsystemd) BuildRequires following upstream changes. - Drop glib2-add-g_autoptr-support.patch, glib2-gmessages-support-NULL.patch, glib2-gvariant-Avoid-anonymous-struct.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add glib2-add-g_autoptr-support.patch: gobject: add g_autoptr support for GTypeModule, fix build of gobject-introspection (bgo#769033). - Add glib2-gmessages-support-NULL.patch: Don't crash wayland session. The new g_log_structured have some bugs.. (bgo#769087). - Add glib2-gvariant-Avoid-anonymous-struct.patch: Fix c++ building, patch from upstream git.- Update to version 2.49.4: + Change the just-introduced structured logging API. The arguments of g_log_structured() had to be reordered to enable an implementation within the limits of what the standards guarantee about var args. + Bugs fixed: bgo#744456, bgo#768936, bgo#768963, bgo#768968. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.3: + GLib has a structured logging API, g_log_structured, with support for writing to the systemd journal. It also supports colored output in terminals. + Some new GBytes API has been added: - g_key_file_load_from_bytes. - g_compute_hmac_for_bytes. + Stack-allocated GVariantBuilder and GVariantDict objects can now be initialized with G_VARIANT_BUILDER_INIT and G_VARIANT_DICT_INIT. + gio: - Add a way to register handlers for custom uri schemes. - Add a G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_FILESYSTEM_REMOTE attribute to have these heuristics in a single place. - Include a gio tool that makes the functionality of the various gvfs commandline tools available in a single place. - Add portal support to g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri. - Add portal support to GNetworkMonitor. - Add portal support to GProxyResolver. - Add portal support to g_application_send_notification. + Bugs fixed: bgo#547200, bgo#662802, bgo#723506, bgo#725902, bgo#728207, bgo#729914, bgo#744456, bgo#744678, bgo#746685, bgo#747134, bgo#750257, bgo#753231, bgo#754012, bgo#760115, bgo#760423, bgo#761102, bgo#765338, bgo#766370, bgo#766899, bgo#766933, bgo#767765, bgo#767880, bgo#767887, bgo#767949, bgo#768029, bgo#768119, bgo#768357, bgo#768498, bgo#768504, bgo#768549, bgo#768551, bgo#768560, bgo#768780, bgo#768806. + Updated translations. - Add pkgconfig(libsystemd) BuildRequires: Configure looks for it.- Update to version 2.49.2: + GMainContext and GTask have gained more systemtap probes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#673101, bgo#700756, bgo#730187, bgo#755439, bgo#759813, bgo#761810, bgo#767172, bgo#767218, bgo#767245, bgo#767824. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.49.1: + GDesktopAppInfo now allows bus activation with dashes. This is not technically allowed per the Desktop Entry specification, but it happens in the wild. Rather than forcing people to go through another traumatic desktop file rename, accept it and translate - to _. + The support for giving names to threads has been improved. Thread names are now supported on Solaris as well, and the Linux support no longer uses prctl() but the pthread api. + GIO resources can now be overridden at runtime, using the G_RESOURCE_OVERLAYS environment variable. + gdbus-codegen can now generate autocleanup definitions for the types it generates. Use the --c-generate-autocleanup option to control this. + Bugs fixed: bgo#665446, bgo#742898, bgo#749583, bgo#755898, bgo#760186, bgo#764163, bgo#764415, bgo#765173, bgo#765668, bgo#765710, bgo#765712, bgo#765861, bgo#765900, bgo#765924, bgo#765991, bgo#766092, bgo#766211, bgo#766407, bgo#766570. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.48.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#547200, bgo#673101, bgo#700756, bgo#725902, bgo#728207, bgo#730187, bgo#746685, bgo#750257, bgo#753231, bgo#755439, bgo#760115, bgo#760423, bgo#761810, bgo#766211, bgo#766899, bgo#766933, bgo#767172, bgo#767218, bgo#767824, bgo#767949, bgo#768453, bgo#768504, bgo#768551, bgo#768560, bgo#768806, bgo#769027. + Updated translations.- Update to GNOME 3.20.2 Fate#318572- Update to version 2.48.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#731988, bgo#747107, bgo#747478, bgo#748474, bgo#748530, bgo#748806, bgo#749606, bgo#758174, bgo#758738, bgo#762994, bgo#763379, bgo#763821, bgo#764092, bgo#764574, bgo#764575, bgo#764685, bgo#764754, bgo#765959, bgo#765990. + Updated translations.- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572 - Remove patches: glib2-dbus-object-manager-ref.patch, glib2-trash-on-other-partitions.patch, glib2-bnc873225-add-get-default-value.patch, glib2-missing-annotations.patch.- baselibs.conf: also add the pkgconfig file to the -32bit package (boo#973217).- Update to version 2.48.0: + A minor build fix in the name of determinism. + A few coverity fixes. + bgo#763617: giotypefuncs.c: Sort _get_type functions in the 'C' locale. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.47.92: + gdbus-codegen now supports g_autoptr(). + g_get_user_runtime_dir() now reliably returns an existing directory. + g_array_remove_range() can now remove 0 items from the end of an array. + Many fixes for Windows. + Documentation improvements. + Other small bugfixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#724847, bgo#743933, bgo#756706, bgo#757506, bgo#760694, bgo#762202, bgo#762637, bgo#762748, bgo#762937, bgo#763339, bgo#763344, bgo#763379. + Updated translations.- Include the glibconfig.h in the baselibs glib2-devel-xxbit package, as it contains the architecture specific configuration (bsc#970694).- Follow the freedesktop conventions for the mime handler associations. The created link is gnome specific, so make it specific (gnome-mimeapps.list). This prevents association problems in Plasma 5 (boo#966739) Update to version 2.47.6: + Windows support: - Fixes and improvements to the GSettings registry backend. - Handle readability and writability of registry keys. - Use Unicode registry APIs. + Bugs fixed: bgo#760852, bgo#744772, bgo#761126, bgo#747927, bgo#761337, bgo#744570, bgo#761504, bgo#761550, bgo#761843, bgo#744570, bgo#744772, bgo#747927, bgo#760852, bgo#761126, bgo#761337, bgo#761504, bgo#761550, bgo#761843. + Updated translations.- Fix default mime handler associtations: since GLIB 2.42, the file in question is no longer defaults.list (too unspecific), but is called mimeapps.list. Touch and link the right files.- Update to version 2.47.5: + The system copy of PCRE is now used by default to implement GRegex. Configure with --with-pcre=internal if a system PCRE version is unavailable or undesired. + Interfaces for DTLS support have been added. A new version of glib-networking will also be required. + GDBusMethodInvocation now drops replies if the sender set the NO_REPLY_EXPECTED flag. + Several GApplication fixes, including fixes for commandline arguments in interpreted languages on Windows. + Bugs fixed: bgo#624186, bgo#734095, bgo#735754, bgo#748064, bgo#752240, bgo#755421, bgo#756875, bgo#759554, bgo#760199, bgo#760215, bgo#760683. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.47.4: + gapplication: Acquire the main context before running. + Enable contenttype test on W32, tweak it to pass (mostly). + xdgmime Finer handling for cases where mmap() is not available. + Add GParamSpec object ref management annotations. + file monitors: reorder some code to avoid segfault. + glib-compile-resources: do not leak c_name. + macros: add G_GNUC_CHECK_VERSION() for compiler checks. + GApplication: destroy the impl on shutdown. + Stop supporting non-POSIX getpwuid_r, getgrgid_r. + Fix Python 3 TypeError in gdb pretty-printers. + W32: fix uninitialized var in g_app_info_get_all_for_type. + Add missing checks for gnulib vasnprintf(). + remove G_CAN_INLINE. + GDBusProxy: Fix a memory leak during initialization. + Bugs fixed: bgo#752983, bgo#735696, bgo#735696, bgo#710243, bgo#756214, bgo#758823, bgo#758553, bgo#578363, bgo#757299, bgo#728099, bgo#757372, bgo#756475, bgo#749092, bgo#759408, bgo#759134, bgo#757374, bgo#758641. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.47.3: + The inline cleanup in the last release accidentally removed three symbols from It is unlikely that this will have caused any problems because these symbols were only backup symbols for definitions exported as inlines in the header files, but ABI is ABI. This release corrects only this problem.- Update to version 2.47.2: + We have formalised the assumption that all compilers that are interested in support 'static inline' and simplified the macros around this considerably. Please watch for and report unintentional fallout. + New API: hardware-assisted helpers for overflow-checked integer math. + Bugs fixed: bgo#696324, bgo#719966, bgo#752837, bgo#755364, bgo#756134, bgo#756179, bgo#756988, bgo#757294, bgo#757374, bgo#757451, bgo#757628, bgo#757693, bgo#757742, bgo#758181. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.47.1: + GDesktopAppInfo no longer sets the DISPLAY environment variable when launching apps. This is now done in the GAppLaunchContext implementations when appropriate. + Bugs fixed: bgo#664740, bgo#687223, bgo#692085, bgo#697907, bgo#735754, bgo#737116, bgo#743011, bgo#749161, bgo#749314, bgo#751924, bgo#752240, bgo#752837, bgo#753310, bgo#753935, bgo#754855, bgo#754983, bgo#754994, bgo#755083, bgo#755351, bgo#755355, bgo#755374, bgo#755496, bgo#755609, bgo#755766, bgo#755795, bgo#755961, bgo#756053, bgo#756054, bgo#756077, bgo#756099, bgo#756139, bgo#756179, bgo#756251, bgo#756255, bgo#756316, bgo#756382, bgo#756477, bgo#756550, bgo#756875, bgo#756952. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.46.2: + Varioius small fixes, with a focus on win32. + The docs should now be complete when doing non-srcdir builds. + Bugs fixed: bgo#687223, bgo#754983, bgo#754994, bgo#755609, bgo#756179, bgo#756382, bgo#757628.- Add glib2-remove_fam_debug_print.patch: remove debug output "II 1" from the fam monitor (boo#951221, bgo#756879).- Update to version 2.46.1: + Remove system_header pragma (should fix lack of warnings with things like g_return_if_fail). + Move GStrv typedef (and auto-cleanup) from libgobject to libglib. + Fix order of trashing files to be closer to what is required in the specification. Namely, trashinfo files are written first. This should fix issues with the gvfs trash backend failing to correctly read the info for recently trashed files (preventing 'restore'). + Tweak mime logic to return text/plain on all empty files instead of returning application/octet-stream. This includes files that have extensions that imply that they may be other types of files, which is a slight change of behaviour with respect to old GLib versions. + Many win32 fixes. + Many docs fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#735754, bgo#743011, bgo#749161, bgo#751924, bgo#752837, bgo#753310, bgo#755083, bgo#755351, bgo#755355, bgo#755496, bgo#755795, bgo#756179, bgo#756251, bgo#756255. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.46.0: + Disable runtime-deprecation warnings. + Fix marshalling of flags on bigendian 64bit architectures. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.8: + Utf8 validation and utf8-to-ucs4 conversion are faster. + Small speedups to property change notification. + Various other small optimizations for GQuark, GData. + Bugs fixed: bgo#696426, bgo#735429, bgo#738504, bgo#742903, bgo#748633, bgo#754431, bgo#754560, bgo#754582, bgo#754601, bgo#754636, bgo#754788, bgo#754831, bgo#754924, bgo#754986. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.7: + Add G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_IS_VOLATILE for use by non-POSIX-like backends (e.g. cloud storage). + GFileMonitor: Make the inotify backend work with atomic renames again. + GSettings: change notification is again working unconditionally. + GListStore has a sort function now. + Test infrastructure: - Tests are now required to have unique names. - TAP support has been improved. - A macro for asserting that two memory regions have identical content has been added. + Bugs fixed: bgo#708525, bgo#742849, bgo#744060, bgo#747364, bgo#749492, bgo#752769, bgo#753745, bgo#754152, bgo#754211, bgo#754264, bgo#754283, bgo#754284, bgo#754286, bgo#754307. + Updated translations.- Add zsh completion for gsettings from (source gsettings.zsh). (MIT license).- Update to version 2.45.6: + Fix a test failure and a build failure.- Update to version 2.45.5: + GNetworkMonitor now provides information about metered networks. + g_mem_set_vtable has been deprecated; it has not been working for quite a while. The recommendation is to use valgrind, or replace malloc itself. + Bugs fixed: bgo#656325, bgo#741779, bgo#741822, bgo#742386, bgo#743018, bgo#750282, bgo#751358, bgo#751592, bgo#751598, bgo#751610, bgo#751751, bgo#752210, bgo#752656, bgo#752767, bgo#753278, bgo#753285. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#727829, bgo#741901, bgo#746339, bgo#747676, bgo#748610, bgo#749911, bgo#749912, bgo#750625, bgo#750807, bgo#751160, bgo#751672, bgo#751731, bgo#751737, bgo#751798, bgo#752089, bgo#752293. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.3: + Improve performance of g_signal_handler_disconnect for signals with many handlers. + GDBus has gained a new call flag to allow interactive authorization. + GSettings: - New API: g_settings_schema_list_keys. - Deprecated: g_settings_list_keys. + OS X: - Implement GNotification. - Bump the OS X requirement to 10.9. + Windows: - Add registry reading API. - Reimplement GAppInfo using registry information. + Bugs fixed: bgo#666831, bgo#728489, bgo#730168, bgo#733325, bgo#734888, bgo#737009, bgo#738185, bgo#738504, bgo#739122, bgo#739424, bgo#739616, bgo#740308, bgo#740516, bgo#741788, bgo#745013, bgo#747146, bgo#747941, bgo#748727, bgo#749693, bgo#750203, bgo#750322, bgo#750344, bgo#750369, bgo#750386, bgo#750399, bgo#750573, bgo#750918, bgo#751122, bgo#479730. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.2: + Improve error reporting in glib-compile-schemas. + Add introspection annotations to GListStore. + Bugs fixed: bgo#696749, bgo#723394, bgo#724113, bgo#725981, bgo#733325, bgo#744895, bgo#747882, bgo#748534, bgo#748612, bgo#748614, bgo#748834, bgo#749079, bgo#749080, bgo#749180, bgo#749352, bgo#749353. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.45.1: + The GSettings schema compiler, glib-compile-schemas has been changed to reject schema xml that has duplicate or elements. Such elements typically occur when translations are merged into the schema, with xml:lang attributes. This is not the correct way to translate schemas. Instead keep the translations in the .mo file and set the gettext-domain attribute on the element. + The file monitoring infrastructure has been rewritten, and all backends have seen major improvements. + The inotify backend is reporting events with less delay (no event will be delayed more than 10ms) and wakeups due to file monitoring have been significantly reduced. A CHANGES_DONE event will also be sent when new files appear. + The poll implementation is now using the thread default main context. + The fam implmentation is now running in the worker thread. + The fen implementation has been removed, since it was unmaintained. + The GSettings schema compiler, glib-compile-schemas, is more strict about rejecting schemas with xml:lang style merged translations. + Schema translations should be done by specifying the gettext domain in the xml, and keeping the translations in gettext. To avoid breaking already-installed schemas, this change is only taking effect when you use the --strict option. + The hardcoded 10-thread limit of GTask's thread pool has been removed, since it was prone to causing deadlocks. The thread pool is now allowed to grow dynamically and will shrink back over time. + GSimpleAsyncResult has been deprecated in favor of GTask. + The algorithm used by GAppInfo to find default handlers for mime types has been tweaked to prefer apps that handle the specific subtype over default handlers for a generic supertype. + Bugs fixed: bgo#627285, bgo#631597, bgo#661767, bgo#687223, bgo#711547, bgo#719966, bgo#726447, bgo#728663, bgo#728669, bgo#730188, bgo#733325, bgo#738207, bgo#739850, bgo#741791, bgo#744282, bgo#745255, bgo#745745, bgo#745821, bgo#746749, bgo#746753, bgo#747209, bgo#747349, bgo#747363, bgo#747472, bgo#747541, bgo#747772, bgo#748019, bgo#748177. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.44.1: + Don't redefine typedefs to avoid build problems on OpenBSD. + Improve the default application algorithm. + Bump the number of children a GType can have. + Various testsuite improvements. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.44.0: + gsocket: Document FD ownership with g_socket_new_from_fd() (bgo#730188). + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.92: + GUnixMountMonitor now properly supports multiple main contexts + Many documentation improvements and cleanups. We are now approaching a point where the documentation is 100% complete and the xml will build without warnings. This will probably be enabled by default in the next cycle. + New support for HTTP proxies in GIO. + New GTask:completed property. + Use "private" futexes in order to further improve the performance of the contended case of GMutex and g_bit_lock(). + Bugs fixed: bgo#614684, bgo#730352, bgo#733876, bgo#741442, bgo#742599, bgo#743636, bgo#743661, bgo#744722, bgo#745589, bgo#745634. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.91: + We have now added 'g_autofree' as a libgsystem-style autocleanup macro that calls g_free() on the content of a local variable when it leaves scope (working only on GCC and clang). + GApplication now has an "is-busy" property, allowing one to query the effective busy state. + There have been various other bugfixes and cleanups. + Bugs fixed: bgo#661554, bgo#744263, bgo#744565, bgo#744747, bgo#744756, bgo#744830, bgo#744876, bgo#745239. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.90: + New GSimpleIOStream class to construct a GIOStream from an arbitrary GInputStream and GOutputStream. + GApplication: new API for marking 'busy' state according to the value of a boolean property on another object. + GOptionGroup: add binding support (boxed type, annotation fixes, etc.) + Bugs fixed: bgo#739724, bgo#741024, bgo#741630, bgo#743349, bgo#743990, bgo#744565. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.4: + GType now has type declaration macros G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE_TYPE, G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE and G_DECLARE_INTERFACE, which significantly reduce the boilerplate needed for GObject types and interfaces. + g_autoptr and g_auto are macros for declaring variables with automatic cleanup. They only work with gcc and clang. + GListModel is a new interface that represents a dynamic list of GObjects. + GListStore is a GSequence-based implementation of GListModel. + Support thread names on OS X. + g_simple_action_set_state_hint: New function to set the state hint of GSimpleActions. + g_win32_check_windows_version: New function to check Windows version. + g_settings_schema_list_children and g_settings_schema_key_get_name are new functions to complete the GSettingsSchema API. + Bugs fixed: bgo#389585, bgo#729351, bgo#736914, bgo#741807, bgo#741895, bgo#742456, bgo#743508, bgo#743517, bgo#743521, bgo#743596, bgo#743640, bgo#743827, bgo#743927, bgo#743936, bgo#744012, bgo#744190.- Update to version 2.43.3: + Add g_set_object() convenience function. + GNetworkMonitor: check if NM is not running and don't crash. + Fix some races with g_mkdir_with_parents. + Fix some warnings in MSVC. + Avoid use of G_STRLOC in G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PSPEC in order to save on static strings. + Fix some content type vs. mime issues. + Documentation improvements. + Bugs fixed: bgo#719455, bgo#732439, bgo#734946, bgo#741589 bgo#741653, bgo#741654, bgo#741707, bgo#741788, bgo#742548 bgo#742851, bgo#742972, bgo#743014. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.2: + New functions: g_strv_contains, g_network_address_new_loopback, g_socket_send_messages. + A new GNetworkMonitor implementation using NetworkManager provides more detailed connectivity information. + Bugs fixed: bgo#11059, bgo#664562, bgo#685880, bgo#712570, bgo#719646, bgo#728928, bgo#732317, bgo#740814, bgo#740848, bgo#741016, bgo#741226. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.1: + GQueue now accepts NULL as a sibling in g_queue_insert_before() and g_queue_insert_after(). + Bugs fixed: bgo#11059, bgo#726037, bgo#727988, bgo#729739, bgo#733791, bgo#736286, bgo#736620, bgo#737150, bgo#737160, bgo#738259, bgo#738551, bgo#738633, bgo#740157, bgo#740309, bgo#740413. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.43.0: + GObject gained a debug option to provide instance counts. To use it, set GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count and call g_type_get_instance_count(). + GOption now has a strict POSIX mode in which it stops parsing arguments as soon as a non-option argument is encountered. + Bugs fixed: bgo#354457, bgo#695082, bgo#723160, bgo#729739, bgo#733338, bgo#736273, bgo#736284, bgo#736914, bgo#737259, bgo#737338, bgo#737446, bgo#737451, bgo#737741, bgo#737869, bgo#738374, bgo#738675. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.42.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#712570, bgo#719455, bgo#727829, bgo#734946, bgo#741024, bgo#741654, bgo#741788, bgo#741807, bgo#742851, bgo#743508, bgo#743936. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.42.1: + This release disables deprecation warnings by default. + Bugs fixed: bgo#728256, bgo#736806, bgo#737143, bgo#738170, bgo#738197. + Updated translations.- Update glib2-fate300461-gettext-gkeyfile-suse.patch: Initialize variable has_gettext.- Update to version 2.42.0: + Introspection warning fixes. + g_application_add_main_option now uses an enum instead of an 'int' for the type of a parameter. + Added a G_OPTION_FLAG_NONE so that people don't need to use 0. + gresource: Use GError in more places. + gresource commandline tool: improve extraction from multiple sections. + GSource now takes the context lock (if any) in g_source_set_name(). + New documentation to clarify the use of some APIs related to GVariant, GSource, GApplication. + Other minor updates to docs. + Bugs fixed: bgo#736683, bgo#736975. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.41.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#735819, bgo#735915, bgo#736350, bgo#736351, bgo#736458. + Updated translations.- Add libtool BuildRequires and call autoreconf -fi in build section: glib/ always calls config.status, which requires aclocal in a matching version.- Update to version 2.41.4: + GApplication now has binding-friendly API to handle commandline options: g_application_add_main_option. + G_GNUC_BEGIN_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS works with clang. + Bugs fixed: bgo#583330, bgo#727455, bgo#734126, bgo#735179, bgo#735297. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.41.3: + g_clear_pointer and g_clear_object no longer use atomics. + Bugs fixed: bgo#711547, bgo#725511, bgo#725513, bgo#725514, bgo#725515, bgo#728730, bgo#729703, bgo#730932, bgo#732085, bgo#732754, bgo#733345, bgo#733576, bgo#733715, bgo#733934, bgo#733960, bgo#733969, bgo#733982, bgo#734035. + Updated to translations.- Update to version 2.41.2: + The Unicode support has been updated to version 7.0 of the Unicode standard. + GNotification now supports priorities for notifications. + GCredentials has gained NetBSD support. + GMutex now uses a faster, native implementation on Linux. + Bugs fixed: bgo#699132, bgo#720708, bgo#722092, bgo#724986, bgo#727974, bgo#728256, bgo#728401, bgo#729825, bgo#729914, bgo#730293, bgo#731339, bgo#731424, bgo#731623, bgo#731929, bgo#731950, bgo#731986, bgo#732184, bgo#732357, bgo#732429, bgo#732465, bgo#732704, bgo#732739, bgo#732754, bgo#732984, bgo#733084, bgo#733146. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.41.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#697229, bgo#698614, bgo#729269, bgo#730198, bgo#730807, bgo#730963, bgo#730984, bgo#731050, bgo#731200, bgo#731335, bgo#731341, bgo#731366, bgo#731425, bgo#731513, bgo#731584, bgo#731657, bgo#731979, bgo#731996, bgo#732002, bgo#732005, bgo#732019, bgo#732068, bgo#732081, bgo#732107. - Changes from version 2.41.0: + Many bugfixes found by static analysis, including potential fd leaks and NULL pointer dereferences. + Increased use of (nullable) attribute on out values and return types now that it is supported. + Use XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP for OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn handling of desktopfiles, deprecating g_desktop_app_info_set_desktop_env(). + Add support for g_desktop_app_info_get_implementations() to find desktop files that have an Implements= line for a given interface. + GHmac has gained SHA-512 support. + Support the new mimeapps specification (most notably, moving the associations/defaults configuration to ~/.config/mimeapps.list). + libgobject is now linked -Wl,-z,nodelete when possible to avoid errors when gobject is used from a module for a program that does not itself use gobject and that module is unloaded/reloaded. + Bugs fixed: bgo#623552, bgo#667468, bgo#668152, bgo#707298, bgo#712391, bgo#722723, bgo#724741, bgo#726040, bgo#726318, bgo#726611, bgo#726872, bgo#727119, bgo#727123, bgo#727320, bgo#727551, bgo#727559, bgo#727692, bgo#727890, bgo#727900, bgo#727928, bgo#727939, bgo#727964, bgo#728040, bgo#728066, bgo#728280, bgo#728285, bgo#728350, bgo#728380, bgo#728565, bgo#728983, bgo#729167, bgo#729563, bgo#729813, bgo#729875, bgo#730045, bgo#730189, bgo#730190, bgo#730277, bgo#730278, bgo#730295, bgo#730493. + Updated translations.- Update gtk-doc.m4 due to version update/changes of gtk-doc. - Add glib2-rpmlintrc to spec as Source98, following new factory rules.- Add glib2-bnc873225-add-get-default-value.patch: allow retrieving the default value for a key (bnc#873225).- Add glib2-trash-on-other-partitions.patch -- delete file directly when try to move files into trash can on other partitions(/home not involved) (bnc#866456).- Update to version 2.40.0: + Disable IPv6 testcases on machines without IPv6. + Document that it is a bad idea to match on generic error codes. + Updated translations.- Add glib2-dbus-object-manager-ref.patch -- keep the gdbus object manager alive (bgo#719402). - Add glib2-missing-annotations.patch -- add gobject-introspection annotation to g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager.- Update to version 2.39.92: + Bugs fixed: bgo#710367, bgo#723899, bgo#724859, bgo#724916, bgo#725651, bgo#725656, bgo#725891, bgo#726046. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.91: + Bugs fixed: bgo#670144, bgo#673607, bgo#710142, bgo#722360, bgo#722604, bgo#723316, bgo#724609, bgo#724687, bgo#724706, bgo#724707, bgo#724839, bgo#724858, bgo#724994, bgo#725023. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.90: + Bugs fixed: bgo#625408, bgo#660809, bgo#661576, bgo#679957, bgo#712837, bgo#721458, bgo#721977, bgo#722033, bgo#723422, bgo#723616, bgo#724001, bgo#724124, bgo#724126, bgo#724233, bgo#724239, bgo#724278, bgo#724330, bgo#724385, bgo#724401, bgo#724417, bgo#724434. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#139699, bgo#583036, bgo#683388, bgo#685204, bgo#688406, bgo#693299, bgo#707111, bgo#711547, bgo#719344, bgo#722025, bgo#722323, bgo#722326, bgo#722357, bgo#722436, bgo#722503, bgo#722526, bgo#722591, bgo#722973, bgo#723048, bgo#723360. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.3: + Fix a crasher in code from gdbus-codegen. + Improvements to gobject gdb helper script. + Portability fixes. + Improved tests. + Fix races in unix signal handling. + Make our GVariant-based commandline tools (glib-compile-schemas, gdbus, gapplication) print out GVariant parse errors in context. + GApplication now has a --gapplication-service command line switch to turn any GApplication into a service. + Improve compatibility of GApplication and GOptionContext. + Fix gsettings.m4 wrt. builddir != srcdir with non-recursive make. + Use a directory monitor in GKeyfileSettingsBackend. + Improve robustness of some GIcon classes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#141251, bgo#613732, bgo#708212, bgo#710965, bgo#711090, bgo#712171, bgo#712630, bgo#715028, bgo#719344, bgo#720263, bgo#720539, bgo#720635, bgo#720891, bgo#721034, bgo#721059, bgo#721074, bgo#721087, bgo#721324, bgo#721624, bgo#721625, bgo#721796, bgo#721947. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.2: + Portability: Remove alleged support for OS/2, BeOS and last-millennium Unixes. + Require C90 compliance. + Require POSIX.1 (1990) compliance on Unix. + Require GNU make. + Bugs fixed: bgo#113075, bgo#159528, bgo#307947, bgo#607016, bgo#671557, bgo#676761, bgo#690525, bgo#691608, bgo#697585, bgo#697828, bgo#702862, bgo#703522, bgo#705902, bgo#708274, bgo#710519, bgo#710741, bgo#710983, bgo#711047, bgo#711051, bgo#711088, bgo#711103, bgo#711178, bgo#711546, bgo#711640, bgo#711751, bgo#711753, bgo#711796, bgo#711800, bgo#711801, bgo#711805, bgo#711806, bgo#711807, bgo#711871, bgo#712136, bgo#712148, bgo#712171, bgo#712314, bgo#712315, bgo#712393, bgo#712547, bgo#715164, bgo#719395, bgo#719402, bgo#719472, bgo#719687, bgo#719809, bgo#719837, bgo#719884, bgo#719979, bgo#720080, bgo#720210, bgo#720236. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.1: + GSettings fixes/improvements. - GSettingsSchema API is now more powerful and consistent. - New GSettingsSchemaKey API allows accessing metadata for keys: type, default value, range and the long-awaited support for summary and description. - GSettingsSchemaSource gains support for listing schemas within a source. Deprecate the global API that did this for the default source. - 'gsettings list-schemas' now works properly with --schemadir. - Deprecate a bunch of now-redundant functionality on GSettings. - Add API to GSettings for getting the default value of a key (as set by the sysadmin) - Add API to GSettings for determining if the user has assigned a particular value to a key (ie: we are not just reading the default) - Ignore qualified tags and attributes appearing in schema files. + Applications/Actions: - Make GSimpleAction a bit more strict with respect to state changes that would violate the interface (ie: by changing the state type after construction) - Throw an error when attempting to 'Describe' a non-existent action via D-Bus instead of returning a bogus description. - Throw an error when attempting to invoke unsupported methods on an Application (eg: 'Open' on an app that doesn't HANDLES_OPEN) instead of emitting a g_critical() in context of the app (which is not itself at fault for the errant call). + Appinfo: - Substantially rework GDesktopAppInfo to reduce the amount of disk accesses that are performed in common situations. - Add a new class: GAppInfoMonitor for discovering when applications are installed/removed. - Add a new g_desktop_app_info_search() API for searching for installed applications by name, keywords, etc. + GMarkup: add new G_MARKUP_IGNORE_QUALIFIED flag for skipping over "qualified" tags and attributes (those with a colon in the name, such as 'my:tag'). + GDBus: - Ignore qualified tags, as above. - GTestDBus: unset all D-Bus addresses (such as STARTER) to ensure that test programs don't pick them up. - Add new session_bus_run() convenience in the tests and use it. + GRand: use real random data as a seed on win32 and use the timestamp/pid/uid fallback only on UNIX machines where we can't open '/dev/urandom'. This may cause issues with older mingw32 releases due to a missing prototype for the rand_s() API. + Many win32 (and particularly MSVC) portability fixes. Many additional tests are now runnable when building with MSVC. + Due to early testing of the (soon to land) GCleanup framework, a very large number of memory errors have been found and fixed (mostly in the testcases, but some in glib itself). + GIO: - Some more seeking cleanups: particularly on GLocalFileInputStream. - Don't leave a .trashinfo file around if trashing a file fails. - Add a request_certificate virtual method to GTlsInteraction. + Bugs fixed: bgo#635641, bgo#637257, bgo#637956, bgo#645453, bgo#665634, bgo#668232, bgo#668233, bgo#680838, bgo#683017, bgo#687185, bgo#687202, bgo#695558, bgo#696424, bgo#697348, bgo#710133, bgo#710691, bgo#710738, bgo#710859, bgo#710885, bgo#710962, bgo#710964, bgo#710991, bgo#711016, bgo#711048, bgo#711049, bgo#711064, bgo#711070, bgo#711099, bgo#711520, bgo#711556, bgo#711557, bgo#711600, bgo#711632, bgo#711754, bgo#711755, bgo#711756, bgo#711768, bgo#711775, bgo#711782, bgo#711803, bgo#711808. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.39.0: + Prep for the 2.40 series (version macros, docs index, etc.). + GNotification: - New API for sending persistent notifications via the desktop shell. - Notifications persist when the application has quit and clicking on them can restart the application with an action (via DBusActivatable). + GSubprocess: - New API for launching subprocesses. - Nice GIO integration like async functions, cancellability, etc. - A convenient communicate() API inspired by the same API in Python. - Related: the gspawn API now has a CLOEXEC flag for the created pipes for stdin/stdout/stderr. + New gapplication(1) commandline tool: - Intended to be used with DBusActivatable apps. - Can be used for launching apps, opening files, invoking application actions and listing apps and actions. - Bash tab completion is supported. + GDesktopAppInfo changes: - g_file_get_path() can implicitly cause a FUSE mount so don't call it until we know we need it. - Don't crash when trying to load from a keyfile with DBusActivatable=true. - remove some dead code, refactor the search path handling a bit and do a large-scale whitespace cleanup (prep work for the pending desktop file index). + File monitors: - Fix broken handling of mount point monitoring. - Remove some strange use of GObject::constructor() from the base class and inotify backend. - Fix GFileMonitor to work in the non-default main context even when the main context is not running (or is blocked). - Add internal private API for easily creating a file monitor in the GLib worker thread. + GSettings: - g_settings_list_children: only list viable schemas. - Don't accept invalid paths on g_settings_new_with_path, etc. + GIO: - GFile now has a thumbnail::is-valid attribute to check if the thumbnail in thumbnail::path needs to be regenerated. - GDBusProxy now has a flag to control autostarting of services at construction time. - For GSeekable, properly introduce the concept of "resizable" vs. "fixed-sized" streams in the docs, explaining the expected semantics of the interface in each case. - Fix some cases in GMemoryOutputStream that were violating the above expectations (which may cause a slight API incompatibility). - Clean up GCredentials code and add support for Hurd and Solaris. - Improve splicing by using different codepaths for the case where we have real _read_async() and _write_async() implementations on the stream vs. the case where they are internally emulated (via dispatching the sync variant of the call in a thread). + GKeyFile: - Fix a leak in g_key_file_get_(u)int64 when we fail to parse the value as an integer. - Add long-requested API g_key_file_save_to_file(). + Portability improvements. + Other small API changes/additions. + GMainContext/GSource: - Fix handling of overflowing the 'next source id' counter. - g_source_remove() will not throw a critical in the case that you try to remove a non-existent source. - Simplify handling of the 'current dispatching source' to not require use of a linked list. + GObject: The long-broken (and leaky) pattern of destroying a just-allocated object from inside of a custom GObject::constructor is now officially completely illegal and will abort the program. + Unicode: update to 6.3.0. + Bug fixes: - g_file_copy() now falls back to pathname queryinfo. - Fix an out-of-bounds read in the xdgmime code. - Fix a typo in the /org/freedesktop/DBus path on the object manager client. - Skip emitting path_namespace='/' in match rules in order to workaround a bug in the D-Bus daemon and fix our own implementation (which shared exactly the same bug). - Fix crashes on precondition violations for GParamSpec constructors. - Many other small fixups. + Many documentation improvements. + Bugs fixed: bgo#309224, bgo#583321, bgo#661576, bgo#672102, bgo#684842, bgo#688492, bgo#691581, bgo#702516, bgo#704218, bgo#704593, bgo#704882, bgo#704887, bgo#705029, bgo#705688, bgo#706254, bgo#707887, bgo#708042, bgo#708265, bgo#708266, bgo#708529, bgo#708677, bgo#708714, bgo#708753, bgo#708793, bgo#708828, bgo#708860, bgo#708972, bgo#709113, bgo#709227, bgo#709301, bgo#709326, bgo#709440, bgo#709615, bgo#709753, bgo#709898, bgo#709966, bgo#709994, bgo#709995, bgo#710002, bgo#710313, bgo#710345, bgo#710496, bgo#710625, bgo#710666, bgo#710724, bgo#710726. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-no_DBusActivatable_from_keyfile.patch: fixed upstream.- BuildRequire gamin-devel instead of unmaintained fam(-devel).- Add glib2-dbus-socket-path.patch: Have gio look for the system dbus socket in /run instead of /var/run (bnc#845287).- Add glib2-dbus-socket-path.patch: Have gio look for the system dbus socket in /run instead of /var/run (bnc#845287).- Update to version 2.38.2 (bnc#849913): + GCancellableSource will now dispatch for each time a cancellable is cancelled (ie: in the case that it was reset) but this is still considered undefined behaviour. + Fix g_source_add_child_source() thread safety issues. + Add workaround for buggy D-Bus daemons when path-matching on '/'. + Fallback to pathname queryinfo to help g_file_copy() work on gvfs filesystems that don't implement query_info_on_read(). + Don't crash if loading a DBusActivatable application from keyfile. + Fix crash when replacing a symlink with another using GIO. + Add a fallback for '-symbolic' icons to the non-symbolic form. - Replace nautilus-folder-handler.desktop in glib2-upstream-gnome_defaults.conf with nautilus.desktop: the separate .desktop file has been dropped with about version 3.0. - Drop glib2-no_DBusActivatable_from_keyfile.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.38.1: + Fix error code checks when SOCK_CLOEXEC is defined but not supported (fix support for GNU/Hurd). + g_settings_list_children: only list viable schemas. + GDBusObjectManagerClient: Fix typo in the /org/freedesktop/DBus path when adding match rules. + Various -Werror=format-nonliteral fixes. + gmessages: fix clang annotations to work with older versions. + gio: don't dist (generated file) gnetworking.h. + Restore gl_GLIBC21 to configure; needed for libcharset. + Updated translations.- Add glib2-no_DBusActivatable_from_keyfile.patch: Don't try DBusActivatable with load_from_keyfile. Fixes a crash when starting synapse with any .desktop files installed that specify DBusActivatable=true (e.g. gnome-weather, bnc#842645).- Update to version 2.38.0: + Fix the documentation for GSourceFuncs. + Fix compilation on OS X/ppc64. + Bugs fixed: bgo#708445, bgo#647145. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.93: + Several bugfixes in the new g_file_measure_disk_usage() API. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.92: + New API: g_file_measure_disk_usage() similar to du(1). + Minor fixes. + Updated translations. - Drop libtool BuildRequires and call to autoreconf: This was added when building 2.37.0 due to the tarball trying to re-bootstrap and is now no longer needed.- Update to version 2.37.7: + GDateTime now supports %:z formatting variations for timezones. This is a GNU date extension. + Bugs fixed: bgo#685387, bgo#686786, bgo#705027, bgo#706469, bgo#706706, bgo#706888, bgo#706958, bgo#707092, bgo#707151. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.6: + Tests using the g_test facilities can now generate TAP output. + Bugs fixed: bgo#680926, bgo#684327, bgo#689245, bgo#692125, bgo#693335, bgo#696633, bgo#696970, bgo#697185, bgo#700268, bgo#701318, bgo#701529, bgo#701800, bgo#702674, bgo#704165, bgo#705075, bgo#705152, bgo#705398, bgo#705570, bgo#705600. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.5: + Implement the Desktop Action specification. + GPropertyAction is a new type of GAction that represents the value of a property on an object, and allows to change the value when activated. + GNetworkMonitorNetlink can now handle default routes via a device. + The gsettings tool now reports failure to write a key (e.g. because the key was locked down). + Miscellaneous new api: - g_variant_new_printf - g_action_print_detailed_name - g_regex_get_max_lookbehind + Bugs fixed: bgo#664444, bgo#684123, bgo#689794, bgo#699259, bgo#700460, bgo#701511, bgo#701609, bgo#703270, bgo#704157, bgo#704250, bgo#704267, bgo#704322, bgo#704424, bgo#704447, bgo#704523, bgo#704543, bgo#704567, bgo#704585, bgo#704587, bgo#704699, bgo#704704, bgo#704873, bgo#704999, bgo#704931. + Updated translations. - Rebase glib2-bgo569829-gettext-gkeyfile.patch and glib2-fate300461-gettext-gkeyfile-suse.patch.- Update to version 2.37.4: + bgo#701283: g_source_add_child_source() segfault. + bgo#702147: inconsistency of G_STRFUNC. + bgo#703191: new private macros interact poorly with versioning macros. + bgo#703254: Doc: various fixes. + bgo#703407: g_spawn_async() keeps child_pid_report_pipe open in child process. + bgo#703437: GDBusConnection: be more careful with async GetAll. + bgo#703478: Missing G_BEGIN/END_DECLS in gsettingsschema. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.3: + Add a new API for instance private data: G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE. + Fix timestamps in tarball to prevent automake from being required to build the unmodified source. + Add new D-Bus API for async property handling. + Add back fsync() on ext4 for g_file_set_contents() after it was discovered that despite statements in the ext4 documentation suggesting that this is safe, it is not safe. + Bugs fixed: bgo#698375, bgo#700350, bgo#701560, bgo#700035. + Updated translations.- Update gtk-doc.m4 from gtk-doc 1.19.- Update to version 2.37.2: + The GLib test utilities have grown some file-related APIs to support tests that can be used installed and uninstalled. + Installing properties after class initialization is deprecated, and will trigger a warning. + GApplication: - Support org.freedesktop.Application, including D-Bus activation from desktop files. - Set prgname to appid for services. + Bugs fixed: bgo#549783, bgo#692848, bgo#698018, bgo#698614, bgo#699259, bgo#699959, bgo#700123, bgo#700725, bgo#701401, bgo#701456, bgo#701474, bgo#701560, bgo#701680, bgo#701878. + Updated translations. - Rebase glib2-bgo569829-gettext-gkeyfile.patch. - Rebase glib2-fate300461-gettext-gkeyfile-suse.patch.- Update to version 2.37.1: + Add support for installed tests. + Add a new g_test_trap_subprocess() that works on Windows as a replacement for the (now deprecated) g_test_trap_fork(). + Support for explicitly cancelling a gobject property binding. + Performance improvements for signal argument handling. + Stop using `quotes' in very many log messages generated by GLib, for favour of 'this style'. + Improve manpages: add missing arguments and flags. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.37.0: + The syntax for detailed action names has been documented, and a parser API for them is now provided. + GApplication has gained a busy state. + Lib can now be built with the bionic C library. + GIcon can now be serialized to a GVariant. + Bugs fixed: bgo#548353, bgo#645881, bgo#665445, bgo#672018, bgo#688820, bgo#688954, bgo#689223, bgo#695156, bgo#696108, bgo#696629, bgo#696652, bgo#696857, bgo#697131, bgo#697160, bgo#697250, bgo#697365, bgo#697367, bgo#697386, bgo#697595, bgo#697601, bgo#697626, bgo#697771, bgo#697887, bgo#697942, bgo#698056, bgo#698081, bgo#698455, bgo#698457, bgo#698478, bgo#698595, bgo#698655, bgo#698686, bgo#698716, bgo#698999, bgo#699001, bgo#699361. + Updated translations. - Clean spec-file from BUILD_FROM_VCS remainders. - Add libtool BuildRequires and call to autoreconf, as the tarball is looking for aclocal-1.13 (and we run 1.12; reconfiguring fixes the underlying issue).- Update to version 2.36.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#687659, bgo#696973, bgo#697229, bgo#697652, bgo#697879. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.36.0: + g_file_copy(): fix bug where attributes were not applied properly to the destination file. + Fix some 'available since' annotations. + Fix gdbus-codegen to produce more pedantically-correct code. + Bugs fixed: bgo#696014, bgo#696108. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.35.9: + Bugs fixed: bgo#682896, bgo#693204, bgo#694181, bgo#694253, bgo#694350, bgo#694757, bgo#568405, bgo#630284, bgo#659428, bgo#675333, bgo#694669, bgo#694843, bgo#695147, bgo#695191, bgo#695339, bgo#695376, bgo#695425, bgo#695887, bgo#695925, bgo#696015. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.35.8: + A couple of build fixes for Solaris + Fix signal emission for GDBusObjectManagerClient + Annotations fixes + new API: g_dbus_address_escape_value() + GSocketClient: add proxy-resolver property + GSimpleProxyResolver: new simple GProxyResolver class + Documentation fixes + gnetworkaddress: preserve IPv6 scope ID in IP literals + Bugs fixed: bgo#691105, bgo#692827, bgo#692829, bgo#693285, bgo#693502, bgo#693673, bgo#693694. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.35.7: + Fix the build on systems with strict linkers by adding -pthread back to the LDFLAGS for a testcase. + Re-enable native atomic operations on some buggy versions of clang that ship as part of the MacOS X SDK. + Make G_IO_FLAG_IS_WRITEABLE an enum again (the #define broke bindings). + Small documentation fix. + Bugs fixed: bgo#636683, bgo#657045, bgo#682818, bgo#693105. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.35.6: + GUnixFdSource is a new way to add file descriptors to the mainloop. + g_source_set_ready_time lets you mark a source to become ready at a specified monotonic time. + The internal visibility handling of GLib has been reworked. + GFileMonitor will now automatically use fam instead of inotify if $HOME is on NFS. + The file monitor implementation can now be overridden with the GIO_USE_FILE_MONITOR environment variable. + Bugs fixed: bgo#570572, bgo#592211, bgo#625552, bgo#657729, bgo#658020, bgo#678223, bgo#682560, bgo#682819, bgo#684404, bgo#686853, bgo#688169, bgo#688681, bgo#690118, bgo#691624, bgo#691812, bgo#691866, bgo#692029, bgo#692034, bgo#692058, bgo#692079, bgo#692201, bgo#692202, bgo#692229, bgo#692332, bgo#692360, bgo#692404, bgo#692408, bgo#692544, bgo#692583, bgo#692618, bgo#692815, bgo#692865, bgo#692928. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-force-fam-for-remote-fs.patch: fixed upstream.- Rebase glib2-force-fam-for-remote-fs.patch (bnc#791096).- Update to version 2.35.4: + New APIs: - g_get_num_processors, g_application_command_line_get_stdin + New GFileMonitor flag: G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_HARD_LINKS + Parse more timezone offset formats + Better timezone support on Windows + Make GParamSpec constructors introspectable + Disallow adding interfaces after class_init + Bugs fixed: bgo#532815, bgo#614930, bgo#626497, bgo#633117, bgo#661767, bgo#668210, bgo#675856, bgo#684103, bgo#684723, bgo#686058, bgo#686128, bgo#687223, bgo#687659, bgo#687920, bgo#688681, bgo#688829, bgo#689324, bgo#689810, bgo#690043, bgo#690084, bgo#690388, bgo#690538, bgo#690543, bgo#690670, bgo#690902, bgo#690970, bgo#691001, bgo#691011, bgo#691077, bgo#691110, bgo#691489, bgo#691558, bgo#691608. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-asneeded.patch: fixed upstream.- Add glib2-asneeded.patch: Ensure gio-querymodules is linked to ensure gio-querymodules is linked to libgobject.- Update to version 2.35.3: + This release contains an incompatible change to the g_get_home_dir() function. Previously, this function would effectively ignore the HOME environment variable and always return the value from /etc/password. As of this version, the HOME variable is used if it is set and the value from /etc/passwd is only used as a fallback. + We now install a public "gnetworking.h" header that can be used to include the relevant OS-dependent networking headers. This does not really abstract away unix-vs-windows however; error codes, in particular, are incompatible. + Bugs fixed: bgo#686895, bgo#688704, bgo#602715, bgo#688377, bgo#688180, bgo#688497, bgo#688319, bgo#688886,bgo#681685, bgo#689037, bgo#688931, bgo#688681, bgo#652650, bgo#664627, bgo#688419, bgo#684145, bgo#675516, bgo#689538, bgo#679683, bgo#689377, bgo#142568, bgo#587806, bgo#689800, bgo#689847, bgo#629301, bgo#689982, bgo#690069, bgo#623187, bgo#690083, bgo#690163, bgo#690346, bgo#687092, bgo#690348.- Changes from version 2.35.2: + GIO now has kqueue support for GFileMonitor (BSDs, Mac OS) + New g_variant_new_from_bytes() API + UNIX signal sources now allow watching SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 + Many pedantic cleanups to adhere to a higher level of -W use + GTask changes to avoid a deadlock + many cleanups/fixes for Windows + Boxing for GPollFD, GIOChannel, GBytes, GByteArray + Fix URL-encoding of trashed files + Many other docs and annotations fixes + Bugs fixed: bgo#649302, bgo#668842, bgo#672924, bgo#673229, bgo#677062, bgo#686185, bgo#686191, bgo#686797, bgo#686810, bgo#686822, bgo#686839, bgo#686895, bgo#686898, bgo#686920, bgo#686921, bgo#687075, bgo#687089, bgo#687098, bgo#687385, bgo#687441, bgo#687516, bgo#687540, bgo#687541, bgo#687600, bgo#687698, bgo#687700, bgo#687742, bgo#687801, bgo#688109, bgo#688255, bgo#688338, bgo#688370, bgo#688378, bgo#688518. - Changes from version 2.35.1: + Signal handlers connected with g_signal_connect_object() are now automatically disconnected on target object destruction + The ->constructed vfunc is now called after all properties are set + g_type_init() is no longer necessary and has been deprecated + GTask (the new GAsyncResult implementation) has landed + GLib version macros updated + Update to Unicode 6.2 + Thread safety fixes for GFileMonitor in non-default main contexts + GTimeZone support for old-format zoneinfo database (as on Mac OS) + g_settings_bind() now works with non-canonical property names + Fix crashes related to NULL connection passed to GBusNameVanishedCallback and document this situation + Bugs fixed: bgo#118536, bgo#661767, bgo#682950, bgo#683642, bgo#684882, bgo#684909, bgo#684912, bgo#685037, bgo#685608, bgo#685697, bgo#685733, bgo#685787, bgo#685995, bgo#686091, bgo#686119, bgo#686161, bgo#686231, bgo#686458. + Updated translations. - Disable glib2-force-fam-for-remote-fs.patch: Needs fixing.- Update to version 2.34.3: + Reverted the patch for bgo#686786, which broke the build on OS X and Windows. + Bugs fixed: bgo#673047, bgo#681685, bgo#688093, bgo#688180, bgo#688319, bgo#688338, bgo#688370, bgo#688377, bgo#688886. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.34.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#649302, bgo#672924, bgo#685995, bgo#686091, bgo#686185, bgo#686213, bgo#686662, bgo#686786, bgo#687089, bgo#687540, bgo#687541, bgo#687600, bgo#687801.- Make glib2-devel-32bit available on all archs (baselibs.conf). - Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile.- Update to version 2.34.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#631382, bgo#685037, bgo#685069, bgo#684882, bgo#685208, bgo#685608, bgo#686119 + Updated translations.- Drop SuSEconfig.glib2: since SuSEconfig is now dead, this can't work anymore. Instead, this script is moved to desktop-file-utils and macros defined there will automatically call it. - Update glib2-upstream-gnome_defaults.conf to mention suse-update-mime-defaults script instead of "SuSEconfig --module glib2". - All of this fixes bnc#782120.- Update to version 2.34.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#654239, bgo#674620, bgo#676034, bgo#684278 + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.14: + CVE-2012-3524: don't run dbus-launch from setuid binaries + g_content_type_get_generic_icon_name(): - new API for getting the icon name for a mime type + Introspection fixes: - GDBusConnection nullability fixes - give a box type to GTimeZone + Drop GVFS_INOTIFY_DIAG + Add a new "Writing GLib Applications" section to the reference documentation with general info on security, threads, etc. + gwin32mount.c: Fix syntax error + gresource tests: srcdir != builddir fixes + tests/gvariant: Fix test on big endian architectures + Fix regression in g_shell_parse_argv() + Bugs fixed: bgo#562907, bgo#683167, bgo#683384, bgo#683641, bgo#683744, + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.12: + Add a G_DEFINE_QUARK macro + Add symbolic icon support to drive, volume, and mount, file and content types + Add API to allow thread-safe access to the same qdata item + Bugs fixed: bgo#562907, bgo#627240, bgo#672329, bgo#673012, bgo#674805, bgo#679835, bgo#682075, bgo#682101, bgo#682222, bgo#682284, bgo#682386, bgo#682560, bgo#682586, bgo#682819, bgo#682833, bgo#682849, bgo#682965, bgo#683088 + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.10: + New GTest API for testcases where log output is expected: g_test_expect_message() + GMenuItem now has 'get' accessors and a construct-from-GMenuModel API + GVariant now has a function to check a format-string for type compatibility + win32: We now use overlapped IO to support multiple asynchronous operations (ie: reading and writing) at the same time. + GMappedFile: Add g_mapped_file_get_bytes() + The problems with g_file_make_directory_with_parents() should be resolved. + The long-standing issues with placeholder generation of manpages are now resolved + gtlscertificate: Add GBytes based certificate and private-key props + build: Switch back to using AS_IF for conditionals + test coverage improvements, documentation improvements, leak fixes + Bugs fixed: bgo#326931, bgo#550433, bgo#600751, bgo#628193, bgo#637460, bgo#674483, bgo#677065, bgo#679288, bgo#679556, bgo#680823, bgo#681319, bgo#681336, bgo#681413, bgo#681501, bgo#681854, bgo#682025, bgo#682067. + Updated translations. - Drop gtk-doc BuildRequires and no longer pass --enable-gtk-doc to configure: bgo#681336 has been fixed.- Update to version 2.33.8: + GIO now has a g_file_delete_async function + The defaults for GThreadPools max_unused_threads and max_idle_time values have been changed to 2 and 15*1000, respectively + Bugs fixed: bgo#661767, bgo#669331, bgo#674314, bgo#674800, bgo#675524, bgo#679509, bgo#679996, bgo#680074, bgo#680121, bgo#680148, bgo#680310, bgo#680459, bgo#680505, bgo#680704, bgo#680760, bgo#680787, bgo#680823, bgo#680831, bgo#680912, bgo#680994, bgo#681116, bgo#681118, bgo#681151, bgo#681158. + Updated translations. - Pass --enable-man to configure, to ensure we always build the man pages. - Add docbook-xsl-stylesheets and xsltproc BuildRequires: dependencies to build the man pages. - Pass --enable-gtk-doc and add gtk-doc BuildRequires: the man pages are only installed / built in this situation.- Update to version 2.33.6: + GAsyncInitable: partially revert the init_finish changes, some applications were found to rely on behaviour that was broken by these changes + Bugs fixed: bgo#679617, bgo#679968, bgo#680111 + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.4: + GMainContext: the source list has been reorganzied to avoid O(n) behaviour + GRegex: Update included PCRE to 8.31 and expose new functionality in 8.x versions of PCRE + GMountOperation gained a ::show-unmount-progress signal which provides information about slow unmount operations. + Bugs fixed: bgo#616892, bgo#619329, bgo#639771, bgo#661767, bgo#667375, bgo#671545, bgo#674452, bgo#674898, bgo#675504, bgo#677064, bgo#677578, bgo#677579, bgo#678066, bgo#678273, bgo#678576, bgo#678758, bgo#678808, bgo#678881, bgo#678941, bgo#678944, bgo#678949, bgo#678959, bgo#679193, bgo#679258, bgo#679473, bgo#679691, bgo#679671, bgo#676111, bgo#679691, bgo#679813. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.3: + Thumbnails are now in XDG_CACHE_HOME + new GDBus API: per-thread g_dbus_connection_get_last_serial() + GUnixOutputStream now has a can_poll() implementation + New deep copy APIs for G(S)List: g_(s)list_copy_deep + Bugs fixed: bgo#518309, bgo#566994, bgo#672889, bgo#673253, bgo#675024, bgo#675168, bgo#675966, bgo#676594, bgo#676825, bgo#677235, bgo#677527, bgo#677718, bgo#677770, bgo#677782, bgo#677817, bgo#677952, bgo#678052, bgo#678273, bgo#678333. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.2: + GIO input and output stream classes have grown GBytes-based methods + GApplication now has hooks to register D-Bus objects before the bus name is taken. + Bugs fixed: bgo#605976, bgo#660851, bgo#666386, bgo#671139, bgo#672329, bgo#672548, bgo#674111, bgo#674483, bgo#674634, bgo#674777, bgo#675309, bgo#675446, bgo#675509, bgo#675832, bgo#676208, bgo#676265, bgo#676277, bgo#676397, bgo#676398, bgo#676478, bgo#676594, bgo#676816, bgo#676937. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.33.1: + GApplication: add accessors for determining dbus connection and object path + add g_clear_pointer as a generic form of g_clear_object + GDBus: - add GTestDBus for bringing up a session bus for testing purposes - gdbus-codegen: Avoid warnings in generated code - GDBusAuthObserver: Add a way to control what authentication mechanisms to use + GAppInfo: add accessor for StartupWMClass + GResolver: add support for MX, TXT, NS and SOA records + GIO: - implement GSeekable for the data and buffered stream classes - implement GPollable for many more classes as well - fix GConverterInputStream infinite loop when fill_buffer returns an error - fileinfo: document the correct type for trash::orig-path + test coverage improvements and general fixes + new 2.34 stuff: version macros, docs index section, etc. + Build: - add --disable-modular-tests build option - don't require host binaries if tests are not enabled for cross-builds + Updated translations.- Add dbus-1-x11 Requires to libgio-2_0-0 (bnc#678518).- Update to version 2.32.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#639771, bgo#660851, bgo#666386, bgo#671545, bgo#672329, bgo#672548, bgo#672889, bgo#673253, bgo#674452, bgo#674777, bgo#675309, bgo#675446, bgo#675832, bgo#676265, bgo#676277, bgo#676397, bgo#676594, bgo#676816, bgo#677235, bgo#677782, bgo#677817, bgo#677952, bgo#678052, bgo#678066, bgo#678273, bgo#678333, bgo#678758, bgo#678881, bgo#678941, bgo#678944, bgo#678949, bgo#678959, bgo#679258, bgo#679671, bgo#679813.- Add glib2-suppress-schema-deprecated-path-warning.patch to suppress warnings about deprecated paths in schemas (rh#814053).- Rewrote SuSEconfig.glib2 to support different default MIME associations for different desktops. It reads /etc/{gnome,xfce,lxde}_defaults.desktop to produce /var/cache/gio-2.0/{gnome,xfce,lxde}-defaults.list which can then be symlinked for each desktop to a directory in $XDG_DATA_DIRS.- Update to version 2.32.3: + Bug fixes: - gio: fix error handling in async case of GProxyAddressEnumerator - GConverterInputStream: fix an infinite loop when fill_buffer returns an error - Correct a typo in the ELF configure check - Reset LIBS after the ELF configure check - Fix GIO/GObject Visual C++ projects + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.32.2: + GApplication: can now have a NULL application ID + g_clear_object: fix warnings when using it on C++ (due to lack of ability to implicitly cast void*) + GDBus: - add our own implementation of the message bus for use on Windows only - fix up a few bugs that use of this bus uncovered in GDBus - escape nonce files in dbus addressess (think 'c:\') - support initial underscores in dbus codegen namespace (for private) + GAppInfo: overwrite the DISPLAY only if it is set in the launch context + GSocketControlMessage: Don't warn about unknown messages + Resources: - fix broken use of GVDB on big endian machines - set a 'display name' so that pretty file names appear in Gtk CSS warning messages + GMainContext: - block child sources when blocking the parent - introduce more testcases for child sources + glib/tests/date: force US locale running the GDateTime tests + Make sure configure fails if AC_CHECK_ALIGNOF cannot detect the alignment + Fix misdetection of GNUstep as Cocoa (for the MacOS GSettings backend) + Bugs fixed: bgo#619026, bgo#669260, bgo#671249, bgo#672786, bgo#673409, bgo#674172, bgo#674345, bgo#674483 + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.32.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#669285, bgo#670254, bgo#672541, bgo#673139, bgo#673174, bgo#673191, bgo#673216, bgo#673439, bgo#673612, bgo#673762, bgo#673803, bgo#673911. + Updated translations. - Replace libelf-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libelf). This change follows the change on how upstream detects libelf now.- Update to version 2.32.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#671988, bgo#672095, bgo#672406. + Updated translations.- Fix glib2.csh: add missing breaksw statements in case. Fix bnc#560929.- Update to version 2.31.22: + Bugs fixed: bgo#531901, bgo#653167, bgo#668973, bgo#669797, bgo#670846, bgo#671664, bgo#671676, bgo#671918, bgo#671942, bgo#671997, bgo#672013, bgo#672026, bgo#672095, bgo#672201, bgo#672239, bgo#672249. + Updated translations. - Change zlib-devel BuildRequires to its pkgconfig() variant: pkgconfig(zlib).- Update to version 2.31.20: + Update to Unicode 6.1 + Update PCRE to 8.30 + Deprecations are now versioned, and new API is marked with the version it was introduced. Use these with GLIB_VERSION_{MIN,MAX}_REQUIRED + The performance of signal emissions has been improved for simple cases + Bugs fixed: bgo#529806, bgo#580873, bgo#592666, bgo#597785, bgo#621368, bgo#622149, bgo#639873, bgo#640202, bgo#668295, bgo#669670, bgo#670542, bgo#670557, bgo#670721, bgo#670751, bgo#670909, bgo#670922, bgo#670969, bgo#671025, bgo#671270, bgo#671281. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.18: + GDBusProxy has now a flag, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES, which can be set to make GDBus automatically reload changed properties even if the propertychanged signal does not contain the new values. + GApplication puts non-unique applications on the bus + GApplication now has g_application_quit() + g_async_queue_timed_pop has been deprecated in favor of the new g_async_queue_timeout_pop, which uses relative delays in microseconds instead of a GTimeVal. + Huge number of API documentation fixes + Bugs fixed: bgo#647986, bgo#658484, bgo#664237, bgo#669329, bgo#669330, bgo#669372, bgo#669412, bgo#669538, bgo#669544, bgo#669595, bgo#669670, bgo#669671, bgo#669689, bgo#669810, bgo#669865, bgo#670085, bgo#670138, bgo#670485. + Updated translations. - Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system.- Update to version 2.31.16: + GResource: - The resource compiler can now convert pngs into pixel data that can be used without parsing at runtime (requires gdk-pixbuf-pixdata to be present) + Bugs fixed: bgo#669123, bgo#669173, bgo#669224, bgo#669253, bgo#669334. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.14: + GResource: - GLib now includes a commandline utility, gresource, to explore resources in ELF files - The resource compiler can now optionally strip ignorable whitespace from XML resources - The resource compiler can now generate build dependencies - The resource compiler will now autoselect output formats + GApplication: - The menu markup parser API has been dropped, the menu XML support lives in GTK+ now + GValueArray has been deprecated + Bugs fixed: bgo#626258, bgo#634232, bgo#639099, bgo#667228, bgo#667243, bgo#667929, bgo#668250, bgo#668468, bgo#668532, bgo#668539, bgo#668561, bgo#668572, bgo#668650, bgo#668756, bgo#668857, bgo#669024. + Updated translations. - Add libelf-devel BuildRequires: new dependency for gresource utility.- Move ChangeLog to devel subpackage, as it's really big and not needed on a default install.- Update to version 2.31.12: + GApplication: - Drop support for exporting menus: this functionality will be provided in GtkApplication - Add a way to create actions that change settings + Bugs fixed: bgo#629503, bgo#656301, bgo#668071, bgo#668118, bgo#668158, bgo#668163, bgo#668269, bgo#668279. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.10: + GResource: - A new facility to allow linking data files into binaries and make them available as resources - Resources are compiled using glib-compile-resources - GIO supports resource:/// uris to access resources + Bugs fixed: bgo#619126, bgo#658315, bgo#660371, bgo#666700, bgo#667375, bgo#667447, bgo#667790, bgo#667938. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.8: + GObject: - The type checks for overriding properties have been loosened. In particular, it is now possible to add the CONSTRUCT flag to an overridden property. - GWeakRef is a new API for weak references; unlike g_object_weak_ref and g_object_add_weak_pointer, it is thread-safe. + GHashTable has grown new convenience api for use as a set: g_hash_table_add, g_hash_table_contains + GSocketConnection has gained API for managing connection status + GSettings: a native OS X backend has been added, under the name 'nexstep' + Bugs fixed: bgo#455640, bgo#548954, bgo#625751, bgo#658871, bgo#664069, bgo#664830, bgo#665211, bgo#665805, bgo#666116, bgo#666422, bgo#666551, bgo#666595, bgo#666615, bgo#666616, bgo#666803, bgo#666804, bgo#666951, bgo#666978, bgo#667098, bgo#667225, bgo#667226, bgo#667279, bgo#667285, bgo#667331, bgo#667420. + Updated translations.- Own %{_datadir}/aclocal to fix build without automake/autoconf.- Update to version 2.31.6: + GApplication no longer has APIs for setting menus. Those have been moved to GtkApplication. + The GActionGroup import/export functionality has been decoupled from GApplication by the introduction of a new interface for the purpose of handling platform data: GRemoteActionGroup. This allows Gtk to properly deal with platform data (and gdk threads) on window actions. + Lots of documentation improvements. + Bug fixes and a huge number of memory leak fixes. + The test suite now passes on ARM and some of the GDBus testcase hangs we've been seeing have been resolved (although others could remain). + g_bytes_get_data() API changed: now includes 'size' out parameter + New g_queue_free_full() API similar to g_[s]list_free_full(). + Desktop files: use standard "Keywords" now, not "X-GNOME-Keywords". + gsettings commandline tool now has --schemadir option for schemas not installed in the usual place (ie: as part of plugins). + Bugs fixed: bgo#643736, bgo#657433, bgo#664699, bgo#665737, bgo#665879, bgo#666113, bgo#666115, bgo#666145, bgo#666173, bgo#666296, bgo#666415. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.31.4: + Experimental: Menu support has been added to GApplication. + GDBusConnection previously directly dispatched destroy notifies when unregistering objects if the current main context was the same context the object was exported on. It now unconditionally dispatches these through an idle on the context. + Clean up requires in .pc files. + Introduce GBytes, a data type for immutable, fixed-size byte sequences. This makes the pre-existing GBuffer API available outside GLib + GDBusInterfaceSkeleton can now be exported on multiple connections. + Bugs fixed: bgo#600161, bgo#640077, bgo#641720, bgo#648516, bgo#651997, bgo#652560, bgo#662208, bgo#662718, bgo#663291, bgo#664406, bgo#664455, bgo#664558, bgo#664559, bgo#664617, bgo#664635, bgo#664809, bgo#665067, bgo#665184, bgo#665298, bgo#665391, bgo#665607, bgo#665634, bgo#665685, bgo#665733. - Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details. - Update gtk-doc.m4 source from gtk-doc.- Add automake BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependency.- Update to version 2.31.2: + Monotonic time is now properly supported on Windows + glib-mkenums: fix @ENUMPREFIX@ with /*< underscore_name=... >*/ + EXPERIMENTAL: introduce new GSettingsSchema and GSettingsSchemaSource APIs for the convenience of plugin system authors and those who wish to introspect the contents of schemas. + Improve the performance of GObject property notifies. + GDBus: - fix a race when unowning a name immediately after owning it - thread safety improvements on GDBusConnection - fixes for exit-on-close functionality + GIO: - GInetAddressMask: new type for internet address range matching - various GIO file and stream fixes - improvements to attribute and fileinfo handling + Deprecations: - add G_SIGNAL_DEPRECATED - don't use G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED masking for functions anymore + docs - tmpl/ is finally dead for glib- Update to version 2.31.0: + Major changes to threading and synchronisation (see NEWS for details). + New support for attribute-based deprecations to issue compiler warnings instead of breaking the build and/or giving warnings about implicit declarations + GApplication: - add ::shutdown signal as logical dual to ::startup - don't use a GMainLoop: iterate the GMainContext directly + GDBus: - many code generation updates and improvements - some race condition fixes, including testcase hangs + GVariant: - new g_variant_new_from_fixed_array() API - substantial docs improvements/clarifications + Add new GValue API to specifically deal in signed chars. + Some new API to mitigate the problems associated with calling setenv() in a multi-threaded program. + New macro G_ATOMIC_LOCK_FREE is defined if the atomic operations are implemented without use of a mutex. + New macros G_SOURCE_CONTINUE and G_SOURCE_REMOVE for returning from GSourceFunc. + GMappedFile can now be created from an fd. + GKeyFile is now refcounted and boxed. + SOCKS proxy and resolver improvements. + Mount monitoring is now based on /proc/mounts instead of mtab. + Use CLOCK_MONOTONIC unconditionally if the libc has support at compile time (ie: stop checking for kernel support at runtime). + Use xlocale functions where available. + Fix the spelling of G_IO_FLAG_IS_WRITABLE (was WRITEABLE). + GCache has been deprecated. + Move headers for some deprecated functionality to a separate deprecated/ directory + It is no longer possible to include individual headers. + The misguided experiment of allowing the program to stumble along with missing GSettings schemas is now over. + Clarify that fork() is not valid while using GMainContext + Error message strings grammar/i18n fixes. + Several portability fixes for Windows, OpenBSD, Solaris. + pkg-config files: - drop -uninstalled variants - remove gobject dependency on gthread + Many docs updates. + Bugs fixed: bgo#70598, bgo#320888, bgo#398418, bgo#527214, bgo#580505, bgo#583511, bgo#590808, bgo#592715, bgo#631413, bgo#632049, bgo#640212, bgo#640293, bgo#640975, bgo#643934, bgo#651268, bgo#653987, bgo#654412, bgo#654563, bgo#655366, bgo#656621, bgo#656679, bgo#657992, bgo#658188, bgo#658206, bgo#658207, bgo#658558, bgo#658683, bgo#658692, bgo#658715, bgo#658769, bgo#658806, bgo#658976, bgo#659070, bgo#659082, bgo#659212, bgo#659324, bgo#659423, bgo#659427, bgo#659646, bgo#659690, bgo#659699, bgo#659754, bgo#659838, bgo#659866, bgo#659870, bgo#659889, bgo#659916, bgo#659920, bgo#659923, bgo#660013, bgo#660096, bgo#660130. - Rebase glib2-bgo569829-gettext-gkeyfile.patch. - Rebase glib2-fate300461-gettext-gkeyfile-suse.patch.- Update to version 2.30.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#632049, bgo#660147, bgo#660413, bgo#660498, bgo#660637, bgo#660791, bgo#660886, bgo#661421. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.30.0: + GDBus changes: - Change property API to avoid namespace problems - Use correct object path in export_uniquely() method of GDBusObjectManagerServer - Docs and tests improvements - Better handling of Ugly_Case method names - Build fixes for generated code + Unix mounts: - BSD compile fixes - Ignore mounts with mountpoint "none" (as swap is on Debian) + GMappedFile: - Return an error when trying to mmap device files (like /dev/stdin) + drop stray reference to libasyncns + Introspection annotation improvements, docs fixes + Avoid double close() on the fd of a stream after splicing + Desktop file handling: avoid mimeapps.list corruption issue + Bugs fixed: bgo#654563, bgo#658188, bgo#658692, bgo#659324, bgo#659528, bgo#659646, bgo#659690, bgo#659699, bgo#659794, bgo#659838, bgo#659889, + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.92: + GDBus bug fixes: - fix segfault when remote property is invalidated (bgo#659070) - take more care in connection teardown to avoid use-after-free (bgo#651268) + GMappedFile: return an error when trying to map a device (bgo#659212) + GSettings: always deliver signals to the correct thread (bgo#657255) + Some small documentation changes + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.90: + API/ABI changes: - Unix signal watches now match the API of all of the other sources - Revert the addition of g_date_time_source_new () from last release + Networking and other fixes for Solaris: - We no longer support symbolic port names (ie: from /etc/services) - Check if -lsocket is needed - Fix g_socket_details_from_fd() - Avoid getmntinfo - Fix some harmless warnings + GDateTime improvements: - Generally improved standards compliance (with C99) - Support C99-specified format strings: %g, %G, %V, %c, %C, %w - Consult the locale for the preferred 12-hour time format (%r) - Drop support for non-standard %N and broken %W - Better support for formatting non-POSIX (eg: Arabic) numerals - Locale-related test case fixups, and fix some leaks + GTlsInteraction: Add interaction method invocation guarantees + gdbus-codegen: Post-process all interfaces when parsing >1 file + Make GMainLoop, GMainContext and GSource boxed types + Fix a race condition in the first use of g_get_monotonic_time() + Lots of gtk-doc cleanups + Better intltool compatibility when generating pot file + Avoid GCC-specific compiler options when not using GCC + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.18: + GDateTime is now respecting LC_TIME when formatting + GTimeZoneMonitor has been removed again + A new API for wallclock functionality has been added: g_date_time_source_new(). This API is still experimental and may be changed or removed before 2.30. + Bugs fixed: bgo#628904, bgo#650763, bgo#655129, bgo#656341, bgo#656387, bgo#656443, bgo#656675, bgo#656772, bgo#656914, bgo#657083, bgo#657084, bgo#657138, bgo#657206, bgo#657243, bgo#657274, bgo#657336, bgo#657452, bgo#657454, bgo#657540, bgo#657593, bgo#646082, bgo#657517. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.16: + GTlsDatabase: an abstract class that provides support or certificate and key lookup. An implementation will be provided in glib-networking + GHmac: Support or HMAC digests + Misc new API: - g_ptr_array_add_full: creates a GPtrArray with a preallocated size and a destroy function - g_desktop_app_info_get_show_in: checks if a GDesktopAppInfo should be shown in a given desktop environment - g_mkdtemp, g_mkdtemp_full, g_dir_make_tmp: create temporary directories + Unify thread wakeup implementations of GMainContext and GCancellable, and use eventfd for it when available + Show mounts in $XDG_USER_DIR in addition to /media and $HOME + Bugs fixed: bgo#636572, bgo#644601, bgo#652284, bgo#652827, bgo#653063, bgo#654078, bgo#654450, bgo#654793, bgo#655044, bgo#655148, bgo#655241, bgo#655598, bgo#655664, bgo#655769, bgo#656031, bgo#656048, bgo#656151, bgo#656152, bgo#656162, bgo#656282, bgo#656283, bgo#118563, bgo#636405, bgo#656039, bgo#656492 + Updated translations.- Drop glib2-bnc379332-desktop-su.patch: now that bnc#540627 is fixed, we do not care about X-KDE-SubstituteUID anymore, so we don't need the patch anymore.- Update to version 2.29.14: + Unicode improvements: - add g_unicode_script_{to,from}_iso15924 - add G_UNICODE_SPACING_MARK define - more normalisation improvements - stop using deprecated g_unicode_canonical_decomposition() + GParamSpec: - mark the 'name' field as 'const' and add a comment to the header to help avoid future problems caused by bad hacks + Merge some (modified) patches from Debian: - add some blacklisted mount directories - sleep longer in a test case, if needed to avoid failing + Units policy change: - prefer use of SI units - deprecate g_format_size_for_display, add g_format_size(_full) + GSettings: don't call g_error() when the schema is missing + GVariant support for arrays of object paths: - new g_variant_{new,get,dup}_objv API - support for g_variant_{new,get} '^ao' and '^a&o' similar to '^as' + GDBus: - use new improved array-of-objects support and pass 'ao' as char** instead of GVariant* - improve handling of 'h' type (Unix file descriptor index) + GIO: - fix compilation without USE_STATFS and USE_STATVFS + Documentation fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#622921, bgo#648271, bgo#654948, bgo#654988, bgo#655025, bgo#655076. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-no-deprecated-call.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop glib2-use-old-pcre.patch: we don't support building this version of glib2 on 11.4 and earlier as it requires changes in gtk+ and possibly other packages. So there's no need to keep this patch for old versions of openSUSE. This means we can also drop the call to autoreconf.- Update to version 2.29.12: + Add new API to do Unicode (de-)composition in atomic steps, for use in Harfbuzz. + Bugs fixed: bgo#615895, bgo#617949, bgo#620423, bgo#627974, bgo#644687, bgo#649246, bgo#653841, bgo#653935, bgo#654017, bgo#654085, bgo#654195, bgo#654232, bgo#654394, bgo#654536, bgo#654627, bgo#654651, bgo#654917. + Updated translations. - Add glib2-no-deprecated-call.patch to fix build by not using newly deprecated API.- Change python BuildRequires to python-base, as we really just need the minimal python for the build.- Rename glib2-branding-upstream subpackage to gio-branding-upstream: + we do this since the data we add here is related only to gio, not to the whole glib. + add appropriate Provides/Obsoletes for glib2-branding-upstream to gio-branding-upstream for smooth upgrades. + change the branding-related Provides/Conflicts/Supplements to be about gio. + add libgio-2_0-0 Requires to branding subpackage, since the branding package is useless without the library. + remove glib2-branding Requires from libglib-2_0-0. + add gio-branding Requires to libgio-2_0-0. + make branding subpackage noarch. + update summary and description of the branding subpackage. - Add a README.Gsettings-overrides file, packaged in gio-branding-upstream to explain how to use overrides for GSettings. This might help people creating other branding packages. - Add gio Provides to libgio-2_0-0, to make branding packaging easier.- Update to version 2.29.10: + New features: - g_desktop_app_info_get_nodisplay: a function that is required to port gnome-menus to GDesktopAppInfo - g_hash_table_iter_replace: new function to replace a value while iterating over a hash table - g_utf8_substring: convenience API to extract substrings from UTF-8 strings - g_action_group_add_entries: convenience API for creating lots of actions quickly - Use eventfd instead of pipes for waking up main contexts and for cancellation when available - GMatchInfo is now a refcounted boxed type + API changes in GAction: - the 'set_state' entry in the GActionInterface vtable has been renamed to 'change_state - g_action_set_state has been renamed to g_action_change_state - the 'state' property has been changed to read-only - GSimpleAction can no longer be subclassed + Bug fixes: bgo#647796, bgo#652072, bgo#652168, bgo#652750, bgo#652758, bgo#652822, bgo#652897, bgo#653140, bgo#653429, bgo#653484. + Updated translations.- No longer pass --with-runtime-libdir= to configure. This moves the library back to /usr/lib(64)?, from /lib(64)?. There is agreement that we do not want to keep moving all libraries in /lib(64)?, and since libffi was not moved, there's no point in pretending the glib libraries should move too. See bnc#696004 for more details.- Update to version 2.29.8: + Fix a deadlock in gobject finalization + Bugs fixed: bgo#646608, bgo#646635, bgo#647930, bgo#651745, bgo#651920, bgo#651959, bgo#651998, bgo#652000, bgo#652002, bgo#652025, bgo#652081, bgo#652197. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.29.6: + Atomic operations have been rewritten from scratch to make use of gcc builtins where possible. + A full set of atomic operations on pointers has been added, including bit locks in pointer-size locations. + Access to quarks is now lockless + GObject data scalability has been greatly improved + g_data_time_format now supports alternative digits and padding + Introspection improvements: - Add a boxed type for GVariantBuilder - Annotation fixes in GDBus, GVariant, g_base64_ + Bugs fixed: bgo#502560, bgo#612729, bgo#617491, bgo#619418, bgo#619435, bgo#626549, bgo#631231, bgo#632294, bgo#640518, bgo#642026, bgo#646635, bgo#648678, bgo#649480, bgo#649506, bgo#649657, bgo#649775, bgo#649915, bgo#649973, bgo#649988, bgo#650078, bgo#650211, bgo#650236, bgo#650345, bgo#650458, bgo#650459, bgo#650688, bgo#650823, bgo#650874, bgo#650882, bgo#650884, bgo#650885, bgo#650935, bgo#651009, bgo#651034, bgo#651133, bgo#651141, bgo#651219, bgo#651223, bgo#651327, bgo#651467, bgo#651650, bgo#651725, bgo#651745. + Updated translations. - Add python-xml Requires in devel subpackage as it is needed by gdbus-codegen, and also add python-xml BuildRequires since gdbus-codegen is run during the build.- Update to version 2.29.4: + GDBus: - Includes several new types to support modeling D-Bus objects and interfaces more fully, and also introduces an 'object manager' pattern - The new gdbus-codegen utility uses these new classes to generate C code and documentation from D-Bus interface descriptions in XML + GTest: - There is now a g_test_fail() function to mark tests as failed + GDesktopAppInfo - Now has a binding-friendly filename property - Other new API to more fully expose desktop file contents: . g_desktop_app_info_get_categories(), . g_desktop_app_info_get_generic_name() + GHashTable: - Several optimizations to reduce space consumption of large hash tables, in particular tables that are used to store sets. + Unix-specific APIs: - GLib now installs a separate header, glib-unix.h, that is meant to collect Unix-specific APIs + Bugs fixed: bgo#631379, bgo#632631, bgo#635694, bgo#637561, bgo#642935, bgo#643134, bgo#644941, bgo#646013, bgo#646309, bgo#646435, bgo#646957, bgo#647594, bgo#647602, bgo#647746, bgo#647826, bgo#647903, bgo#648416, bgo#648423, bgo#648425, bgo#648966. - Changes from version 2.29.2: + GApplication - The documentation has been enhanced and clarified - An opt-out for uniqueness has been added: . G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE - GApplication now syncs settings before g_application_run() returns + GDBus - Interface lookups are now happening in constant time - Signature checking and handling of various unexpected situations has been improved + GVariant - The format accepted by the GVariant parser has beend documented - GVariant accepts G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT for a{sv} + GDateTime: - The return value of g_datetime_compare() has been fixed to match strcmp() semantics - In order to handle problems with changing timezones, a GTimeZoneMonitor has been added to GIO, and g_time_zone_refresh_local() can be called to update the cached information about the local timezone + GOption now uses /proc/self/cmdline to set the program name instead and only falls back to "" if that is unavailable + GSettings: - The schema compiler now warns about references to non-existing schemas + Bugs fixed: bgo#613269, bgo#624943, bgo#637738, bgo#638185, bgo#639478, bgo#641755, bgo#641768, bgo#642797, bgo#642825, bgo#642944, bgo#643074, bgo#643197, bgo#643468, bgo#643478, bgo#643624, bgo#643649, bgo#643780, bgo#643795, bgo#644309, bgo#644428, bgo#644465, bgo#644552, bgo#644607, bgo#645789, bgo#646039, bgo#646310, bgo#646420, bgo#646843, bgo#646985, bgo#647579, bgo#647600 + Updated translations. - Add python and pkgconfig(libffi) BuildRequires.- Update to version 2.28.8: + Bugs fixed: bgo#502560, bgo#612729, bgo#619418, bgo#619435, bgo#631231, bgo#638449, bgo#640518, bgo#642026, bgo#644905, bgo#646635, bgo#650882, bgo#651009, bgo#651034, bgo#651219, bgo#651327. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.28.7: + Bug fixes: bgo#635694, bgo#637561, bgo#642935, bgo#643134, bgo#646326, bgo#646435, bgo#647594, bgo#647602, bgo#648416, bgo#648966, bgo#649915, bgo#650078, bgo#650211, bgo#650236. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.28.6: + Fix a possible crash when using g_settings_delay(). + Various documentation clarifications. + Updated translation.- Update to version 2.28.5: + Fix some introspection annotations + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.28.4: + Improve documentation of GSettings vendor override files + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.28.3: + Fix build with linux < 2.6.19 + Bugs fixed: - bgo#644465: undefined reference to `_usleep' - bgo#644552: g_timeout_add_seconds(1, ...) may have a latency. - bgo#644607: Correct internal definition of C_() + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.28.2: + Improved documentation: - GApplication details are explained a lot more thoroughly + GVariant now supports NULL for empty arrays in varargs + Bugs fixed: bgo#613269, bgo#624943, bgo#637738, bgo#638185, bgo#642797, bgo#642825, bgo#642944, bgo#643197, bgo#643468, bgo#643478, bgo#643649, bgo#643780, bgo#643795. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-fix-default-mime-handler.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.28.1: + Format accepted by the GVariant parser has beend documented + The return value of g_datetime_compare() has been fixed to match strcmp() semantics + Commandline utilities are now fully translated + Bugs fixed: bgo#635099, bgo#640489, bgo#642042, bgo#642052, bgo#642490 + Updated translations.- Add glib2-fix-default-mime-handler.patch: this fixes an issue where a user has configured a handler for a relatively generic mime type, that breaks the default mime handler for subtypes. For example, if gvim is explicitly configured to open text/plain, then LibreOffice documents will also open in gvim.- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.- Update to version 2.28.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#641363, bgo#641395, bgo#641411, bgo#641477, bgo#641572, bgo#641688 + Updated translations. - Update glib2-use-old-pcre.patch to change configure script too. Add call to autoreconf for the patch.- Update to version 2.27.92: + Update to Unicode 6.0 + Update PCRE to 8.12 + Bugs fixed: bgo#637696, bgo#638872, bgo#640042. + Updated translations. - Add glib2-use-old-pcre.patch: we don't have a recent-enough version of pcre, so revert the patch doing the update. We apply the patch on 11.4 and earlier: when the next development cycle opens, we won't need it anymore.- Add glib2-force-fam-for-remote-fs.patch: try monitoring files on NFS mounts via FAM before falling back to inotify (bgo#592211). The patch has been submitted upstream and is not yet in git, but we do want it since it fixes a really annoying issue for NFS users.- Update to version 2.27.91: + Bugs fixed: bgo#638838, bgo#638894, bgo#639064, bgo#639084, bgo#639177. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-fix-panel-crash.patch: fixed upstream.- Add glib2-fix-panel-crash.patch, taken from git: this fixes a crash in gnome-panel.- Update to version 2.27.90: + Test reports created by gtester-report can now include revision information. + The g_desktop_app_info_launch_* family of functions now emit a DBus signal when an application is launched. Additionally, there is a new variant g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager(), which gives more control over the launched process. + The memory and null GSettings backends are now available as public API. + g_get_locale_variants() is a new function that returns a list of variants of a locale identifier. + Bugs fixed: bgo#587898, bgo#606960, bgo#631980, bgo#634569, bgo#635998, bgo#636806, bgo#637262, bgo#637544, bgo#637720, bgo#637738, bgo#637759, bgo#637852, bgo#637858, bgo#638349. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.27.5: + Network support: - Add g_tls_certificate_verify() to verify a certificate - Add GTlsConnection:use-system-certdb - Other TLS api additions + GIO: - Add g_io_stream_splice_async()/_finish() to splice two iostreams - Add g_emblemed_icon_clear_emblems() and make GEmblemedIcon derivable - Remove GPeriodic; it did not receive the necessary review and integration work to declare it stable + GSequence: - New methods g_sequence_lookup() and g_sequence_lookup_iter() + Bugs fixed: bgo#617254, bgo#632544, bgo#633350, bgo#634583, bgo#635007, bgo#635626, bgo#636100, bgo#636305, bgo#636311, bgo#636351, bgo#636387, bgo#636673, bgo#637147, bgo#637171, bgo#637237. + Updated translations.- Add support for source service checkout, with %BUILD_FROM_VCS: + Add git-core and gtk-doc BuildRequires. + Add call to ./ + Enforce gtk-doc html generation by passing --enable-gtk-doc to configure. + Build ChangeLog since we ship it.- Update to version 2.27.4: + GIO - Mounts are treated as hidden if they have a path element that starts with a dot - GAppInfo gained API to differentiate between recommended and fallback mime handlers - g_cancellable_create_source: creates a GSource that triggers when the GCancellable is canceled - GPollableInput/OutputStream: Interfaces for pollable streams - TLS support has landed, with an extension point that is implemented in glib-networking + GLib - Mainloop sources can now have 'child sources' - g_get_runtime_dir: New function to return the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + Bugs fixed: bgo#530786, bgo#588189, bgo#630357, bgo#630559, bgo#632445, bgo#634239, bgo#634241, bgo#634504, bgo#634613, bgo#635640, bgo#635768, bgo#635882, bgo#635187 + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-add-back-extension-point.patch: fixed upstream.- Add glib2-add-back-extension-point.patch: this adds back the gio-desktop-app-info-lookup extension point. This fixes big issues when a GIO module using it is installed. Fix bnc#655561.- Update to version 2.27.3: - The GTimeSpec type that was introduced in the 2.27.2 has been dropped again in favour of APIs that return microseconds as 64-bit integer. + GTimer is now using monotonic time unconditionally + There are some new functions to facilitate error reporting in async GIO APIs: g_simple_async_result_take_error, g_simple_async_result_new_take_error, g_simple_async_report_take_gerror_in_idle + There is new convenience API to us GVariant dictionaries: g_variant_lookup + It is now possible to delay sending match rules to the D-Bus daemon in GDBus: G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NO_MATCH_RULE + Support has been added for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: g_get_user_runtime_dir + Various fixes for Win64/MSVC builds have been committed + Bugs fixed: bgo#620263, bgo#633075, bgo#633381, bgo#633685, bgo#633686. + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.27.2: + GApplication: - Export actions over DBus and support activating them from remote instances - Support environment passing + GSettings: - The gsettings utility has a list-recursively command - The gsettings utility has commandline completion for enum values + GLib is now linked against librt and uses monotonic time for timeouts and GPeriod sources. GSource has a new g_source_get_time() which returns monotonic time, and g_source_get_current_time() has been deprecated + Bugs fixed: bgo#158725, bgo#626320, bgo#629247, bgo#629274, bgo#631264, bgo#631482, bgo#632169, bgo#632571, bgo#633115, bgo#633206, bgo#633339, bgo#633356. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.27.1: + GDateTime now has full week number support. New API: g_date_time_get_week_numbering_year + The GSettings schema compiler will now skip over broken .xml schema files instead of aborting altogether. + GSettings now works properly on bigendian systems. + GSettings has more complete support for ranges. New API: g_settings_get_range and g_settings_range_check The gsettings commandline tool supports ranges too. + GApplication has been rewritten; see the API docs for details and examples. The action support is not complete yet. + The GLib mainloop has gained 'dispatch to context' functionality, which can replace manually created idles in many cases. New API: g_main_context_invoke and g_main_context_invoke_full + The gio-desktop-app-info-lookup extension point has been removed from GIO. GIO now uses x-scheme-handler mimetypes when looking for default applications. + On win32, make g_get_user_data_dir() return the CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA folder on Windows, and not CSIDL_PERSONAL. This matches what Qt does, and has been widely requested. Also make g_get_user_config_dir() return this and not the (roaming) CSIDL_APPDATA folder. + A periodic event clock has been added in GIO: GPeriodic. Note that this API is still experimental and expected to undergo changes before it will be incorporated into a stable GLib release. Use at your own risk. + Bug fixes: bgo#613822, bgo#618737, bgo#620710, bgo#623400, bgo#627126, bgo#627171, bgo#628876, bgo#628937, bgo#629274, bgo#629289, bgo#629687, bgo#629849, bgo#629945, bgo#630000, bgo#630077, bgo#630185, bgo#630797, bgo#630968, bgo#631263, bgo#631264, bgo#631379, bgo#631410, bgo#632884. + Updated translations. - Drop glib2-fix-regex-build.patch: fixed upstream.- Add a with_systemtap define to easily switch between building with and without systemtap support, and set it to 0 for now: it creates a build loop.- Pass --with-runtime-libdir=../../%{_lib} to configure to install libraries (just the .so.*, not the .so) in /lib(64)? instead of /usr/lib(64)?. + This makes sense since most and most tools used during early boot stage need glib libraries, and the libraries only link against other libraries in /lib(64)? already. + It's worth mentioning that gio modules and all the GSettings API do require /usr, though: gio modules are installed in /usr/lib(64)?/gio and GSettings need /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas. This shouldn't be an issue during early boot, since those API don't really make sense there. - Create a devel-static subpackage, to put the static libraries. It depends on the devel subpackage. - Remove glib2-64bit Obsoletes from libgmodule-2_0-0, libgio-2_0-0, libgthread-2_0-0, libgobject-2_0-0: it's already done by libglib-2_0-0, and all those libraries depend on libglib-2_0-0. - Update summaries and descriptions. - Change the license tag of all packages to LGPLv2+, instead of a mix of LGPLv2.1+ and GPLv2+ which are both wrong. - Change groups of most subpackages to System/Libraries, instead of Development/Libraries/C and C++. - Use find to remove .la files instead of manual rm. - Put comments that are in the scriptlets area of the spec file in "%if 0" statement: if we don't do that, they actually end up in the scriplets and can even make them fail if the scriptlets were just "-p /sbin/ldconfig".- Add missing Requires for glib2-tools to libgio-fam in baselibs.conf. - Update baselibs.conf to remove assumption in the scriptlets of the generated packages that they are 32bit packages. - Use in baselibs.conf since we use full paths there, and this is needed for x86 packages that put files in /emul/ia32-linux.- Update to version 2.27.0 (compared to 2.25.15): + Build: - massive restructuring to reduce #include abuse - tweaks to silence some harmless compiler warnings - rename gschema-compile.c to glib-compile-schemas.c - Windows fixes - fix building with zlib < 1.2.4 on win32 + GDateTime: - better msgctxt for translating month and weekday names - API is changed quite a lot, implementation is improved - GTimeZone is now exposed + GObject: - make ordering for overridden interface properties consistent - ->priv structures are limited to 64k but this was not documented, and exceeding this limit produced bad results. Add docs and enforce the limit properly. - add g_object_class_install_properties() to install multiple properties in one go - improve debugging output for GValue containing G_TYPE_STRV + GIO: - fix priority sorting of GIO extensions - add GCredentials support on FreeBSD - fix support for IPv6 addresses in URI parsing functions - GSocketClient fixes for when g_socket_connect succeeds immediately - clarify string encoding for GFile constructors in docs - new functions g_data_input_stream_read_upto{,async,finish} - tweak confusing documentation for g_output_stream_write() + GDBus: - GDBusMessage can now be locked and copied (like in libdbus) - GDBusConnection filter function API has changed again - GDBusServer: ::new-connection now declares if the connection was claimed - add a partial workaround for bgo#627724. - very many memory leaks fixed + GVariant: - check for size == 0 in g_variant_get_bytestring to avoid a crash when attempting to get_bytestring() from an empty array - improve gobject-introspection annotations + GSettings: - add GSettings Windows registry backend - some internal tweaks to the backend API - remove g_settings_list_items - add g_settings_list_children and _list_keys to replace it - add schema compiler restrictions for dealing with lists - don't automatically emit value changed signals on writability changes + Other: - constify the 'parser' vtable param to g_markup_parse_context_push() - plug many memory leaks in test cases + Bugs closed: bgo#50076, bgo#584284, bgo#624546, bgo#626919, bgo#628029, bgo#628253, bgo#628331, bgo#628345, bgo#628436, bgo#628505, bgo#628839, bgo#628904, bgo#628952, bgo#629192, bgo#629251, bgo#629259, bgo#629328, bgo#629429, bgo#629689, bgo#629698. + Updated translations. - Add glib2-fix-regex-build.patch to fix build.- Add python BuildRequires to work around an error in systemtap-sdt-devel packages on openSUSE < Factory/11.4.- Update to version 2.26.0: + GSettings: - allow override files to have entries for non-existent schemas - schema compiler no longer aborts due to an error in a single .xml file + GDBus: - fix some race conditions in the connection test cases + GDateTime: - hide some implementation details (time zones) - fix parameter naming in header file to match .c file - add G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT for modifier functions - add full ISO 8601 week date support and improve docs + Other: - g_quark_try_string(NULL) now returns 0 without error - clean up confusing code in GSocketControlMessage - fix SOCKS5 memory leak - improve some docs + Bugs closed: bgo#628937, bgo#629687, bgo#630000, bgo#630077, bgo#630185, + Updated translations. - Remove python BuildRequires, that was there only because of a bug in systemtap-sdt-devel dependencies.- Add shared-mime-info Requires to libgio-2_0-0. Fix bnc#555605.- Update to version 2.25.17: + Fix build when compiling against the system-installed pcre library (bgo#629971). - Drop glib2-fix-build-system-pcre.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 2.25.16: + GApplication: - GApplication, GAction and related classes have been removed from this release of glib. There will -not- be a replacement for 2.26.0. + Build: - massive restructuring to reduce #include abuse - tweaks to silence some harmless compiler warnings - rename gschema-compile.c to glib-compile-schemas.c - Windows fixes - fix building with zlib < 1.2.4 on win32 + GDateTime: - better msgctxt for translating month and weekday names - API is changed quite a lot, implementation is improved - GTimeZone is now exposed + GObject: - make ordering for overridden interface properties consistent - ->priv structures are limited to 64k but this was not documented, and exceeding this limit produced bad results. Add docs and enforce the limit properly. - add g_object_class_install_properties() to install multiple properties in one go - improve debugging output for GValue containing G_TYPE_STRV + GIO: - fix priority sorting of GIO extensions - add GCredentials support on FreeBSD - fix support for IPv6 addresses in URI parsing functions - GSocketClient fixes for when g_socket_connect succeeds immediately - clarify string encoding for GFile constructors in docs - new functions g_data_input_stream_read_upto{,async,finish} - tweak confusing documentation for g_output_stream_write() + GDBus: - GDBusMessage can now be locked and copied (like in libdbus) - GDBusConnection filter function API has changed again - GDBusServer: ::new-connection now declares if the connection was claimed - add a partial workaround for GObject bgo#627724. - very many memory leaks fixed + GVariant: - check for size == 0 in g_variant_get_bytestring to avoid a crash when attempting to get_bytestring() from an empty array - improve gobject-introspection annotations + GSettings: - add GSettings Windows registry backend - some internal tweaks to the backend API - remove g_settings_list_items - add g_settings_list_children and _list_keys to replace it - add schema compiler restrictions for dealing with lists - don't automatically emit value changed signals on writability changes + Other: - constify the 'parser' vtable param to g_markup_parse_context_push() - plug many memory leaks in test cases + Bugs closed: bgo#50076, bgo#584284, bgo#624546, bgo#626919, bgo#628029, bgo#628253, bgo#628331, bgo#628345, bgo#628436, bgo#628505, bgo#628839, bgo#628904, bgo#628952, bgo#629192, bgo#629251, bgo#629259, bgo#629328, bgo#629429, bgo#629689, bgo#629698 + Updated translations. - Add glib2-fix-build-system-pcre.patch to fix build with the system pcre.- Fix typo in %glib2_gio_module_post from macros.glib2, that was causing an error in %post of packages using it.- Update to version 2.25.15: + GIO: - Memory leak fixes - The GZip(De}Compressor can now process header information - Support for network proxies has been added, with the GProxy interface and the gio-proxy-resolver extension point. GIO includes SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 implementations, and libproxy is also going to provide an implementation of this extension point. - There are GAction and GActionGroup interfaces now, which will be used in GApplication in the near future. + GObject: - There are now convenience macros for defining boxed and pointer types + GDBus: - Memory leak fixes - GDBusProxy for well-known names can now auto-restart the service if the name owner disappears - Filter functions are now allowed to modify messages + GLib: - GDateTime is a replacement for GDate that supports time and timezone information. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#50076: Time API to go with date API - bgo#449565: Add G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE() - bgo#617691: Add GZIP header processing to GZlibCompressor/GZlibDecompressor - bgo#622184: add g_memory_output_stream_steal_data - bgo#624546: Modification of GDBusMessage in filter function - bgo#627088: Build failure in gdbus-peer.c on FreeBSD - bgo#627181: save a memdup - bgo#627182: Plug a mem leak in the gdbus-connection test - bgo#627187: Plug some gdbus mem leaks - bgo#627188: gdbus-non-socket test occasionally fails - bgo#627252: G_OPTION_FLAG_NO_ARG is only for callback options - bgo#627392: gdbus commit 8a3a4596 breaks win32 compile - bgo#627407: FTBFS on !linux UNIX platforms - bgo#627604: String error: 'that' twice in a row - bgo#627969: ABR in g_file_open_tmp - bgo#628084: gdbus-peer fails with assertion - bgo#628193: Miscellaneous string fixes - bgo#628296: abort() in gsocketconnection.c - bgo#628309: Plug a mem leak in GConverterOutputStream - bgo#628317: GEmblemedIcon:equal implementation is buggy - bgo#628323: Fix invalid reads - bgo#628327: Plug a mem leak - bgo#628328: Plug a mem leak - bgo#628329: Don't leak the FD list - bgo#628324: Invalid reads in gdbus-export test + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.25.14: + GDBus: - Make the closure variants of GDBus apis work - Make error unregistration work - bgo#626748: Use async IO in the IO thread + GIO: - bgo#626208: Make g_simple_async_result_is_valid work without source - GSocketClient: add a timeout property - Fix memory leaks in GSocketClient - bgo#616458: Handle async vs. sync correctly in GSocketConnection stream - Declare stream base classes as abstract - bgo#627071: Clarify semantics of g_output_stream_write() + Other: - Improve test coverage for GDBus, GRegex, GAsyncResult - Drop dead code in pcre, xdgmime - bgo#578295: Fix a race condition in gtester - bgo#626704: Avoid an extra allocation in GAsyncQueue - bgo#626841: Add test case for non-socket GIOStream - bgo#622770: More explicit GVariant docs - bgo#602417: Imroved docs for GAsyncInitable and GSimpleAsyncResult- Make %glib2_gio_module_post and %glib2_gio_module_postun functions that can take an optional argument, to specify for which directory we want to create a module cache. By default, with no argument, we just use the directory of modules for gio itself.- Update to version 2.25.13: + The primary purpose of this release is to fix a serious problem with glib 2.25.12: glibconfig.h (as generated on a Fedora amd64 system) was being distributed in the tarball. It was being used to build some parts of glib on other systems (eg: 32bit ones). This was causing some very serious problems. + Build and testing: - vastly improved test coverage - old tests moved to the gtester framework - gtester Makefile modified so that the tests only run once - cleanup of how we handle includes while building glib + GVariant: - add a g_return_if_fail (utf8) to g_variant_new_string() + GDBus: - perform extra sanity checks when serialising messages - add API to query and set the byteorder of a GDBusMessage - improve debug output, add some extra options - if exiting due to the bus disconnecting us, print an error message explaining why - sort property names correctly - don't bother sending RemoveMatch when we will close the connection anyway - use effective uid/gid for credential passing + GSettings: - add G_SETTINGS_BIND_INVERT_BOOLEAN for inverting boolean bindings without mapping functions - mark all strings in the schema compiler for translation + Binding: - improve closure support for bindings - copy GSettings INVERT_BOOLEAN flag + Other: - fix another complicated GCancellable deadlock possibility + Bugs closed: bgo#599590, bgo#619026, bgo#624739, bgo#625472, bgo#625500, bgo#625628, bgo#625753, bgo#625827, bgo#625988, bgo#626107 + Updated translations. - Remove workaround for misinstallation of systemtap files: this is fixed now.- Update to version 2.25.12: + Build: - cleanup automake setup - rename to - various docs fixups - move glibconfig.h to glib/ - disable dtrace support on Mac OS (which has incompatible 'dtrace') + GSettings: - add support for vendor override files (to change the default values in a schema) - change GSettingsBackend vtable - add g_settings_reset() - support binding to G_TYPE_STRV properties + GDBus: - many bug fixes, including a serialisation fix - stop handling incoming connections as soon as stop() is called - proper support for file descriptor passing - new flags parameter for sending messages - new flags parameter for subscribing to signals - always reset the message serial when sending a message unless G_DBUS_SEND_MESSAGE_FLAGS_PRESERVE_SERIAL is given - constness fixes for introspection structures - clean ups to subtree registration API + Other: - fix divide by zero bug in g_malloc_n functions - GIO: don't blindly assume that SOCK_CLOEXEC is supported - make GObject property notify freezes threadsafe - GIO: clean up credentials passing - GApplication: make default-quit not apply if register=FALSE - GIO: add annotations for gobject-introspection + Bugs fixed: - bgo#166020 use GAtomic for refcounting - bgo#617483 Credentials passing - bgo#622005 [GApplication] no way to modify the "default-quit" property - bgo#623293 vendor override files - bgo#623810 Message serialization bug - bgo#623815 Don't check sender for GDBusProxy objects where name is not set - bgo#624473 GDBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc return type - bgo#624483 GDBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc clarification - bgo#624484 GDBusSubtreeDispatchFunc clarification - bgo#624754 gdbusaddress.c missing sys/wait.h - bgo#624968 div by zero in g_malloc_n family - bgo#624991 GSettings mapping for G_TYPE_STRV - bgo#625383 Add missing GI annotations + Updated translations.- Add rpm macros to ease installation of external gio modules and of gsettings schemas. - Rename the main package to glib2-tools since it's really what it contains. Instead, make libglib-2_0-0 provides/obsoletes glib2. - Make the devel package Requires glib2-tools, since users of the new rpm macros will need the tools during the build. - Also do not move the post/postun scriptlets of previous glib2 to glib2-tools: gio-querymodules needs to be called by packages installing a module, not by the package containing gio-querymodules. - Move glib-compile-schemas from devel package to glib2-tools. - Add %{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled ghost file to libgio-2_0-0: this is where gsettings schemas will be compiled. - Add glib2-tools Recommends to libgio-2_0-0, since those tools are useful when libgio is installed.- Change pcre-devel BuildRequires to pkgconfig(libpcre). - Remove checks for old versions of openSUSE (11.0). - Remove conflicts with gnome-vfs2 < 2.22.0 which is not needed since openSUSE 11.0. - Remove workaround that was settings the +x permission on gtester-report. - Add systemtap support: add systemtap-sdt-devel BuildRequires, pass --enable-systemtap to configure and add workaround for misinstalled tapsets. We also temporary need a python BuildRequires because of a missing dependency for systemtap-sdt-devel. - Use %{?_smp_mflags} instead of %{?jobs:-j%jobs}.- Update to version 2.25.11: + Many changes since 2.24.1. See NEWS for the full list of changes, the list below is only highlights. + Add GSettings API. + Add a predefined boxed type for GError. + Add support for timeouts in GSocket. + Add GDBus API. + GVariant now requires strings to be UTF-8. + Initial support for dtrace and systemtap profiling. + Add GPermission interface. + Add GApplication API. + Add GBinding API. + Deprecate GRelation and GCompletion. + Updated translations.- Break a requirement cycle between glib2 and libgio-2_0-0, to fix bnc#595702: + remove libgio-2_0-0 Requires(post)/Requires(postun) from main package + remove glib2 Requires from libglib-2_0-0, libgmodule-2_0-0, libgio-2_0-0, libgthread-2_0-0, libgobject-2_0-0. + add a Recommends for glib2-lang in libglib-2_0-0 to make the translations installed by default. - Move some gio files from glib2 to libgio-2_0-0. Unfortunately, it means we get unversioned files in a subpackage for a versioned library, but that's what we really need: /usr/lib/gio belongs there and we have a symlink pointing to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list (so we don't want a dangling symlink).- Update to version 2.24.1: + bgo#615379: g_new macros crash if sizeof(struct_type) == 0 + bgo#614185: g_type_class_add_private() documentation is not correct + bgo#614372: g_stat() is funny + bgo#615111: GAsyncInitable's default implementation is broken + Fix race in g_cancellable_cancel() + Fix for g_variant_iter_loop() + Make g_string_append_len() accept NULL lf len == 0 + Fix typo in GMutex error message + Translation updates- Update to version 2.24.0: + Bug fixes: - bgo#613601: buglet in dup_close_on_exec_fd - bgo#584284: g_data_input_stream_read_until_async behaves confusingly - bgo#613748: Write errors in middle of copy cause hang - bgo#613923: splice_stream_with_progress: wrong error handling - bgo#613667: Typo in GObject documentation - bgo#613618: gvariant format string docs unclear + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.23.6: + Class private data: - support for private data associated with a GTypeClass + GVariant merge is now complete: - loading functions and parser merged + Windows improvements: - socket fixes - various build improvements - removal of GCC/C99isms in favour of portable code - drop unmaintained Visual Studio 8 support + Minor API addition: - g_desktop_app_info_get_filename() + Bugs fixed: - bgo#521707 Class private data - bgo#612502 build fails on glib/tests/gvariant.c - bgo#612832 [GDesktopAppInfo] New function g_desktop_app_info_get_filename - bgo#612702 [PATCH] Fix GSocket-related crash on Windows - bgo#612736 Improve the documentation about single include - bgo#610858 gvariant test fails sometimes - bgo#612327 uninitialized variable + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.23.5: + New API addition: g_malloc_n() and friends used to implement an overflow-safe family of g_new() macros. + GVariant: - GVariantBuilder and GVariantIter are now merged. - The variable arguments API is now merged. - The parser will be in a future release. + GIO: - Remove GUtf8InputStream (which never appeared in a stable release) for now since it doesn't satisfy the needs of its main intended use case. We hope to reimplement this feature in a better form in a future release. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#609531: missing licence headers - bgo#612107: Missing G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TRASH_ORIG_PATH - bgo#611897: g_io_modules_scan_all_in_directory leaks - bgo#608196: Overflow-safe g_new family - bgo#611696: gio uses GetAddrInfo which requires special handing on windows 2k - bgo#605667: Don't use G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE when we know the pspec is valid - bgo#610860: test_g_file_open_readwrite fails if $HOME is unwritable - bgo#552912: glib-2.18 /live-g-file/test_copy_move failed when run as root - bgo#609813: Renaming a file discards file notes + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.23.4: + GVariant: - The core of GVariant has been merged now, with some API still to follow. + GIO: - There is a new interface GFileDescriptorBased for file descriptor based IO. GLocalFile{Input,Output}Stream implement it - Use splice(2) to transfer data between file descriptors without extraneous copies - Add a way to request move events from file monitors + Bugs fixed: - bgo#609143 - *result_uncertain is never assigned in g_content_type_guess - bgo#604086 - Use splice(2) when doing local file copies - bgo#547890 - No move events for GFileMonitorEvent? - bgo#568760 - nautilus freezes due to a bug in garray.c:322 - bgo#609962 - Add info about the use of G_DEFINE_INTERFACE - bgo#609564 - g_base64_encode_close docs should mention outbuf size... - bgo#610484 - g_variant_equal bug - bgo#610131 - libasyncns does not compile on Solaris 8 - bgo#609530 - missing single header include guards + Updated translations- Do not call gio-querymodules in %postun of the main package since we don't have gio-querymodules anymore at that point.- Update to version 2.23.3: + GLib now has a facility for locks that consume only one bit of storage inside an integer: g_bit_lock() + GVariant: - The serializer has been merged, with more API to follow + Bugs fixed - bgo#548967: 1 bit mutex lock - bgo#604967: 2.22.3 libasyncns build fails on HP-UX 11.11 - bgo#608602: G_VALUE_COLLECT_INIT variables shadow those in G_VALUE_COLLECT - bgo#608743: Crash in g_hostname_to_ascii visiting certain website in epiphany - bgo#599197: array ref and unref functions crash on NULL array. - bgo#608159: mem leak in g_io_modules_scan_all_in_directory + Updated translations.- Correctly use gio-querymodules: + package it in main package, with a giomodule.cache ghost file + rename it gio-querymodules-64 on 64 bits platforms + add Requires(post)/Requires(postun) to main package and libgio-fam to make sure that gio-querymodules would work + add post/postun scriptlets for main package and libgio-fam- Update to version 2.23.2: + We are now using gcc builtins for atomic operations when available + g_assert() grew the ability to store assertions in core dumps + GIO supports lazy loading of GIO modules, and there is a new gio-querymodule utility that goes along with this. + Threading changes: - The requirements for g_thread_init() have been relaxed slightly, it can be called multiple times, and does not have to be the first call - GObject now links to GThread and threads are enabled automatically when g_type_init() is called - Thread-safety issues with boxed types in GObject have been fixed + GObject: - Another bunch of performance work has landed + GVariant: - GVariantType has been merged, with the rest of the GVariant API to follow + Bugs fixed: - bgo#568760 - nautilus freezes due to a bug in garray.c:322 - bgo#602417 - Document lifecycles of GSimpleAsyncResult and friends - bgo#604824 - crash in Epiphany: Selecting my Slashdot bo... - bgo#448888 - don't init g_slice for always-malloc - bgo#531902 - Use GCC atomic buildins for g_atomic* - bgo#554887 - boxed type registration is not thread safe - bgo#586150 - unresolved symbols when building glib 2.21.2 on OS X Tiger - bgo#589176 - row gvalue transform array exponentially - bgo#594872 - Support storing assertion messages into core dump - bgo#602240 - Upgrade libasyncns to 0.8 - bgo#603590 - Speed up G_VALUE_COLLECT - bgo#604457 - gutf8inputstream.c: increasing unknown size pointer - bgo#605686 - GCharsetConverter doesn't flush - bgo#605733 - g_memory_output_stream_new violates GObject standards - bgo#605883 - g_object_new() processes varargs even when there are none - bgo#605977 - invalid utf-8 conversion in g_local_file_get_parse_name(... - bgo#606775 - Enable threads by default in gobject + Translation updates- Update to version 2.23.1: + GObject performance work has landed: - Construction of simple objects is much faster - Interface lookup is lock-free and constant-time now - Reduced locking overhead when dealing with types + GType now has a G_DEFINE_INTERFACE convenience macro + GIO gained GUtf8InputStream, an input stream that performs utf-8 validation + GLib now has byte-swap macros for gsize and gssize + Bugs fixed: - bgo#603982: Stack overflow when reading file async with filter - bgo#557151, bgo#557100, bgo#501166, bgo#585375, bgo#587892, bgo#603270, bgo#603476, bgo#603540, bgo#604645, bgo#604875, bgo#320482 + Updated translations.- Update gtk-doc.m4 from gtk-doc package.- Add baselibs.conf as a source - Package baselibs for SPARC- Update to version 2.23.0: + GIO: - GConverter: a generic interface for stateful conversions of data, suitable for charset conversion, compression, decompression, regexp replacement. Concrete implementations are GCharsetConverter, GZlibCompressor and GZlibDecompressor. GConverterInputStream, GConverterOutputStream are stream implementations that convert data while loading or saving it. - GMounts can now have a 'default location': a path that reflects the main entry point for the user (e.g. the home directory). - As a consequence of the compression support, GIO depends on zlib now. + GObject: - G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE_DYNAMIC: a convenience macro for adding interfaces to dynamic types. + GModule: - The -pthread flag has been added to all gmodule .pc files, because it is not generally permissible to load modules that are linked against libpthread if the program has not been compiled with threading support. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#601637: GUnixFDMessage should contain a GUnixFDList - bgo#585566: GSocketListener API issues - bgo#572252: Bug in g_file_test() function. - bgo#600550: g_app_info_create_from_commandline doesn't treat arguments properly - bgo#541236: not detecting exact content type - bgo#350200: [PATCH] GTypeModule derived class unref does not unload plugin - bgo#589631: Please enclose literal values with double quotes - bgo#577711: cross compile check for g++ broken - bgo#600620: Support X-GNOME-FullName in GAppInfo - bgo#598899: GWin32DirectoryMonitor is broken - bgo#593809: Nautilus does not restore the position of the icons on the desktop... - bgo#563627: g_get_prgname() threadsafety - bgo#600141: Add -pthread to gmodule pkg-config - bgo#593856: file and directory monitors don't work when glib is compiled... - bgo#324930: Nautilus should disallow copying of symlink to FAT drive early - bgo#587300: Deadlock when calling g_cancellable_disconnect in a... - bgo#595138: GFile not robust with invalid input - bgo#591216: Warning building resolver.o - bgo#590016: Does not compile under MinGW32 + Wine - bgo#591214: Warnings building gcancellable.o - bgo#561998: Have specific entry points (paths) for mounts... - bgo#508157: Add G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE_DYNAMIC - bgo#535159: g_file_has_parent + Updated translations. - Add zlib-devel BuildRequires. - Remove AutoReqProv: it's default now. - Fix self-obsoletion with glib2-doc. - Drop glib2-mkinstalldirs.patch: I have no idea why this patch has been there forever, but I don't think it's needed. This also enables us to remove the autoreconf call. - Drop glib2-aclocal.patch: this is actually unneeded, since acinclude.m4 contains what's needed.- Update to version 2.22.2: + GIO: - Support case-sensitive globs in the shared mime database, including support for the newer cache format that allows these. + GObject: - Speed up creation of simple objects + Bugs fixed: - bgo#597194: Typo in _G_TYPE_CVH macro + Updated translations.- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).- Update to version 2.22.1: + Bugs fixed: - bgo#596064 Test file marked for translation - bgo#595972 possibly invalid search in mime_info_cache_dir_add_... - bgo#596561 C99 style of declaration of variable in gmessages.c - bgo#596314 g_utf16_to_utf8 returns an invalid UTF8 string - bgo#596748 g_async_result_get_source_object returns a new ref - bgo#593809 Nautilus does not restore the position of the icons... - bgo#593775 uses inotify_init1 unconditionally + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.22.0: + Add gdb python macros to make gobject debugging more pleasant + Bugs fixed: - bgo#579050: Allow making selected critical and warning messages non-fatal - bgo#594759: g_socket_send_message fails due to invalid sendmsg params - bgo#593941: GNetworkAddress skipping addresses when enumerating - bgo#594597: Fix build with srcdir != builddir - bgo#595619: Include gdb pretty printers + Changes that might affect bindings: - The error parameter of g_simple_async_result_set_from_error has been made const. + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.21.6: + Minor API additions: - g_mkstemp_full is a variant of g_mkstemp that allows to specify flags and permissions + Bugs fixed: - bgo#593232 g_rand_new: read no more than requested from /dev/urandom - bgo#591995 use saved errno - bgo#589491 g_time_val_from_iso8601 doesn't handle some cases - bgo#593406 Permissions set to 777 after copying via Nautilus - bgo#594034 Add g_mkstemp_full() + Translation updates.- Update to version 2.21.5: + A performance problem with trashing of many files has been fixed + GResolver now invalidates the libc resolv.conf cache as needed + Minor api additions: - g_cancellable_make_pollfd returns a boolean now. And there is a new function g_cancellable_release_fd that can be used to released the resources used by a GCancellable. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#589988: Compilation error on Solaris 9 (missing stdint.h) - bgo#588901: gtcpconnection.c won't compile - bgo#584246: GResolver needs to call res_init() when network state changes - bgo#591714: Figure out failure handling for g_cancellable_make_pollfd() - bgo#591532: redundent '/' returned from g_file_resolve_relative_path - bgo#591378: Use MSG_NOSIGNAL in GSocket if it's available - bgo#589649: API documentation migration for Base64 Encoding - bgo#591840: configure fails with autoconf 2.64 + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.21.4: + GTree is now refcounted + bgo#587938 Undocumented limitation for g_str_equal + bgo#587773 refcounts for GTree + Translation updates- Update to version 2.21.2: + GIO: - g_socket_speaks_ipv4 is a new function to check if a socket can speak IPv4. - g_socket_listener_add_address gained a new effective_address out parameter. - GIO now returns special icons for XDG user directories, by the name folder-music, folder-documents, etc. - GIO gained support for starting/stopping of drives, which can be used in connection with external hard disk enclosures, disk arrays, iSCSI devices, etc. See g_file_start/stop_mountable. + GLib: - g_reload_user_special_dirs_cache is a new function to force GLib to reload the XDG user directory mapping from disk. + Bug fixes: - bgo#584574: glib compile failure on Mac OS X with gunixresolver.c and... - bgo#585566: GSocketListener API issues - bgo#584255: Incorrect freeing of thread pool in GThreadedSocketService - bgo#585088: g_string_chunk_insert_len stops at nul bytes - bgo#585360: Monitor fontconfig configuration files using gio causes m... - bgo#580103: Terminal starts on Display :0.0 when started on :0.1 in D... - bgo#580301: network: a few issues on old darwin - bgo#583398: SRV weight sorting is incorrect - bgo#584176: build fixes on FreeBSD - bgo#585189: g_cancellable_reset() must be called in same thread as g_... - bgo#585280: compilation dies on gio/gsocket.c, needs sys/uio.h to con... - bgo#585281: gio/gunixfdmessage.c needs sys/types.h for platforms that... - bgo#585478: don't leak the inotify fd - bgo#585575: g_socket_listener_add_inet_port() doesn't do the right thing - bgo#585599: g_socket_listener_add_socket() consumes the socket - bgo#585676: GEmblem doesn't reference its 'icon' if that is set as a ... - bgo#585717: "bytes" nautilus translation to french is not shown in th... - bgo#541276: XDG directories should have their own icons - bgo#585726: Grammatical error in GList documentation - bgo#585520: Wrong warning option in documentation - bgo#585673: GNOME Goal: Remove deprecated glib symbols - bgo#585591: Starting/stopping drives + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.21.1: + GIO: - Support for network IO has been added, including a low-level socket API and a high-level API for network connections and services. - Support for read-write access with GIOStream and its subclasses. - GMount gained a pre-unmount signal. + Bug fixes: - bgo#576104: Implement GMount::pre-unmount - bgo#578769: implement GWinHttpFileInputStream::close_fn - bgo#582856: gsocket.c doesn't compile on Solaris - bgo#569375: g[u]intptr undocumented - bgo#573246: [FIX] g_desktop_app_info_dup() can access NULL pointer - bgo#575013: g_cancellable_push_current() does not allow NULL - bgo#577884: live-g-file.c:461: error: format ‘%d’ expects type ... - bgo#578499: g_output_stream_splice and stream closing with gnio strea... - bgo#579558: Application employing gvfs crashes with only libgvfscommo... - bgo#583001: SIGPIPE (grr!) - bgo#583061: Please add convenience function to connect to machines by... - bgo#583198: typo in error message - bgo#583206: use g_set_error_literal where appropriate - bgo#583229: void function g_async_initable_init_async returns value - bgo#583324: locking problem in g_main_context_iterate() - bgo#583408: void function g_socket_control_message_serialize returns ... - bgo#578786: wrong and confusing error message - bgo#583205: g_inet_address_to_bytes has no length outparam - bgo#583196: mem leak in keyfile test - bgo#583663: GSocketType enum ends with a comma - bgo#569024: Make g_error_new_valist public - bgo#569376: missing G_G[U]INTPTR_FORMAT - bgo#580347: off-by-1 bug in GWinHttpFile + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.21.0: + GIO: - New helper functions g_cancellable_connect/disconnect to avoid race conditions when connecting to the "cancelled" signal on GCancellable. - New types and methods for dealing with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (and UNIX domain socket addresses under UNIX). This does not include code for actual socket I/O. - GResolver provides asynchronous and cancellable APIs for resolving hostnames, reverse lookup of IP addresses and resolving SRV records. + Glib now provides hash and comparison functions for int64 and double types, suitable for use with GHashTable. + GArray, GPtrArray and GByteArray can be ref counted now, and have boxed types. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#572844: Helper for GCancellable::cancelled connect/disconnect - bgo#578363: goption docs should be improved - bgo#548466: async/cancellable DNS resolver - bgo#579830: param spec strings should use P_() - bgo#579862: requesting xattr::foo ends up calling getxattr(..., user... - bgo#580453: Hash and equal functions for gint64 and gdouble - bgo#580450: Reference counting and boxed types for arrays - bgo#580194: gresolver doesn't build on Solaris - bgo#580301: network: a few issues on old darwin - bgo#580299: network: include sys/types.h before sys/socket.h to insur... - bgo#572508: gmarkup speedup - bgo#580546: g_strtoull() referenced in documentation... - bgo#580656: g_key_file_set_string_list erroneously asserts list != NULL - bgo#579272: leaks in g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer + Updated translations.- Update to version 2.20.1: + bgo#575555 Use fsync() when replacing files to avoid data loss + bgo#575708 runaway inotify madness + bgo#575270 GVolumeMonitor::mount-pre-unmount not being emitted + bgo#577128 glib make check Failed to execute child process... + bgo#573673 Always show "backup" directories + bgo#578369 g_time_val_from_iso8601() parses timezones incorrectly + bgo#578002 Fix a small typo in GFile docs + bgo#578017 G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED docs + Translation updates- Update to version 2.20.0: + Base64 support: Avoid integer overflows. CVE-2008-4316 + Bugs fixed: * bgo#574019 GChecksum: document and guarantee hex characters in lower case * bgo#573454 Unable copy/move files to directories symlinked to gvfs share * bgo#561172 gnome-open fails on local URIs with anchors * bgo#573970 crash in gunixvolumemonitor:update_mounts when unmounting * bgo#573843 g_get_current_dir returns non-absolute path + Translation updates - Remove glib2-base64.patch. Fixed differently upstream- Update to version 2.19.10: + GMarkup: - Considerable speedup + GIO: - Add G_FILE_CREATE_REPLACE_DESTINATION flag to allow replacing the destination of a copying operation as if it did not exit before. - Be more careful when classifying files as desktop files - Support desktop file key X-GIO-NoFuse which disables the use of fuse pathnames for %u and %U arguments + Bugs fixed: bgo#572672, bgo#572464, bgo#572151, bgo#570501, bgo#167569, bgo#572508, bgo#560564, bgo#549298, bgo#543183, bgo#540461, bgo#573462, bgo#573421, bgo#573658, bgo#556706, bgo#573527, bgo#573128, + Updated translations: - Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS. - Use makeinstall.build96 1474396016  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKarasastbebe@latinbgbnbncaca@valenciacsdadedzelen@shaweneneoeseteufafifrgaglguhehihrhuidisitjakkknkoltlvmaimkmlmrnbndsnenlnnorpaplptptroruskslsqsrsr@ijesr@latinsvtatethtrugukviwazhzhzh2.50.0-309.12.50.0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.moglib20.mogl -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://ɾZe|w+:fpackageand(bundle-lang-other:glib2)?P]"k%a SJ:P. ̗$#V Dg|ؘ`Q,MB'Û׀%gKǔ''_VtpIvp>Sn 9[P(?‡Fykb{OJZOL(LNݾ@L\ϝ_fpZyJF2<}v~!'c"y%RVFfBo}ƳM;.nVIa q8ל !3T^T"fJ5Y}'J̫a>'4t'&5Khq@-y;u4#+D*rz@Hz({-|椂nL C@  Ab:gOVI 2 a^y!ÅÁ &rf2iס2ӷ5v)곈 ,VBhܭwLY?GΉ)L.C.a=dהBkQC 61TI_h!,y+10"I8].Ń`sA;@aƖ1]xT D}2~!ZBQVc'"rjz3 N~_\btDh*DH$:W@lv0:,(蘀}"po{3p onKA9pqУ2Y!*[bf扑S1]G(k-rIy\]J>G+T KAH07)Q}"J&::F{{Z;j-H>BoIFD_^lݍ{Y9T(6t_|cvfP 2 |~P6SZ%[؊3](AiiJ2|R} FOBXI9!543߷ Nr*>US^[]6 gQFUh<4*Y(p$^g87\RHn~a4J8Śո=c[[zBݝg$j 6XH7Ҥ>&kKk՗BKlXIˏj5vWa0qWdr:uO2{L!|*𨬜4aR^D ^. ~R]-3ـZ =Xٶ'є M۪SPG$,пؗ bs{&+MKݺDwbRuKQy[g!irYpe~h9ܘLh9!qX9cL1GËMɠUmޅ$<6$wEZ3^G oJ6ƕ^$?=xmLFB5YH4;UY;^#9AQ?:Y0>LGBgHRbQV9{-O"M¬/+ʩ;pҰHvup' `qַitbQ7΢%te^Ij eJw̺@um,WUH8%r<>k@JRLnMhq ][qL;0fA%0rbR#9<p\ss"iƁ?HDw+Sr[e*x22^ o dȅUasvR"}Fp>%JIdSL/AiCU? ]ě"pAwGk[@XD\uG V)I(] 7ڊRkXn4!['Mff;?xT(Ǣ+c JϵZEobB. {hZ=6 z.eB|:QnZuPEJIC صX/ ZӨs]U^t`./"O"[[GUM('?ĥƿK$o*!Tw49hE]{gU*{;ywsh8'v[ 1rݿX^ +SZ&1hB;ݩ $t 2]$}ܛvp4{ Gq 'r%ي`kd>sOA 0kn/.X_"9FU%1rb hkg&0kg>iϪ2N:BM;=n -bvK4wRB>l.sUOG}M\ƭMBDG^0%}\J_.DfF>YXc>/uʡ2eF dS>y^ۡ'B ^.:&q d;Ƌ}."]4fZKMH}5קxH@!h¶' _E{F}د^1 =gS)ʊPW4ĢS7 fz?$GMWf/K3Mpw.a**,<HM'mn6~Z3qr;cUIn<2,ou^yJ+KV3ICz, |_ 묤Զ& I^o7no 1OK,j qszw qL{ԥ 1;$?V޻f_Y c~dZrRzJG79m#aN6]cbnS*VR@~.>KA i:?hCxFmj~ʹ;Cxy|/m_ bzqa~2!}vSG 4Ǵ= JtK.e7QEPn𐥿ֽ+_ q){NAfۖҪYJ-g{Ld\tH\ < l& ,v\h#ޕ=GԼ^>їPfPZ6]yaŇ^p1\Ps"P](!Eh g^2;G2|-HCI]jI8a`2ƵC| )lX^ ^/',WQkZzkoT<;;*`NF_]-?Pvpjj7n&S+j7^6Y=|;C5b UՆjz,4_5:aU@d^Qew,CO!<^D|*Tz0VyXdC}g0qv[t릡P5N_ܵv(|C.o'u~VsUkPQ4Џjȹ |"nFte߰'j6)Q!ZtP"I S|{2|vup`utI.醋lHD ,HůJ{DŽ{d>+쉓`C*K5|DbdO[0b -稖.*}N2e{r7C+Gm;:O|ŧ!pnĮ̠qMB1璚5F}a֪t b{n: P1/58K n~仸rZ>'ڛro-ChȅA8d2ʯlsK}TMey <_gsZ_P :0tb(?Aze6%f!\)$[Isk]QevŠaL摜I"cC}TyG2QGcЙ6r"=fUs^@AonL d/TўVYU?g{kتKW;Ͳ(3B/J՗ztE4fB-wgG=F9'9裲 .:qŵr̮Wj'42t*;¤= @̭תJ3ll&:aJ[ߖU c%us¸_'ɡ(i`(+ ͔ LZ幔ѬW6<3@D) Kvm6}[IvgK忽1X\(+rhߟ"hqcFx09vΟՠLuu2$b6dc0E [n\ ' OX{\yZi1ŽlîLXy. $|#!ͨ 5q,¿Æe`l`Y,2^f49ifKe;M $mG}MPPJXSeMhG˜v~\z*D&[(=zŇ|ZYȗ)UA i h{0}1ξ+ZM\[ w.{f荌gJ[ED 0IeZE2\&hSf0Pj26ƃ7,Hmp} hAP;<ʀ0Ȏr!MȁMn#{W{S!LP`RG'_R =G!AT[Dy+($# epRKj \3EY+UiAc9D7Ma:A:o6KJAVw|.G"M1ʪ J;'&ZL > _O684&*J|}mDgͻ]4(//:g6D6zdtd -cޚjfUG-0%'>Юx kcK:~Dcq kչ׸qb)#!`<tvs$Mzb LOPyu.}P@ARRa /in1 ǎBvssV( B8 &|GE4ΩX+W!fW/eߣhj_|߶Fu$D5Zty;g{?MiUf,tP#se~qM7!csgep Qa0dˍNRxSV_X FBW9hTs=*+TUROM0΄Q^/YGyK@I=*kFH"R`:`>z+5Wa4ݑ}\3'fn-H .on=^aidAWO=ji S&|m?%xe8 BFWɹ;Ĕd=aGKr˽C6|9khrnR(:J>f(#@$9[IK' Ӯ,=RdJhwj @Wᦦt*hv |q,l s֝Q8Y>Cx֓6+F* 0Q*H &ᨶ12tt:39rϋ& msR.#tB|DV)k^6C?=Bpqi9vM÷Tc $h߫mސyNUlȧO`/sjꅈ zO=6ڬ80"ome[5F.֫wjnrmiEٽpM,yƾ3 Pbn,9o<[.mJq&q֭}wKk}H:E:gIՄ` iUX PFi=_=58hc4 /7ƀXgǪ)P_|Ԩ(ٜRV.Idd|,M!g&"> Tkr !4ba=DW(VS<>c~^N$i'x{}y|BKi8 X*ݾ=Zw0?e{(ÄICD#Jy:=a}|w*6fZ-@gM8esڰ9aGĎSS|tnu>ed05Tvp eHA9͟w[{]1۵1ėՖՁ(y3J!!U0J<_jKcسK"7Ͽ-5b!!ܺ710s]볅.Lg(֯aۑo*] B^^Sp.}$wT%cbӶP>JZ{Tr*l}J->WQ}\#@ axs׻{::f m'!򫀟' g_t#"?Fj#͢inE}d4#=7ZfWyp); EmIF޿$Ի]zoϲ1`zr?o%0Nt!!ޮr'?AL98%jC.`ZMN ?7 '}cgEnxW<#`>;ûrj݌Uo߮:fDJgkn *bcK+2K(jԝBCz4vm-h虰$1ߠ6uK~u(K9r)BaքWnq82~pIו6Y\> s.zY3BꖹBcc_g?9k! lnVE'te|~&Ɵۛ ׇnl˵7TU&hXy:=P^e(Pe o&H):D4/ԫBF ?JҐBN[k5;oF2]:fV pv<_].k*֪ \1~*q'!!#Vrug{6&+͑=M[/=9=q4[ے;FIt<ؒ KC} o@fid!kdA)ii8iy'F}duH ', aX q9A{0KCrt°D+p]EZDéBr`@n{zT^^mx vhO1|k0&˞ I=ׁ` ZOc؜V5@SꈆNUt-Ykk ʰ;35Wb]$f-^bյYT18}t#(1qv2sPYK}?sJ4TmLRnU`O`/8,5w15/\e,R;QA'˕df]qD͈dAӖ38r.;^q]o&TAUd?]D9=uQ].`Tl_@ ^BKaHZ'E1T`@ݼK|.\yh,LE!5^*z(7T8qG\:}[] js"5ĵV{'"7HY::c 'd>YXš~ U+0Wݐ7|NǤ1xI-z\RD hNę? 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