# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..13} ) DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=setuptools inherit distutils-r1 pypi virtualx DESCRIPTION="Enables iconic fonts such as Font Awesome in PyQt" HOMEPAGE=" https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtawesome/ https://pypi.org/project/QtAwesome/ " LICENSE="MIT" # bundled fonts # ------------- # Font Awesome, Elusive Icons: OFL-1.1 # Phosphor: MIT # Material Design Icons, Remix Icon: Apache-2.0 # Codicons: CC-BY-4.0 LICENSE+=" Apache-2.0 CC-BY-4.0 MIT OFL-1.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm64 x86" RDEPEND=" media-fonts/fontawesome dev-python/qtpy[gui,${PYTHON_USEDEP}] " BDEPEND=" test? ( dev-python/pytest-qt[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] ) " distutils_enable_tests pytest distutils_enable_sphinx docs/source \ dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme src_test() { virtx distutils-r1_src_test } python_test() { nonfatal epytest || die -n "Tests failed with ${EPYTHON}" }