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(violates ISO9660)Re-direct messages to LOG_FILEFile with list of file names to excludePad output to a multiple of 32k (default)Do not pad output to a multiple of 32kSet path to previous session to mergeOmit version number from ISO9660 filename (violates ISO9660)Mode used when creating new directories.Inhibit automatic Rock Ridge detection for previous sessionInhibit reading of Rock Ridge attributes from previous sessionInhibit splitting symlink componentsInhibit splitting symlink fieldsFile with list of pathnames to processPrint estimated filesystem size and exitGenerate rationalized Rock Ridge directory informationGenerate Rock Ridge directory informationSet output sector type to e.g. data/xa1/rawSort file content locations according to rules in FILESplit output into files of approx. 1GB sizeSet the stream file ISO9660 name (incl. version)Set the size of your CD media in sectorsGenerate translation tables for systems that don't understand long filenamesGenerate DVD-Video compliant UDF file systemMake the owner of all files this uid.Allow Untranslated filenames (for HPUX & AIX - violates ISO9660). Forces -l, -d, -L, -N, -relaxed-filenames, -allow-lowercase, -allow-multidotAllow 7 bit ASCII except lower case characters (violates ISO9660)Do not translate illegal ISO characters '~', '-' and '#' (violates ISO9660)Allow lower case characters in addition to the current character set (violates ISO9660)Allow more than one dot in filenames (e.g. .tar.gz) (violates ISO9660)Use file version # from filesystemSet Volume set sequence numberExclude file name(depreciated)Boot image is a hard disk imageBoot image is 'no emulation' imageSet load segment for boot imagePatch boot image with info tableGenerate XA directory attruibutesGenerate rationalized XA directory attruibutesEnable transparent compression of filesMap file extensions to HFS TYPE/CREATORMagic file for HFS TYPE/CREATORProbe all files for Apple/Unix file typesUse Macintosh name for ISO9660/Joliet/RockRidge file nameDo not look for Unix/Mac files (depreciated)Cluster size for PC Exchange Macintosh filesDo not create the HFS (empty) Desktop filesVolume name for the HFS partitionLocal input charset for HFS file name conversionOutput charset for HFS file name conversionComma separated list of HFS parametersPReP boot image file -- up to 4 are allowedLook for AUFS CAP Macintosh filesLook for NETATALK Macintosh filesLook for AppleDouble Macintosh filesLook for Helios EtherShare Macintosh filesLook for PC Exchange Macintosh filesLook for MacBinary Macintosh filesLook for AppleSingle Macintosh filesLook for IPT UShare Macintosh filesLook for XINET Macintosh filesLook for MacOS X AppleDouble Macintosh filesLook for MacOS X HFS Macintosh files%s:%d: equals sign required after '%.*s' %s:%d: field name "%s" unknown to get a list of valid options. -i option no longer supported. Illegal iso9660 Level %d, use 1..3 or 4. Required Eltorito boot image pathname missing Required generic boot image pathname missing Required boot catalog pathname missing Abstract filename string too long Application-id string too long Bibliographic filename string too long Copyright filename string too long Warning: -follow-links does not always work correctly; be careful. Unsupported sector type '%s'. Option -%c is reserved for future use. -stream-file-name not yet implemented Illegal UCS Level %d, use 1..3. Volume set ID string too long Volume set sequence number too big Boot image load address invalid. Boot image load size invalid. HFS default TYPE string has illegal length. HFS default CREATOR string has illegal length. Warning: -no-mac-files no longer used ... ignoring Warning: --osx-hfs only works on MacOS X ... ignoring Maximum of 4 PReP boot images are allowed Required PReP boot image pathname missing Warning: Disabling Joliet support for DVD-Video. Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660. Warning: Creating ISO-9660:1999 (version 2) filesystem. Warning: ISO-9660 filenames longer than %d may cause buffer overflows in the OS. Warning: creating filesystem with (nonstandard) Joliet extensions but without (standard) Rock Ridge extensions. It is highly recommended to add Rock Ridge Warning: using transparent compression. This is a nonstandard Rock Ridge extension. The resulting filesystem can only be transparently read on Linux. On other operating systems you need to call mkzftree by hand to decompress the files. Warning: transparent decompression is a Linux Rock Ridge extension, but creating filesystem without Rock Ridge attributes; files will not be transparently decompressed. Unknown charset Known charsets are: Unknown HFS charset Known charsets are: Unable to open previous session image %s Panic cannot set back effective uid. Can't have both -apple and -hfs optionsCan't have -hfs-boot-file with -apple Can't have -hfs with -sparc-boot Can't have -hfs with -generic-boot Can't have -prep-boot with -apple Warning: no Apple/Unix files will be decoded/mapped Warning: assuming PC Exchange cluster size of 512 bytes Need either -XA/-xa or -R/-r for -apple to become active. Multisession usage bug: Must specify -C if -M is used. Warning: -C specified without -M: old session data will not be merged. Warning: files from previous sessions will not be included in the HFS volume. Unable to open pathname list %s. Cannot use XA, Rock Ridge, UDF or Joliet with -stream-media-size Cannot use multi session with -stream-media-size Cannot use boot options with -stream-media-size Cannot use Apple hybrid options with -stream-media-size PLEASE CONTACT DISC PUBLISHER FOR SPECIFICATION SOURCE. SEE PUBLISHER IDENTIFIER IN PRIMARY VOLUME DESCRIPTOR FOR CONTACT INFORMATION.THE ROCK RIDGE INTERCHANGE PROTOCOL PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR POSIX FILE SYSTEM SEMANTICSre-directing all messages to %s Unable to find previous session PVD %s Bad Rock Ridge signatures found (SU record missing) Disabling Rock Ridge / XA / AA GRAFT Point:'%s' in '%s : %s' (%s) graft_dir: '%s : %s', node: '%s', (scan) graft_dir: '%s : %s', node: '%s', short_name: '%s' Cannot merge previous session. ISO9660/Rock Ridge tree sort failed. Unable to open disc image file Total extents scheduled to be written = %d Implementation botch: %s should start at %u but starts at %u. Writing: %-40sStart Block %u Done with: %-40sBlock(s) %d Implementation botch: FS should end at %u but ends at %u. CDROMLINUXboot.catalogTRANS.TBLSTREAM.IMG;1TEXTunixPREPPUBLAPPICOPYBIBLABSTVOLSVOLISYSIHFS_TYPEHFS_CREATORnobakDo not include backup filesno-bakabstractSet Abstract filenameappidSet Application IDbiblioSet Bibliographic filenameno-cache-inodescheck-oldnamescheck-sessioncopyrightSet Copyright filenamedebugSet debug flageltorito-bootSet El Torito boot image nameeltorito-alt-bootsparc-bootSet sparc boot image namesgeneric-bootSet generic boot image namesparc-labellabel textSet sparc boot disk labeleltorito-catalogcdrecord-paramsPARAMSMagic paramters from cdrecordomit-perioddisable-deep-relocationfile-modefollow-linksFollow symbolic linksgidgraft-pointsPrint option helpGLOBFILEHide ISO9660/RR filehide-listhiddenhidden-listhide-jolietHide Joliet filehide-joliet-listhide-joliet-trans-tblhide-rr-movedguiSwitch behaviour for GUIADD_FILESNo longer supportedinput-charsetCHARSEToutput-charsetiso-levelLEVELjoliet-longjcharsetfull-iso9660-filenamesmax-iso9660-filenamesallow-leading-dotslog-fileLOG_FILEExclude file nameexclude-listno-padprev-sessionomit-version-numbernew-dir-modeforce-rrno-rrno-split-symlink-componentsno-split-symlink-fieldsSet output file namepath-listSet Volume preparerprint-sizePUBSet Volume publisherquietRun quietlyrational-rocksectypesortsplit-outputstream-file-nameFILE_NAMEstream-media-size#sysidSet System IDtranslation-tabletable-nameTABLE_NAMETranslation table file nameucs-levelSet Joliet UCS level (1..3)udfGenerate UDF file systemdvd-videouiduntranslated-filenamesrelaxed-filenamesno-iso-translateallow-lowercaseallow-multidotuse-fileversionverboseVerbosePrint the current versionSet Volume IDvolsetSet Volume set IDvolset-sizeSet Volume set sizevolset-seqnoold-excludehard-disk-bootno-emul-bootno-bootBoot image is not bootableboot-load-segboot-load-sizeSet numbers of load sectorsboot-info-tableXAxatransparent-compressionhfs-typeSet HFS default TYPEhfs-creatorSet HFS default CREATORappleAdd Apple ISO9660 extensionsCreate ISO9660/HFS hybridMAPPING_FILEmagicprobemac-nameno-mac-filesboot-hfs-fileSet HFS boot image namepartGenerate HFS partition tablecluster-sizeautoSet HFS AutoStart file nameno-desktophide-hfsHide HFS filehide-hfs-listList of HFS files to hidehfs-volidHFS_VOLIDicon-positionKeep HFS icon positionroot-infofinderinfo for root folderinput-hfs-charsetoutput-hfs-charsethfs-unlockLeave HFS Volume unlockedhfs-blessFOLDER_NAMEName of Folder to be blessedhfs-parmsPARAMETERSprep-bootnetatalkethershareexchangesgiLook for SGI Macintosh filesmacbinsingleusharexinetdaveLook for DAVE Macintosh filessfmLook for SFM Macintosh filesosx-doubleosx-hfsCannot open '%s'. MKISOFSRCHOMEUsing "%s" %s:%d: name required Read error on '%s'. mkisofsUsage: %s [options] file... Use %s -help Options: %s-%c-%s-%s%sMissing pathspec. /dev/nullPreparer string too long Publisher string too long Bad mode for -new-dir-mode Bad value for -uid Bad value for -gid Bad mode for -file-mode Bad mode for -dir-mode System ID string too long Volume ID string too long linux-gnui686iso8859-1defaultmac-romancp10000Can't have -auto with -apple RRIP_1991Acan't open logfile: %s %s %s (%s-%s-%s) XA signatures found AA signatures found Rock Ridge signatures found NO Rock Ridge present GRAFT:'%s' Invalid node - %s scan done No pathnames found. Joliet tree sort failed. wbUnable to open /dev/null Max brk space used %x %d extents written (%d Mb) FROM: '%s' ESC: '%s' Not enough memory W]y]9AA9"#@$99(&.=bb9Ki{BBcGG9cc9 CC#Add d h`MDDehoff| `9  9  9`4BFii_i}@JJ' @llLL `mm+9; 8?MM9@LNN`!hm%v @|:oo99pp@PP rr"RR'ss/9@4A(R\)npvTT@ UU 0B Scr@vv$VVnnxx9 (0Kn Ynh@*+zzgghhiHH1@>9DJS `9n'`99 *4BY9c~ `  9D  ` # .  7 ; X `_ f m  s x    @ fifochrdirblkregular filesymlinksocketunallocatedoctal '%o'%s%c%c%c%s%sUsing %s for %s%s%s (%s) Unable to sort directory %s %c %-*s%s./.rr_moved./rr_movedPLCLScanning %s Unable to open directory %s .bakIgnoring file %s Path name %s/%s too long. Overflow of stat buffer Excluded by match: %s Excluded: %s Hidden from HFS tree: %s Hidden from ISO9660 tree: %s Hidden ISO9660 attribute: %s Hidden from Joliet tree: %s D %s B %s %lu %lu P %s C %s %lu %lu L %s %s S %s F %s %4d %5d %s Fatal goof, file '%s' already in hash table. Unable to generate unique name for file %s Fatal error - RR overflow (reclen %d) for file %s Translation table size mismatch %d %d **BAD RRVERSION (%d) for %c%c Unable to locate directory parent Directories too deep for '%s' (%d) max is %d; ignored - continuing. To incude the complete directory tree, use Rock Ridge extensions via -R or -r, or allow deep ISO9660 directory nesting via -D. Non-existent or inaccessible: %s Unable to stat file %s - ignoring and continuing. Symlink %s ignored - continuing. Already cached directory seen (%s) File %s is not readable - ignoring File %s is too large - ignoring Warning: Directory loop (%s dev: %lx ino: %lu). Unknown file type (%s) %s - ignoring and continuing. Warning: missing whole name for: '%s' stat parent->whole_name: '%s' -> %d. Directories too deep for '%s' (%d) max is %d. Unable to delete non-empty directory Unable to locate child directory in parent list call to search_tree_file with an absolute path, stripping initial path separator. Hope this was intended... %s_%02dcannot fwrite %d*%d rbcannot open '%s' cannot read from '%s' VIDEO_TSCache hit for '%s%s%s' The pad was %d for file %s %d %d %s Entry %d not in path tables Predicted = %d, written = %d Total directory bytes: %d Path table size(bytes): %d ...CTCMAX_XTCSIZECTC_LOOPHFS volume headerInitial PadbockPrimary Volume DescriptorEnhanced Volume DescriptorEnd Volume DescriptorVersion blockDirectory treeDirectory tree cleanupExtension recordThe File(s)Intermediate PadblockEnding PadblockTrying to write %d bytes (not a multiple of 2048). %6.2f%% done, estimate finish %sError: '%s' and '%s' have the same ISO9660 name '%s'. Error: '%s' and '%s' have the same Rock Ridge name '%s'. Directory size too small (. or .. missing ???) Unable to make a DVD-Video image. Fatal goof - could not find dir entry for '%s' Implementation botch. Video pad for file %s is %d Either the *.IFO file is bad or you found a mkisofs bug. Unexpected directory length %lld expected: %d '%s' Continuation entry record length mismatch %d expected: %d. Fatal ISO9660 goof - directory has amnesia Unable to generate sane path tables - too many directories (%d) Path table lengths do not match %d expected: %d Total extents scheduled to be written (inc HFS) = %d Total extents actually written (inc HFS) = %d (Size of ISO volume = %d, HFS extra = %d) Number of extents written not what was predicted. Please fix. Total translation table size: %d Total rockridge attributes bytes: %d %4.4d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d00Autostart filename must less than 12 charactersBNon zero-length file '%s' assigned zero extent. Panic: no space, cannot add RR CE entry (%d bytes mising) for %s line %d. currlen: %d ipnt: %d, recstart: %d Send bug report to the maintainer. Negative RR name length residual: %d symbolic link ``%s'' to long for one SL System Use Field, splittingAborting. AARRNMPXPNSL+SLSL-parentSL-currentSL-rootSL++SL-path-splitTFREZFExtension record too long 7S%08X%08XBEA01NSR02TEA01UDF volume recognition areaUDF main seqUDF second seqUDF integ seqUDF Anchor volumeUDF file setUDF directory treeUDF file entriesUDF Anchor end volumeUDF pad to sector 32UDF pad to sector 256UDF Pad endVTS_AUDIO_TSATS_.AOBUnable to locate relocated directory %02XISOREC:XA REC:Disabling RR / XA / AA. BAD RR ATTRIBUTES:SPCE%c %s Read error on old image %s CD001Should never get here Found XA directory extension record. Problems with old ISO directory entry for file: '%s'. Illegal extended directory attributes found (bad XA disk?). Try again using the -no-rr option. Cannot parse Rock Ridge attributes for '%s'. Warning: Neither Rock Ridge (-R) nor TRANS.TBL (-T) name translations were found on previous session. ISO (8.3) file names have been used instead. Special parameters for cdrecord not specified with -C Malformed cdrecord parameters %%/%cJoliet Volume DescriptorJoliet path tableJoliet directory treeFatal Joliet goof - directory has amnesia Joliet path table lengths do not match %d expected: %d Fatal goof - unable to find directory location Unexpected joliet directory length %d expected: %d '%s' Error: %s and %s have the same Joliet name excludedexcluded ISO-9660excluded Joliethidden attribute ISO-9660excluded HFSCan't open sort file list %s Can't open %s file list %s Can't allocate memory for sort filename Incorrect sort file format %sCan't allocate memory for %s filename Old session has illegal name '%.*s' length %d New session will use name '%s' .tar.gz.tgz.ps.gz.pszȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻԻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻԻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻȻԻEmulating a hard disk No emulation Emulating a 1440 kB floppy Emulating a 2880 kB floppy Emulating a 1200 kB floppy No boot image specified. Eltorito Volume DescriptorUh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory '%s'! Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog '%s'! Too many El Torito boot entries Uh oh, I cant find the boot image '%s' ! Size of boot image is %d sectors -> Error opening boot image '%s' for read. Error reading MBR from boot image '%s'. Warning: boot image '%s' MBR is not a boot sector. Boot image '%s' has multiple partitions. Warning: partition not marked active. Warning: partition does not start at 0/1/1. Warning: image size does not match geometry (%d) Boot image '%s' has no partitions. Error - boot image '%s' has not an allowable size. Error opening boot image file '%s' for update. Odd alignment at non-end-of-file in boot image '%s'. Boot image file '%s' changed underneath us! Too many boot partitions. Cannot access '%s'. Sun BootSun Disk LabelGeneric BootTotal extents including sparc boot = %d Cannot create sparc boot on offset != 0. CD-ROM Disc with Sun sparc boot created by mkisofsCannot create generic boot on offset != 0. POSIXLY_CORRECT%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: illegal option -- %c %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: option requires an argument -- %c Read error on old image Seek error on old image . %s%sCannot open SCSI driver. Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer. test unit readyrezero unitrequest_senseInquiry Data :read capacitySectorsize: %ld Bytes medium load/unloadprevent/allow medium removalstart/stop unitset cd speedqic 02write_g0write_g1write_g5seek_g0seek_g1flush cacheread bufferread subchannelread tocread headerread disk inforead track inforeserve trackreserve_track_rzoneread dvd structuresend opcclose track/sessionread master cuesend_cue_sheetread buffer capBFree: %ld K BSize: %ld K blank unitMode Sense Data (converted)SaveSet Mode Parametersmode select g0mode select g1mode sense g0Mode Sense Datamode sense g1Cannot read TOC header Cannot read CD-Text header CD-Text len: %d Cannot read CD-Text wctbcdtext.datCannot read TOC TOC data: ENT: B0: B0 start: %ld B0 lout: %ld tocheader: Session info too big. Density: 0x%X Blocks: %ld Blocklen:%ld Pages: 0x%X capacity_not_setread_g0read_g1Inquiry Data : EMULEXADAPTECACB-4520ACB-4525SONYRXT-800SACERCR-4020CCREATIVECDR2000GRUNDIGCDR100IPWJVCXR-W2001XR-W2010R2626MITSBISHMITSUMIOPTIMACD-R 650PHILIPSIMSKODAKHPCDD521/00CDD521/02CDD521CDD522PCD225KHSW/OBCDR-240CDD20CDD26C4324/C4325CD-Writer 6020PINNACLERCD-1000RCD5020RCD5040RCD 4X4PIONEERCD-WO DW-S114XCD-WO DR-R504XDVD-R DVR-S101PLASMONRF4100CDR4220PLEXTORCD-R PX-R24CSRICOHRO1060CSAFCD-R2004CD-R2006 CD-R2006PLUSCD-RW226CD-R4012SANYOCD-WO CRD-R24SCD-R CDU92CD-R CDU94TEACCD-R55STRAXDATATraxdataCDR4120T.YUDENCD-WO EW-50WPICDR-632PYAMAHACDR10CDR200CDR400MATSHITACD-R CW-7501CD-R CW-7502CDS615EBERTHOLDDevice type : Version : %d Response Format: %d Capabilities : AENC TERMIOP RELADR WBUS32 WBUS16 SYNC LINKED CMDQUE SOFTRESET Vendor_info : '%.8s' Identifikation : '%.16s' Revision : '%.4s' Device seems to be: unknownAdaptec 4000/4010/4070Adaptec 4000Adaptec 4010Adaptec 4070Adaptec 5500Adaptec 4520AAdaptec 4525Emulex MD21Emulex MD23Generic NON CCS DiskGeneric CCS DiskSony SMO-C501Emulex MT02Sysgen SC4000Maxtor RXT800SBerthold HR-ScannerMicrotek MS300AGeneric CD-ROMGeneric mmc CD-ROMGeneric mmc CD-RGeneric mmc CD-RWGeneric mmc2 DVD-ROMGeneric mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RWPhilips old CDD-521Philips CDD-521Philips CDD-522Kodak PCD-600Philips CDD-2000Philips CDD-2600Yamaha CDR-100Yamaha CDR-400Plasmon RF-4100Sony CDU-924SRicoh RO-1060CRicoh RO-1420CTeac CD-R50SMatsushita CW-7501Matsushita CW-7502Pioneer DW-S114XPioneer DVD-R S101Missing Entry for dev %dcaddythisTry to load media by hand. CD capabilities %s: %5d kB/s (CD %3ux, DVD %2ux) 162424 (I2S)traypop-upreserved(3)disc changercartridge changerreserved(6)reserved(7)CLV/PCAVreserved(2) Drive capabilities, per MMC-3 MMC-2 MMC page 2A: read CD-R medianot Does %s%s write CD-R mediaread CD-RW mediawrite CD-RW mediaread DVD-ROM mediaread DVD-R mediawrite DVD-R mediaread DVD-RAM mediawrite DVD-RAM mediasupport test writingread Mode 2 Form 1 blocksread Mode 2 Form 2 blocksread digital audio blocksread multi-session CDsread CD bar coderead R-W subcode informationreturn CD ISRC informationsupport C2 error pointersdeliver composite A/V dataplay audio CDs %s: %d send digital data LSB-firstLength of data in BCLKs %s: %s Loading mechanism type Is %s%s support changing side of diskMaximum read speedCurrent read speedMaximum write speedCurrent write speedRotational control selectedBuffer size in KB Write speed # %d:Capacity: %ld Blocks = %ld kBytes = %ld MBytes = %ld prMB Mode Parameters (un-converted)error: %d scb.chk: %d sense_count: %d sense.code: 0x%x Cannot load media with %s drive! restart non-streamed digital audio reads accuratelysupport Buffer-Underrun-Free recordingread fixed-packet CD media using Method 2return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-correctedread raw P-W subcode data from lead inreturn CD media catalog numberNumber of volume control levelssupport individual volume control setting for each channelsupport independent mute setting for each channelsupport digital output on port 1support digital output on port 2set LRCK high for left-channel datahave valid data on falling edge of clocksupport ejection of CD via START/STOP commandlock media on power up via prevent jumperallow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW commandcurrently in a media-locked statehave load-empty-slot-in-changer featuresupport Individual Disk Present featureCopy management revision supported Number of supported write speeds: %d :zDMb??  ATIP start of lead in: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) ATIP start of lead out: %ld (%02d:%02d/%02d) Warning: controller creates hard SCSI failure when retrieving %s page. Warning: controller returns zero sized %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong size for %s page. Warning: controller returns wrong page %X for %s page (%X). Warning: controller does not support %s page. Warning: using default %s data. Mode Page DataCannot get %s data. Cannot get %s mask. Cannot get default %s data. Cannot get saved %s data. Mode Select DataNone.finderinfo/.resource/CAP.AppleDouble/Netatalk%.rsrc/EtherShare/UShareFINDER.DATRESOURCE.FRK/Exchangefinder.datresource.frk/.HSancillary.HSResource/XINET/SGIMacBinaryAppleSingleDAVE:Afp_AfpInfo:Afp_ResourceSFM._MacOS X AppleDouble/rsrcMacOS X HFS /.AppleDouble/.Parent.finderinfo.resource.ADeskTop.IDeskTopNetwork Trash Folder.rootinfo.rsrc.Desktop.DeskServer.Label%RootInfo.AppleDouble.AppleDesktopRESOURCE.FRKDESKTOPFILEID.DATresource.frkfileid.dat.HSResourceDesktopFolderDB:Comments File type: %s HFS Name: %s ISO Name: %s CREATOR: %s TYPE: %s unable to open magic file*unable to open mapping file%1snot enough memory%4s%4s warning: %s doesn't appear to be a %s file TYPE_ESH error - shouldn't happen!TYPE_MBIN error - shouldn't happen!TYPE_DBL error - shouldn't happen!TYPE_SGL error - shouldn't happen!%s%*s%*1s%c%c%c%c%*1s%*1s%c%c%c%c%*1serror scanning afpfile %s - continuingUJUJdHHUJUJUJ3IWIH]NL4MM]N]N]N]NMLCreating HFS Volume info can't HFS format %scan't HFS mount %stoo many files for HFS volumecan't HFS create file %scan't HFS open %scan't HFS set attributes %scan't HFS close file %scan't HFS create folder %sHFS scanning %s %s%dUsing HFS name: %s for %s Blessing %s (%s) Icon%s can't locate relocated directory %scan't find directory location %sDesktop DBDesktop DFCreating %d PReP boot partition(s) Uh oh, I cant find the boot image "%s"! PReP boot partition %d is "%s" unable to stat HFS boot file %sunable to open HFS boot file %sunable to read HFS boot file %sunable to seek HFS boot file %sunable to read HFS boot block %s%s does not contain a valid boot blockApple_Driver%s is not a HFS boot fileApple_HFSwith boot fileCreating HFS Label %s %s Stream FileStream File DirectoryStream File Path tableFaild to seek VIDEO_TS.IFO Faild to read VIDEO_TS.IFO %s/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02d_0.IFO%s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFOFaild to open %s DVDVIDEO-VMGDVDVIDEO-VTSGiving up this is not a valid IFO file Can't open device '%s' %s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOBCan't open VTS info. calc: Can't stat %s %s/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02i_0.IFO%s/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02i_0.VOB%s/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02i_%i.VOBCan't open VMG info for '%s'. IFO is not of correct size aborting Either VIDEO_TS.IFO or VIDEO_TS.VOB is not of correct sizeIFO is not of correct size aborting. Either VIDEO_TS.IFO or VIDEO_TS.VOB is not of correct size. %s/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02i_0.IFO appears to be corrupted. %s/%s/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP/VIDEO_TS/VTS_%02i_0.BUPCould not open %s Invalid domain for file open. not a Macintosh HFS volumevolume size must be >= 800Kno more entriescan't move across volumesbad destination pathcan't use destination namecan't move root directorybad volume allocation block sizevolume name may not contain colonsvolume name must be 1-27 charsunexpected directory entry foundcan't move above root directorycan't move directory inside itselfno errorshould not happen!read nonexistent blockread unallocated blockwrite nonexistent blockwrite unallocated blockunsupported block sizebad partition mapcan't find HFS partitionunsupported partition map signatureunsupported start of partition logical datavolume bitmap collides with volume dataPossible Catalog file overflow - please report errorfile extents exceed file physical lengthfile size exceeds physical lengthfile extents exceed physical sizeempty file extentread nonexistent b*-tree noderead unallocated b*-tree nodetoo many b*-tree node recordsmalformed b*-tree header nodeunsupported b*-tree node sizemalformed b*-tree map nodetruncated b*-tree mapb*-tree record already existsunexpected b*-tree nodeb*-tree record not foundempty b*-treewrite nonexistent b*-tree nodewrite unallocated b*-tree nodeb*-tree fullfree b*-tree node not foundbad thread recordvolume fullempty pathinvalid pathnameunexpected catalog recordno volume is currentcan't find parent directorybad volume bitmap or free block count@(#)$Id: file.c,v 1.38 1997/01/15 19:28:35 christos Exp $@(#)$Id: apprentice.c,v 1.25 1997/01/15 17:23:24 christos Exp $cont offset type opcode mask value desc&&&&&&&&&&&&&((((((((((((((((((//////r0r0s0s0s0s0r0s0s0s0r0s0s0s0s0s0s0r0libfile: Out of memory. bytestringbeshortbelongbedateleshortlelongledateString too long: %s %.3o@(#)$Id: softmagic.c,v 1.34 1997/01/15 19:28:35 christos Exp $22222}121112114334333333333BOINKcp437cp737cp775cp850cp852cp855cp857cp860cp861cp862cp863cp864cp865cp866cp869cp874cp1250cp1251iso8859-2iso8859-3iso8859-4iso8859-5iso8859-6iso8859-7iso8859-8iso8859-9iso8859-14iso8859-15koi8-rkoi8-ucp10006cp10007cp10029cp10079cp10081%x%x >>!>>>>>>>>+>W>>REMOTE:rscsi@host:1,2,0rscsi@host:bus,target,lunREMOTE:Remote SCSIRSCSIREMOTEIllegal remote device syntaxtcpshellshell/tcp: unknown service %.*s/opt/schily/sbin/rscsiRSHV%d O%s opencloseD%ld maxdmaM%ld getbufsndsize: %d rcvsize: %d F freebufB%d %d havebusT%d %d %d %d filenoI initiator idA isatapiR%d S%d %d %d %d %d sendcmdRemote status(%s): %d '%s'. Protocol error (got %s). rshUnknown user: %s Cannot create socketpair. dup2 failed. setuid(%lld) failed. -lexeclp '%s' failed. Warning: Using remote SCSI interface. Illegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'Cannot get connection to remote hostwho are you? No passwd entry found. locuser: '%s' rscsiuser: '%s' host: '%s' Lost connection to remote host ?? rcmdsh: fork to lose parent failed. yesYESSCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!DMA overrun, resid: %d retryable errorfatal errorerror: %d%s: scsi sendcmd: %s CDB: Write Data: Received Data: status: 0x%x CHECK CONDITIONCONDITION MET/GOODBUSYINTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUSRESERVATION CONFLICTReserved host adapter detected error(%s%s) Sense Bytes:Removable not present reserved unsupported unsupported vendor specific %d TapePrinterProcessorWORMOptical StorageJuke BoxCommunicationIT8 1IT8 2Storage arrayEnclosure servicesSimple direct accessOptical card r/wBridging expanderObject based storageAutomation/Drive InterfaceWell known lununknown/no deviceunit not presentunknown device type 0x%xCurrently running '%s' command. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl ret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds SCSI command name not set by callercmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) sSending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds INTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOODC]t]J]t]Q]t]t]t]X]t]t]t]t]t]t]t]_]t]t]t]f]t]t]t]m]aaaaabbb(b5bBbOb\bibsb}bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpgPP Bus: %d /dev/pg%dCannot open '/dev/pg*'Cannot open '%s'Can't do %d byte command. ATAPI:1,2,0ATAPI:ATAPIINFO: do scgo_open openbydev/dev/cdroms/cdrom%i/dev/sr%i/dev/hd%c%s is not a cdrom, skipping INFO: %s -> %s ERROR: unknow format hdsrINFO: l1: 0x%lX l2: 0x%lX %d.%d.%dsg/dev/sg%dCannot open '/dev/sg*'/dev/sg%cBus: %d cookie: %X file (%d,%d,%d): %d scgo_getbuf: %ld bytes Cannot set SG_SET_TIMEOUT. ioctl ret: %d None.SCSI open usage error. SCSI transport for ATAPI over Parallel Portscgo_send(%s) wrote %d bytes (expected %d). DMA (read) overrun by %d bytes (requested %d bytes). ATA Packet specific SCSI transportWarning: Using ATA Packet interface. Warning: The related libscg interface code is in pre alpha. Warning: There may be fatal problems. Illegal value for bus, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'INFO: scan_internal(...) failedtry open(%s) return %i, errno %i DEVFS not detected, continuing with old dev errno (EACCESS), you don't have the needed rights for %s try open(%s) return %i, errno %i, trying next cdrom try open(%s) return %i errno %i calling sg_mapdev(...) try open(%s) return %i, errno %i, cancel ERROR: in scgo_get_first_free_shillybus(...). Too many CDROMs, more than %iIncrease MAX_SCHILLY_HOSTS in scsi-linux-ata.c and recompile!ERROR: with link merging! base %s link %s, result of merging %i ERROR: with link reading! link %s, result of readlink %i EXAMPLE: /dev/scsi/host1/bus2/target3/lun4/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/hda or /dev/sr0 ERROR: unknow subsystem (%s) in (%s) INFO: subsystem %s: h %i, b %i, t %i, l %iERROR: this cdrom is already mapped %s(%d,%d,%d) INFO: /dev/%s, (host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d) will be mapped on the schilly bus No %d (%d,%d,%d) INFO: Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d NOT IMPELEMENTED: scgo_initiator_idioctl(CDROM_SEND_PACKET) ret: %d Generic transport independent SCSIWarning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported. Linux sg driver version: %d.%d.%d SCSI Bus: %d (mapped from %d) Warning Linux Bus mapping botch. Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d Target (%d,%d,%d): DMA max %d old max: %ld host_status: %02X driver_status: %02X DMA addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %d - using copy buffer Allocated DMA copy buffer, addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %ld pack_len: %d, reply_len: %d pack_id: %d result: %d sense[0]: %02X No remote SCSI transport available. No memory for SCSI structureHELPInvalid lun specifier '%s'scsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' scg__open(%s) %d,%d,%d Invalid lun specifier in '%s'WARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d Supported SCSI transports for this platform:Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)ECC error during verifyinterleave errorbad format on driveself test faileddefective track#volume overflow+set limit violation,error counter overflow-initiator detected error.scsi parity error/adapter parity errorno additional sense informationfilemark detectedend-of-partition/medium detectedsetmark detectedbeginning-of-partition/medium detectedend-of-data detectedi/o process terminatedaudio play operation in progressaudio play operation pausedaudio play operation successfully completedaudio play operation stopped due to errorno current audio status to returnoperation in progresscleaning requestedno index/sector signalno seek completeperipheral device write faultlogical unit not ready, cause not reportablelogical unit does not respond to selectionno reference position foundmultiple peripheral devices selectedlogical unit communication failure track following error error log overflow warning write error error detected by third party temporary initiatorid crc or ecc errorunrecovered read erroraddress mark not found for id fieldaddress mark not found for data fieldrecorded entity not foundrandom positioning errordata synchronization mark errorrecovered data with no error correction appliedrecovered data with error correction applieddefect list errorparameter list length errorsynchronous data transfer errordefect list not foundmiscompare during verify operationrecovered id with ecc correctionpartial defect list transfer invalid command operation code!logical block address out of range"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)$invalid field in cdb%logical unit not supported&invalid field in parameter list'write protected(not ready to ready change, medium may have changed)power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred*parameters changed+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect,command sequence error-overwrite error on update in place.insufficient time for operation/commands cleared by another initiator0incompatible medium installed1medium format corrupted2no defect spare location available3tape length error4enclosure failure5enclosure services failure6ribbon, ink, or toner failure7rounded parameter8event status notification9saving parameters not supported:medium not present;sequential positioning error=invalid bits in identify message>logical unit has not self-configured yet?target operating conditions have changed@ram failure (should use 40 nn)@diagnostic failure on component nn (80h-ffh)Adata path failure (should use 40 nn)Bpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)Cmessage errorDinternal target failureEselect or reselect failureFunsuccessful soft resetGscsi parity errorHinitiator detected error message receivedIinvalid message errorJcommand phase errorKdata phase errorLlogical unit failed self-configurationMtagged overlapped commands (nn = queue tag)Noverlapped commands attemptedPwrite append errorQerase failureRcartridge faultSmedia load or eject failedTscsi to host system interface failureUsystem resource failureWunable to recover table-of-contentsXgeneration does not existYupdated block readZoperator request or state change input[log exception\rpl status change]failure prediction threshold exceeded^low power condition on`lamp failureavideo acquisition errorbscan head positioning errorcend of user area encountered on this trackdillegal mode for this trackevoltage faultfautomatic document feeder cover upgconfiguration failurehlogical unit not configuredidata loss on logical unitjinformational, refer to logkstate change has occurredlrebuild failure occurredmrecalculate failure occurredncommand to logical unit failedocopy protection key exchange failure - authentication failurepdecompression exception short algorithm id of nnqdecompression exception long algorithm idrsession fixation errorscd control error disk not inserted load/unload failure spindle failure focus failuretracking failurebias magnet failure#illegal function for medium type8recoverable write error9write error recovery failed:defect list update failed=defect list not availablelimited laser lifelaser focus coil over-currentlaser tracking coil over-currenttemperature alarmtest unit ready.no write currentexcessive write errorsunreachable copy target tracking servo failure focus servo failure spindle servo failure head select fault block not compressible third party device failureread retries exhaustederror too long to correctmultiple read errorsl-ec uncorrectable errorcirc unrecovered errorincomplete block read no gap found miscorrected error de-compression crc errorerror reading isrc numberrecord not foundend-of-data not foundblock sequence errorrecovered data with retriesrecovered data with circrecovered data with l-ecrecovered data with linkingdefect list not availablegrown defect list not found!invalid element address!invalid address for write$cdb decryption error&parameter not supported&parameter value invalid&data decryption error&too many target descriptors& unexpected inexact segment& inline data length exceeded'hardware write protected'associated write protect'persistent write protect'permanent write protect'conditional write protect)power on occurred)scsi bus reset occurred)device internal reset*mode parameters changed*log parameters changed*reservations preempted*reservations released*registrations preempted,too many windows specified,persistent prevent conflict0cleaning failure0medium not formatted1format command failed2defect list update failure8esn - media class event;slew failure;paper jam;failed to sense top-of-form;reposition error; read past end of medium; position past end of medium;medium source element empty;end of medium reached;medium magazine removed;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine locked;medium magazine unlocked>logical unit failure>timeout on logical unit?microcode has been changed?inquiry data has changed?component device attached?device identifier changed?redundancy group deleted?spare created or modified? spare deleted? volume set deleted? volume set deassigned? volume set reassigned?echo buffer overwritten?medium loadablePwrite append position errorSunload tape failureSmedium removal preventedUsystem buffer fullUinsufficient resources[threshold condition met[log counter at maximum[log list codes exhausted\spindles synchronized\spindles not synchronized^Bpower state change to idle^Epower state change to sleepaunable to acquire videoaout of focusdinvalid packet sizegadd logical unit failedgassign failure occurrediparity/data mismatchkredundancy level got betterkredundancy level got worsesprogram memory area is fullsrma/pma is almost fullNo Additional SenseRecovered ErrorNot ReadyMedium ErrorHardware ErrorIllegal RequestUnit AttentionData ProtectBlank CheckVendor UniqueCopy AbortedAborted CommandEqualVolume OverflowMiscomparerezerorequest senseformatreassignread write seekinquirymode selectreservereleasecopymode sensestart/stopdoor lock7read defect datainvalid sense code 0x%Xvendor unique sense code 0x%X[]no senseinvalid sensekey, deferred error [No matching qualifier](illegal block length end of medium file mark detected (valid) (not valid) Sense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%s(valid)(not valid)commandactual retry count %doperation %d%% donelogical unit is in process of becoming readylogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredlogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredlogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit not ready, rebuild in progresslogical unit not ready, recalculation in progresslogical unit not ready, operation in progresslogical unit not ready, long write in progress logical unit not ready, self-test in progress asymmetric access code 3 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 1 (00-232) [proposed] asymmetric access code 2 (00-232) [proposed]auxiliary memory code 2 (99-148) [proposed]logical unit communication time-outlogical unit communication parity errorlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32) warning - specified temperature exceeded warning - enclosure degraded write error - recovered with auto reallocation write error - auto reallocation failed write error - recommend reassignment compression check miscompare error data expansion occurred during compression write error - recovery needed write error - recovery failed write error - loss of streaming write error - padding blocks added auxiliary memory code 4 (99-148) [proposed] copy target device not reachable incorrect copy target device type copy target device data underrun copy target device data overrununrecovered read error - auto reallocate faileddata re-synchronization error unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the datacannot decompress using declared algorithmerror reading upc/ean numberread error - loss of streamingauxiliary memory code 3 (99-148) [proposed]filemark or setmark not foundrecord not found - recommend reassignmentrecord not found - data auto-reallocatedmechanical positioning errorpositioning error detected by read of mediumdata sync error - data rewrittendata sync error - recommend rewritedata sync error - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewrite recovered data without ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliedrecovered data - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data - recommend reassignmentrecovered data - recommend rewriterecovered data with ecc - data rewrittendefect list error in primary listdefect list error in grown listprimary defect list not found access controls code 1 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 2 (99-314) [proposed] access controls code 3 (99-314) [proposed] read type operation while in write capable state write type operation while in read capable state illegal command while in explicit address model illegal command while in implicit address model access controls code 5 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 6 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 7 (99-245) [proposed] access controls code 8 (99-245) [proposed]$invalid cdb field while in explicit block address model$invalid cdb field while in implicit block address model&threshold parameters not supported&invalid release of persistent reservation&unsupported target descriptor type code&too many segment descriptors& unsupported segment descriptor type code& invalid operation for copy source or destination& copy segment granularity violation'logical unit software write protected(import or export element accessed)bus device reset function occurred)transceiver mode changed to single-ended)transceiver mode changed to lvd*asymmetric access code 6 (00-232) [proposed]*asymmetric access code 7 (00-232) [proposed],invalid combination of windows specified,current program area is not empty,current program area is empty,illegal power condition request0cannot read medium - unknown format0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cleaning cartridge installed0cannot write medium - unknown format0cannot write medium - incompatible format0cannot format medium - incompatible medium0cannot write - application code mismatch0 current session not fixated for append1zoned formatting failed due to spare linking5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services unavailable5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services transfer refused8esn - power management class event8esn - device busy class event:medium not present - tray closed:medium not present - tray open:medium not present - loadable:medium not present - medium auxiliary memory accessible;tape position error at beginning-of-medium;tape position error at end-of-medium;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready;failed to sense bottom-of-form; read past beginning of medium; position past beginning of medium; medium destination element full;medium magazine not accessible;mechanical positioning or changer error>logical unit failed self-test>logical unit unable to update self-test log?changed operating definition?redundancy group created or modified? volume set created or modified?reported luns data has changed?medium auxiliary memory accessibleGdata phase crc error detectedGscsi parity error detected during st data phaseGinformation unit crc error detectedGasynchronous information protection error detectedPposition error related to timingQerase failure - incomplete erase operation detectedUinsufficient reservation resourcesUinsufficient registration resourcesUaccess controls code 4 (99-314) [proposed]Uauxiliary memory code 1 (99-148) [proposed]Zoperator medium removal requestZoperator selected write protectZoperator selected write permit]media failure prediction threshold exceeded]logical unit failure prediction threshold exceeded]spare area exhaustion prediction threshold exceeded]hardware impending failure general hard drive failure]hardware impending failure drive error rate too high]hardware impending failure data error rate too high]hardware impending failure seek error rate too high]hardware impending failure too many block reassigns]hardware impending failure access times too high]hardware impending failure start unit times too high]hardware impending failure channel parametrics]hardware impending failure controller detected]hardware impending failure throughput performance]hardware impending failure seek time performance]hardware impending failure spin-up retry count]hardware impending failure drive calibration retry count] controller impending failure general hard drive failure]!controller impending failure drive error rate too high]"controller impending failure data error rate too high]#controller impending failure seek error rate too high]$controller impending failure too many block reassigns]%controller impending failure access times too high]&controller impending failure start unit times too high]'controller impending failure channel parametrics](controller impending failure controller detected])controller impending failure throughput performance]*controller impending failure seek time performance]+controller impending failure spin-up retry count],controller impending failure drive calibration retry count]0data channel impending failure general hard drive failure]1data channel impending failure drive error rate too high]2data channel impending failure data error rate too high]3data channel impending failure seek error rate too high]4data channel impending failure too many block reassigns]5data channel impending failure access times too high]6data channel impending failure start unit times too high]7data channel impending failure channel parametrics]8data channel impending failure controller detected]9data channel impending failure throughput performance]:data channel impending failure seek time performance];data channel impending failure spin-up retry count]AB E\AB E @(#)mkisofs.c 1.138 03/07/13 joergmkisofs 2.01a17@m@ < @ l$D )H .L 3P 8p=tBK.mkisofsrc@(#)tree.c 1.76 03/07/10 joerg@(#)write.c 1.79 03/07/13 joergD':<(:]/(:k6.(:6I(:7_(:*9/a<<m(;;<|(0<w:(F;-(;2=(/;=(@(#)hash.c 1.15 02/02/10 joerg@(#)rock.c 1.40 03/05/06 joerg@(#)udf.c 1.12 03/04/28 Copyright 2001 J. Schilling000v`q0`;r0`;r0`t0:}t1`t1 aNu!1-aiu41`}tE1Zau[1yavp1a!v1@(#)multi.c 1.61 03/04/30 joerg@(#)joliet.c 1.37 03/04/28 joerg@CE:4KU4߱5@(#)match.c 1.16 03/06/21 joergl6u6666@(#)name.c 1.27 03/04/04 joerg@(#)fnmatch.c 1.4 02/02/10 eric@(#)eltorito.c 1.27 03/06/21 joerg:i:@(#)boot.c 1.10 03/04/28 Copyright 1999 J. Schilling=?F?6pU?@(#)getopt.c 1.6 03/03/09 joerg?@(#)getopt1.c 1.1 97/11/04 eric@(#)scsi.c 1.17 00/12/04 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling@(#)scsi_cdr.c 1.134 03/07/18 Copyright 1995-2002 J. Schillingm1LLLDLLLLLLLLLMML@(#)cd_misc.c 1.10 01/10/29 Copyright 1997 J. Schilling@(#)modes.c 1.24 01/10/29 Copyright 1988 J. Schilling@(#)apple.c 1.18 02/07/21 joerg, Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Pearsona a <;XXXK=<XXXjFPCXXXjFPCYXXg?>XXYS~RYY$YS~RY2Y?YTSLYa a +A;VY a a K;`Y $Y$YjFPClY qY~YU;Y YYjFPCY YY<;YAFP@(#)volume.c 1.12 02/10/04 joerg, Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Pearson@(#)desktop.c 1.5 02/10/01 joerg, Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Pearson@(#)mac_label.c 1.6 02/05/20 joerg, Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 James Pearson@(#)stream.c 1.2 03/04/28 Copyright 2002-2003 J. Schillingdât a#a@(#)ifo_read.c 1.4 03/04/04 joerg@(#)dvd_file.c 1.2 02/12/23 joerg@(#)dvd_reader.c 1.2 03/03/06 joerg@(#)data.c 1.5 02/02/10 joerg  "#()*+,/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHXZ^`gikmsuwy{THXZ^`gikmsuwy{LP\b}UJVLNP\bdefopqr}RWR&' JN$%-.ا@(#)hfs.c 1.8 02/09/28 joerg@(#)gdata.c 1.1 01/01/21 Copyright 2001 J. Schillingcf@(#)block.c 1.3 01/11/01 joerg@(#)low.c 1.3 02/02/10 joerg@(#)file.c 1.2 01/08/25 joerg@(#)btree.c 1.2 00/11/30 joerg@(#)node.c 1.2 02/02/10 joerg@(#)record.c 1.1 00/04/26 joerg@(#)volume.c 1.3 02/02/10 joerg@(#)file.c 1.4 01/10/29 joerg@k@(#)apprentice.c 1.5 03/03/06 joergk@(#)softmagic.c 1.6 03/03/06 joerg@m@(#)nls_base.c 1.4 01/01/20 2000 J. Schilling  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~    55@(#)nls_config.c 1.4 02/12/03 2000,2001 J. Schilling@(#)nls_cp437.c 1.1 00/03/25 2000 J. Schilling  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ #%%%%$%a%b%V%U%c%Q%W%]%\%[%%%4%,%%%<%^%_%Z%T%i%f%`%P%l%g%h%d%e%Y%X%R%S%k%j%% %%%%%%")"a"e"d" #!#H""" %  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ᅠͺɸȾ̵ް       m  66@(#)nls_cp737.c 1.1 00/03/25 2000 J. Schilling  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~%%%%$%a%b%V%U%c%Q%W%]%\%[%%%4%,%%%<%^%_%Z%T%i%f%`%P%l%g%h%d%e%Y%X%R%S%k%j%% %%%%%%e"d"H""" %  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ͺɸȾ̵ް     n  66@(#)nls_cp775.c 1.1 00/03/25 2000 J. 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Schillingscsi-linux-sg.c-1.75@(#)scsi-linux-pg.c 1.42 02/10/19 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingscsi-linux-pg.c-1.42@(#)scsi-linux-ata.c 1.4 02/10/23 Copyright 2002 J. Schillingscsi-linux-ata.c-1.4~ekkk8rJ}w܏T}}*~G~|~4Ldis}ə4Ldis}scsihack.c-1.42@(#)scsiopen.c 1.94 03/05/08 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)scgsettarget.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsierrs.c 2.28 02/04/16 Copyright 1987-1996 J. Schilling `zȇڇ $8`È  @c D\q`s` ` ` `-` ŋ՝݋`@ @ @Tj7Pl@Ϟޞ` @*=U $`@@l@@@ޟ@@b  ` ` `2ЏN` e `Ϡ@B %@[u`@Аס #;3U@r`  `@@`Ң@@@b @ $@BUo ãݣ`,C ]z ͤ`)AYs` Sc} @ $:`@%7`ԥ@ I5YPh@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@И٦ @Mk@ ` ۙ`2Ig1` `@l ` `›ԛ C]{#ϧߧ$1=KXhn~t7ŨΨۨ @(#)scgtimes.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsihelp.c 1.3 02/10/21 Copyright 2002 J. Schillingfile_write_err  ?bad_filebad_file_modebad_file_opa  uE& a 0E& 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF@(#)getav0.c 1.13 03/07/13 Copyright 1985, 1995-2003 J. 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