€ 0aWelcome to 09Mandrake Linux0a install help07 In most cases, the best way to get started is to simply press the 0e07 key. If you experience problems with standard install, try one of the following install types (type the highlighted text and press 0e07): o 0fvgalo07 for low resolution graphical installation. o 0ftext07 for text installation instead of the graphical one. o 0flinux07 for standard graphical installation at normal resolution. o 0fexpert07 for expert graphical installation at normal resolution. To use this CD to repair an already installed system type 0frescue07 followed by 0e07. You can also pass some 0f07 to the Linux kernel. For example, try 0flinux mem=128M07 if your system has 128Mb of RAM but the default kernel (2.4.21-0.13mdkBOOT) does not detect it correctly. 0cNOTE07: You cannot pass options to modules (SCSI, ethernet card) or devices such as CD-ROM drives in this way. If you need to do so, use expert mode. 0c[F1-Help] [F2-Advanced Help] [F3-Main]07